New Hampshire Governor Vetoes Constitutional Carry Bill

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan.

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan. (Photo: Concord Monitor)

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan vetoed a constitutional carry bill Monday that would have allowed law-abiding citizens to carry concealed without having to obtain a permit.

Though Senate Bill 116 cleared the state House by a 212-150 vote and the Senate by a 14-9 vote earlier this year, Hassan intimated that the existing concealed carry issuing process wasn’t broke so why bother fixing it.

“New Hampshire’s current concealed carry permitting law has worked well for nearly a century — safeguarding the Second Amendment rights of our citizens while helping to keep the Granite State one of the safest states in the nation,” Hassan said.

“Our concealed weapons permitting system gives an important oversight role to local law enforcement, while allowing for appeals through appropriate channels,” she added.

The veto was supported by the New Hampshire chapter of Moms Demand Action, which rallied against the bill with financial assistance from former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.

“Governor Hassan heeded the call of moms across the state and stood up for the safety of all Granite Staters,” said New Hampshire leader, Amy Moore. “Governor Hassan’s decision to veto SB 116 will keep our state’s common-sense concealed carry permitting system in place, which will continue to protect us all.”

However, the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action argued that the bill itself was common sense, particularly because it would just mirror the permit-less standard with respect to open carry.

“This was a common sense bill that would have protected law-abiding gun owners from inadvertently breaking the law,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director for NRA-ILA. “Since lawful gun owners in New Hampshire can already carry firearms openly without a permit, they should not become criminals just because they put on a jacket or place their firearm in a purse or briefcase.”

“Governor Hassan’s veto sends a clear message that she is listening to billionaire gun-control activist Michael Bloomberg over New Hampshire voters,” continued Cox. “On behalf of the NRA’s five-million members, I am disappointed Governor Hassan has chosen to disrespect the constitutional rights of her constituents.”

The fight for permit-less concealed carry may not yet be over as pro-gun lawmakers have already suggested that they would try to override the governor’s veto. .

“House Republicans support laws that uphold our citizens’ constitutional rights, and will support overriding the governor’s veto,” House Majority Leader Jack Flanagan (R-Brookline) told the New Hampshire Union Leader.

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  • Billyd July 16, 2015, 9:14 pm

    I have a class 3 permit for a suppressor. I want take it to a family get together in Va, then return to Md. I want to know if I could have any trouble in doing this. Billyd

  • Andrew N. July 14, 2015, 7:50 pm

    With 2 more votes in their State’s Senate, they have enough to override her veto. The State Legislature already has enough votes to do so. I hope she enjoys her last term as Gov., I see a change coming. Perhaps she should do what the people of her State want instead of what Bloomberg wants.

  • Willy July 13, 2015, 4:43 pm

    I am for the permit. you learn a lot from the training about your laws and so on. I have one and now I live in a state that is open/ccw open to legal fire arm owners. I fear want a bees carrying with out a clue what the law is or safely carry and use as a defensive weapon. In other words I don’t want shot accidentally or anymore in our jail system for being stupid.
    I got my training at age 60. My whole life was around hand guns. I learned things from a 8 hr class that I had never thought of. I was glad I went. Well worth the 80 bucks.

    • Ooga Booga July 13, 2015, 6:39 pm

      I am 100% against getting permission from the government to exercise my right to carry any and all firearms.
      It is also my belief that it is 100% up to the individual to get training in any sort of weaponry. Training is a good idea and there is no good reason to not get training as a fully responsible individual.

      • shootbrownelk July 14, 2015, 12:40 pm

        That’s how it works here in Wyoming Booga, Open or Concealed carry…no stinking permit needed! Let me guess…Is Governor Hassan a Democrat?? OverRide her Veto New Hampshire lawmakers, do what’s right for your Citizens!

    • selena December 27, 2017, 9:04 am

      what all must be aware of is that needing permission/permit NOW has you in their system and is the equivalent of weapons registration.
      Oh no, in my state we don’t have to register long guns,pistols and handguns !
      that’s right and YOU are now in their system as an owner and carrier right down to your vehicle the same.
      think that doesn’t show up if they run your plates ? VIA YOUR NAME ? LOL
      and most likely within their data base due to filling in FFL form 4473.
      OOOh it’s only held for 72 hours, AND ? what do they DO with it within that time frame ? THEY make no statements on that. ( when you understand the double speak of “legalese”, an entire universe gets opened up)

      no one is to be near a firearm NOT knowing every aspect of that firearm,the basic “commandments” of firearm safety etc.
      If taking the class on concealed leads to increasing knowledge that’s excellent however,people need to rethink all aspects of being REGISTERED and labeled.
      why do criminals have full constitutional rights and immunity ’till caught ?

