My Philosophy
At any given moment, I am roughly 3 minutes from my truck. 3 minutes might not seem like much, but that’s a lifetime during a gunfight! I’m not one to say “My handgun is there for fighting my way to my rifle”; if the fight happens with zero notice, you will be fighting with what you have on your belt. The gear in your truck comes into play for an entirely different reason. Most of the time, if we are even remotely self-aware, large-scale events develop over minutes or hours, versus seconds. We have to have a pre-emptive plan in place for responding to potential large-scale, non-personal events that will inevitably impact our lives, travel plans and get-home routes.
The Reality
I want to talk about two events that caused me to develop a sense of urgency towards developing response plans like these. Both of these events were real, and drastically affected peoples’ ability to get home and escape very real threats.
First: September 11th, 2001. Following the attacks, we saw all non-military air travel come to an abrupt halt, leaving thousands of people stranded with no alternative. While I wasn’t on that end of Manhattan, I was close enough–and fr from home. All of the rental cars in the area were almost immediately called-for. I was working as Director of Sales for a large company at the time, and resorted to renting U-Haul trucks to get my people home. Had social unrest escalated further, even keeping a personal vehicle in its owner’s possession could have become… problematic. This scenario makes it quite clear that normal transportation can be completely cut off with very little notice.
The second event was the recent unrest in Ferguson, MO following the one year anniversary of the shooting of Michael Brown. A gathering of protesters blocked the freeway–entirely, for almost an hour. Thankfully, this did not erupt into a full scale riot, but it could have with just one spark. Imagine being one of the thousands of people stranded on the interstate in that scenario with no response plan. What would you do?
What I carry–The Rifle:
Smith & Wesson AR15 Viking Tactics in .223. Targeting is handled by Magpul MBUS sights along with an Aimpoint® CompM4. I choose a Surefire X300 Ultra to let me see in the dark.
Buy one on GunsAmerica: https://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.aspx?T=smith%20ar%2015
What I carry–The Shotgun:
Remington 870 12 GA. This gun was special-made by Vang Comp Systems and Robar.
Buy one on GunsAmerica: https://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.aspx?T=870
- Ammunition: I carry 7 MAGPUL PMAG 30 GEN M3 window-loaded with 28 rounds in each. I also carry roughly 30 rounds of shotgun ammunition, both on and in the gun, along with a carrier.
- Medical Kit: Basic field surgery tools, a crash kit, and basic first aid supplies. I have an IBD with quick-clotting agent imbedded in it.
- Go Bag: This is where everything else goes. I have tools for repairing gun malfunctions. I also have tools for removing brush and limbs, and building shelter. 24 hours’ worth of food and water round out my Go Bag.
- Slings: I have Magpul slings that can work in either 2 or 3-Point configurations. I have a low-profile case from Comp Tac that makes my long gun look like a racket sport accessory.
How to store
Storage can be easy, but you pay the price in usability of your vehicle. I have chosen to keep my gear under the rear seat in a DU-HA under-seat storage unit. This allows me to keep everything secure, but easily-accessible. Because of this, my truck can fulfill everyday needs.

Give extra thought to how you will carry supplies. It is all well and good to have gear in your vehicle, but how much can you take on foot?
How to carry
While all of this gear allows us to establish very thorough response plans, keep in mind that you will only have what you carry on your person if you are forced to abandon your vehicle. With that in mind, I have a series of bags that I can choose to deploy based on function. I have a Blackhawk magazine carrier that stores AR-15 magazines. All of my medical kits fit in a bag that can be carried over my shoulder. The Go Bag can also be carried over my shoulder, and can absorb the magazines or shotgun ammunition.
Only what you can use or share
I have chosen my gear based on this mentality: if the SHTF and I have some company, I can quickly draft them to my cause with minimal training, and without giving up my gear, as part of my response plan. Sure, I could make them a beast of burden, but arming them with a shotgun does wonders for our survivability rating.

Organization is key. Well packed items are easy to find, easy to access, and easy to carry should that need arise.
Add: Gloves, warm and heavy work types, paper towels and TP.
