Democratic Congressman Talks Armed Insurrection Against Trump

Democratic Congressman Talks Armed Insurrection Against Trump

Congressman Tom Suozzi talkin’ bout feeding the tree of liberty…  (Photo: Twitter)

Suppose Trump turns out to be a tyrant.  Then what?  That’s basically the question Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-Long Island) asked a crowd at a town hall event last week.

“It’s really a matter of putting public pressure on the president,” Suozzi said in a video on March 12. “This is where the Second Amendment comes in, quite frankly, because you know, what if the president was to ignore the courts? What would you do? What would we do?”

Apparently confused, one of his under-educated constituents shouted, “What’s the Second Amendment?”

Suozzi said, “The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms.”

When confronted about the intent of the remark, a spokesperson for Suozzi told The New York Post that the lefty lawmaker wasn’t “advocating for an armed insurrection.”

However, the Suozzi adviser didn’t totally back down from the statement either, including in the reply a portion of a Thomas Jefferson quote that suggests armed citizens need to check government every now and then. You know the one, the tree of liberty

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms,” the quote read.

GOP leadership did not find it all that amusing.

“This video is incredibly disturbing. It’s surreal to watch a sitting member of Congress suggest that his constituents should take up arms against the president of the United States,” said National Republican Campaign Committee spokesman Chris Martin.

SEE ALSO: Did Donald Trump Put a Hit out on Hillary Clinton?

I find it funny if for no other reason than Suozzi and his ilk in the House and Senate (Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein) have spent much of their political careers trying to disarm the masses.  No one needs an “AR-15” or “a weapon of war” or “high-capacity clipozines.”  Right?  How many times have they uttered that nonsense over the years?

No one needs one… until it fits their leftist agenda.  Then, suddenly, every soy boy from Berkeley to Boston needs one!!! But as Suozzi found out at that town hall, years and years of indoctrination that guns are evil, Big Brother will protect you and that the 2A exists solely to guarantee the rights of hunters has rendered their base impotent and dumb.

Trump isn’t a tyrant.  But even if he was, it wouldn’t be a bunch of armed liberals (gosh, that sounds like an oxymoron) taking out the trash.  That’s for sure.  Those dogs won’t hunt. For the two or three armed liberals that end up reading this article, know that you’re the exception.  Not the rule.

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  • stacey schaller March 27, 2018, 12:25 am

    It’s interesting to me that, when Trump makes an off-the-cuff statement, as he often does, it’s viewed as ‘a veiled threat,’ but when a Democratice Senator openly suggests a coup dê tat, the same people dismiss it as just so much rhetoric. Is it because people actually WANT a Leftist Totalitarian state, or because they don’t believe anything that comes out of a Democrat leader’s mouth?
    Kind of confused about that one…

  • Glenn61 March 25, 2018, 1:56 pm

    Donald Trump is doing the right thing for the American people, right for the Constitution and Right for the country as a whole.
    Hillary Rotten Clinton is a piece of sh1t…. SIMPLE AS THAT….!

  • Jake March 25, 2018, 11:41 am

    We’ve seen armed liberals and THEY are the problem. Nearly every mass shooter who was not a Jihadi terrorist has been one. The Antifa filth and their John Brown Gun Club are another example.
    There are news reports the Las Vegas massacre has been bigfooted because it was carried out by Antifa with a little help from ISIS. The Vegas authorities and FBI will not even comment to deny it.
    The only defense against a liberal with a gun is still a normal “good guy” or gal with a gun.

    • Bob March 25, 2018, 9:59 pm

      Vegas is entirely possible. It has been reported that antifa has been actively pursuing contact with various terrorist organizations in the middle east and Africa to obtain explosives, military grade weapons and chemical/biological weapons to carry out attacks in the USA.

  • Jane March 24, 2018, 3:57 pm

    Where the Hell is the Secret Service on all these threats? I want to read about these violent, deranged lefties going to jail. Why isn’t it happening?

