Will Hayden, ‘Sons of Guns’ star, arrested for Child Molestation

Will Hayden, owner and founder of Red Jacket Firearms.  (Photo: TMZ)

Will Hayden, owner and founder of Red Jacket Firearms. (Photo: TMZ)

William Hayden, the star of Discovery Channel’s ‘Sons of Guns,’ was arrested on Saturday on charges of molestation of a juvenile and aggravated crimes against nature, local media reports.

After being booked, Hayden who owns Red Jacket Firearms in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was released Saturday evening on a $150,000 bond from East Baton Rough Parish Prison.

Hayden allegedly spoke to TMZ, telling the Hollywood publication that the accusations are the result of a disgruntled ex-girlfriend, who is upset about their break-up and trying to retaliate by saying Hayden molested their daughter.

He also said that the daughter in question was interviewed by Child Protective Services and is now back at his home where Hayden’s new wife, and presumably the girl’s step-mother, resides. He told TMZ that he is fully cooperating with investigators.

Hayden’s oldest daughter Stephanie, who also stars on ‘Sons of Guns,’ told TMZ, “There was never any impropriety in our home. He was and is a good father.”

Stephanie released the following statement on Facebook:

“This was a false allegation and unfortunately that’s all it takes. My father is a good man, and ALL of his children love him very much and are truly sickened that a person would try to do this to our family,” she said. “The one thing that really hurts us is that my sister is heartbroken that anyone could think this of her father. It’s a nightmare.”

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  • Mike January 5, 2015, 10:20 am

    Will’s FFL had been taken from him long ago. Joe’s name is on the FFL for Red jacket. I believe Will is not an easy person to get along with. I met him at a Shot Show in Las Vegas, he was a jerk! He is very full of himself and loves to order people around. Joe was also there, one of the humblest people you would ever meet. I don’t wish Will anything bad but I also believe you reap what you sow. If he is truly innocent then hopefully he will be set free and this will be a good character builder for him. If he is not innocent then my hope is he finds CHRIST and becomes a new man. Then he can ask forgiveness for what he has done.

  • neo January 5, 2015, 8:04 am

    Its so easy today to tarnish someone chararacter.someone can just makeup or use their kids to lie to have one person be lock up.we are now in a time that guilty first before proven innocent.

  • mike grunewald January 4, 2015, 10:57 pm

    I think some of these lawyers need to be in jail or 6′ under

  • Bigmag47 January 4, 2015, 8:19 pm

    This happened to my son in Tuolumne Co. Ca. The worse part was that the DA proceeded with the case and spoke to the jury as if he was a repeat offender and has done this his whole life. Well, my son did not “settle” on a plea bargain because he was INNOCENT! And I`m glad, because when it all came out in court, the girl (his accuser) and her mother (a druggie) could not keep their lies straight. The Father had a vendetta towards my son and his daughter got caught at her mothers house where she`s not supposed to be because of…you guessed it, drugs. So the girl made up some story do take the attention off of her being there and concocted a story with her druggie mother involving my son. This could have ruined his life FOREVER! Fortunately the jury saw right through that evil group of woman, and not only was it dismissed, it was a “unanimous” decision of NOT GUILTY by the jury. The Damn DA didn`t even care if he actually did it, or not. He just wanted another notch in his holster. As far as I am concerned the only holster he should have is a penis holster!!!
    Also, ANY girl that creates a false accusation against someone for sexual abuse, and is caught lying about it, should do at least half the time the person being charged would have gotten. But they say Oh no, then girls that lie wouldn`t come forward about said lie. What a ridiculous reason to not charge the girl with a crime!

  • Greg January 4, 2015, 8:17 pm

    Don’t know if it’s true or not but these accusations are coming from two or three sources. The ex-girlfriend, a housekeeper and a daughter. One article says the housekeeper walked in and seen Will on couch naked beside his daughter, and the elder daughter has also said he wrongly touched her during her childhood also. The future will tell either way but I hope it’s not true.

