Woman posts sign of concealed carrier to warn neighborhood

Here's a image of the sign, which has a caption, "This man carries a loaded gun around your children every day." (Photo KAAL-TV)

Here’s a image of the sign, which has a caption, “This man carries a loaded gun around your children every day.” (Photo KAAL-TV)

A woman in Rochester, Minnesota, has taken a photo of a concealed carrier and posted it around the neighborhood in an effort to warn others that the law-abiding gun owner is likely carrying a firearm when he drops his two daughters off at Harriet Bishop Elementary School.

In an interview with KAAL-TV, Kimberly Edson explained why she decided to out Matthew Halleck, a former PTSA president and former candidate for the Rochester school board, as one who exercises his Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms for self-defense outside the home.

“Since we don’t have a way to stop him, we felt it was important to notify the neighborhood and the parents that there is an armed man in their presence,” said Edson.

“The first couple days of school he had it very visible, we saw it and were quite concerned,” she continued. “I have a responsibility to help create the kind of community I want to see, and I don’t want to see a community where there are guns around schools.”

Halleck said he is very careful about keeping the firearm out of plain sight and that he never brings it on school grounds.

Meanwhile, Edson said she will continue her campaign to raise awareness about Halleck.

“He has a 2nd Amendment right to carry the gun, I have my 1st Amendment right to say that I don’t like it,” said Edson.

Halleck is currently contemplating a libel lawsuit against Edson. He also encourages other law-abiding citizens to carry if they so wish.

“If it heightens the awareness for folks out there that are confident enough, and see the changes in the world to add an extra layer of protection, I encourage people to do it,” said Halleck.

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  • Ege Shegava February 20, 2017, 9:44 am

    He should sue her. In CT I have 3 friends doing the same thing when they were ‘exposed & advertised’. 2 of them will easily earn $10 – 25,000 each by the time.

  • AN0N Z3R0 February 11, 2017, 4:44 am

    Perhaps This May Not Have Anything To Do With The Article Or Perhaps Has Everything To Do With This Article You Can Decide! So I Am Thinking She Is A White Neo-Liberal Woman Who Just Happened To Notice A Black Man Has A Gun (NOT THAT RACE MATTERS TOO ME!) But To This Woman Perhaps It Has All To Do With It She’s Most Likely Scared A Colored Man With Gun Has A LEGAL Right To Carry Around Her & Anyone or Anywhere Else He Chooses Too! I’m Shocked No One Mentiones This Nor Did She! Very Clever Woman Indeed That Wouldn’t Look Good On Her Behalf Hmm? … Something To Be Considered!

    • Fornortener February 17, 2017, 5:09 am

      Anon…he’s as Caucasian as I am and as a “cracker” can be………..

    • dirtsailor67 February 17, 2017, 6:58 am

      What story are you talking about? The man in the picture is not black. You either need to put on some glasses or check the prescription on the ones that you are wearing.

  • Donnie May 27, 2016, 3:20 am

    Put a gun-free victims live here sign on her house…
    You can believe in God it’s your right and you can carry a gun it’s your choice….
    If someone breaks into your house at 3am??
    You’ll pray to God someone with a gun shows up fast……..amen

    • TPSnodgrass February 18, 2017, 4:42 pm

      I wholeheartedly agree, that this man should use HIS First Amendment Rights and publicly post photos of the woman’s home, and her children from a public place like the street, and inform the local thug population that SHE and her family are strong advocates of a “gun free zone”. Seems like a great idea to me, and it is entirely Constitutional, too.

  • rock December 3, 2014, 6:05 pm

    She needs to move and get out of the hostile area haha . I tote all the time everywhere for me and my loved ones. Even help defensless people. You no why police carry guns? For there protection. Shotgun Willie sits around in his underwear

  • King Ghidora November 2, 2014, 6:46 pm

    She may very well have opened herself up to an invasion of privacy lawsuit. Anytime you spread information about people that others might find offensive you are invading their privacy. She might think she has the right to say whatever she wants but just as Halleck doesn’t have the right to expose her views on guns in a way that invites violence toward her she does not have the right to bring unwanted attention to a person carrying a firearm considering how many people react the same way she does. A reasonable person could infer that she was highly offensive in her actions and in most places that is the standard for an invasion of privacy suit.

  • Kevin D October 31, 2014, 1:18 pm

    I respect Kimberly Edson’s right to voice her opinion, especially when it exposes her ignorance on this subject. She probably is actually afraid of the fact that Matthew Halleck owns a gun, let alone that he also carries one. I’m not the least bit surprised that inside her brain everyone with a gun is a threat. It’s also likely that her emotions trump logic on a score of other aspects of her life. People like her are the most frustrating opponents to our freedoms in this country. She will criticize a person for exercising the Constitutional rights with which she snot agree all the while using the Constitutional rights with which she does agree to make another person’s life less free and pleasant.

