Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper’s Story

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
On the surface, this just looks like some GI with a really nice Vietnam-era sniper rifle. To the VC in the Mekong Delta, however, SSG Bert Waldron was so much more.

“Many GIs in Vietnam thought the night belonged to the enemy, but in the Mekong Delta, darkness belonged to Bert Waldron.” –Major John Plaster

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
Fear in wartime is a profoundly powerful weapon. It invariably shapes the affairs of men.

Think back to the last time you felt truly frustrated and helpless. At some point in their lives, everybody finds themselves in circumstances utterly beyond their control. It’s a terrifying sensation. 

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
These guys were some extraordinarily effective fighters until it got dark and SSG Bert Waldron went out hunting with his night vision-enabled M21 sniper rifle.

Perhaps you were the subject of bullying. Maybe you were a little kid and got lost. For the Vietcong in the Mekong Delta in 1969, the engine behind their nightmares was SSG Bert Waldron.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
What began as a source of refuge and solitude from chaos eventually became a home of sorts for a young Bert Waldron.

SSG Waldron was a broken man imbued with a dark gift. Born in Syracuse, New York, in 1933, Waldron came of age amidst chaos and despair. The product of a dysfunctional home, young Bert despised his stepfather. This antipathy drove the kid into the nearby forest in search of peace and solitude. There Bert Waldron came to think of the wilderness as home. 

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
The most successful sniper of the Vietnam War got his introduction to military service in a place like this.

Bert Waldron’s life could be a case study of the effects of nature versus nurture. By his 23rd birthday, the man had been married three times. His unique emotional milieu apparently made him all but impossible to live with. Waldron enlisted in the US Navy and served during the Korean War. He left the Navy in 1965 after twelve years to try his hand at civilian life.  

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
Don’t let the youthful demeanor fool you. These guys were stone-cold killers.

With the country embroiled in an increasingly bitter land war in Southeast Asia and life out of uniform not to his liking, Waldron enlisted again, this time in the Army. He completed Basic Training at Fort Benning and five months later was in Vietnam.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
The most successful US sniper in Vietnam had a mere eighteen days in a place like this to learn the rudiments of his craft.

Waldron’s prior service in the Navy earned him Staff Sergeant’s stripes, but he still had very little experience with practical soldiering. Once in country, SSG Waldron attended a brief eighteen-day sniper course taught by members of the Army Marksmanship Unit. I don’t know exactly what they taught during those two and one-half weeks, but it took. In short order, SSG Bert Waldron became a holy terror behind a sniper rifle.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
These hulking Tango Boats also served as proper mobile sniping platforms.

SSG Waldron was assigned to the 3d Battalion, 60th Infantry, Regiment, 9th Infantry Division under LTG Julian Ewell. Operating in close conjunction with the Navy’s Mobile Riverine Force, SSG Waldron and his fellow snipers cruised the murky waterways of the Mekong looking for trouble. Waldron’s prior service as a sailor made him a perfect fit for this joint operation with the Brown Water Navy. More often than not Waldron staged onboard ATC’s or Armored Troop Carriers. These heavily armed and armored riverine vessels were called Tango Boats and offered US forces a prickly platform for operations throughout the myriad shallow waterways of the Mekong Delta. 

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
Tourists pay money to visit the Mekong Delta today. Back in the 1960s, this idyllic piece of jungle was a killing ground.

The Mekong was heavily populated and teeming with VC. Charlie typically played to his own strengths, conducting many operations under cover of darkness when American air power and artillery support could not be readily brought to bear. Then Bert Waldrop and his snipers hit the battlefield with high-tech sniper rifles equipped with starlight scopes. The result was unfettered carnage.

War Stories

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
In addition to a few basic technical skills, a successful sniper needs courage, patience, and audacity. Bert Waldron had these gifts in spades.

It takes unimaginable courage to strike out alone into the jungle in the middle of a firefight, but that was exactly Bert Waldron’s forte. In January of 1969, Waldron and his unit came under intense night attack by a force of forty well-armed VC. When his unit found itself in danger of being overrun SSG Waldron pressed out into the jungle alone to hunt. Using his accurized M21 sniper rifle and AN-PVS-2 starlight scope he could spot the enemy maneuvering in the deep foliage and pick them off as opportunity allowed. During the course of the engagement, SSG Waldron savaged the attacking force and broke the back of the assault. This fight earned him a Bronze Star with “V” device.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
The accurized M21 sniper rifle fitted with the AN/PVS-2 starlight scope represented the absolute state of the art in precision night sniper systems during the Vietnam War.