  • John h January 4, 2015, 4:35 pm

    This another reason why we need massive legal reform in this nation. This woman, if she made these false claims needs to spend a good solid and hard ten years behind bars
    It needs to be of the highest offense to make false alligarions.

  • Russ January 4, 2015, 3:30 pm

    Hey! Why was my Aug. 11 post was removed?
    I’ll say it again, and hope I get through to you.
    Nobody but the people involved know the truth.
    People lie.
    We all have no say in this matter and S.H. BLANNELBERRY should never have posted this.
    All these posts are based on hearsay and are just stirring up hatred and disgust.
    Please don’t post meaningless unhelpful articles in the future.

  • KEVIN January 4, 2015, 3:01 pm

    I honestly believe America is raising these women this way to lie, cheat and be very deceptive.

    I see so many woman these days that are so deceptive and believe it is a game to act the way they do. (They are learning this behavior at a very very young age!)


  • BigR January 4, 2015, 2:29 pm

    I just saw his daughter, who is on the TV show with him, come out on Oprah, that she was sexually touched by him too! I think it was last week or the week before that I saw it. Am I dreaming?

    • Greg January 4, 2015, 8:20 pm

      It was a while back but yeah she did ,month sure what show it was on though.

  • Steve January 4, 2015, 1:38 pm

    Its sad that when its a woman accusing a man of this, he is immediately arrested, booked, and jailed. If it happens to be the woman accused of this, it takes the wheels of justice a year to process everything and finally lead to her arrest. Funny how all a woman needs to do is cry foul and the wheels seem to go into overdrive. Faulty criminal justice system.

  • LunchBox6969 January 4, 2015, 1:03 pm

    The guy is an asshole and ran his own company into the ground. I wouldn’t put it past him.

  • anthony January 4, 2015, 12:36 pm

    4 accusations now. His eldest daughter Stephnmie has made accusations against him as well.
    People should also know that recently, after learning of Stephanie’s bravery in going public with her abuse, another woman close to the family came forward as well. Her charges of aggravated rape by Will Hayden was released yesterday by the Baton Rouge authorities. While she has moved as far away as possible from Will Hayden, Stephanie inspired her to come forward with her truth. Additionally, Stephanie’s 12 yr. old sister has other sexual abuse charges mounting on the case against Will Hayden from other locations. What happens in darkness, eventually comes to light and with sexual abuse being so common in our world today, we cannot ignore it, but must work toward helping others be released from their nightmares. By doing this, healing can begin for the victims and those who love them.

  • Wayne LaBeaud January 4, 2015, 12:26 pm

    The truth will out…Will, according to family accounts and testimonies, should be exonerated….hopefully TDC will continue the broadcasts and his business will prosper. I LOVE the show and the work RJ does. I still want to go into the store and meet personally and get some equipment. Thanks and GOD bless the family.

  • Wayne LaBeaud January 4, 2015, 12:24 pm

    The truth will out…Will, according to family accounts and testimonies, should be exonerated….hopefully TDC will continue the broadcasts and his business will prosper. I LOVE the show and the work RJ does. I still want to go into the store and meet personally and get some equipment. Thanks and GOD bless the family.

  • Shane January 4, 2015, 11:39 am

    I was accused of sex crimes in 2010, the girl’s parents are both police officers. They were able to scare her into a fabricated story that I did awful things. I wasn’t even in the same town when this allegedly happened. In 2012, after spending all my money, my retirement, sold all my household goods, filed bankruptcy, the found me not guilty that means innocent in my book in 20 minutes. I fight the bad publicity to this day. My certification registry board is always trying to decertify me because people make complaints about my work in the sprit of the sex crime charges. This won’t end! You can have the court documents purged (more money) but you can’t purge the Internet, the lies remain permanently! I know how your feeling – the judicial system works as long as you have a lot of money and a good lawyer! Good luck Will. I’ll pray for you and all the falsely accused!

