WATCH: Bodycam Footage Shows Police Taking Down Nashville School Shooter

The citizens of Nashville are still reeling after a tragic school shooting claimed the lives of three nine-year-old children and three more staff members at The Covenant School yesterday morning. 

The child victims of the tragic attack, Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, and William Kinney, as well as the adult victims,  Cynthia Peak, 61; Katherine Koonce, 60; and Mike Hill, 61 were attending class or working at the private Christian school yesterday when a shooter broke in and opened fire.

This morning, the Nashville Police Department released bodycam footage of officers taking down the shooter.

“Stop moving! Stop moving!” an officer shouts over emergency sirens and gunshots as the suspect lies wounded on the ground. “Get your hands away from the gun!” 

The deadly incident only lasted for about 15 minutes from the time the first shots were fired until the suspect was shot dead by the police. Nashville newspaper, The Tennessean, released a timeline of the shooting this morning.  

Timeline of the Incident

Exact time unknown: The shooter, armed with two so-called “assault-style” weapons and a handgun, gains entry by firing at the glass doors of the building and shatters them.

Exact time unknown: Shooter fires multiple shots on the first and then the second floor of the school.

10:13 a.m.: Nashville Police receive a call about an active shooter inside the school. Officers arrive shortly after and begin clearing the school when they hear more gunfire coming from the school’s second level.

Exact time unknown: Five officers rush toward the sound of gunfire on the second level of the building and witness the suspect firing a weapon in their direction. 

Police later said in a tweet that the shooter fired at arriving officers from a second-story window and was armed with a significant amount of ammunition.

Exact time unknown: Two officers engage with the suspect and are forced to open fire. The perp is fatally wounded in the exchange. 

10:27 a.m.: Police officially declare the shooter is dead. 

Exact time unknown: Nashville Fire Department members provide lifesaving efforts to those with “viable signs of life” and transport three children and two adults from the scene. The injured parties transported were the victims of the tragedy who did not survive. 

SEE ALSO: The Nashville Shooter is Trans, Jane Fonda, and More Insanity from the Left

Between 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.: Parents of students at Covenant School receive a notification about the incident and are asked to gather at a nearby church to reunite with their children. 

Around 11 a.m.: Five of the victims arrive at Vanderbilt University Medical Center where they all succumb to their injuries. 

By 4 p.m.: All families gathered at Woodmont Baptist Church are officially reunited with surviving children as the investigation begins. 

Police Response

Nashville Police Chief John Drake discussed the tragic incident in a series of press conferences yesterday, expressing his heartbreak over the lives lost. 

“I was literally moved to tears to see this and the kids as they were being ushered out of the building,” Drake said Monday.

Drake added that the shooter had planned to hit other targets.

“We strongly believe there was going to be some other targets, including maybe family members, and one of the malls here in Nashville,” Drake told CBS News Tuesday. “And that just did not happen.”

Investigators have not yet revealed the motive. But Drake said the killer “possibly” had “some resentment for having to go to that school.”

“We have a manifesto, we have a booklet, that shows exactly what she had planned to do,” Drake explained.

“We have maps that show the entry point into the school, the weapons that were going to be used, the clothing that she was gonna wear, and she had drawn it up, almost like a cartoon character. It was exactly what she had on during this incident,” continued.

Citizens in the community rallied together on Monday evening for several candlelight vigils to honor their fallen neighbors, educators, and classmates. Over the seven different vigils, hundreds gathered to express their grief. More vigils are planned for this evening, 

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  • Charlie March 31, 2023, 4:06 pm

    Good shooting!!

  • Todd March 31, 2023, 1:35 pm

    Previous 4 shootings- Nashville, Colorado Springs, Denver & 1 other (I forgot where exactly) were all committed by persons who identified as ‘trans’. Coincidence? Thanks Jane fonda you a@@!

  • Kevin March 31, 2023, 12:29 pm

    I usually never comment on these articles, but I have to on this one.

    The line that reads “Five officers rush toward the sound of gunfire on the second level of the building and witness the suspect firing a weapon in their direction.” should read “Five heroes rush …”

    Kid’s and other innocents were in danger, and they charged forward while taking fire. They should all get medals for their bravery.

