Constitutional Carry Does Apply to Vehicles, Says North Dakota A.G.

Since North Dakota became a Constitutional Carry state back in August, many wondered whether the new law applied to vehicles.

Under existing law, one is prohibited from carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle. That is unless one qualifies for an exemption.  For example, a police officer or security guard or concealed carry permit holder.

Last week, State Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem released his official opinion on the matter.  Stenehjem was clear.  Constitutional Carry, which allows law-abiding citizens to carry concealed without a permit, does apply to vehicles.

However, one still needs to have a form of identification on his/her person.  A driver’s license or valid state-issued I.D. in lieu of the concealed carry permit.

“When an individual meets the qualifications for constitutional carry in North Dakota, a loaded gun may be stored in a vehicle but proper identification must be revealed to law enforcement upon a traffic stop or other in-person contact,” wrote Stenehjem in his opinion letter.

SEE ALSO: Why Do Alabama Sheriffs Oppose Constitutional Carry? It’s All About the Money

Makes sense.  I mean, why wouldn’t Constitutional Carry apply to vehicles?

The NRA applauded the decision by A.G. Stenehjem.

“Your NRA would like to thank Attorney General Stenehjem and the legislators involved for resolving the issue and ensuring that North Dakota residents have the same right to self-defense in their vehicles as they do elsewhere,” said the NRA-ILA in a statement.

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  • Robert Waddell December 22, 2017, 7:55 am

    We The People, three innocent, humble-words that gives us power! Or does it? Our Forefathers certainly intended for those words to mean something, but to people like Bloomberg, the Constitution only means something when it favors them! That my friends, is exactly why the Second Amendment is so important! Bloomberg is a citizen just like you, and me, he holds no public, or federal office, so why are people giving that bastard power to take peoples guns? How does Bloomberg go to Israel, and get grounded commercial flights moving again? The only thing that gives Bloomberg power is the global elitists! Who gives these so-called, global-elitists their power over U.S. Citizens? The Illuminati? Free Masons? Some Global Cabal? Who has the power, outside of the United States of America, to control what American Citizens can, or can’t, do? “We The People” holds some weight in America, however outside of the USA, someone, somewhere, is controlling the power of Bloomberg over Our Constitution! This cannot be allowed! We have rights, but we must fight to keep those rights!

    • deanbob December 22, 2017, 2:43 pm

      Why do so many of these so called “educated” people have such a difficult time understanding the meaning of “shall not be infringed.”?

  • Robert Waddell December 22, 2017, 7:33 am

    Constitutional Carry is the law of the land, period, the end! Bloomberg is using our FFL against citizens in areas where Obama placed federal judges, and who the hell is Bloomberg? He holds no political office, and the Constitution is the law of the land! So an FFL, is a violation of our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms! The Supreme Court needs to take this matter and rule, and put an end to Bloomberg! Law abiding citizens are being tracked by the FFL as a map to your house so the feds can find, and seize, every gun you LEGALLY, own! Whom does that leave holding guns? Criminals! I assure you, Bloomberg could care less about people getting killed, in fact, truth be known Bloomberg’s money is behind mass shootings! So why does Bloomberg want U.S. Law-Abiding-Citizens Unarmed? President Trump, and the Second Amendment, are slowing down the plans of the global-elitists aspirations of a NWO/OWG! Bingo! Bloomberg is Pro- NWO/OWG! Why is he so determined to confiscate our guns? The answer to that question is obvious, Bloomberg plans to profit big-time, from a NWO/OWG! Citizens are being forced to hand-over their guns in the cover of night! All evil is done in darkness, could Michael Bloomberg be the anti-Christ? You betcha! MAGA!

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