I would suggest that Jon add a flare gun to his truck kit to cover the instance where he might want to be found. My get home bag has a Penguin pen gun with flares – very light weight and covers the alternate contingency. I also keep a paper map for guidance on the shortest route home if I have to walk.
Jesus H. Christ! These two guys put out a video about a topic, I for one appreciate and dont see enough of honestly, and alot of people here just add nothing to the conversation but negativity and condemnation.
To those who think the idea of vehicle edc is paraniod or crazy, thats fine, then dont prepare and hopefully bad things will never happen and hopefully you wont be a victim. Criticism is one thing, but to run down those that do is just f-ing ignorant.
I for one appreciate info. sharing about guns and prepardess and find myself taking new and differant ideas from the articles offered here and making adjustments to my own kit or plans. I do practice edc and vehicle edc, because if my time in the U.S.M.C. and nearly twenty four years as an L.E.O. have taught me anything, is that bad guys do bad shit to good people all the time. Just look at the latest terror attacks and all the damn school shootings and mall shootings all across the country.
I sure as hell dont want to find myself out on the town with friends and or family unprepared when some goat humper or some other dumbass bent on killing me or mine decides to pay us a visit. A pistol is better than nothing, but a long gun is better. And if I have a long gun in my vehicle all the better.
I agree.
I think the nay-sayers in here have never been caught out in remote areas under stress or attack.
Too much to say/recall here but I have “Been there, Done that” more than once.
In my old beater van I carry about the same gear as Jon, except more.
I cover things with old sheets, blankets, etc looks like a Bum is living in there – by design.
Look in my van and you will say – crap this guy is living in here, nothing in here worth a dam.
In fact the same rifle M&P15 – AR. I just keep my Competition AR and rig and
Pistol in the van. And my Carry Gun and BU gun. And enough gear and
supplies to last at least a week or 2 or more away from home if it happens.
Some in here criticize for having too much gear in his car – WTH!! – what
happened with the standard Mil – 2 is 1 and 1 is None idea?
And the “Prepper Saying” “Better to have and not need, then need and not have”.
Too much gear ?? Absolutely not – I can always hand gear out to whoever
I may be able to recruit to be on my crew who does not have gear.
At least 4 back packs, etc., 500 rds ammo(each gun), etc, more.
But “Cant carry all that out” Fine – leave it, hide it, whatever.
Too much gear?? – UHH NEVER!
I read a lot of posts here on these forums. I am not going to comment on food, medical supplies and all the other extras. Be aware I do not reside in an urban environment and my opportunities won’t work for everyone however. If things get that bad where you are you need to get where they aren’t now. I can go faster and further on a good sound horse and at the end of the day the only thing wore out might be my ass. They are easy to refuel and can carry more that I can, especially if you have more than one. As far a firearms, yes a handgun is good to have. As far as long guns a lever gun will work just as well today as it did 100 years ago. I have AR’s, M1a’s, use to have a M2HB on a form 4, but don’t envision my packing that around. Something that isn’t finicky with dirt, debris and fouling is a better choice; you don’t know how long you will be out. But what the hay, take that whatever if you got enough pack horses and the TIME.
Yeah, I remember where I was on September 11th.
It wasn’t Mogadishu!
The general run-down isn’t particularly unsound and I don’t want to be taken too callously but really, if it were so transformative and experience – wouldn’t fitness and endurance trump over gearing and its manifold issues?
Credibility suffers. What is this fellas real-world, everything’s gone to hell ability to capitalize on this load for any length of time?
Physical fitness is without doubt a key factor in overall survivability, and as important as any load out. Provided you’re young and physically fit with no health or mobility issues of any kind. A great deal of the population is not is not so lucky, and their lives may well depend on a good load out. I’ve had this argument with several of my friends in the past. one in particular was adamant that his youth and physical prowess would win the day, and he accepted a challenge to have one arm secured to his side, and one leg splinted solid. He even got to pick which limbs would be secured. In any scenario, he was dead meat in minutes. Without the ability to defend and dig in, he was completely vulnerable and rendered helpless in even a moderate threat. A good load out eases the burden on the individual, and those around them. Especially if they are immobile.