    I believe the only thing that can assuage my frustration at her is to go make a contribution to the NRA in her name. Anyone got her address, so the NRA will know where to send the thank you letter?

  • James Greer October 30, 2014, 9:27 pm

    Here in Korea it is illegal to take a person’s picture or post it without their permission(protects them from upskirt shots, etc).
    So rather than debate her intentions, 2nd rights, why not just have Mr. Halleck to request a CTRO(Restraining Order) against her from posting bills with his picture, or a GAG order from a judge prohibiting her from distributing literature without his permission.

  • YankeeBill October 28, 2014, 9:20 pm

    This douche bag, Ms. (!) Edson, would be the first one to bitch if something went down endangering Ms. Edson and her family, and Mr. Halleck chose not to use his firearm in their defense! I live in a major college town, and these idiots like Edson are everywhere. They sicken me. They need to grow up and live in the real world!

  • Richard Rautio October 28, 2014, 2:50 pm

    Ohio has open carry and concealed. What I don’t understand is why we have to train for a CCW permit but not open carry. It’s stupid. I recently saw some young men, one with a shouldered AR and the other a pistol in a holster (OWB), that told some children sitting at a picnic table that they better hope that the rifle doesn’t slip off the shoulder and shoot them. The kids left in a hurry. Obviously these men (I use the term lightly) need training. This happened in Yellow Springs. Ohio a couple weeks ago.

  • Mike October 28, 2014, 12:48 am

    Minnesota has a permit to carry and it doesn’t have to be concealed, although when I do carry I don’t openly carry the gun even though I could if I wanted to. In some states it is unlawful to open carry intentionally, but not in Minnesota.

  • Mike October 28, 2014, 12:47 am

    Minnesota has a permit to carry and it doesn’t have to be concealed, although when I do carry don’t openly carry the gun even though I could if I wanted to. In some states it is unlawful to open carry, but not in Minnesota.

  • Sr. Chief October 28, 2014, 12:19 am

    In Texas, in order to get a concealed handgun license, you must take a course. This course teaches applicants about all the rules and regulations of carrying a concealed handgun. The first rule is: IT MUST REMAIN CONCEALED UNTIL YOU NEED IT!
    Law Officers, and uniformed guards etc. are allowed to open carry a handgun.
    The reason for that is: Openly carrying a firearm makes you a target, and someone could come up behind you, knock you in the head and use YOUR HANDGUN TO SHOOT YOU!
    Just look Illinois! It proves the old saying: “When guns are outlawed, ONLY OUTLAWS will have guns!

    • dirtsailor67 February 17, 2017, 7:03 am

      It ain’t Texas, it is Minnesota. The laws are different there, as in a lot of other states. Contrary to popular belief, open carry does not make you a target. That is something spread around by fear mongers wanting people not to have the right to carry.
      Since you have stated specific scenarios in your reply, can you also provide dates and times of those incidents occurring?

      • Patriot February 9, 2018, 9:50 am

        listen to this idiot,open carry doesn\’t make you a target,if a bad guy with a gun goes into an area to shoot up the place,who do you think is the FIRST person he will take out,that\’s right,,the guy he sees with a gun,dumbass,open carry is for dipshits who want to look tough,but also make themselves the FIRST target,so bye bye, big ego.

  • Warren October 27, 2014, 5:11 pm

    Too bad the gentleman didn’t keep his weapon concealed; none of this would’ve happened. Now, he could possibly be in danger because of her actions. Just because you can do something, doesn’t always mean you should. That woman is a jerk.

  • Roy October 27, 2014, 12:52 pm

    Would this same woman object to a police officer being around her children? They are also law-abiding citizens who are allowed to carry guns.

  • Mel Burns October 27, 2014, 12:25 pm

    The comments posted here are generally more revealing of the anger of the posters than illuminating on the issues. in the sense of disclosure, I am a 67 year old white male living in the metro area of a crime scarred southern city. I served as a law enforcement officer and later as a prosecutor and judge. I am active in veterans assistance programs. I was raised in a hunting family and own approximately three dozen firearms. I am not familiar with the statutes and firearms in the locale where that incident occurred but I do think that there are competing constitutional principals here. This site is understandably primarily interested in 2nd amendment issues and many posters see only that issue. The desire for harm to come to the woman who is involved in this is troubling. If the 2nd amendment is really about individual liberty and personal security, defenders of 2nd amendment rights would never wish harm to an unarmed person. Those reactions are very troubling and give support to the belief by many that proponents of being equipped with firearms are about bullying of law abiding citizens as well as deterring criminal activity.
    If the only concern is the 2nd amendment, what role in society does the rest of the Bill of Rights play. Recently my wife and I were in what is usually called a family restaurant. There were several families with small children there. There were several televisions on tuned to a sports channel showing a women’s basketball game. A group of eight men arrived wearing openly displayed firearms on their hips. They were loud and aggressive. One made disparaging remarks about female athletes and walked around changing the channels to a political channel. The threatening demeanor of these men soon led sever families to leave with their meals unfinished. Parents clearly did not want their children in the vicinity of a group of armed men who were acting in an aggressive manner. One member of the group referred to the exiting families as “chicken shit”
    Unfortunately, this is the image and experience that is common for people who are usually unarmed. No one offered any comment during the episode because they felt threatened by this aggressive group. With rights come responsibilities to recognize how your behavior affects others.