Three nights later SSG Waldron discovered a large VC force moving tactically. He tracked the enemy unit using his night vision system until he gained an advantageous position to attack. SSG Waldron then sniped and maneuvered, engaging from various angles to convince the VC they were facing a larger, more organized force. Three hours later he had killed eleven of the Cong and forced them to leave the field. This night’s work earned him the Silver Star.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
Thanks to SSG Waldron and his fellow snipers the VC no longer owned the night.

Eight days later SSG Waldron and his spotter were set up near Ben Tre scanning the darkness around their rice paddy with their starlight equipment. They encountered a seventeen-man VC patrol and took out their lead scout as he emerged from the treeline. Calls for artillery support were denied because of a nearby friendly village. At a range of more than 500 meters and under cover of darkness SSG Waldron killed eight VC with eight rounds from his sniper rifle. The surviving members of the VC combat patrol melted back into the jungle to safety.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
This skinny little guy was a holy terror on the VC.

Four days after that SSG Waldron was deployed in support of an ARVN unit in contact. He discovered a group of six VC attempting to outflank the ARVNs and gain a position of advantage. SSG Waldron then meticulously killed all six of the insurgents, picking them off one by one in the darkness with his sniper rifle and night vision gear.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
The Distinguished Service Cross is the Army’s second highest award for gallantry. SSG Bert Waldron earned one twice.

In one nineteen-day period, SSG Bert Waldron conducted fourteen successful nocturnal sniper operations. For his dedication, valor, and ruthlessness he was awarded his first Distinguished Service Cross. By now the VC were beginning to appreciate that horrible feeling of helplessness. Where previously they could move and operate in the darkness with relative impunity, now SSG Waldron and his snipers brought death from unexpected quarters. Their efforts began to take a toll.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
SSG Bert Waldron just had a gift for the dark art of military sniping.

SSG Waldron’s effectiveness as a sniper clearly spawned from some innate skill. He had only had eighteen days’ worth of formal sniper training. During one engagement a VC sniper was peppering a passing Tango Boat from the top of a coconut tree some 900 meters distant. While the boat’s crew struggled to find the hidden sniper with their heavy crew-served weapons, SSG Waldron killed the man with a single round from his M21 rifle…while the boat was in motion. The Physics behind making a one-round kill from a moving boat against a camouflaged adversary nearly a kilometer distant strains credulity. However, the details were verified. 

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
SSG Waldron’s combat record stood until it was broken during the Global War on Terror by Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle.

For these and similar actions SSG Waldron was awarded his second Distinguished Service Cross. Waldron’s reputation exploded among both Allied forces and the Cong, earning him the respectful nickname Daniel Boone. After eight months in country, the 9th ID rotated home and SSG Waldron with them. By the time he left Vietnam Bert Waldron had 109 confirmed kills, fully 12% of all the kills logged by all of the division’s snipers. Until Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle broke his record in 2006, SSG Bert Waldron was the deadliest American sniper in history.

The Weapon

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
The M14 would have been earth-shattering in WW2. By Vietnam the design was already badly dated.

The Army adopted the M14 rifle as a replacement for the WW2-era M1 Garand in 1959. A gas-operated, magazine-fed design, the M14 really reflected the previous generation’s technology. At 44 inches long the M14 was found to be unduly bulky for the bitter close-range jungle fighting that characterized the war in Vietnam. By the mid-1960’s the M14 was being replaced in SE Asia by the lighter, more maneuverable M16.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
The M21 began life as an accurized National Match version of the M14 service rifle.

The US Army is indeed a majestically cumbersome beast. In 1955 the US Army Marksmanship Training Unit (USAMTU) embarked on a quest to incorporate snipers into the Infantry squad. In the malaise of the early 1960s, this initiative was discontinued. However, the exigencies of combat in Vietnam renewed interest in the art. That exposed the need for a dedicated precision sniper rifle.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
The approaches to sniper rifles by the Army and Marine Corps were fairly disparate. The Army’s M21 offered 20 rounds of on-demand semiautomatic firepower.

While the Marines were using modified bolt-action hunting rifles, the Army contracted with Rock Island Armory to build up 1,435 National Match M14 rifles with Redfield 3-9x Adjustable Ranging Telescope (ART) sights. The ART was the brainchild of 2LT James Leatherwood and included both range finding and bullet drop compensation in its mechanism. This new rifle was formally designated the XM21 and first issued in 1969. An improved version with a fiberglass stock was classified the M21 in 1975 and served until 1988 when it was replaced by the bolt-action M24.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
The AN/PVS-2 starlight scope offered unprecedented capabilities to the sniper hunting at night.