  • Beachhawk March 24, 2018, 5:27 am

    What a joke. The New York governor, the New York city mayor and most of the state legislature would cancel the Second Amendment in a New York second, if they ever got the chance. If the tyrannical president was a Democrat, those same people would be his collaborators in tyranny.

  • kenlively March 23, 2018, 11:06 pm

    Secret Service needs to take a real good look at this clown and charge him with the appropriate crime.

  • Aardvark March 23, 2018, 7:44 pm

    These communist, anti-Constitutional SOB’s forget who the majority of gun owners are. They try to arm a bunch of liberal drones with NO experience shooting, to overthrow our duly elected President, and they will quickly and permanently learn why there is a 2nd Amendment.

    • stacey schaller March 27, 2018, 12:27 am

      And who those are that have valued it for centuries…

  • Zach March 23, 2018, 6:25 pm

    I saw it less for the irony and more for the optimism that Democratic Party voters can appreciate what the 2A is was designed for instead of trying to take that right from others and mocking them for taking it seriously. Being pro-liberty, pro-Constitution, and anti-authoritarian is far more important a principle, IMHO, than left or right or Republican or Democrat.

    When the very leftie folks in my community ask why I am “pro-gun” I say I’m not “pro-gun” as much as I’m against outsourcing my protection to a government that has never shown a willingness to care about my well-being. That usually takes the conversation somewhere they are not used to going. I also bring up that wealth inequality is worse in the US than it was in 1789 at the start of the French Revolution. I ask if that bothers them.

    When they inevitably say “yes,” I think ask: “Then why do you want to disarm the peasants?”

    Anything that causes a dogmatic anti-gunner re-think their reasoning against the legitimacy of gun ownership, I think is a great thing.

    • Smitty March 24, 2018, 12:23 pm

      Great point.

  • Dave Brown March 23, 2018, 5:53 pm

    Well I have figured out this whole left and right thing, and it is really about power and belonging to The Party, or The Gang. Me I have never belonged to A Party, A few Gangs yes, but a party no way. I do what I want to do. I can lean way way right, and also to the left. I do not have to walk lock step with anyone, and I will not, Period. I have been voting since I got my draft card, #254 for Vet Nam so I use my Right To Vote, but I vote for The Person be they on the left or right, fine by me. As for some kind of Revolution in our Great USA, it could happen, and it won’t be by the left nor the right. It will be by all the rest of US that are just tired of the same old same old. The Complaining about the Complainers mind set that it seems we all have yet cannot see. Old Saying, I have met The Enemy, and he is ME. Get It. Free Your Mind. Be Party Blind.

  • DaveW March 23, 2018, 3:49 pm

    Where was he when that tyrant Obama was POTUS?

  • Chris Baker March 23, 2018, 3:49 pm

    After what the republican controlled house and senate just passed and trump signed into law was as bad as anything passed during the obama years. I tried and tried to tell people what he was but no one would listen. Mind you, he’s no where near as bad as clinton would have been but still he is no more a real republican than Obama would be. Neither is mcconnel, ryan, any of those so called leaders. Yes the lack of capitalization is a show of my disrespect for those people. Just as they are a disrepecter of the people who elected them and a disgrace to the offices they hold. Frankly if I’d voted for Trump I’d be ashamed of myself for my foolishness.

    Time to look at the Constitution Party.
    That’s who I voted for. Folks who actually care about the constitution, just as I do and a lot of readers here do if I am right. You’ll let me know if I’m wrong won’t you?

  • John Boutwell March 23, 2018, 1:20 pm

    Trump is an asshat and embarrassment to the office yet, hardly a cause for a civil war!

    • Smitty March 24, 2018, 12:25 pm

      So Hillary would have been better?

    • michael March 25, 2018, 5:44 am

      i agree 100%!!

