CCRKBA Rips Biden, Dems for ‘Intellectual Dishonesty’ After Raleigh Shooting

CCRKBA Rips Biden, Dems for 'Intellectual Dishonesty' After Raleigh Shooting

BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today blasted President Joe Biden and Democrats for rushing to exploit the mass shooting tragedy in Raleigh, N.C. by calling for a ban on so-called “assault weapons” when the teenage suspect used a shotgun.

“Even before the investigation had really started,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “Democrat politicians were clamoring for more gun control. Biden quickly renewed his crusade for a ban on ‘assault weapons’ and others followed his lead. To exploit such tragedies by immediately calling for additional gun control laws that would not have prevented this crime, and will not prevent other crimes, is the height of intellectual dishonesty.

“It is this kind of callous capitalization that drives gun owners away from voting for Democrats,” he continued. “The party and its president have once again revealed they will use any tragedy to promote their agenda of public disarmament.”

Published reports quote Biden demanding “action to get weapons of war off our streets,” while at the same time noting witness calls to police said the suspect was armed with a shotgun.

“The press didn’t hesitate to sensationalize this tragedy, either,” Gottlieb observed. “Report after report used terms straight out of the gun grabber’s dictionary—gun safety and gun reform, for example—when they are really talking about gun prohibition.  

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“This is one more example of Joe Biden and other Democrats lying about guns, which really shouldn’t surprise anybody,” he stated. “They habitually lie to further a gun prohibition agenda that has nothing to do with public safety. The number of times Biden has personally lied about guns and the Second Amendment is well known. He was called out by the Washington Post Fact Checker for saying there were gun restrictions when the nation was founded more than 240 years ago.

“Biden simply can’t get his story straight about guns,” Gottlieb concluded, “and when something isn’t straight, it is crooked. That seems to be the way Joe Biden has always been about guns, and it has rubbed off on his party. Gun owners have figured it out, which is why they have drifted away from the Democrats, and taken their votes with them.”


With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

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  • Let's go Brandon, FJB October 23, 2022, 7:21 am

    Why is this site deleting my comments? @blue waffle; The dems have been denying the 2016 ever since. The only thing Russia did was buy some ads online; nothing else. If you want to “fortify” our elections; the dems need to stop using dominion and quit ballot harvesting but, I guess that’s the only way they’ll win. FJB. Si Vis Pacem Parabellum.

  • BE Davis Brown October 21, 2022, 3:26 pm

    I believe Brandon stay’s in his rubber oval office until there’s a shooting then they let him out so he can tell everyone “I’m going to ban assault weapons” and the ever popular “What, do deer’s wear Kevlar vests?”, then they take him back to his office.

  • Big Al 45 October 21, 2022, 10:52 am

    I must say, I feel that using the term ‘intellectual’ with regards to the Democrats on any gun control is stretching it quite a bit.
    However, ‘dishonesty’ is spot on.

  • Nick s October 21, 2022, 8:28 am

    Wait? Politicians being “intellectually dishonest?” Unheard of. Republicans never do such things, right? 🙄

  • JCB October 21, 2022, 6:31 am

    Remember this? Joe Biden: “Buy a shotgun!”

  • Blue Dog (he/him) 🧢 October 20, 2022, 4:55 pm

    But there were regulations on firearms in the early days of our democracy and even back into our colonial days.

    What does it really matter what Joe Biden says? He was the empty vessel that was picked to sit at the desk while the folx that still have their marbles make the decisions. He might as well be the San Diego Chicken. The grown-ups who really matter, people like Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell and John F. Kerry, they don’t have to shave off the factual edges to make their folksy tales more appropriate to crowd and circumstance.

    And, while they have a expendable, one-term empty vessel in the big chair, they might as well lead the country through some of the less comfortable changes. The country will progress forward to a better place on the other side of these growing pains at the expense of Joe Biden’s legacy and a bad mid-term, maybe. Might not be a blue wave that we saw last month but it still looks good for the home team. Just wait to see what a lame duck Congress can make happen in the ten weeks between election and swearing in!