The AN/PVS-2 starlight scope was the first truly successful man-portable passive night vision weapon sight fielded by the US Army. This device amplified ambient starlight to produce a usable image in the absence of an active IR emitter. While such stuff is commonplace today, it was radical indeed in 1967 when it was first deployed to Vietnam. When combined with the early SIONICS suppressors fielded in 1969 the AN/PVS-2 offered American snipers a literally unprecedented capacity to own the night in Vietnam. 

The Rest of the Story

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
Bert Waldron struggled to find his niche in civilian life. Here he is seen on the left instructing at Mitch WerBell’s paramilitary training school in Georgia.

Like so many true professional warriors, Bert Waldron found himself ill-suited to peacetime life at home. He served as a senior instructor for the US Army Marksmanship Training Unit (USAMTU) until his discharge in 1970. Along the way he met Mitch WerBell III through the commander of the USAMTU, COL Robert Bayard. and accepted a position as a counter-sniper advisor with Cobray International, WerBell’s weird creepy paramilitary training school in Georgia. 

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
Mitch WerBell was one serious piece of work. We have explored his story here at GunsAmerica before.

Mitch WerBell dabbled in overthrowing third world governments for a time and made quite a few enemies along the way. In 1975 COL Bayard was found murdered outside an Atlanta shopping mall. His killer was never apprehended. Throughout it all Bert Waldron’s name was a persistent fixture.

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
Bert Waldron was by all accounts a profoundly committed patriot and a truly exceptional soldier.

For the next two decades, Waldron worked in the shadows, plying the dark skills he mastered in Vietnam into a livelihood. Along the way his final marriage self-destructed and he was investigated by the FBI. In October of 1995, Bert Waldron died of a heart attack at age 62. His ex-wife Betty said this of him, “Bert was a wonderful soldier. He loved his country, he would have died for his country, but he had a lot of problems as a human being.”

Bert Waldron: Nature versus Nurture, A Sniper's Story
Our great republic cannot prevail without such men as Bert Waldron.

Bert Waldron was a “Break Glass in Case of War” type of soldier. America desperately needs such men. It is simply figuring out what to do with them when the bullets aren’t flying that seems to be the perennial challenge.

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  • Da Perch April 19, 2022, 9:10 am

    Thank you for writing this Article. We appreciate such great patriots who’ve contributed to the cause of Freedom and Liberty. 62nd Engineers, 13th Cos Com, 13th Support. US Army.

    • K Waldron March 7, 2024, 1:23 pm

      HI! I am wondering where you got all of this information from?! Bert was my Grandfather and I have been digging for a couple of years now and this is probably the most extensive write up I’ve come across!

  • Doug April 18, 2022, 9:07 pm

    Until I read this article, I only had one Vietnam era sniper hero-Carlos Hathcock. Now I have two. Thank you so much, Mr. Dabbs.

  • John Boutwell April 18, 2022, 6:17 pm

    Another good story well done.

  • Frank April 18, 2022, 9:56 am

    Thank you Will, for your continued efforts to highlight the warriors who have defended our Constitution and the rights spelled out therein. Considering the changes we’ve undergone by allowing Marxist liberals to highjack our education system, we may soon need “Break Glass in Case of Socialist Oligarchy” soldiers.

  • D.J. April 18, 2022, 9:34 am

    Again , a great article Mr. Dabbs .
    I do look forward to your submissions to GAD .
    Everyone has their favorite firearm , mine is the M-14 . I have used mine
    in competition , just a pleasant day at the range , and even in hunting situations .
    A delightful shooter , a robust rifle , and a symbol of American ingenuity , the M-14
    ( M1A ) holds a special place in my heart .
    Thanks to ALL members serving in Vietnam , Republic of , for the service to our Country .
    My late Father served there in 1962 -63 , and all of our family were very proud of him .

  • Richard April 18, 2022, 8:20 am

    Great article Dr. Dabbs.

  • Dana Cawthon April 18, 2022, 6:57 am

    I was fortunate to meet and become friends with MSGT (Retired) Gerald “Hook” Boutin, who worked at SAMTU the entire length of the M21 development and was NCOIC there upon his retirement. Hook told me many stories of working with men like Waldron, especially when they adapted the night scope to the M21 and began using it over the rice paddies of Vietnam at night. According to him they were so successful that the Army prohibited them from documenting official body counts during one month of operations. I have 3 cherished M1A’s accurized by “Old Hook”, and enjoyed many shooting sessions with the small in stature but huge American patriot and WW2 vet.

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