  • Bob S E Ariz March 23, 2018, 12:30 pm

    Well here we go with double standard just like mainstream media they can run their mouth and nothing is done. But ordinary law abiding person says something like congressman scum bag did they would be in jail

  • ONTHE WALL March 23, 2018, 12:28 pm

    Now that’s F*U*C*K*I*N*G FUNNY. I mean it’s what we have been saying all along. So once again the DEMONCRATIC PIECE OF SHIT PARTY PROVES JUST HOW LOPSIDED THEIR THINKING IS. Well Rep. Tom Suozzi hou you gonna do this after you Just like that piece of shit bamma, remember him and his ANTI-AMERICA & ANTI-AMERICAN CONSTITUTION beliefs and actions, Like ‘I HAVE A PEN AND A TELEPHONE, WHO NEEDS CONGRESS’!

    • Bones March 24, 2018, 10:45 am

      Only thing funny here is the congressman is telling the TRUTH, unlike the con-artist can ever seem to do! Who has been more tyrannical in his actions more than trump? Putin? Jong -un?

  • Nemo March 23, 2018, 11:21 am

    What Rep. Suozzi proposes is a selective application of the 2A along obviously partisan lines. What he fails to realize is that his own actions may merit its application against him and those other members of his party that have historically sought to disarm the American people.

    A flaw typical of the Liberal mind; force majeure against their political opponents via legislating rights out of existence and using the power of The State to enforce that robbery is only to be conducted by them against the (benighted, ignorant) people, not the other way around.

    Every Liberal I’ve ever known, no matter how lowly their station in life, thought themselves to be ‘philosopher-kings’ that the rest of us mere mortals should revere for their education and spiritual development. They remind me of what Nietzsche said:

    But thus I counsel you, my friends: Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. They are people of a low sort and stock; the hangman and the bloodhound look out of their faces. Mistrust all who talk much of their justice! Verily, their souls lack more than honey. And when they call themselves the good and the just, do not forget that they would be pharisees, if only they had – power.

    A Liberal always thinks of himself as ‘the good and the just’…but given half a chance they’ll run the ‘Jolly Roger’ of piracy up the flagpole and start killing. Suozzi just proved that.

  • John M March 23, 2018, 10:51 am

    Do not for one moment delude yourselves. Leftist have been arming themselves since the 60’s. During the “Peace Riots” of the 60’s they had intel teams that monitored PD stations, response times, etc.
    History does not change, just what you are allowed to know of it.

  • Sly March 23, 2018, 10:47 am

    If you followed Trump daily, your thoughts on this subject would change. The Racism, hate and Morality has been taken away for the United States by Trump. The White Supremacy, The Confederates, The KKK, The Neo-Nazi , Hell Angel, Aryan Brotherhood and all the other White Hate groups are ready to go to war for Trump, that war, right here in American. Trump Allies and supporter along with the hate groups will put up a good fight to keep Trump in Office. The only person had loyalty like Trump was Adolf Hitler, you think it won’t happen, Think again. The Jews in Europe for 1930 – 1945 thought it wouldn’t happen either. The Brown shirts, the Gestapo, The Wehrmacht is already here and Trump is their Leader

    • Freedom Forever March 23, 2018, 11:28 am

      Wow Sly you certainly are taken some serious medication. It is the Democrats that are the new Nazi party. Look at the recent facts 1: Democrats try to oppress freedom of speech if it does not agree with their view. 2: Democrats try to shout down any other persons choice or opinion if it does not agree with their view. 3: Democrats have repeatedly shown they will get physically violent when things do not go their way, or agree with the view. This is exactly what Hitler’s Brown Shirts did in the 30’s, so the evidence is apparent, Democrats are the new Nazi party, which by the way was the German National SOCIALIST Party, so ultra left wing not right.

    • Michael Keim March 23, 2018, 12:17 pm

      Put your tinfoil hat back on and chill out before you have a stroke.