Having served in the forces a long time back the one thing I learned that the key to survival in a hostile environment isn’t how many guns you have but how well you can blend in and be invisible. A gun and the attention it attracts is just a magnet for every idiot that wants to take it and your stuff no mater how god a shot you are you will not last long against a group who will know exactly where you are. My experience with civil unrest is that the military will target you if you show aggression and are heavily armed another no win situation. You need something lethal but silent for protection if you are forced, a good silenced weapon or a crossbow perhaps. but being invisible is key to any escape and evasion that I have been involved in. In my rural location A good mountain bike is a good choice goes where trucks can’t is quiet and doesn’t require fuel you can cary it if needed over obstacles. Portable light shelter single tent provides environmental protection without the effort of trying to build shelter. If one thing will kill you and hamper your ability to function it is decease some portable water filter is a must, in my opinion. Taps will not function in the event of power disruption so clean water protection against the elements and the ability to be invisible will keep you alive far longer than bullets and a gun will but thats just my opinion that and some knowledge of technique.
I don’t know what State this is in, but here in Colorado you cannot have a loaded rifle or shotgun in your vehicle. Also, unfortunately 30 round magazines are not currently legal unless grandfathered in.
From what I gather certain firearms are illegal in Denver to top it off, so an AR might not be okay either.
At least you can carry a handgun in your vehicle for self-defense here, and it can be loaded. I would check your county, state and city laws before you make a vehicle EDC. Our state also limits the length of a folding knife to 3.5″. I would maybe lock the kit up in a tool box, and if you get pulled over be unable to reach these items easily. A CCW permit makes a lot more sense for SHTF as no one will know you have the handgun…. it’s concealed…. and you have a permit for it. Brandishing an AR in an emergency will make you a target or get you shot by the LE.
I like rifles & shotguns, but what is legal and logical makes more sense.
Love the new line of springfield
One more item you might add is a gas mask, and several canisters. I keep mine in a separate bag that can attach to molle on pack. Think of Twin Towers debris cloud, tear gas during riot control.
Remember your survival protocol when making up your Bug-home bag:
1. Oxygen
2. Security/shelter
3. Water
4. Food
5. Comfort
What will kill you first to be without?
John is a few bricks short. Preppers make me sick. Carrying to protect yourself is one thing but this is so far off the deep end, that it’s absolutely ridiculous. You prepare and wait for the worst possible scenarios to develop and arise and you must feel so let down when it never comes to pass. I had planned to work as a security guard awhile back, so I took some courses, including testing on the range. When the course was over, the instructor highly suggested that everyone in this class should now carry all of the time. My response was, “what do you think is more likely, meeting up with an armed individual at Walmart, where I would need to defend myself with a gun, or getting hit by lightening?” He had to admit that lightening was a greater possibility. Most of the time I don’t carry, which is not to say that others should not. I just feel that going to such extremes as John does, is a complete waste of time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere. This level of paranoia needs to be addressed and I suggest that you see a shrink.
I take it you were not a Boy Scout, Dave?
I thought you were hung in the early 1900 period?
A true visionary you are Dave. I bet you dont have home, auto, or life insurance either. Because how likely is it that your house will burn down, you will die unexpectedly, or somebody else will hit you! You are truly a brilliant man and i bet all the time and energy you save NOT preparing is well spent. I bet you are probably a billionaire and im honored to know you.
I agree that the process is two-stage: 1) get to your truck and 2) get to your designated location (home or retreat, whatever). There, we part ways. First concept: a trauma kit. If you need a trauma kit for yourself, it is highly unlikely that you’re going to be in a suitable condition to use the kit. These are more for groups who have the training and expertise to properly deploy them for their members who are injured. That’s not to say you shouldn’t keep a first aid kit; it is highly likely that minor cuts, sprains or other small injuries which can be self-treated will occur. But you would generally carry a trauma kit for other people so unless you’re a first responder, this is effectively dead weight impeding your ability to travel to your destination.