    • JBrown October 27, 2014, 3:06 pm

      As for those who observe that the Anti-2A neighbor might find an armed neighbor desirable in case of trouble, I agree with their view. I don’t believe they wish harm to come to anyone they don’t know, or even advocated that, despite their frustrations at the harm she clearly wishes to do them, as they perceive her neighbor to be like them and therefore representative of other concealed carry permittees. As for whether what they post on this site could possibly be construed as “bullying of law abiding citizens”, they are clearly doing nothing of the sort. Venting their frustrations on this site, under the radar and without the protesting neighbor even being aware that they are doing so, is not bullying, and the ease with which their correspondence was equated with bullying speaks more to the person drawing that correlation than the persons wrongly accused of doing so. We all know that is a loaded term, and is often used by those who perceive any resistance to the left’s agenda as “bullying”, thereby advancing the fraud that all gun owners are aggressive and dangerous. Coincidence? As for those who allegedly behaved as they did in a restaurant, I must admit that the scenario sounds entirely disconnected from anything I have seen anywhere, so to suggest that such an occurrence is “common” for unarmed persons once again smacks of a bias not based in reality. In fact, to suggest that this is a common image or experience certainly is ridiculously false, though anti-gun nuts will eat it up, and causes me to question that the writer has the background or impartiality that is implied. Again, coincidence that the writer furthers the lies that gun owners are aggressive and boorish bullies, while presenting himself for credibility as one of the good guys?

    • Russ October 28, 2014, 5:31 pm

      Mel your whole story sounds like a giant pile of anti-gun BS to me.
      I don’t know where your from because you were conveniently vague about it.
      I’m from the 2nd most scared socialist/communistic liberal Democratically taken over state in the USA – Southern California.
      All the firearms owners here are the most polite, courteous, and helpful people I’ve ever come across in my 55 years on the planet.
      None would ever dream of acting the way you just described. Maybe gangster criminals in LA or Santa Ana would.
      They all mind their own business unless you need some assistance, then they’re 1st to step up.

      I get the strangest feeling when I see all the videos and text on this site that doesn’t match up with my real life experience. Don’t you guys? Or am I the only one?
      My experience with real gun owners and NRA members are nothing like what Mel describes.
      So hey people on this site, use your common sense when you see all the weird content here that makes us look bad.
      Smells like the misinformed uneducated and misguided anti-gunners to me.

    • Bill October 28, 2014, 5:56 pm

      Sounds like a squad of cops showed up . Must have been “Miller Time”.

      • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 11:12 am

        This is far more likely than “boorishly-ignorant” gun owners, as now many non qualified LEO’s
        have discredited the specie.

        Answer- police your own 1st, then public opinion, respect and cooperation will return ~!

      • Russ October 29, 2014, 11:34 am

        ???Bill….I’m not a cop, but I respect them. I don’t drink either, so…….it’s “Wrong Time”

    • dirtsailor67 February 17, 2017, 7:06 am

      You left out the part where you confronted these men about their actions. Or did you just sit there and comment under your breath about this while (if it really did) it played out?

  • Jim Hasak October 27, 2014, 11:17 am

    “This man carries a loaded gun around your children every day.”

    Sounds good to me. I expect he would defend my children just as readily as he would his own.

  • BRASS October 27, 2014, 11:13 am

    Take a picture of her and her house and post them around stating she is never armed.

  • oldfuzz695 October 27, 2014, 9:50 am

    I carry a completely concealed weapon. No one knows. No one sees, therefore “prohibited” signs mean nothing. If you search me, you better have a damn good reason. I only submit and give up my 2nd Amendment rights as I enter courts, etc. that have detectors. That includes schools. If detectors are used, please have professional security plan a fool proof, one in/one out access, otherwise, you are trapped with a killer that no one can take down.