    • Nemo March 23, 2018, 12:58 pm

      Your understanding of history is somewhat lacking. You might want to read the following books before making such sweeping declarations:

      Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
      Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

      Google them and you will find the links to free PDF downloads of the books. The same forces that were at work back then are still very much active today, and their actions have brought us to the point where the election of Donald Trump is a symptom of the seriousness of the problem they have (deliberately) created. Those forces are fundamentally at odds against what it means to be an American.

      George Washington said that government is either a ‘useful servant’ or a ‘fearful master’. Think what you want of the man, himself, but Trump’s election, against all odds, was an expression of, not hate, but hope. Hope in turning things back around to the idea that instead of today’s ‘fearful master’, government would again be the ‘useful servant’ it once was.

      As to the ‘hate’, one need only look at the majority of the videos published during the campaign to see who was expressing the majority of the hatred. In nearly every instance, it was the proponents of Leftist ideals who engaged in hostility and outright violence against Trump’s supporters. Everything from trespassing on private property to steal Trump supporters’ campaign signs to actual assault and battery, attacking elderly motorists and dragging from their cars and beating them, it was the Left committing the vast majority of the crimes.

      In comparison, it was Trump’s supporters who, in the main, showed remarkable restraint, given these threatening provocations. Which, in turn, gives the lie to the idea that America is a hopelessly, inherently violent society; otherwise there would have been gallons of Leftist blood and dead Leftist bodies in the streets. That there weren’t is testimony to that (inherently Conservative) restraint.

      But that restraint has limits. A line from an old poem comes to mind:

      Must I at length the Sword of Justice draw?
      Oh curst Effects of necessary Law!
      How ill my Fear they by my Mercy scan,
      Beware the Fury of a Patient Man.

      Meaning: don’t mistake patience for weakness, and don’t make it necessary for the patient man to finally draw his sword in his fury. The Left is mistaking patience for weakness; it keeps provoking the patient man. ..whose patience is dwindling as his fury grows.

      • Alan March 23, 2018, 3:12 pm

        Don’t you just love it when Bozo’s like him make stupid and inane comparisons?!?
        Based on his comparison, he doesn’t have a clue what fascism really is, because our Ol buddy Obama was certainly MUCH closer to it than Trump.
        It’s amazing how people’s hate can override any semblance of logic in such a discussion, and just how blind they can often be when it wears a different face that they don’t disapprove of shows the same attributes they rail against.

    • Orse March 23, 2018, 4:31 pm

      Well put, brother, but you’re pretty much wastin’ your breath. This here echo chamber doesn’t have any room for facts or, God forbid, any difference in opinion whatsoever. They shamelessly suck up to LEOs who wait outside while school shooters do their worst and continue to try to pin every negative event back to the sinking of the USS Maine on Obama.
      I WAS a dem. But that was back when they were the party of working people and not Wall Street. Now they can p*ss off after running Hillary as a candidate. I’ll never vote for another (D) or (R).
      As our founders cautioned, we need to avoid factionalism, and the representatives of our political parties currently seem to develop “constituent amnesia” when they go wheels-down at Dulles.
      And I never really developed a taste for Kool-Aid.

    • Kevin March 23, 2018, 7:37 pm

      Oh my goodness Sly. LOL.

    • brad March 23, 2018, 10:11 pm

      Obviously, you must’ve missed (at a minimum) your last several doses of Lithium (or something along those lines).

      Please do try to catch-up on those missed med’s. And perhaps we’ll be hearing something remotely coherent, and somewhat reality-based from you soon. Although, I doubt that anyone who’s had the misfortune of reading your delusional diatribe is seriously counting on it.

      Remember, the doctors prescribed you those meds for a reason.

      Be safe and medicate as prescribed.

  • Tony Garbo March 23, 2018, 10:20 am

    A democrat talking about freedom is like Col. Sanders talking about chicken’s rights, or Planned Parenthood talking about baby health issues . . . c’mon. I guess they think ALL Americans are as dumb as those who vote for democrats.