Second: two long guns (AR and shotgun). This is overkill and, while everyone wants to have recourse to the best available weapon for self-defense, there is no way to shoot your way out of a mob. You literally cannot carry enough ammunition. In this instance, the truck itself is the best weapon to get clear of a mob and sheer velocity is the best way to evade harm. To the extent that you would need to defend yourself from inside the truck, a high-capacity handgun (preferably suppressed or you’re going to want ear protection; I always have some sonic plugs in the vehicle at all times) would be the most maneuverable. It is also easier to store securely and can hold a reasonable supply of ammunition for any purpose. It is also lighter for carrying and more easily concealed if there are checkpoints or other reasons to conceal.
Third: tools necessary or preferable to travel ten to fifteen miles on foot. For this purpose, you will want advil or motrin (previously mentioned by another commenter), a hat for the cold or sun, chapstick for cold or sun, sunscreen, insect repellent, possibly a dust mask or filter, gloves to handle sharp or broken objects, a poncho for rain, water and a bottle to carry it, and clothes appropriate for hiking and protection from the elements. To me, this means a lightweight windbreaker at a minimum; one of the ones that roll up and store in their own compact pocket is in mine. If you don’t normally wear hiking boots or purpose-built footwear, then you should keep an old pair in the vehicle and change into them as soon as possible. If you live in an area which is colder, you may want to keep a lightweight pair of thermals handy. A shemagh or bandanna can help with several of these functions. Generally speaking, you need to be concerned with preserving your health and condition to the fullest extent possible. If you’re hiking through blazing sun getting burned all the while, you’re going to be in poor condition in short order. Ditto for cold or rain-induced hypothermia.
In the “hiking” mindset, you’re going to want to get a staff as soon as possible. It’s one of the better deterrents and self-defense tools available and it can be used to probe uncertain footing, lift or move things you don’t want to touch, and knock out broken glass or other obstacles. Sticks are commonly available in the woods, less so in the city, but old rebar from a construction site, a support for office shelving or other improvised sources exist. They may need to be wrapped with cloth or tape to avoid injury, but your gloves will also help. Just don’t try to move electric wires with a metal staff!
Big Jon may not make it far on foot but he is a thinker and his knowledge is valuable. I hope Jon you do make it and I will fight beside you if needed.
Thank you.
I want to congratulate the person making the video. He has now apprised nearly every thief around the world of where he keeps, unlocked and accessible firearms. Brilliant, you’ve made everyone who carries weapons in their vehicle targets.
Furthermore, while I am now old and sick, I used to be an ultra marathon athlete and I don’t think I could/would want to carry all that crap he’s storing in his truck even at my prime. His advice is bogus.
Basic tools necessary to repair an AR as far as you’re going to be able to, will fit in one pocket, not a 2lb. kit. You have to make a reasonable decision as to how much ammo you need, if you are going five miles, 2 30 round mags should be more than enough. If you’re involved in an ongoing gun battle, then you need to work on your gray man skills; not carry more ammo.
I don’t want to carry both long guns for any length of time; a short time, maybe. Unless the buddy you are handing the shotgun to was one of your parents or your spouse, I’d rather not arm someone who will turn around and use the firearm against me. So, that’s either a really dangerous why to find out how trustworthy your buddy is, or it’s out.
I’d increase calories and quantities of water. However, if you are 10-15 miles away from home, then just how much food and water do you need? I’d stick, at least, 3 days of chronic medications, (who says there will be any left when you get ‘home.) if any, that I took. Although not immediately useful, I’d carry anti-inflammatories (acetaminophen) and antibiotic ointment. (Tylenol isn’t called ‘light fighter’ (light infantry) candy for nothing.)
The trauma “pack” is, although one of the lightest things, the most ridiculous. I’ve practiced emergency medicine for 30 years and the things in his pack wouldn’t be anywhere near my first choice.
Of the tools shown, the only one I ever used with any frequency are the bandage scissors. I’d drop the rest, except for the scalpel, add a pair of tweezers, anti-biotic ointment. The most ridiculous thing there is the flashlight. I’ve practiced on three continents-from big coastal cities to rural areas in the US, Australia, the Middle East and West Africa and I’ve never had a need for a flashlight. Cracks me up. I always carry a flashlight on my keychain, anyway.
