The Sharps Bros. company has been hard at work developing new versions of their Hellbreaker, Jack and Warthog lower receivers.
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Sharps Bros. Showcasing Gen2 AR-15 Lowers and Teasing New Uppers
Updated: November 17, 2017 { 4 comments }Epoxy AR-15 Mold Ghost Gun Kit – Clay Eats Some Crow!
Updated: July 21, 2017 { 62 comments }There are a few places to purchase the kits, but provides a kit for molding a lower receiver in any color. And thus, began our mold pouring journey. I started this process extremely skeptical. However, I have yet to see an AR lower made of anything besides aluminum or carbon fiber that lasts.
Faxon Introducing Match Series Barrels, also New Barrels from BAD
Updated: June 23, 2017 { 2 comments }Faxon Firearms and Battle Arms Development are adding new match grade .223 Wylde, 9mm, 300 BLK and .308 Win. barrels to their catalogs.
Check out this Post-Apocalyptic AR Build!
Updated: June 7, 2017 { 12 comments }Thanks to Arfcom’s Raider14 the world now has a post-apocalyptic-themed AR rated to withstand up to 10 megatons of Road Warrior-grade ass kicking.
USSOCOM Chooses M-LOK Modular Rail System
Updated: April 1, 2017 { 10 comments }After rigorous testing, the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM or SOCOM) has selected the M-LOK modular rail system for future weapon systems.
Clay: Why Mil-Spec AR Triggers Suck, And How To Fix ’Em
Updated: November 18, 2016 { 64 comments }For my money, the only two parts of the gun that actually matter are the barrel and the trigger. (Optics, I consider to be a completely different discussion.) The barrel is the only part that really actually matters for accuracy, and the trigger is the most important part for how you interface with that barrel.
Hera Arms’ New FN P90-Style PDW AR Accessories
Updated: November 2, 2016 { 23 comments }Tactical firearms and accessory manufacturer Hera Arms is working on a new set of FN P90-inspired stocks and grips for AR-15 rifles and SBRs.
$489 Complete Delton Parts Kit – Clay Builds an AR Receiver Gun – (Deal of the Week)
Updated: October 30, 2016 { 32 comments }This week, on adventures in amateur gunsmithing, we acquired a basic M4 Carbine-style AR kit for a DIY AR build project. The kit comes with a complete upper receiver and a lower parts kit. All you need to supply is a lower receiver.So, come with us on this DIY journey on home building our own AR!
SquareDrop by AAC: KeyMod Compatible Honey Badger Handguards
Updated: September 21, 2016 { 1 comment }The Advanced Armament Corp. is launching a new standard for their in-house handguards called SquareDrop, based on the open-source KeyMod standard.
Gear Review: Streamlight ProTac Dual Fuel Multi-Battery Lights
Updated: September 18, 2016 { 9 comments }Streamlight’s got a handy lineup of small, versatile and light flashlights and weaponlights that run off multiple power sources called the ProTac series.