  • Paul March 31, 2023, 12:25 pm

    Excellent job by the responding officers! The idiot needs to be forgotten, he was a narcissist, he needed what he got! Stop using the word “she”, if you don’t know what you are, you belong in a mental institution! An armed adult that worked there could have reduced or eliminated the threat sooner, arm teachers or others trained to deal with these whack jobs!

  • Jerry March 31, 2023, 9:19 am

    This trans grew up as a girl, became identifying as a guy when her boyfriend died. The costume was a ‘Blue Suicide” ‘shoot me, im the target, you cant miss me, make it quick, please’, makes harley quinn look drab. The press, who as proven in the past, cant tell an ar15 from an ak47, initially reported the firearms as variously two ar15 type highcaliber assault weapons, to an ar15 type and a shotgun. No mention of the s&w m&p pistol. The “shotgun” was actually a kel tec sub2000, a 9mm pcc.
    Modern reportage continues to follow the old diktat of Be First To Report; Accuracy is un-necessary, we can always add facts later, deflect as necessary, settle lawsuits when forced.

  • LJ March 31, 2023, 8:30 am

    My hats off to law enforcement. Let this be a learning experience for all LE departments on how to handle these bad situations. I’m pro 2nd amendment – but what is the answer to these psychos?

  • Slim March 31, 2023, 7:42 am

    NO SANE person wants to get ANYTHING SHARP near their junk, let alone PURPOSELY chop it off! NOOOOOBODY! Fact is all this BS woke crap is nothing more than morons that can’t think logically as let’s all be gay and end man kind in one generation. I don’t care what people do as long as they don’t do crazy stuff and wanting to chop your junk off or become a HALLOWEEN version that can NEVER REALLY BE REAL then obviously they’re been some serious trauma and/or malfunction with the mind. I’d be fine with that if it ended there, but insane people tend to do insane stuff! So how about let’s stop acting like these loons are heroes since if chopping of your junk makes one a hero then what do I call a real hero that jumps on a grenade to save his fellow soldiers lives?!?! Sadly these loons are getting praised for being loons and now I don’t hear any of the loons supporters stepping up to claim this LOSER COWARD DUUUDE as theirs, BUT had he been the one shot by cops ALL YOUD HEAR AND SEE IS ALLLLL of them yapping away about LOON TRANIES rights that DONT EXIST! And WHY do ANY of us need to know about these LOONS SEXUAL HABITS OR FAKE GENDERS?!?! I don’t meet people and say I’m a NORMAL male who likes WOMAN AND still have my penis AND don’t go by some MADE UP BS pronouns OR ANY FAKE ASS NAMES, SO WHY DO THEY ALLLLLLLLLLL DO IT?!??! And all these morons these days THINKS this HALLOWEEN LOSERS shouldn’t be told they look like TOTAL FOOLS that is fooling NOBODY with their CHEAP FAKE AS CAN BE HORSE HAIR SUUUPPPERR UGLY wigs that are NEVER the actual color of the persons natural hair color, dress like a loser who forgot that NOBODY shoukd ever wear TEN DIFFERENT BRIGHT ASS COLORS ALL at the same time unless you work at the CIRCUS! SO LETS AFTER knowing he’s a LOON SELL HIM LOTS OF JUNKY GUNS that no SMART OR SANE person would use! He died with a FOLDING POS KELTEC in HIS hands… A FOLDING KELTEC! Keltec is BAD enough, BUT THE CHEAPEST FOLDING CAMPING type POS… COMMON!!! Feel sorry for the families of all that are lost EXCEPT the LOONS family that KNEW he was a LOON and CLEARLY wasn’t there to get the help HE CLEARLY REQUIRED!

  • Darth Kur March 31, 2023, 7:38 am

    Excellent response from local law enforcement. If only there had been armed staff members at the school itself then there very well might not have been any fatalities at all. 15 minutes is an eternity in situations such as this.

  • George Wilberg March 31, 2023, 5:25 am

    What a contrast a year makes between the other school shooting where it took 77 minutes to clear all of the rooms along with the shooter. This only four minutes! Read before that the officers in the former shooting were afraid of the assault rapid fire rifle used? Huh what is wrong with that picture.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment March 29, 2023, 5:08 am

    I have to say that I feel for those families, this will leave a scar on them for the rest of their lives!!!

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