I’d pare this down to 20-25lbs of what I REALLY needed, not including the rifle. I’d carry 5.56mmx45mm (AR15/M249 SAW) or 7.62x51mm (AR10/MIA1/M240B) ammunition. For pistols, I’d carry .40S&W, last resort 9mm. Whatever happens, you know the US government/cops are going to screw this up even more. When they show up, they will be spreading ammo and guns around like peanut butter on a PB&J. And these are the calibers they use. If I can pickup a SAW or something else, belt fed, and can practically move it, all the better.
And I wouldn’t cram my rifle into a tennis racket bag where I couldn’t get to it. If that’s the only way you can do ‘subtle,’ then you aren’t going to last a half an hour. Besides, it really doesn’t look like a tennis racket cover. People will figure out it’s not a tennis racket when they see you are ‘married’ to it and won’t let it get out arm’s reach.
I would, also, put a reasonably sized container of insect repellent containing high concentrations of DEET.
I am one of the 25-40% of Americans who can’t survive without chronic medications. My life expectancy once transportation infra structure broke down and I ran out of stuff I could steal, would be about 3 months. I’d just stroke out. So, it might change my outlook on survival compared to you.
lol you didn’t read the whole article did you?
Come on man, why so negative? You say his advice is bogus. Maybe you dont agree with everything he has to say, but lemme ask you a question…..where is your vid? Anyone can pick someone apart, it doesnt take real skill or talent to do it. For instance, you give some good advice as far as medical supplies and what not, but you make other comments that are just dumb.
So theives all over the world are going to watch this vid, be able to know who he is, where he is, get there, find him, and then steal his stuff? Come on man stop it.
So now this guy is to blame because people carry guns in their cars and because he made this vid, NOW they all know, you mean all the theives from around the world? And some how because he made this vid, the people who carryin thier cars are all of the sudden now victims. Okay like theives never stole guns from cars prior to this vid….o.k. got it.
I agree about the gray man skills, and you say you couldnt or wouldnt want to carry “all that crap”, that you would not want to carry two long guns and you think 2 thirty round mags is enough for him….really? But yet you later say you would carry an ar15 or an M249 SAW, ar10, or M1A, or wait better yet an M240B and ammo? Really? Work on his grayman skills? The weight of a SAW if memory serves is around 17 pounds empty! Plus a fully loaded ammo can about 22 pounds, plus your 20 to 25 pound pack right? How about that pig or 240? I think they weigh in at 27 pounds empty add another 20 or so for ammo.
And according to you, you are in poor health and probably couldnt carry any of that stuff.
My point is instead of spending time tearing someone else down, why dont you just stick to the positives in your response.
In Alaska you must notify the officer, if your pulled over, that you have firearms. The officer has the right to request the arms and secure them. I suspect that most officers finding an AR, shotgun, pistol, etc. in an individuals vehicle would be inclined to find an excuse to arrest that person.
Good article. The day may come we could all use the information.
Alaska, is not New Jersey. A cop finding a person having a rifle, shotgun and handgun with plenty of other gear would compliment them for being well prepared. It would be crazy for many people to NOT have a full kit. Unless you live in one of the police states, like CA, NJ, NY, CT, DC, MD and MA, having firearms is just part of everyday life.
Places like Idaho, where gun ownership levels are high, and crime is low, the cop would probably want to talk about guns and shooting. Unless I was dealing with a known wanted person, I usually never asked people I stopped if they had a gun. I figured it wasn’t any of my business. Stopping someone for going 13 over the limit doesn’t trigger panic and pulling guns out. If dispatch alerts you to an issue, then the operation changes. Doing a physical arrest obviously triggers the search of the subject. Yes, we find guns, knives, bludgeons, handcuff picks and other gear.
It triggers a search of the area under the immediate custody and control of the arrestee. Not a generalized, let’s ransack the car and slit the tires search.
yeah living in a place where cops are arresting armed gang members and other armed criminals will be a little more alarmed if they pulled over someone with a a big load of guns and ammo in their car but if you are liscensed and your guns aren’t stolen or illegal and all are stowed properly and everything is lawfull, you wont have a problem. that saidthough, you also have to be good. None of this Hero BS of breaking the cops balls because “you have rights” if you are being polite and you are showing a little respect, chances are you are going to be treated right and you’ll be on your way. Act like a butt hole though and you can expect a bunch of problems. Im not saying to just roll over and give in, im saying if a cop is being ok and just asking for basic info, why break his nuts? He is after all, doing his job and is making sure you aren’t just some gun toting nut bag on his way to shoot up the local mall or school! Personally, id rather show everyone I encounter that yes, I am carrying a gun and no, im not a crazy killer and that I am just as nice a person as I would be considered if I weren’t carrying a gun!