    • Shane January 4, 2015, 2:33 pm

      UPDATE …. A person is innocent until proven guilty. However, Will has to overcome POWERFUL testimony from his eldest daughter. I won’t judge, the judicial system will prevail with the truth! Pray to God his soul will be saved regardless the outcome!

  • Bayou Boys January 4, 2015, 11:19 am

    I live 40 miles from Red Jacket this is not a new issue it has been ongoing for about a year. His oldest daughter has recanted her statement and said she was also touched many times by her father. She told the the local news in Baton Rouge and New Orleans she was afraid of her father to come forward due to past treatment, She also said I could not live with Myself if I were not honest about what had happened knowing it would be ongoing with my sister and others. Her father was recently rearrested on the charges, now it will be up to the courts to find the truth.

  • clos January 4, 2015, 9:02 am

    Maam for the record u don’t know the facts. My daughter use to spend alot of time at my neighbors. The were a very nice family and my wife and myself were always next door or the neighbors were in our home. A couple of yrs later some big time drug dealers burst into their home during the day while my wife was at work and all the kids were in school. Long story short I spoke to the wife and my daughter and did not want my family next door told them the kids can play in my home instead. These neighbors had alot of $$$ cuz of the business they were in. We were unaware of their business until that day the neighbors almost killed. After some time these neighbors took it personally and the mother convinced the kids using alot of $$$$ to say something about me. the thruth came out in the end however I am still dealing with the legal portion of it. It is reported and documented everywhere but it is not removed from every agency that reports it. My daughter was a preteen and now she is 25 married with children. Every time she sees me she remembers. She hugs me while crying and asks me to forgive her. I love my daughter and till this day i explain to her that there is nothing to forgive her for. Before judging for yourself u need facts the real facts not tv.

  • WillB January 4, 2015, 8:58 am

    Old News. Very Old News. He was indicted nearly a month ago. Muliple Counts. The family has taken his name off Red Jacket and they say he’s no longer associated with it in any way. Guess they’ve known this was coming for years. Hard to keep it a secret within the family when even his daughter was a victim.

  • WillB January 4, 2015, 8:34 am

    This is weeks (4-8) out-of-date and the comments reflect that. His oldest daughter and at least one other child have also confirmed that he is a child molester.

  • WillB January 4, 2015, 8:33 am

    This is weeks out-of-date and the comments reflect that. His oldest daughter and at least one other child have also confirmed that he is a child molester. But that won’t stop some people from defending him because of the show.

    • Scott January 4, 2015, 9:22 pm

      Isn’t it pretty sick that some child diddler has touch holes defending him because he’s on TV and likes guns. It’s seems difficult to generate a defense when your own daughter is implying that he was doing this sort of thing. If he’s guilty and seems like it, I hope a nice colored brother opens his anus for him. Maybe he can come up with an “ah shucks” retarded southern saying like he likes to describe his ordeal. Happy his crappy show is off the air. Sure it will be replaced with equal crap.

  • usahou January 4, 2015, 8:15 am

    I had a friend that was accused of doing something with a unmarried women. He was a married pastor. He had been counseling her on some things in her life. One night late he got a call from her mother (who was staying with her..she lived a block over) that if it was possible for him to come over. He did, and the father and her two brothers were there also. Although the only cars outside the house were the young lady who lived there and the pastor’s. Well, you guessed it someone drove by and saw this and jumped to their own conclusions, and their tongue began to wag and wag. And before you know it the board was voting to consider to replace the pastor. He was finally called in told of his sin and asked to resign. He explained what had happened to which the board verify and then withdrew their request for his resignation along with a letter of appoligy and a promise to first come to him.
    That Sunday he preached on gossip and bringing false witness. After the church service was over the the (ground zero person ) came up to the pastor and said that she wanted to say how sorry she was for what she had done, and that she would do anything to make it up to him and get his forgiveness.
    Well the pastor said, you have my forgiveness, because that is what God tells us to do. But since you said you would do anything to make this up to me, I have something in mind. She said great anything.
    He said, first, go down to Walmart and buy their best feather king size pillow. She said ok done. He said then go to the city limits sign on main street and open your window cut the pillow open and start driving towards the church at the other end of town. She I will look like an idiot but I deserve it for what I did. He said I am not quite done just yet. After you get to the church you should have no more feathers left in the pillow. She responded right got it. He then said you see when you started saying those things and starting those rumors it was like the feathers you just threw through town, so now I need you to go and pick up all the feathers. And she said well that is impossible, I won’t be able to find them all. Exactly he said, no matter what ft he board has said today there will be in the minds of these people the thought of did he or didn’t he.
    Hang in there Will.