  • Keith Kravitz October 27, 2014, 9:45 am

    I was a local volunteer firefighter, and i served in the military. I ws even an MP ( Military Police). no criminal record and I carry concealed weapon and every once in awhile open carry. On this one beautiful summer day while riding my motorcycle (Harley) down the road I stopped at a traffic light at this busy intersection and I heard a faint noise like little ducklings. I looked around and those two ladies standing by a bus. And then I saw a ull grown duck standing by one of their feet. I quickly figured out what happened and when the light changed I quickly spun my bike around. I used my bike to semi block traffic so oncoming cars would slow a bit. as I
    dismounted my bike I said hello to the two ladies and asked if I could be of assistance. They quickly informed me that all the ducklings had fallen into the culvet. I asked them to keep an eye on the traffic. I assessed the situation and I removed the large grate from the drain. one of the ladies explained to me they had called the local police 25 minutes prior and they said they would send somebody right over. Apparentlythey had not arrived. Once I had the great off of the drain I had to lower myself in without stepping on the ducklings it was approximately 6 feet r so down. I am 5’9″ and it was over my head once I was down inside the drain. I proceeded to pull 9 ducklings out of the drain. Mama duck was happy and she quacked and gathered up her young and proceeded along her was. I was still in the drain and the two ladies bgan to thank me. I managed to climb out of the drain and while doing so on lady asked ” are you if a policemen”. As I was still climbing out I replied ” no mame, I am not”. After I said this she mummbled something and almost ran away. The second lady staye and asked if I needed help with he drain grate. It was very heavy but I told her I would be fine. I put the grate back in place and said goodbye to thee concerned lady. She thsnked me again and stated ” I wonder what happened to the police”? This all took about 15 minute plus the 25 original minutes and still no police. Yes just some ducks…This time. It was not until I was getting back on my bike when I realized my jacket had risen up and bunched up over my pistol on my hip. This is why the first lady took off so abruptly. So the moral is even if you are doing something good some people can only see your evil gun..

  • Keith Kravitz October 27, 2014, 9:45 am

    I was a local volunteer firefighter, and i served in the military. I ws even an MP ( Military Police). no criminal record and I carry concealed weapon and every once in awhile open carry. On this one beautiful summer day while riding my motorcycle (Harley) down the road I stopped at a traffic light at this busy intersection and I heard a faint noise like little ducklings. I looked around and those two ladies standing by a bus. And then I saw a ull grown duck standing by one of their feet. I quickly figured out what happened and when the light changed I quickly spun my bike around. I used my bike to semi block traffic so oncoming cars would slow a bit. as I
    dismounted my bike I said hello to the two ladies and asked if I could be of assistance. They quickly informed me that all the ducklings had fallen into the culvet. I asked them to keep an eye on the traffic. I assessed the situation and I removed the large grate from the drain. one of the ladies explained to me they had called the local police 25 minutes prior and they said they would send somebody right over. Apparentlythey had not arrived. Once I had the great off of the drain I had to lower myself in without stepping on the ducklings it was approximately 6 feet r so down. I am 5’9″ and it was over my head once I was down inside the drain. I proceeded to pull 9 ducklings out of the drain. Mama duck was happy and she quacked and gathered up her young and proceeded along her was. I was still in the drain and the two ladies bgan to thank me. I managed to climb out of the drain and while doing so on lady asked ” are you if a policemen”. As I was still climbing out I replied ” no mame, I am not”. After I said this she mummbled something and almost ran away. The second lady staye and asked if I needed help with he drain grate. It was very heavy but I told her I would be fine. I put the grate back in place and said goodbye to thee concerned lady. She thsnked me again and stated ” I wonder what happened to the police”? This all took about 15 minute plus the 25 original minutes and still no police. Yes just some ducks…This time. It was not until I was getting back on my bike when I realized my jacket had risen up and bunched up over my pistol on my hip. This is why the first lady took off so abruptly. So the moral is even if you are doing something good some people can only see your evil gun..

    • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 11:03 am

      And this is because unschooled folks as to firearms being a tool see them as dangerous; “My people perish for a lack of knowledge”.
      It used to be not long ago this was common knowledge as most folks came from or were children of those that grew up in
      the country.
      But the majority now living the cities and urban areas have NO BACKGROUND in the need for and logical use of firearms let alone the history and usefulness of firearms every day somewhere by citizens to stop or prevent crimes/criminals or tyranny ~!

  • James October 27, 2014, 9:43 am

    In my opinion, part of the reason to get a concealed carry permit is so that no one knows you are carrying. In other words keep it a secret. Don’t let the liberal neighbors or the criminals know you have it until you have to use it.

    • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 10:53 am

      Which would mean it starts at home with your children being taught + are privy to keep family business totally private ~!

    • Russ October 29, 2014, 11:23 am

      (exactly James)…..But then we wouldn’t have anything to talk about…….(oh!)

    • dirtsailor67 February 17, 2017, 7:24 am

      You mean the way that we keep our military hidden away and do not allow our enemies to know that we have a standing army? Keep it a secret? What the fuck are you talking about? I would rather have everyone know that I was armed. It will then help deter them from making a big mistake in my presence.

  • Terry October 27, 2014, 9:16 am

    All I can say is:


    The sooner this woman learns this, the better off her and her children will be.

  • Guy October 27, 2014, 7:48 am

    Actually I believe all high school students be required to take a gun safety coarse. Also participate in a state execution of a murderer. Once graduated mandatory enrollment in military for not less then two years. Upon that. They would be a full citizen.

    • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 10:50 am

      Well said….and further no voting til this is complete- AND a basic passing of a questionnaire as to OUR History
      and the Founding documents, or why bother; ie- You must pass a written test to even get to the Road Test to drive a car ~!

  • PudbertSavannahGA October 27, 2014, 7:12 am

    “Since we don’t have a way to stop him, we felt it was important to notify the neighborhood and the parents that there is an armed man in their presence,”

    SHOULD read:
    “Since we don’t have a way to stop him, we felt it was important to notify the neighborhood and the parents that there is a man that is exercising his CONSTITUTION 2nd Amendment RIGHT in their presence,”

    • Russ October 29, 2014, 11:17 am

      Or…”Since we don’t have anyway to stop him, we thought we might go back to school and learn history under his gaurd. Then approach him and find out how we could all join the NRA, so as to be enlightened to our God given enaliable rights like the 2nd amendment.”

  • william massi jr U.S.M.C. RET' October 27, 2014, 5:43 am

    This Is How This World Goes BAD.. When, Some One Like Her, Has To Much Time On Her Hand’s.YES. She voted , For OBAMA. And If She could Do It Again, She Will. To Bad. If She Would Go To School And Learn What Is The Right Thing To Do . She Will Not Do That. TO MUCH TIME ON HER HAND’S. Thank GOD, For Guy’s Like Him. Keep Up The Good Job, And Go Out With That GUN On You’r Wast. So No One can See It. BUT. Be Ready. IT IS COMING . GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

    • Jim October 28, 2014, 1:51 am

      OK…I am a gun collector. I am a CCW License holder. I am an ex cop. Always have been, always will be. I voted for Obama. Not for his gun control agenda, but for his social agenda that proposes that rich people should give their fair share to our truly lopsided economy. Now…I think that the “body politic” supports gun ownership despite their political leanings and their blog traffic (check the latest polls). I don’t think there is a liberal in the world that could disarm us as has been done in Australia. It’s simply not possible here considering our past history and our fear of tyranny IMHO. That being said, it bears reasoning that politicians will keep a very light hand on any proposals that seem to limit our 2nd Amendment rights (if for no other reason than votes). So…All of you folks who want to blame every last negative thing that has or has not plagued you since Obama has been president, why don’t you turn out at election time? The U.S. has a dismal voting record of in between 50-60% of registered voters. If you don’t like a liberal agenda, then vote it out, or, vote in those candidates who match your value system. If they win, you win. If they lose, you lose. That’s what our democracy is all about. The great white majority is disappearing daily, and that is a simple fact of demographics (Please refer to the Declaration of Independence, and the word “equal”). Guess what? There are more Latinos and Blacks, and Asians registering to vote every day. There’s nothing you can do about it Bubba! And, don’t be surprised that they are also supporters of the Second Amendment when they aren’t the ones getting shot at! So, quit your bitching, concentrate on keeping free and law abiding citizens provided with our Second Amendment rights, regardless of their racial “profile”….

      • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 10:43 am

        1st of all Jim/ex-cop, WE the USA are not nor ever have been a “democracy”, but OUR Founders severely warned
        us as to why not be one. Your misunderstanding of this and above reasoning makes you a socialist; ie- not a true Patriot.
        Tho you seem understanding of the need for the 2nd-Amendment for personal protection. But that is not why it was 2nd
        in the overarching -BILL of RIGHTS; George Washington put it this way “The 2nd-Amendment is the teeth for the 1st”.

        Socialism Jim, is antithetical to ALL the Bill of Rights as the STATE is then God giving no credence to OUR Declaration of Independence(created equal…by their Creator) which is the foundation of OUR Constitution- which is over-arched by OUR Bill of Rights to ensure these Rights from “The State”.
        And socialism WILL invariably enroach into bypassing and illegal overruling of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” ~!

        • Beast October 29, 2014, 2:47 pm

          ….we, the Republic, for which it stands.

      • tom July 29, 2016, 3:20 pm

        Jim if you voted for that POS Obama then you part of the problem and a direct threat to our rights to bear arms. Please spend more time on liberal sites and don’t sully up this place with your filth.
        Harsh? Yeah, but I’m sick and tired of people like this guy who pretend to be with us yet vote for the enemy. If you don’t think the left has an anti-gun agenda then you are either blind or stupid.

  • DanH October 27, 2014, 4:43 am

    I’d sue her into the ground. Its Libel and not only that, places him in danger…its no-one’s business if he’s legally carrying. I’d own her.

    • Sharon Bohrer October 28, 2014, 6:44 pm

      How is it libel she is telling the truth?

      • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 10:21 am

        In fact he could be shot or put in a bad circumstances by her outing his RIGHT to “Concealed-Carry”,
        or any other scenario by her willfully making what is his decision and RIGHT to privacy public knowledge ~!