I just wanted to compliment you on your perspective. I wish ALL LEO’s were like you in this.
Fellow Americans: We have been at war with radical Islam since 9/11 so Being Trained in Marksmanship and SAFETY are Paramount Before even considering packing a firearm. Follow laws requiring carry permits etc. Being prepared is a Good Idea, you never know what forms of violence the common citizen could be confronted with nowadays. Train, Train Train and Train in Marksmanship and SAFETY First!
I see the word “reality” being used several times in this story and video, but what I see is a GLARING reality that neither Mr. Hodoway or the other presenter is taking into account, and that is the massive impediment of Mr. Hodoway’s morbid obesity. I think that Mr. Hodoway would have very little real chance of extracting himself, much less anyone else, from any SHTF scenario that involved strapping on a great deal of gear and hiking any distance at all. I’m sorry to say that Mr. Hodoway is simply not in any condition to attempt such a strenuous physical exertion as a “ruck up and hump it out” scenario, and, indeed, I feel that he would be a serious detriment to any group he was a part of who decided to do so. The best survival solution would be to take his equipment, leave him there and send back a vehicle to haul him out. The simple reality is that Mr. Hodoway, other than providing some great gear, is a distinct drain to any survival group simply because of his physical condition. If the situation were such that he was already at a safe compound and could offer some viable skill that did not depend upon great physical exertion, such as being a physician, nurse or electronics technician, then I could see where his presence could be considered as an asset instead of a detriment. I don’t mean to be cruel or heartless, and I am sure that Mr. Hodoway is a great fellow, but to consider bringing his obesity along on a pressed march is simply a recipe for disaster.
Keeping everything in the above paragraph in mind, also think about this; all of the equipment shown in the above video looks brand new. All of the bags, packs, knives, etc. show absolutely no signs of ever doing anything except starring in a video and riding in a truck. If I had to guess, I would say that this equipment has never seen more use than an outing or two at the local gun range, and has never been actually used for the purposes cited. It would be very interesting to know how many times Mr. Hodoway has parked his truck 21 miles from home, and then rucked up with all the above equipment and humped it home, with a night or two spent in the boonies using his space blanket, eating his stale protein bars and drinking all of his liquids through a filter. Have you ever done it, Mr. Hodoway? If not, it would make a GREAT video! In my own defense, I incorporate the above scenario into my training regimen at least once a year. If you don’t, you should. It is imperative that someone who preps actually use the equipment he or she has, in the situations in which it is intended to serve. Only in this way will you find out if your plans and equipment hold up in reality. How about it, Mr. Hodoway? Will you make a video showing you actually packing and using the above equipment on a 21 mile, (seven miles a day, and 2 nights), “get home” scenario? It would be very educational and well worth seeing.
Well stated.
Dear Mr. Jackson’s Foot in Mouth,
Let Mr. Hodoway worry about his health and readiness. You know nothing of Mr. Hodoway’s underlying health issues (diabetes, thyroid issues, hereditary issues). Looks to me like he is doing his best, and he unselfishly comes here to share it with others and help them prepare, and you attack him for it. As my Mamma used to say, “If you don’t have nothing good to say, Keep it to yourself.”
Good article. Much of what I carry in the truck. Carry extra to supply those who aren’t prepared. It may save your life (someone to have your back).
P.S. Practice Tolerance, Seek Knowledge
When you meet someone ask, “What can I learn from this person?” not, What are this person’s shortcomings.
• Many, who are older and no longer make good foot soldiers, are often good Generals, advisors, tacticians, and teachers.
• I would give 4 or 5 posters to this site (myself included) for one portly Benjamin Franklin.
• The Sioux and Cheyenne were considered by those who went against them to be the finest cavalry the world has ever known (still are, to my knowledge), not only for their horsemanship and weapons delivery, but also for their excellent tactics. This was at a time when 99% of Americans considered them ignorant savages.