  • usahou January 4, 2015, 8:15 am

    I had a friend that was accused of doing something with a unmarried women. He was a married pastor. He had been counseling her on some things in her life. One night late he got a call from her mother (who was staying with her..she lived a block over) that if it was possible for him to come over. He did, and the father and her two brothers were there also. Although the only cars outside the house were the young lady who lived there and the pastor’s. Well, you guessed it someone drove by and saw this and jumped to their own conclusions, and their tongue began to wag and wag. And before you know it the board was voting to consider to replace the pastor. He was finally called in told of his sin and asked to resign. He explained what had happened to which the board verify and then withdrew their request for his resignation along with a letter of appoligy and a promise to first come to him.
    That Sunday he preached on gossip and bringing false witness. After the church service was over the the (ground zero person ) came up to the pastor and said that she wanted to say how sorry she was for what she had done, and that she would do anything to make it up to him and get his forgiveness.
    Well the pastor said, you have my forgiveness, because that is what God tells us to do. But since you said you would do anything to make this up to me, I have something in mind. She said great anything.
    He said, first, go down to Walmart and buy their best feather king size pillow. She said ok done. He said then go to the city limits sign on main street and open your window cut the pillow open and start driving towards the church at the other end of town. She I will look like an idiot but I deserve it for what I did. He said I am not quite done just yet. After you get to the church you should have no more feathers left in the pillow. She responded right got it. He then said you see when you started saying those things and starting those rumors it was like the feathers you just threw through town, so now I need you to go and pick up all the feathers. And she said well that is impossible, I won’t be able to find them all. Exactly he said, no matter what ft he board has said today there will be in the minds of these people the thought of did he or didn’t he.

  • Erik Hoopes January 4, 2015, 5:42 am

    Hang in there Will, we know this is BS, the truth will hopefully prevail! I’ve seen this happen to good people before in my life. It is so WRONG. I enjoy your show, and the tough jobs you and crew take on and master. You are an example of what people should be, hard working, self reliant, creative, family oriented and all American! I’m praying for you Buddy.

  • Right2BareArms January 4, 2015, 4:39 am

    Innocent until proven guilty, but it’s not looking good for Mr. Hayden. His daughter, Stephanie, who was also on the show, has openly said that her father touched her inappropriately when she was a minor as well. That’s a hard pill to swallow for me. If he is being railroaded, then I wish him a vigorous and just defense. If he is guilty, then may God dole out what ever he deserves.

  • batman January 4, 2015, 4:27 am

    Goes to show you should be very careful who you stick it in.

  • Mark Derby January 4, 2015, 4:14 am

    Will they ruined a 26 year career with the Feds for me all because of a pissed off lawyer that lost all the three cases he had with me because they were untrue and full of lies. Have the faith

  • Alan Butterworth August 19, 2014, 4:54 pm

    You have to consider the Childs safety first in any situation like this one. The Authorities hands are tied because of the fact that a Child is involved so They have to insure that Childs safety above all other factors. As a Fan of “Sons of Guns” I’m very confidant that Will has been “Set Up” by this *itch and that He will clear his name but I also am sure that he will do NOTHING that will cause harm to that Child, even though choking the Life out of Her Mother would provide Supreme satisfaction, it would only cause Her daughter sadness. I think We’ve all seen just how important Family is to Will Hayden. Well, those of Us that have followed the show have seen that even an Outsider can become “Family” to Will by being Loyal and Honest with Him and by letting Your actions speak for You instead of your mouth, with the possible exception of Chris!
    Chill Chris, I’m joking!
    I’m sorry Y’all are going through this but don’t forget that You have a Ton of Good People that support You and Believe in You so Please don’t let Her get You Down! You WILL Prevail.