      • Russ October 29, 2014, 11:02 am

        Hey Sharon, could I put some truth signs around your town about you with your picture on it?
        Ever heard of ; “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you” ?
        It’s called “The Golden Rule”. Some old guy named Moses came up with it.
        You might want to live by it.
        Sorry for not being PC, but people with views like you are driving me nuts.

        • Dean September 22, 2016, 6:46 pm

          Different guy actually. And quite a bit younger and more recent than Moses. In his native tongue, they call him Yeshua. In English, it’s rendered Jesus.

  • Centurion_Cornelius October 27, 2014, 4:07 am

    Israel had this problem years ago–radical Musloids murdering innocent children at Jewish schools.

    SOLUTION: CCW was instituted ON SCHOOL GROUNDS. Problem solved: not only were parents allowed to carry firearms on school property, BUT the gray-headed grand parents dropping off their precious cargoes as well.

    It was felt to be such a disgrace and dishonor to their Jihad tradition to be “wasted” by an old Jewish CCW grand parent that these murderous school attacks dwindled!

    Can we not learn something from our Jewish Sisters and Brothers who have been facing annihilation for millennia? G-d will not permit his chosen people to perish.

  • Dave October 22, 2014, 11:32 am

    Maybe Kimberly Edson would be more useful to the community if she would make the effort to “out” criminals who are carrying illegal guns.

    • Adrian October 22, 2014, 1:04 pm

      Dave, there were no criminals nearby for Kimberly to out This was all going on in a school zone.
      The signs were clearly posted.

      • Joe McHugh October 27, 2014, 7:12 am

        Dave, you don’t know if there were “no criminals nearby”. Pssst! Criminals conceal their guns so that cops don’t detect them. Matthew Halleck apparently wasn’t all that careful about keeping his handgun out of sight or Kimberly Edson wouldn’t have seen it in the first place. I’m almost sure that Mr. Halleck didn’t walk up and down the street announcing to all of the nearby parents that he had a concealed gun.

        Most schools still have “Gun Free” signs at the entrances. Is there anyone so obtuse that he doesn’t know that these signs attract crazies bent on mass murder? They might be crazy but they are smart enough not to attack a police station, they go to a “shooting gallery” where no one can shoot back.

        Actually, CarlN has a good idea about posting a sign at Kimberly’s house stating that her house is a “gun free” residence.
        Those signs are also magnets for home invaders. She seems to be just dense enough to allow such a sign on her front yard. If Kimberly is really unfortunate, she will be visited by a home invader that doesn’t leave live witnesses. I’m pretty sure that she would have second thoughts about firearms as the killer was cutting the throats of her children right before her eyes. However, she wouldn’t have long to consider her naivete’.

        • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 10:11 am

          Or worse like that poor guy(Petit family ’07) in Cheshire Conn. who tho tied up did escaped but his wife and 2 daughters were beaten, raped and burned alive. Bet not a moment goes by for the rest of his life he doesn’t wish he could “restart” that scenario but with a gun in his hand as that WAS A HOME INVASION.

          Seems any liberal fool of a woman- hearing of this truely horrendous event would rethink her lack of common sense, considering that true evil men(+women) are at large.

          My take is “Cruel+Unusual” is as cruel+unusual does, being fed to crocodiles on live video would be appropriate ~!

      • buzz yooper October 27, 2014, 3:16 pm

        The man is obviously not violating any firearms laws, therefore, he is not carrying a gun in a school zone.

        It is against the law to carry a gun in a school zone. Unless you mean a school bus pickup location, which is not a school zone.

        • William October 27, 2014, 6:32 pm

          In Ohio I am permitted to pick up and drop off my child to school while I carry my firearm, I am licensend to carry conceal, as long as I am only dropping off or picking up, and not getting out of the vehicle. I do make sure I carry concealed meaning it is not visible. My son is used to me carrying my gun, he is now 5 and I started carrying when he was not quite 4, and sometimes does not even notice I am carrying it, but he is trained to notice others carrying a weapon. He has even warned me about others he sees carrying a gun to let me know. The point of this is he is educated. Ignorance breeds all sorts of problems, I agree that this lady posting picture could spend her time in a better way, like one mentioned she should point out the criminals and not the law abiding citizens who carry to protect themselves and their families. Do you think lady may have a different view if someone was threatening her or her family and this man was there with his legally carried weapon and did nothing to protect them because she did not like him carrying his weapon legally? I would not wish any harm to this woman, she just needs to be educated.
          But then again the park I have taken him to has an armed guard there to protect the children while they play.
          That is a true tragedy that there’s an armed guard at the playground, but that is Youngstown, OH. Even an armed guard in McDonald’s after 10pm. It is so bad the guards I know allow me to stay even when the lobby is closed to public, I guess he feels safer and enjoys the company.
          The real world reality is that all law abiding citizens should be familiar with firearms, whether they carry or not, but education is the key to success in anything. My son is educated and has never wanted to hold my weapon, but I have disassembled it to its 4 main components and then let him hold them individually. This did educate him enough to not want to hold it and now knows what a firearm is and that is ” IT IS NOT A TOY AND SHOULD BE TREATED WITH RESPECT”. Also I did ask him how many people have my guns killed and the answer was “NONE”. Unfortunately he knows that my car has killed someone while I was driving it, and I was completely cleared of any wrong doing.
          Cars have killed more people than guns have, though I have not done the research on this bit of info.
          I admit I carry, and would have no problem to use them to protect my family against anyone who would do them harm.
          Admidtly that was a lot to write/read but then again education is not a one liner, it is an important experience, one it seems some have have yet to learn.

