$35 Glock Rebuild! (Recommended Every 20,000 Rounds)

(Editor’s note: The video above contains language that may be NSFW)

Reliability is the cornerstone upon which the Glock name was built and I don’t dispute that for a second.  But the mythos surrounding Glock’s near indestructibility is overblown.  Yes, I said it.

The truth is that anything mechanical will wear out.  I don’t care if it is a Toyota pickup truck made with Kalashnikov parts.  It will eventually breakdown.

Recognizing this is important because, as we say in military circles, a good way to get yourself killed is to start believing your own bullshit.  Your Glock is not invincible.  It is not made of unobtanium.  Like you, it is fallible.


 Glock Rebuild! (Recommended Every 20,000 Rounds)

Parts cost about $35 new from Brownells.



 Glock Rebuild! (Recommended Every 20,000 Rounds)

I recommend replacing them every 20,000 to 30,000 rounds.


Now, I am not doubting that the Glock is the toughest handgun ever built.  Those who’ve read my previous work know that I’m #TeamGlock — all the way. But what I am telling you is that it is a good idea to replace some internal parts after sustained usage.  You know, you need to give your polymer prince some TLC.

In the video above, you’ll see a maintenance regimen I developed and followed on my way to a 250,000-round Glock 34. Today’s instruction is what I found is needed between 20,000 and 30,000 rounds. The awesome part of this rebuild is that it’ll only cost you 35 bucks (I know I said $10 in the video. But when I actually priced them out on Brownells they cost a bit more when purchased individually. I tend to buy in bulk.)

About the author: Clay Martin served in two branches of service, the USMC and the Army. In Mother Corps, he was in the infantry, a Scout/ Sniper, and a Recon Marine. In the Army, he was a Green Beret with the 3rd Special Forces Group. He retired in 2013.

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  • JonnyV March 6, 2017, 12:19 pm

    there are 2 other critical parts that you need to always keep in hand, since these seem to fail periodically

    Trigger Spring Coil
    Slide Lock Spring

  • Kivaari March 3, 2017, 8:47 pm

    Woah, This guy starts out making a huge mistake on getting the trigger pin out. To correctly get the trigger pin out one first moves the slide stop so the hole lines up and is not stuck in the groove on the trigger pin. You should not need to hit it with a hammer. Put your punch on the pin, apply pressure while you move the slide stop around. When the slide stop comes out of the groove, the pin will shove through. After watching this guy beat on the pin and then say the pin looks bad, I had to stop. I’ll watch the whole thing, but seriously, the very first pin movement was done with brute force where no brute force is used. It comes out hard only if you are doing it wrong, like here.

  • Pat J March 3, 2017, 5:44 pm

    I replace recoil spring assemblies in my G20 and G30 every 10,000 rounds or so. My G21 goes longer. I’ve broken two RSAs before. But I also change the synthetic oil in my old Powerstroke every 5,000 miles. Probably overkill. Regards.

  • Somegunguy March 3, 2017, 4:08 pm

    Where can I get one of these, “Toyota made with kalashnikov parts”? Oh baby!

  • Robb Walker March 3, 2017, 11:39 am

    I can only comment on my own experience with Glocks. I purchased a 26 in 1994. Conservatively I have put roughly 50,000 + rounds through it and the only thing I have replaced are the night sights, twice because they dimmed after a decade each. Otherwise it is completely original. I attended my first Glock armory school in 1996.

  • Hiram Holland March 3, 2017, 11:15 am

    Great stuff and very informative but brighter lighting would have greatly helped seeing what was being done.

  • Tom Benton March 3, 2017, 9:15 am

    If you can not make a valid point without profanity, you have a poor command of the english language. If you want to give the anti gun crowd some ammunition, making profanity a part of every gun blog is a great way. Clean it up !

  • Paul Franklin March 3, 2017, 7:01 am

    I would like to add if your a Glock owner and a GSSF member they usually have a Glock factory armorer on site at there shoots they will go thru your weapon and refresh with factory parts .

    • Robert Howard March 4, 2017, 8:41 am

      Oh, please, and for fuck’s sake. Profanity is hardly needed to give the anti-gun crowd ammunition. Simply existing gives them ammunition, so if you’re too much of a candy-ass to be able to take hearing a few F-bombs, this is probably not the gun reviewer you need to be watching, princess.

      • bob white March 4, 2017, 7:25 pm

        must be a want to be English teach

  • DS March 3, 2017, 6:10 am

    There’s no need/place for a hammer or pliers in proper Glock disassembly/assembly, regardless of how new or dirty the pistol is. Removal of the trigger pin requires movement of the slide stop lever, NEVER use of a hammer. Having said that, the message of the article is spot on.

    • judgecrater March 3, 2017, 5:04 pm

      Exactly. You NEVER have to use a hammer on your Glock, old or new. If you think you do, you don’t understand what holds the pin in.

  • Paul Franklin March 3, 2017, 5:53 am

    It’s good advice because let’s remember the old adage the life you save may be your own …

  • Altoid March 3, 2017, 3:44 am

    Finally! An article about something that most of us can afford and use.
    It seems most are about $3000 bolt action rifles or $2000 handguns built for some impractical caliber that a total of 3 people in the world actually have a use for.

  • Will Drider March 3, 2017, 1:26 am

    I understand personal preference based on your experience may influence what parts you preventatively change. On the other side, Glock has parts replacement intervals (and liability lawyers, lol). Glock recommends more parts changed at much shorter intervals. Both want it to go bang on demand. Glocks intervals can’t be driven by sales because as a armorer I’ve waited months for direct parts!

    Is that a new barrel or are you using some new witches brew lube? The exterior finishs on my Glock barrels are well worn by 3K rounds.

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