• The only thing you may learn from that bum on the corner is where to get a beer at 7:00 on a Sunday morning. Or, he may be a decorated combat veteran with specialized combat medical training that could save your life, and those you love.
Well said sir.
As I get older it seems too many have the mind set of the baby bull atop of the hill and not the big bull.
Those are real concerns for many of us. I have not aged well, and due to injuries acquired on the job, I do not have the ability to do much running about with a full pack. I do have, and did use my gear a great deal, where we would spend up to 5 days in the bush. We found gear that worked and didn’t. A good kit for the truck for me would b a very lightweight AR and a good handgun. I have carried an pretty complete aid kit, but I wont be taking an appendix out.
In North Idaho, 5 months out of the year, your chances of getting very far without freezing to death. We, family, carry extra foul weather clothing and a sleeping bag.
An issue for many people is where do you store the gear where it is safe from theft. I stopped packing my good gear when my newest truck had not place to store an AR and pack. I do know that I could walk pretty level ground 7 or more miles a day in moderate weather. I suggest that the author has too much gear. A rifle and handgun should be adequate. I know it is a pain to carry jut one long gun and the other gear. Taking a shotgun along would be a waste of effort.
Keep it simple and without extras that you really have very little chance of using in a 3 day trek. Light foods and liquids are more important than all the nice to have trinkets. If you think you will need lots of ammo, I suggest you skip the whole thing.
Another “holier than thou” Mr. Perfect Jock narcissist who thinks their shit don’t stink. I’ve seen big, fat guys who could hump 150 lbs over 20 miles without stopping and thin “fit” guys who can’t even carry a loaded rifle 200 yards without stopping to rest. Go screw your self righteous self Foot Calvary. You don’t know squat!
Thanks Oaf for your response! Guess us older, overweight guys will just have to dig a hole and die. LOL! Hell, with that many weapons, I just get one of them fit guys to “carry me like King Tut” where ever I go. Me thinks Jackson needs a foot up the ARSE……………………………………………………….
maybe so but at least he can supply cover fire while everyone else runs away! I too think about that, a lot of us are older or not physically fit and would have a really hard time running any real distance or hiking around for a day loaded up with equipment. I know, I have been on some long hikes with my camera gear and almost always, 1/2 way into the hike I start asking myself why I brought so many thing in my camera bag with me… lol I hate having to hold things when hiking… its annoying. I couldn’t imagine having three or four bags plus a couple rifles on my back while carrying some other stuff. lol
Hopefully this doesn’t sound too mean as I know what the man is trying to say. However, by the looks of it he looks like if he had to carry this stuff as he plans, he’s about two blocks away from a heart attack and at that point someone who’s never prepared a day in his life would benefit from snatching everything from his body. It’s nice to prepare for what may happen but it’s not OK to prepare oneself everyday for the other health issues that come with being overweight that will do you in.
What kind of knife is pictured?
It’s a KA-BAR Becker TacTool: http://www.kabar.com/knives/detail/7
Sent you to the KA-BAR website, but obviously you can find it much cheaper from Amazon, etc…
One other item for your vehicle is a recoil punch. It’s used to shatter windshield so they may be kicked out easily. Harbor Freight sells them. I have one in each vehicle mounted on left windshield post with a quick release spring for easy access.
Recoil punches will not shatter windshields because they are made of laminated glass. They will work on most other types of windows in cars, which are made of safety glass, which crumbles.
Older buildings do not have safety glass in the windows. Punching regular plate glass is problematic, too. At best you are going to get shards of glass all over you and your environment. It would be more controlled to do it with something like a rock.
I carry a recoil spring punch/seatbelt cutter tool on my keyring everywhere I go. I have another in my vehicle. As a paramedic, I’ve had to punch windows out of cars to get to patients, even with safety glasses it is a MESS and you have to protect yourself/your patient from flying glass fragments that are produced when safety glass breaks.
If you’re going to be carrying a gun, just shoot the darn windows out! lol Plus I never tried using my automatic center punch on a car window… Im not 100% positive it will even work. I know a 9mm would though.