  • Slim October 21, 2014, 9:02 pm

    Obamawitch in my opinion.

  • Chris October 21, 2014, 1:07 pm

    She probably voted for Obama, has a “coexist” as well as a “I love Obamacare” bumper sticker on her car and doesn’t even think about the fact that if there was an incident with that gentleman near by that he would not only defend his children, but her children as well. I’m sure she doesn’t put as much energy into policing her neighborhood, giving to the community or to her children’s school as she does trying to crucify this guy. Way to go middle aged liberal woman and if you are married what a lucky guy your husband is. I guess we know who has the 51 percent in that family.

    • Michael E. Hensley October 27, 2014, 4:14 am

      Your comment is not all together correct.
      I voted for Obama
      I have a coexist pin on my Vietnam vet Ball cap
      I vote Liberal Democrat
      Own, carry and use ” 45ACP, Because shooting Twice Seems Silly “

      • Joe McHugh October 27, 2014, 7:45 am

        Michael E. Hensley, you just admitted that you voted for obama and then stated that you also enforce your Second Amendment to keep and bear arms. Pssst! obama is obsessed with registering firearms. Double Pssst! gun registration is the first phase to enable gun confiscation. Otherwise there wouldn’t be any reason to record the firearm identification information on the federal form # 4473.

        Criminals don’t obey any laws, especially gun laws. There are hundreds of gun laws on the Federal and state code books. All of those laws should be repealed and replaced with one law. To wit, it would be illegal to threaten, injure or kill another law-abiding citizen with a firearm.

        Since you voted for obama, you should be able to answer this question. Why does the government want to know about any firearm that a competent, law-abiding adult citizen wishes to buy? I’m not talking about a true background check to discover violent felons or adjudged dangerous psychotics. I’m asking why the government wants to know the serial number of an individual’s firearm.

        And perhaps you might explain why you wear a “coexist pin” on your Vietnam ball cap. If it means that you would coexist with those that seek to abuse your inherent rights that are inscribed in the Bill of Rights, you are indeed, a curious individual.

        • D Hicks October 27, 2014, 10:09 am

          Joe, Hensley admitted a lot of things one thing was left out,he’s from the Vietnam era,so am I.You forgot to mention that he sounds like a hippie.

          • Joe McHugh October 27, 2014, 11:51 am

            D Hicks, I didn’t impugn Hensley’s wearing the “Vietnam Vet ball cap”, because I would never do so for anyone who served in that conflict. Had Kennedy served his full term and won re election, I don’t think that we would have been drawn into Vietnam to the extent that we were.

            Lyndon Johnson had many personal characteristics that were repulsive and he made political decisions that were quite unsound. Two of his worst were getting the United Sates hopelessly entangled in the Hell-hole of Vietnam and his creation of the Great Society initiative.

            But back to Hensley’s post, I cannot fathom why a person who obviously supports the Second Amendment,
            also supports the likes of obama and his acolytes. The Democrat Party has become a front for the believers in Karl Marx’s ideals. One of those ideals is to disarm all but the party hierarchy. The rifle is the pluperfect symbol of liberty and as such, is an impediment to socialism. The liberal elite instinctively understand that the people must not have the means to rise up to defend their inherent rights. Some, but not all, of those rights are inscribed into the Bill of Rights.

            Fear the government that fears your firearms. This point cannot be stressed enough.

        • Allen Lawson March 23, 2018, 11:33 am

          I absolutely loved your post. Well said . I to an a nam vet but damn sure have no coexist pin on my hat. My pins say Quant – Tri The Rockpile and Alpha -2 . I think mr hensley is full of crap but don’t mean nothing . Just another liberal

      • Tom G October 27, 2014, 3:16 pm

        Mike Hensley, by any chance are you of the black persuasion ? That would explain your Liberal democratic stance & vote for Obama.

      • Russ October 28, 2014, 3:30 pm

        Your politically on the wrong side or lying to us.
        And don’t blame your lack of education on head trauma.
        You better wake up from your dream, or your future carry weapon will be a stick.

        • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 9:53 am

          …..”carry weapon will be a stick”…….
          probably not -> as it will also be regulated then if too heavy, long or some other hazardous anomaly
          that’s evident to “authorities” or a neighbor; whereupon it’ll be seized- and charges with fines will apply ~!

      • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 9:18 am

        If your marksmanship is no better than your positions then your totally and completely ineffective. Wake up Mike ~!

  • Carl N October 20, 2014, 11:30 pm

    I would find out where she lives and place a sign in her yard saying to potential thieves this person living here hates guns, therefore there probably is not a gun in her home .

    • Tom Owen October 27, 2014, 10:05 am

      Amen! These people are insane and will deserve the “secure” state they get, a la 1933~1945 Germany!

    • dink winkerson October 27, 2014, 12:55 pm

      Sad thing is, your idea would be a criminal offense. Not saying I wouldn’t think on the same lines.

    • Buzz Yooper October 27, 2014, 3:12 pm

      Actually, he could put a sign in his own yard saying that the family living at such and such address did not own any firearms and did not believe in self defense and likely would not do anything to hinder a burglary.

    • Russ October 28, 2014, 3:34 pm

      Carl, the whole time I was reading I was thinking the same as you.
      A simple “gun free zone” sign on her perimeter would suffice

    • Sharon Bohrer October 28, 2014, 6:38 pm

      That is really not a good idea just because she doesn’t like guns does not give you the right to put her life and the lives of her family in jeopardy. I understand her view but I also understand his I own a gun in my home and would not hesitate to use it if my family was in danger.

      • Joe McHugh October 28, 2014, 10:07 pm

        Sharon Bohrer, I am well trained with my licensed .45 apc semi-automatic pistol, and I can out score many of the police personnel who shoot targets at our gun club range. How would I be a danger to a mother like Kimberly Edson and her family?
        Another question: If you and your children were attacked on your way to school or any other public place, how would you protect yourself with a firearm that is kept in your home?

        Some people, especially liberals, consider other competent, law-abiding citizens to be a danger simply because they choose to enforce their Second Amendment right to keep and bear, (carry), arms. I think that I can help such people cope with their trepidation about concealed handguns in public. Consider writing, on a sheet of tablet paper, all of the worries and misgivings being felt about the concealed gun that a competent, law-abiding citizen might carry. Then roll that sheet of paper in a tight curl and stick it in your ear. Walk around in public like that, so the righteous people will know just who would infringe on their constitutional rights. You could always explain your appearance by saying that the thing in your ear calls attention to your wrongheaded concerns. I’m almost sure that you will garner the attention that you seek.

        • Ted October 29, 2014, 3:30 am

          Joe, that wasn’t Sharon’s point. You missed it.

          • Joe McHugh October 30, 2014, 1:01 pm

            Ted, thank you for the advice. I reread Sharon’s post but I am still unsure about her point.
            Sharon seemed to be making the point that a competent, law-abiding adult citizen did not have the right to put other people in jeopardy by carrying a concealed firearm. I’m not sure how anyone can be concerned about concealed firearms because they really don’t know who might be carrying them, or, indeed, if ANYONE nearby is actually carrying one. Here is a question for both Kimberly Edson and Sharon Bohrer. Exactly how does
            Mr. Halleck’s firearm “….put her life and the lives of her family in jeopardy”?
            I have carried my 9mm semi-automatic pistol out of sight since 1966, in the cities and towns of upstate New York and I have somehow managed not to create mayhem or cause injury or death to a single person. I think this has something to do with my being a law-abiding person but that’s just a guess.

            Sharon does admit to keeping a gun in her home that she would use for self-defense. Why does she think that Mr. Halleck does not deserve to have that same right to self-defense when he is in public? I’m almost positive that there are one or two violent felons and crazies walking free and not confined under close supervision.

            This is the thing, Kimberly Edson enforces her First Amendment right to communicate her concerns in a public manner, while simultaneously criticizing the right of another law-abiding citizen to enforce his Second Amendment right to carry a firearm. I respect Ms. Edson constitutional right to shoot her mouth off about anything that comes to her mind. In fact I’ll use my First Amendment right to say that she is obviously obtuse and therefore unable to understand all of the intents of the Bill of Rights.

            I respect Ms. Edson’s right to be a dullard and I hope that her condition is not impacting on her personal life too much. I’ll reserve my opinion about Ms. Bohrer because she didn’t explain her post in detail.

        • Russ October 29, 2014, 10:35 am

          Great idea Joe!
          And if the list is long she might want to stuff it in a larger orifice.

    • mtman2 October 29, 2014, 9:14 am

      Took the words out of my head and mouth -> but likely also true Halleck would probably be up for helping Edson if she needed
      “a-good guy with a gun”.
      And further if he stopped a school shooting by a nut Edson would have to concede being thankful, if confronted by the press ~!

    • Daniel Fedko January 4, 2015, 9:15 am

      I hope that woman gets her ass lawsuited .

    • murphysgun January 13, 2015, 8:32 am

      When these things happen, I would only hope that the NRA takes action and wipes the floor with them.

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