  • Kevin J. Street, Esq, August 18, 2014, 8:16 pm

    Will, I will represent you, as one of your lawyers, against this charge.
    It saddens me that someone would use a molestation charge as a means of getting one’s way.


    • Doyle Carroll August 19, 2014, 5:33 pm

      Kevin J. Street where are you located?

    • Doyle Carroll August 19, 2014, 5:33 pm

      Kevin J. Street where are you located?

  • Tom August 18, 2014, 5:42 pm

    Looks like he has taste in women like his Daughter has in men, not real good. When the moron married his Daughter and got a prime space in the show, is when I stopped watching.

  • 2lolo August 18, 2014, 4:00 pm

    What a Sick Douche…… May he find many new BoyFriend in Prison……

    • George August 18, 2014, 7:28 pm

      Don’t believe everything you hear! He should be innocent until proven guilty, right? How would you like it if it happened to you, and trust me it can! I’ve seen false accusations happen in divorces and it is devastating. There aren’t enough recourses to prosecute the false accuser, but the accused stays on a list for life, no chance to clear his name ever, there isnt even a procedure for it in cases of false accusation.

      • Jd Hall August 18, 2014, 11:19 pm

        Sorrry to say but in the legal system your guilty till you prove yourself innocent.

  • Max Hoyle August 18, 2014, 2:28 pm

    Will, I feel for you to bad they let these crazies breed!

  • Dennis Siegler August 18, 2014, 2:06 pm

    Hopefully she’ll be charged with filing a false police report, and spend some time where she belongs. Doing other women!

    • WillB January 4, 2015, 8:38 am

      Which one? You mean the daughter or the other women?

  • George August 18, 2014, 1:30 pm

    Will take a polygraph, go public with it, that will end it. then sue for custody and financial damages, “this could hurt you business”. I am sure your attorney has advised you of this. But it’s always good to crush your opponent in cases like this, I would be relentless, and when I was finished with her she would have no place left to go. That is about the lowest thing one can do and she should be made to pay.

    • Larry Jones August 19, 2014, 4:11 am

      I wish the accusers would have to take a polygraph test. Maybe that would stop the false ones.

  • LAH053 August 18, 2014, 1:09 pm

    As a medically retired police officer I can say that at least here there has to be substantiating evidence to cause an arrest this is not so in most places. The word of a disgruntled ex-girlfriend should be looked at with suspicion and verified by forensic evidence. All too many time CPS agencies react with a knee jerk re-action such as I believe is possibly done here. If Mr. Hayden were a pedophile it would have shown up before now. It seems the only transgression Mr. Hayden is guilty of is poor choice of women he associates with. I will continue to purchase Red Jacket products because the area a quality product and reasonably priced. If this woman has made this up, As a taxpayer I would demand she be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

  • craig August 18, 2014, 1:07 pm

    What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

    • Andrew January 9, 2015, 5:59 am

      That’s for certain criminal trials not envolving CPS and certainly not civil matters. Or at least that’s my experience. The court accepted the CPS investigators judgement of wrong doing as a guilty verdict in my case. The investigator had no forensic training and was not required to present any provable evidence to prove her judgement. CPS Is judge jury and executioner from what I have seen. Just hope you get a judge that keeps them from being evolved.

  • Bob August 18, 2014, 11:35 am

    Liars always cause problems but in the end they are found out, just look at Bruce K. Siddle and his “background.” The Police arrest anyone for anything proof or not. He will have to pay a lawyer no matter what happens.

