Dick’s Facing $5.4 Million Lawsuit following Ammo Deal

Dick's Facing .4 Million Lawsuit following Ammo Deal

The lawsuit paints a pretty damning picture for Dick’s Sporting Goods. (Photo: Penn.)

Battle Born Munitions is taking Dick’s Sporting Goods to court, accusing them of shady business practices that wound up costing the company over $5 million. Battle Born is looking to get their millions back plus just over $200,000 in damages.

The lawsuit makes the case that Dick’s Sporting Goods warehoused Battle Born ammo – under Dick’s Field and Stream house brand – in an attempt to inflate their stock value.

In the process of tying up millions of dollars’ worth of ammo, Dick’s delayed making payments on schedule to Battle Born Munitions. This would leave Battle Born unable to hold up their end of a deal with the state of Lebanon for 12 Bell helicopters, costing them even more.

The lawsuit accuses Dick’s on three counts including breach of contract, fraudulent inducement, and negligent misrepresentation.

“Dick’s ordered excessive amounts of ammunition branded with their house brand, ‘Field & Stream,'” reads the complaint. “Vendors were unable to re-sell the branded ammunition to a third-party due to Dick’s branding, both on boxes and head stamp.

See Also: Dick’s Sporting Goods to Destroy AR-15s Pulled from Shelves

Dick's Facing .4 Million Lawsuit following Ammo Deal

The once-popular sporting goods chain is seeing low earnings and poor customer turnout after favoring gun control. (Photo: Dick’s)

“Vendors had no option but to involuntarily warehouse the ammunition on Dick’s behalf until such time as Dick’s determined that demand was sufficiently high for it to manipulate retail prices,” it continues. “To this end, Dick’s failed to make any reasonable effort to market the house-brand ammunition during the key holiday-season sales period.”

“Dick’s did not widely distribute house-brand ammunition to its stores, nor did it promote sales in its retail brochures,” explains the lawsuit. “Meanwhile, competing brands of ammunition were provided significantly higher in-store marketing profiles and support, and the house-branded ammunition was offered for retail at a significantly higher price point than was represented to vendors.”

Battle Born had plans to use the earnings as a down payment on 12 Bell helicopters. The company spent over a year dealing with the government of Lebanon and the United States to gain approval for the deal.

Allegedly, because Dick’s failed to pay in time and in full, Battle Born was unable to go forward with the deal, said to be worth over $37 million. It’s becoming apparent that it’s not just politics driving vendors and customers away, it’s also bad business.

This would hardly be the first time that Dick’s has turned it’s back on gun owners and the gun industry. The company has taken a pro-gun-control stance, limiting the sale of guns to only people 21 and over and no longer selling modern sporting rifles.

As a result, not only have gun owners begun boycotting Dick’s, prominent vendors like Mossberg and Springfield have severed business ties with the company.

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  • Steve Hughes May 14, 2021, 11:15 am

    Well I certainly hope Dicks Dicks have to shutter their doors PERMANENTLY…!!!

  • Carl December 13, 2018, 6:44 am

    Well goodbye Dicks that’s another fine mess you got yourselves in …oh and no AR15 owners or sportsmen who own guns will shop in your stores ….hurry up and close your doors it’s only a matter of time before your shareholders and non customers shut you down

  • Mike November 30, 2018, 5:55 pm

    Dicks is getting exactly what they deserve!
    Keep spreading the word how they are anti second ammendment!

  • Chuck October 28, 2018, 12:17 pm

    I just drive right on by…….

  • FirstStateMark October 28, 2018, 10:28 am

    Hopefully, Dick’s Sporting Goods will be a thing of the past.

  • Scotty Gunn October 27, 2018, 9:32 pm

    Limp Dick’s Sporting Goods should be the new name.

  • MJ October 27, 2018, 2:42 pm

    If guns are so bad, Why does Dick’s sporting just sell exercise shorts and treadmills?

  • Bobs your uncle October 27, 2018, 1:54 pm

    Would this have anything to do with all the new restrictions on ammo in calif?

  • James Hilmers October 27, 2018, 11:30 am

    I went to a Dicks Sporting goods once….Prices were so high I’ve never been back. And after their attack on the second amendment I definitely won’t be going back

  • Jay October 27, 2018, 8:14 am

    KARMA, isn’t it a bitch!

