CCRKBA Challenges Maryland: Shift Focus From Gun Owners to Actual Criminals

Here’s how local media is covering this development.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is taking a firm stand against Maryland’s new gun control proposal, Senate Bill 488, slamming it for targeting gun owners and dealers rather than criminals.

Alan Gottlieb, CCRKBA Chairman, pulls no punches in criticizing the so-called Gun Industry Accountability Act, and Gov. Wes Moore’s claims that this law could curb criminal activity.

Gottlieb calls these assertions “borderline preposterous” and deems the idea of setting up a Center for Firearm Violence Prevention as a pipe dream that’s more about bureaucracy than actual crime fighting.

Gottlieb spotlights the disconnect between Maryland’s strong gun laws and its high homicide rate, citing the state’s ranking of eighth for gun law strength juxtaposed with its 14th place in homicides in 2022, with over 500 reported slayings.

He advocates for targeting criminals directly with measures like Three Strikes and Hard Time for Armed Crime, rather than penalizing law-abiding citizens and the gun industry.

The proposed legislation, according to Gottlieb, does little more than shift blame from criminals to the firearms industry and gun owners.

“This new legislation creates the illusion that something is being done about violent crime involving guns,” he stated. “Instead, it merely shifts the blame away from the criminal and onto the shoulders of those in the firearms industry, and ultimately the honest Free State gun owners, who haven’t harmed anyone. There’s nothing fair, productive or morally right about that philosophy.

He challenges Governor Moore and like-minded Democrats to stop scapegoating gun owners and manufacturers and to start focusing on the actual perpetrators of violent crimes.

“It is already illegal for people, especially students, to have guns at schools,” he observed. “It’s already illegal to shoot people, commit armed robberies or carjackings, and carry guns without a permit, yet the criminal element in Maryland keeps doing those things with impunity. Passing laws that punish the wrong people is a failed strategy, and it’s time to try something else.”

In short, Gottlieb’s message to lawmakers: focus on the criminals, not the law-abiding citizens.

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  • Jim February 2, 2024, 2:50 pm

    Gov. Wes Moore’s claims that this law, “Gun Industry Accountability Act” could curb criminal activity. I have news for him, all that will due is open up a shit pile. That is when the car manufacturers, the alcohol industry, and any other manufacturers product that when misused causes harm to anyone will be held liable. When mom cuts her finger while slicing onions she will sue the manufacturer of the knife and win. The courts are filled with frivolous lawsuits now, that will increase them100% .
    I do not hear anything about knife control or car control and they are used far more than guns to injure and kill people. I think they should outlaw cars, make everyone ride a bike or kick a scooter. And OH, no more knives, you must use a stone to cut your steak. That is just stupid you say, well I agree with you, outlawing guns is stupid. Lets use common sense folks.

  • John Boutwell February 2, 2024, 12:12 pm

    Want to reduce gun deaths? Get guns out of the hands of young blacks.

  • Kane February 2, 2024, 11:09 am

    I have HS year books where there are .22’s rifles in the hands of students in the 1970’s. The left would never say a gun can be heroic but yet this term “gun violence” is used over and over again. Guns have been around a long time in US schools. I remember t-shirt of Eastwood’s “make my day” or “re-unite the Beatles” being worn regularly. Those type of images are now banned as if this gets US closer to a solution.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment February 1, 2024, 2:22 pm

    they are just protecting their family and friends………..biden voters

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