  • cuemaster August 18, 2014, 11:09 am

    I believe this is bullshit from some crazy bitch and her shyster lawyer looking for a buck. women are disgusting sometimes.

  • listen to this August 18, 2014, 11:03 am

    He is a man with money!! The law is going to get it anyway it can, but at least maybe a innocent man want go to prison. As for his ex girlfriend the man will probably be under scrutiny if he sues the piece of crappp, for the false accusations.

  • Mike Denver August 18, 2014, 10:06 am

    There should be an investigation before an arrest is made, it should take more than a pointed finger to send someone to jail. Again the police have no clue ‘just doing their job’ like mindless little drones.

  • Tom August 18, 2014, 9:46 am

    I agree with those who feel the charges from a vendictive woman can trash the reputation of a good father & all around good man. I have a friend who is a Southern Baptist Minister, who is on the Sex Offender list, for child abuse. His X wife couldnt stand seeing mim have a life after their break-up, & she called child protective services & placed charges against him. There was NO proof, even the child said he is a good daddy & never tuched me in bad places. No matter how many cearecter referances he had, he got found guilty of Child Abuse. His probation officer has said this was one of the worst miscarages of justice he has ever seen. Some times good people are wrongly acused & have to live with lies hanging over their heads.

  • Det. Shawn August 18, 2014, 8:54 am

    Unfortunately all it does take is an allegation. We’ve successfully defended men against such accusations. While the truly guilty should be severely punished, the innocent should not be put through a horrible situation. The problem is that no authority wants to be responsible for letting a child molestor free. The result is little investigation and trials that are based on nothing more than words. The circumstances and motives need to be seriously considered when prosecuting these cases. We had a recent case where Mom demanded marriage from her wealthy boyfriend. When he refused he was threatened by her attorney with a demand for 2 million dollars or she would go to the police. He refused, she carried through with the false allegations. A year and a half later his name is cleared, but the damage is done. The court and police should have seen the motive behind what was clearly extortion and arrested Mom. Not only didn’t that happen she was allowed to keep her job as a tenured teacher making six figures a year. Don’t be to quick to judge Will Hayden before you get the whole picture. These charges while often true, are also just a very destructive way of getting even.

  • MidWestMike August 18, 2014, 7:23 am

    Never under estimate the vengeance of the aggrieved spouse; never.

  • Ken Barron August 18, 2014, 6:42 am

    I surely hope that when these disgusting allegations are proven false, the women who made them should be charged, prosecuted and when found guilty, should get at least 10 years in prison because there is almost never any consequences for these vindictive women for trying to destroy a man and his family, as has been said, this is a stigma that is very hard to shake off, Will is a good man and very lucky to have such a strong and loving family, they will come through this OK but the emotional scars on all his family will last a long time.

    Will is a mans man, moral, old school like myself and I would without hesitation trust him with the well being and life of any of my own kids.

  • David Farren August 18, 2014, 6:33 am

    Let’s wait and see. He has been accused and arrested, now let the judicial system sort it out.
    I’m not of fan of his, but I think he should have the benefit of the doubt. After all, he is innocent until proven guilty, right?

    • Ray August 18, 2014, 11:42 am

      Mostly agree with David but point out that once this kind of charge is leveled a man’s reputation is forever tarnished!

  • Captain Mike Winkler August 18, 2014, 5:04 am

    No one and I mean no one believes the charge. Hang in there. The absolute truth will come out.