  • Larry March 23, 2018, 9:39 am

    Bring it on! Us Trump supporters own the vast majority of the guns and ammunition in this country. I don’t think the anti-Trump faction wants to go down this road.

    • jack March 24, 2018, 6:24 am

      Same reason the Japanese didn’t want to try invading the US, they knew they would be going up against any army of armed civilians

  • Joseph Kiesznoski March 23, 2018, 9:34 am

    They would lose big time, no Problem, President trump is the greatest President in 50 years.And Americans will stand behind and defend him. Onward Christian Soldiers.

    • Chris Baker March 23, 2018, 4:06 pm

      Oh please. His signing of that abomination of a budget this morning puts paid to that. He’s not even close to as good as a couple of presidents in the last 50 years and Reagan was far and away better.

    • jack March 24, 2018, 6:37 am

      I don’t always agree with everything he does but dear god, look at the alternative, Hilary Hitler and her SS would have us all dis-armed and forced into slave labor camps with the objectors going to the gas showers or firing squads.
      Trump reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt, he says what he means and is not afraid to go against the establishment.

  • John M Denney March 23, 2018, 8:56 am

    A libtard spouting the 2nd amendment, Too funny. I am going to sit back and watch them drag out their constitutional guaranteed muskets and fight the government. haha

  • joefoam March 23, 2018, 8:42 am

    Sure, try and goad gun owners into making the case for disarmament. Nice tactic.

  • Mark Klusmeier March 23, 2018, 8:38 am

    Will you people STOP already? We go on and on about unequal enforcement of the law (which is happening), but then when somebody on the other side says something that “in 2013” would have made him “a hero” (because he would be on our side then), we castigate the guy in no uncertain terms — why? Because now its OUR ox that’s being gored. President Trump is not a tyrant; never has been, never will be. BUT, here we have a Democrat Congressman recognizing that the Second Amendment isn’t about hunting or protecting us from criminals — it’s about protecting us from a tyrannical government — a swamp in Washington (or elsewhere) getting out of our control. This guy is RIGHT. We should be cheering for him, while disagreeing with his sentiments about the President. But now, we have one less Democrat vote for gun control, right? This guy will never again be able to vote for restrictions on the Second Amendment without branding himself a flaming hypocrite and merely a power hungry lackey of the left. He has granted our basic point in the argument. We must hold him to that position. Next step: educate the people in his district about the Second Amendment (so that if he does stray back to the dark side, they toss him out at the ballot box).

    • Gat March 23, 2018, 10:15 am

      Are you seriously delusional enough to think this guy is going to break party lines and vote against gun control? And for what, to avoid the backlash of conservatives reminding him about his comments? He does not care. He only cares about being in control. His comments are treason in my opinion. Suggesting the violent overthrow of our sitting US president? How is this guy not arressted already?

    • Michael Keim March 23, 2018, 12:20 pm

      I don’t think branding himself as a hypocrite will bother him in the least. He is a politician.

  • Tom March 23, 2018, 7:59 am

    I left that lousy area 20 yrs ago and haven’t looked back. I was in a gun club in college and when I found out I couldn’t bring my guns back home with me, I felt my first loss of freedom at the hands of liberals. Never again.

  • punchy white March 23, 2018, 7:47 am

    This is great. If Trump ever becomes the enemy of the Constitution that Ubama was, we’ll be ready.

  • Kb31416 March 23, 2018, 7:12 am

    It’s unfortunate, but this is just another in a lot by series of examples of our two tier system. Liberals get away with anything and everything, yet a recall the secret service visiting uncle ted for saying a lot less than this ass hat or Madonna during their kitty hat march.
    Completely unequal enforcement of the law.

    • Kb31416 March 23, 2018, 7:13 am

      Wow. The auto editing function on this site really sucks!

  • Jay March 23, 2018, 6:33 am

    I find this quite amusing! Lefty’s and a armed insurrection in the same article is just as nutty as it reads! Most lefty’s are too involved in protecting illegals, homos, travesties and the like and 99.9% of them couldn’t explain the 2nd amendment and any of our current guns laws!