  • James October 26, 2018, 8:09 pm

    I feel for Battle Born.
    Dicks just needs to go away

  • Jim1743 October 26, 2018, 4:26 pm

    If they lose this case, Dick’s will be smaller!

  • mike October 26, 2018, 3:47 pm

    Dicks will end up going out of business just like Gander Mtn, Galyans, and Sports Authority. There will then be a ton of cheap Field and stream ammo for the masses to grab up at discount prices. good for shooters! Bad for Dicks stock holders

  • Charles Kimberl October 26, 2018, 3:30 pm

    Awesome news. I hope Battle Born winds up owning these losers at Dick’s.

  • Ken October 26, 2018, 3:23 pm

    I haven’t been in a Dick’s store in at least 4 or 5 years. Their pandering to the anti-gun nuts has enabled me to spend my $$$ elsewhere.

  • alvin walton October 26, 2018, 1:54 pm

    We were in the process of making an order from Dick’s when they pulled the Aare 15‘s from the shelf. We never did place the order and have scratched the name bitch we are dicks should’ve been, I’m thankful we never did go through with the purchase it was $7000 an outdoor gear. Text phone number is no longer in our registry, All tires are severed forever, same with Levi Nike Nordstrom to mention a few other ones.

    • harry dunbrack October 27, 2018, 2:19 am

      did you even read your message. if you run a company it must be doing great with your great typing and spelling.

  • Peter Brown October 26, 2018, 1:41 pm

    What? New trouble for dicks?
    I love hearing good news in the morning.

  • S. Patin October 26, 2018, 12:43 pm

    Dick’s Sporting Goods is getting what they deserve for abandoning gun owners to appease the gun-hating liberals. I hope they go down in flames.

  • Justista October 26, 2018, 11:38 am

    “Dick’s” How appropriate!

  • Walter A, Gmyr II October 26, 2018, 11:26 am

    maybe they should change their name….lol

    • BR549 October 26, 2018, 7:54 pm

      I wonder if “Pussies” would be more fitting a name.

  • Ricky Price October 26, 2018, 10:53 am

    Would not waste the time of day going there.

  • James P Sutton October 26, 2018, 10:51 am

    When it comes to Second Amendment issues, firearms and ammunition, Dick’s is about as sleazy as it gets.

  • tom rutherford October 26, 2018, 10:00 am

    I had a Dicks credit card and used the point system to buy Nike sneakers . After they stopped selling black rifles, I cancelled my credit card and haven’t been in there since. I also stopped buying Nike and Levi products because of their political stands . I can’t understand why the stores get into politics. Which ever way they go, their going to anger the other side. Why can’t they just sell their products and leave politics to the politicians.

  • WillB October 26, 2018, 9:55 am

    Think I read last month that the plaintiff dropped this case.

  • joefoam October 26, 2018, 9:34 am

    Hopefully Dicks will get what they deserve. Not selling AR pattern guns was one thing, destroying inventory was another but hiring anti-gun lobbyists is quite another. i wonder what the stockholders think about the board? If they are a bunch of SJWs I hope they get this jammed where the sun doesn’t shine.

    • BR549 October 26, 2018, 7:58 pm

      They’re probably too busy holding their monthly Rainbow Coalition meetings in the Executive boardroom or redesigning their restrooms to simultaneously accommodate children, transexuals, and pedophiles.

  • Stocks October 26, 2018, 9:04 am

    They lost me right after Sandy Hook when the pulled AR platform rifles. NOT. ONE. DIME.

  • Infidel762X51 October 26, 2018, 8:17 am

    Disk’s is a serious bunch of Dicks. Stick it to ’em like they are sticking it to us.

  • Gomer October 26, 2018, 7:01 am

    This firm is aptly named. Haven’t darkened the doors there in years. Doubt I’ll be going back anytime soon.

  • Hate litigation, but this works October 26, 2018, 2:57 am

    I hope that they win and upon further review that despite them going for 5.4 that the jury awards them 42 million due to costing them the other deal. Actually I want them to force Dick’s to close all doors.

  • Bobs your uncle October 25, 2018, 5:42 pm

    Well this just sounds like a giant cluster, ah whats the word I;m looking for?

    • Ziggy October 26, 2018, 6:53 am

      I think the words you’re looking for are “group fornication”.

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