  • pete jernigan August 18, 2014, 4:29 am

    just because he is a star doesnt mean he is innocent their is enought for the law to arrest him,let him hang god help the girl

    • Sam Tanner August 18, 2014, 9:41 am

      I am retired law enforcement, and your comment is the is truly a sign of ignorance of how the system works concerning CPS. If an accusation is made, the charge is turned over to the prosecuting attorney. A warrant is issued, and then the police have no choice about the arrest. I have found that CPS is as apt to charge an innocent person as a guilty one. During my career, I had to arrest several persons that I felt were innocent, and hope the judicial system worked. I can file a complaint against you for child molestation, and if my story is good enough you very well could be arrested. All I need is a time line when you could have done the deed that you have no alibi. An ex-girlfriend would know these things. Never judge a person in a situation like this just because they were arrested. The daughter will have the final say, if she is not coerced by her mother into lying. Look at all the fathers that were arrested several years ago because shrinks were brain washing children into believing their fathers had molested them. Many of those charges were proven false. A closed mind can mold because mold likes dark places. Let the courts decide, and hope they get it right for a change.

      • rappini August 18, 2014, 10:50 am

        ST they should send you to Ferguson, MO because they sure don’t plan on waiting for the facts.

      • Larry Jones August 19, 2014, 4:04 am

        It’s a sad day when people try to destroy someone just because they want to get back at them for something. It’s a crying shame the way schools are encouraging kids to say things against their parents. If the kid gets a spanking and it happens to leave a mark it’s not correction anymore, it’s automatic child abuse. I tell you when I was a kid growing up the punishment for the bad deed was getting the blood cut out of me with a switch. It hurt like crazy but I knew better than to do that again because of the consequences. I was taught to respect my elders and other people’s property. Now days the schools, CPS, and DHR try to step in and block you from disciplining your own kids and the kids know that there won’t be any punishment for the crime so look how they are turning out. The things going on in schools now is a result of those agencies taking away the necessary disciplinary action that would prevent a lot of that stuff because the kids would know if they done something bad their backsides and legs would be reminding them not to do that stuff anymore because they won’t get by with it. And the saddest part of those agencies is: most of the one’s telling you how you should raise your kids don’t even have kids of their own. Something bad wrong with that picture. I hope the allegations are false and when it’s over he should seek to have it expunged from the records.

    • Dave Anderson August 18, 2014, 12:20 pm

      Pete, while I understand how you’re feeling about this, you really need to wait to see what’s actually happening here. My father in law was accused (his step daughter manipulated her daughter into doing this), and convicted of this (even though he was innocent). To this day he has to get permission from his probation officer just to come over to our place when my 9 yr old daughter is there, even with all the parents also present. He doesn’t have much money so he had to use a public defender, thus he wasn’t defended as well as he should of been.

      I sincerely hope Hayden has attorneys who will vigorously defend him and I hope he can increase awareness of this issue to bring legal reform.

    • Bob Jenson August 18, 2014, 12:43 pm

      Is it true that Pete Jernigan orally pleasures men for money?

      • Dennis Siegler August 18, 2014, 2:02 pm

        If you wrote it, it must be true! I believe it already.

      • D. Hicks August 18, 2014, 3:58 pm

        That comment is out of line.

        • George August 18, 2014, 7:20 pm

          Sure is, but so was PJs. I think the comment was meant to show PJ how it feels. How would you like it if we all believed it?

  • Joseph Garnier August 18, 2014, 3:16 am

    My daughter was convinced by her mother to say something similar, because she was a Baptist, wanted to divorce me, but didn’t want to get kicked out of her church. I spent 100 days in jail for something I didn’t do. Even her pastor offered to help police frame me. Anyway, she got kicked out for divorcing me anyway, and remarried two weeks later. Women are devious and most are not worth your time.

  • Oscar S Gonzalez August 13, 2014, 7:10 am

    Hey will! Stay strong! The same thing happened to me! I lost my beautiful wife Roxanne and my two daughters Annabelle and Lula! The cops,and cps destroyed my life and i lost everything. It’s behind me now, The cops are not ur ftp friends. Trust noone

  • William Roberts August 11, 2014, 11:50 pm

    I had a freind that happened too a step sister of his wife he was a great man don’t give up god will be on your Side when man turns his back love your show I’m a gun person love to come to your shop good luck

  • LHTwist August 11, 2014, 7:05 pm

    This doesn’t have to mar a good man’s reputation if the rest of will stay out of it.