    • Let's go Brandon, FJB October 21, 2022, 7:57 am

      LOL, you really think that dems are going to win in November?! What are you smoking? Unless the dems cheat again like they did in 2020; there’s no way dems will keep control of the senate and congress. Creepyjoe and the dems are destroying America. FJB. Si Vis Pacem Parabellum!

      • Blue Dog (he/him) 🧢 October 21, 2022, 1:36 pm

        This election denial is becoming tiresome and honestly a threat to our democracy. Enemies like Putin would like nothing more than to erode trust in our institutions and sow chaos among us. It weakens us from the inside out and weakens us against nations like Russia – what they tried in 2016 at a fuller flower. We have to fortify our elections against foreign interference and we have to make a show of fortifying our elections to reignite trust in our elections at home – and to keep the fascists out.

        • Let's go Brandon, FJB October 21, 2022, 1:49 pm

          Degenerates like you denied the 2016 results and still do today. Creepy joe said the MAGA supporters (real Americans) are white supremacist/ domestic terrorists. All Russia did was buy some ads on facebook; nothing more. The dems are the ones interfering in elections w/ the dominion voting machines and ballot harvesting. The dems like you are the ones destroying this great country w/ your socialism/communist ideas. FJB!

        • Let's go Brandon, FJB October 21, 2022, 4:20 pm

          @blue waffle, Dems like you have been denying the results of 2016 ever since. All Russia did was buy some Facebook ads; certainly not the interference that Dems pulled in 2020 with the dominion machines and ballot harvesting. The only fascist in this country is Dems like you with all your socialist/communist ideas. Dems like you are destroying America. FJB!

        • Let's go Brandon, FJB October 22, 2022, 7:42 am

          The dems have been denying the results of 2016 ever since. The only thing Russia did in ’16 was buy some facebook ads; nothing more. The only ones destroying America are the socialist/communist democrats. The dems cheated in 2020 w/ the dominion voting machines and ballot harvesting. FJB. Si Vis Pacem Parabellum.

    • Big Al 45 October 21, 2022, 10:49 am

      Speaking of ‘intellectual dishonesty’, look who’s posting!

    • Hondo October 22, 2022, 4:06 am

      Once again bluedouche it/clown doesn’t disappoint with his lack of intellect. Troll someplace else you utterly useless gas bag.

  • GomeznSA October 20, 2022, 3:06 pm

    “Intellectual dishonesty” my sweet patootie – it is flat out LYING – and intentionally so. Let’s face it they will use any atrocity to further their goal of civilian disarmament. After all, shotguns are slow joes preferred gun to shoot off the balcony or thru the front door. Prove me wrong.

  • John Gerwel October 20, 2022, 2:25 pm

    What do we consider weapons of war. Since early mankind everything has been used in warfare, from spears to bow & arrows even slingshots. Shotguns, rifles [single shot to semi-autos],pistols , the list goes on and on. The people in politic office just like to scare the average person that firearms kill people. What’s next , take away my baseball bat and my knife? Election Day is coming soon,seams like that is the only voice politicians hear.

    • Blue Dog (he/him) 🧢 October 21, 2022, 9:11 am

      Going as far back as spears and slingshots – most of the weapons of war were modified agricultural implements. A well-made scythe can be a mighty harvester of men! Nothing like the assault rifles of today, however. Or even a short pump shotgun – honestly I am surprised no school shooter has opted for one of those. Very effective in CQB. Maybe short pump shotguns are not glorified in violent, first person war video games? Like they might be a lower weapon but not one of the cool ones. If there was a call of duty game where you had to hunt zombies or master chiefs or whatever with a short pump, some mountain dew swilling incel would commit an atrocity with a pump shotgun.

      The Assyrians deployed ranks of slingers alongside archers – guys using the same kind of sling with which David slew Goliath.

  • Rodney Steward October 20, 2022, 9:49 am

    If these communist ever do take our guns, this country will turn into a living h*ll just like Venezuela.

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