Policies that disarm the public, even incrementally, disarm Jewish People and are unacceptable, says JPFO.
Alan Korwin
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Why Background Checks Are A Lie: Stopping Psychos and Gun Checks Are Unrelated
Published: January 23, 2020 Updated: January 23, 2020Anti-gun-rights crusaders keep calling for new and improved background checks. You know why. They dance in the blood of victims, using tragedy to manipulate for their goals. It’s what they do. Bottom line, they don’t want checks, they want all the guns.
JPFO: AR-15, AK-47 Confiscation a Total Fraud
Published: November 19, 2019 Updated: November 19, 2019While people in mass media on the left and right continue to harp about proposed confiscations, forced “buybacks,” sales bans and contrabanding AR-15s and AK-47s, there is no way either party or any candidate can attack those guns in isolation.
Korwin: Self-Defense Doesn’t Match The Fantasy
Published: July 29, 2019 Updated: July 29, 2019Or would it? When you read about the trials and tribulations following a self-defense shooting, it makes your blood run cold. It’s not fair.
JPFO: Crowded Democrat’s Presidential Field Offers No Pro-Gun-Rights Candidates
Published: July 23, 2019 Updated: July 23, 2019Voters get no choice–Only government agents to be properly armed; No limit to officials’ firepower, or raw power. “Media is not woke on this issue”
Korwin: The Great Secret Anti-Gunners Don’t See, Can’t See or Won’t see
Published: February 19, 2019 Updated: February 19, 2019This whole concealed carry thing is about being ready to shoot someone. Let’s not sugarcoat it in any way: You get a sidearm (or a dozen) and take at least minimal training (hopefully), or, better yet, lifelong training. And for what? So you know how to safely and accurately shoot someone, or a bunch of someones, if the need properly arises. Our laws back us up.
Korwin: Is Trump True on Media Truth?
Published: September 6, 2018 Updated: September 6, 2018We buy about nine billion rounds of ammo every year because guns are fun, the number two participant sport in the nation. The media’s claim that they are honest and fair is nonsense.
Korwin: How to Manipulate a Gun Poll
Published: August 30, 2018 Updated: August 30, 2018“If they took all the guns away the world would be a safer place.”
Korwin: Here’s Why You Need Oppose Universal Background Checks
Published: June 4, 2018 Updated: June 4, 2018The only thing the background check does effectively is collect the names of innocent Americans who buy constitutionally protected products, that create a balance of power between the public and the government.
Korwin: How to Ban the AR-15
Published: April 26, 2018 Updated: April 26, 2018Banning the AR-15, America’s Rifle, as media-promoted child “survivors” are trying to force upon this great nation, is not only a bad idea, it’s illegal — infringement — and as a practical matter, it’s hard.