    Good luck Mr. Hayden, I’ve already forgotten it.

    • Jeff August 18, 2014, 4:45 pm

      Reputation is one thing- but having a story blasted in the news is another. Will the same news groups be so vocal if the charges are dismissed? Will his arrest record, for what is probably the worst offense one can commit just shy of murder, go away? NO- the charge will remain in the NATIONAL criminal data base forever. Along with that will come the issues with ATF and his business.

    • David Clark August 20, 2014, 12:30 pm

      Unless Obama has torn up the Constitution (which he would love to do)so far there is nothing to forgive him for. He is innocent until a court rules otherwise.

      The really sad part is that this feminist trick is so often used(and abused)only to find out later it was just another way some scorned woman used a child to get revenge. The upshot being that when it DOES happen, for real, the feminists have cried wolf to often before.

      • Steve January 4, 2015, 5:37 am

        The Constitution is already gone. I had a friend pulled over at a due checkpoint. The cops had problems with giving my friend the breathalyzer so they took him to a local hospital for blood work but then screwed around till they claimed too much time had passed, Long story short is they still took him to court and the prosecutor said that the only one who could have proved his innocence was the accused and so they (the jury) had to find him guilty. So much for innocent till proven guilty.

        • Larry January 4, 2015, 10:47 pm

          Sounds like to me he didn’t have a lawyer worth a flip. Why didn’t he appeal it?

  • Richard Ulvestad August 11, 2014, 5:29 pm

    All it takes is one POS b***** to wreck a good mans character. And it can’t be changed! He’ll marked forever by this emasculating woman!

    • JC Brown August 18, 2014, 6:32 am

      It saddens me that some people will do Anything to Falsely accuse and then try to Totally Discredit a Person. Remain firm and keep the Faith and God will give you justice and clear your Good Name.

    • Jeff August 18, 2014, 4:40 pm

      Frankly, I don’t the know the “facts”- just what I’ve read but I do know they can differ 100%! I can tell you from my 40+ years as cop, prosecutor and defense lawyer, there are a lot of these accusations and it is so easy to make- Instantly, whether guilty or not, the accused becomes a predator-and guilty in the eyes of the public. Most cases of these types of reported facts- are flimsy in the evidence department so folks depend on the news to vilify the accused. I have seen more than one child accuse dad, step dad, etc with something only to have it dismissed as total BS…and what does it leave?- An accused with a blemish- hell- a red cross hair on his NCIC record that may jeopardize the rest of his life. All I know of Will Hayden is he is a little- hot headed on his show but who’s to say the producers are having him play that role.

      • robert August 19, 2014, 8:50 am

        You are dead on accurate. The accusation is all it takes. Guilty until you prove you’re innocent, and even then, accusations like these never really seem to go away

        • d,p103 January 4, 2015, 7:02 am

          Here you have a man accused of something that he has not been proven guilty of. The lame stream propaganda machine has some responsibility here as well as our freaking stupid society for how they interrupt any thing that the propaganda machine prints. It is like if it is on TV it has got to be true. What sick sad, society we live in. Of course it did not help the man was in the gun business.

    • Douglas August 18, 2014, 11:17 pm

      The ex-wife needs to be put in jail for false accusations.

    • Greg January 4, 2015, 7:03 am

      They should make the punishment for falsely accusing someone of a crime the same as the punishment that the accused would get if convicted. That may just make people think twice about such accusations.

      • Joe T. January 4, 2015, 8:45 pm

        That is an excellent idea.

    • David Clark January 5, 2015, 7:36 am

      August of 2014, nothing like UTD cutting edge reporting.

      • Partick Kell January 8, 2015, 1:15 pm

        Think that’s why the link was under the “Top 10 2014 Headlines”

    • Peter Sansone January 6, 2015, 2:50 pm

      hay WILL, we are standing by your side keep your head up walk tall be strong you will get cleared of this nightmare! miss your show!

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