    • Bob In Arizona March 23, 2018, 8:34 am

      Well Jay…You obviously haven’t seen the video on “Meal Team Six” waddling around the desert blowing holes in the sky? Unconfirmed reports are that some of those Libtards even survived😂.

  • Danny March 23, 2018, 6:17 am

    If he was a republican saying this in 2013 he’d be a hero.

    • punchy white March 23, 2018, 7:48 am


    • Thomas March 23, 2018, 8:11 am

      No. He would have been been labeled a racist and removed from office amidst the left’s “outrage.”

    • Kelly Lee March 23, 2018, 8:21 am

      No, he wouldn’t. As bad as any President has been in the last 50 years none have warranted a legislator threatening them with armed resistance or violently removing them from office. Nope, not a one and we’ve had some bad ones.

  • Twicebitten March 23, 2018, 5:36 am

    I just CANNOT believe I spent 8 years on the water courtesy of the USN to have people elect a scumbag like this. He is literally the lowest form of life, surpassing attorneys and realtors. If this is all that the people of NY think of their country, maybe he should arm them and turn them loose……see how long they last with that kind of ignorance and know-nothingness.

    • Willy March 23, 2018, 6:20 am

      You come across as the idiot fool, one who is very bitter and angry. Why is our president a x=scumbag, one would ask? And are you something special, and better? I think not. You need help. Go seek it.

      • Paul March 23, 2018, 8:04 am

        You’re the one who doesn’t seem so bright. Twicebitten was referring to the congressman from Long Island. You know, the scumbag that the people of New York elected….

      • David March 23, 2018, 8:11 am

        I’m pretty sure Twicebitten was referencing the NY congressman and not our POTUS. Way to get after it though! Hahaha

      • b rad March 23, 2018, 8:35 am

        I think he was talking about the congressman.

      • Dwayne March 23, 2018, 8:50 am

        Fortunately we have the US Constitution and the rule of law to deal with the great orange one. He’s broken so many laws it isn’t funny. If the law doesn’t work the second amendment will. Go FBI!

      • Chris Baker March 23, 2018, 4:11 pm

        Dude! You need to go back and read it again because I don’t think those words mean what you think they mean.

    • punchy white March 23, 2018, 7:52 am

      NY is the only colony that did not vote to establish our independence from the tyrannical crown. They have been failing us ever since.

    • rex March 23, 2018, 8:47 am

      While your pontificating about “the lowest form of life, surpassing attorneys”, please entertain us with your thoughts on Hillary.

  • Jimmie Hall March 21, 2018, 1:29 am

    And what if the courts become the tyrants. We have three branches of government,
    It’s called checks and balances. I think at the present the courts seem to be over stepping their bounds and legislating from the Bench. That’s a no no

    • Chris Baker March 23, 2018, 4:14 pm

      All three branches are violating their oaths of office continually and habitually and overstepping their legal bounds by huge amounts, and they should ALL be reined in. Many should be in Jail for the egregious violations of the laws they’ve sworn to obey and uphold.

  • Dewey March 19, 2018, 11:50 pm

    Two or three huh? Blannelberry, your ignorance knows no bounds. The “soy boy” comment outs you as an Alex Jones listener and your utter refusal to accept the fact that BOTH parties have been f**king gun owners forever, shows you for the indoctrination victim that you are. Dog bless.

    • Dr Motown March 22, 2018, 7:53 am

      You’re totally missing his comedic point, dude. He’s not talking about political parties! He’s merely pointing out the truth that most pajama boy liberals don’t own guns, certainly not the “weapons of war” to which this libtard congressman is referring. Honestly, where are the soy boys going to find the type of guns in New York that would be necessary for an armed insurrection?

      • Hugo March 23, 2018, 6:21 am

        I enjoyed the irony as well. Disarm your citizens and then tell them to take up arms!

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