  • Aaron July 7, 2015, 5:25 pm

    Another racist who wants to put people of color behind bars.

    • Dilligaf July 7, 2015, 7:43 pm

      How, in any of this story, are you able to make a comment like that? People who are quick to call racism are actually racists themselves….

      • Aaron July 8, 2015, 1:07 pm

        I stand by my claim.

        The original gun control laws were passed EXPLICITLY to harm people of color. Look at the rates of people impacted by violence in inner cities – cities that curtail human rights by making self defense illegal and gun ownership a crime. The people most impacted by violence and anti American laws are minorities.

        I live in a lily white suburb with constitutional carry. I don’t fear violence. But my sister lives in a area where stray gun fire is real. The mayor of her town wanted to ban open carry.

        Where rights are curtailed, criminals can operate more freely. She chose to move to that area. Others were born there and the only way out is through staying alive. But they can’t defend themselves, legally, the way I can.

        I intentionally framed my language, knowing my audience.

        • DRAINO July 10, 2015, 9:46 am

          I understand your claim. But I believe its not intentionally a racist thing. You see it’s all part of the socialist left wingers’ plot with the U.N. to implement Agenda 21. I reference the Agenda 21 Handbook from the U.N. website. Their plan is to get everyone to move to the cities (where gun control is strictest) and return the outlying lands to the natives/nature/a hand full of farmers who will grow the GMO foods to sterilize the mass population while the gov’t elite are the ones left to further the socialist way of life(Hunger Games sound familiar?). Property owners/preppers and the like (regardless of color/race) are the greatest threat to this plan. So you see, I don’t think this is a racist thing…more like genocide….or more accurately, a population cull(ever see Kingsman?) But they will only cull so many, otherwise they wouldn’t have anyone to control or to do the jobs that are beneath them(Again, Hunger games). Don’t think I’m joking. Look it up. They(The U.N.) wrote a book on it, its not make believe. Educate yourselves, America!

      • Vic July 13, 2015, 2:39 pm

        What is Racism? I am having a hard time with the use of that word. The Rebel Flag, ? has nothing to do with
        Racism,,,it is there because of the men that died on both sides, both black and white,brown,red, that fought
        on both sides and died. I live in the far northwest and after serving in the Army with all colors, I knew nothing
        about Racism, until a few years ago, and via the tv, black idiot tv, and especially the elected political people.
        the elected government officials have brought it forward, the ACLU, the Black Panthers, and The Drug Gangs
        and as far as the races being arrested, Well who in the hell is creating and doing the problems to get arrested.
        Look folks its time to get real, arrest the bad guys, starting with all the felons elected to office, State,County,
        City, and U.S.Government…Check out how many of your elected officials, that are running from president
        to your local goodwill council…Then start from the bottom up and the top down and see if you can find an
        honest person to run…they have the brains where they don’t want in this crap…
        “off with there heads” We Have Found The Enemy and It is US”
        get off your duff and do something , don’t waste your or my time on crap like Facebook et.
        A Native American, Look if your were born in the U.S.A. you are a Native American…Not an Inditional

      • Vic July 13, 2015, 2:39 pm

        What is Racism? I am having a hard time with the use of that word. The Rebel Flag, ? has nothing to do with
        Racism,,,it is there because of the men that died on both sides, both black and white,brown,red, that fought
        on both sides and died. I live in the far northwest and after serving in the Army with all colors, I knew nothing
        about Racism, until a few years ago, and via the tv, black idiot tv, and especially the elected political people.
        the elected government officials have brought it forward, the ACLU, the Black Panthers, and The Drug Gangs
        and as far as the races being arrested, Well who in the hell is creating and doing the problems to get arrested.
        Look folks its time to get real, arrest the bad guys, starting with all the felons elected to office, State,County,
        City, and U.S.Government…Check out how many of your elected officials, that are running from president
        to your local goodwill council…Then start from the bottom up and the top down and see if you can find an
        honest person to run…they have the brains where they don’t want in this crap…
        “off with there heads” We Have Found The Enemy and It is US”
        get off your duff and do something , don’t waste your or my time on crap like Facebook et.
        A Native American, Look if your were born in the U.S.A. you are a Native American…Not an Inditional

        • Dave Hicks July 13, 2015, 8:32 pm

          This is not a platform to talk about racism. This is to comment about firearm issues. It’s a sad day when anyone distorts the agenda.

    • Rocky July 13, 2015, 1:34 pm

      The question is, will the Legislature vote to override their Governor’s veto ?

      • Ooga Booga July 13, 2015, 6:33 pm

        I sure as hell hope so.

    • Vic July 13, 2015, 2:29 pm

      the state legislature needs to over ride the Veto, due to not the situation that the bill
      covers but to keep the Governor aware that she is just there to administrate the decisions
      of the legislature.

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