Shooting our a window is a very poor idea. Let’s just tell everyone within a 1/2 mile where we are and that we are armed. I keep a Stanley Functional Utility Bar in my truck. Heavy, yes; but it will function as an axe, a pry bar, a hammer, and will grip sheet goods for bending. Using your truck as a weapon to evade/defeat a mob is good tactics, but you may want to be able to bend the fenders off the tires in case you have collision or ram something. That being said, I also have a knife with a glass breaker on it.
I know spring loaded center punches work, because I’ve done it 50 or so times.
I don’t use an “automatic center punch” I use a spring loaded center punch. I have no idea what a “automatic center punch” would do.
My ears are too tender to set off a firearm inside a closed vehicle, I wouldn’t be able to hear for a couple of days. That’s not a good thing in a tactical situation. I am not going to set off a firearm underwater, least it blow up in my hand. I am not going to go looking for a firearm, when I have the solution in my hand. That said, if I had a 1911 A1 in my hand and the car wasn’t filled with water, I’d probably break the safety glass with it, if I could generate enough force.
In a tactical situation, I don’t want to waste ammunition and announce my location by firing a weapon to break a window.
Here’s my ‘go-time’ plan:
I plan my ‘on body’ edc & vehicle edc based on that day’s plans, potential distance from home, weather & regional/world events. Now, I live in a section of the country where news may arrive instantaneously but it’s ramifications aren’t directly felt, and this will always be the case for me, with the exception of some Hollywood styled mass alien invasion or enormous Noah ‘s Ark Tsunami, etc. What I have to plan for is those around me that don’t, and for those that somehow survive long enough to make it to my AO. I joke with my peers that anyone that makes it this far, in any form to be a threat, has got skills and I wanna talk to them, if possible!
Seriously, though, I feel you should never have more in your vehicle than you YOURSELF can physically carry. Otherwise, you’re simply aiding & abetting your adversary. You have to lose the mil-spec tactical mentality & think individually. The military doctrine revolves around resupply & re-equip logistical planning. You probably won’t have that luxury, so carry smarter. Ask yourself intelligent questions like ‘Does my plan fit my environment or something I read on the internet?’, or, ‘Is it possible to carry task specific ammunition for one weapon, instead of having to carry multiple weapons, maintenance items and their ammo?’
A reality check is critical. If you think gunslinging is the primary concern, and you’re going to be not only shootin’ & scootin’ like some Bruce Willis movie, but also be the baddest dawg in the fight every time … Dude, you’re screwed.
Q&A assessment time:
1) What is the furthest you are likely to be from your vehicle at any time during the day?
– Regardless, you have to remember that if you’re running for your vehicle, everybody else is likely running for theirs. This creates confusion, delays, congestion and another question: Who have you inadvertently or remotely mentioned to that you’re ‘always ready’? They, too, may be headed to your vehicle, or already watching it, ready to acquire what’s yours.
2) Do you have a contingency plan in the event you lose your vehicle and its contents?
3) Do you possess enough “McGyver-Fu” to unass your AO without weapons? Why is this asked? Because I have friends that think every prep plan must revolve around weapons, triggered, edged or otherwise, so they leave it all in their vehicle because their workplace forbids weapons. Think of all the stuff in your bag you could use if you had it with you. Prep to survive weaponless in certain scenarios.
4) No matter what you think now, everyone you’ve remotely mentioned your survival preps to is now a threat. Short of your immediate nuclear family, trust no one with your plans and ideals. The ill prepared will far outnumber the prepared and a hungry, thirsty man has no loyalties.
5) Pack smart, carry smarter. An AR, an 870, their respective ammo and all that other stuff, but only 24hrs of food & water? Not a very sound system, in my humble opinion. Prioritize the water making & calories-I have 5 days of calories & 2qts of water, with ability to make 100gls more, shelter, fire & first aid. Minimize the firepower to a capable multitask capable calibered carbine in 5.56, 7.62×39 or .300BO. I personally carry an AR 15 in x39 with an 18″ barrel & midlength gas system that gives me substantial firepower and reliability out to 350 meters-more than enough range for my needs/plans. It’s common ammo, common platform and is a good compromise in weight and power between the 5.56 and the x51. For a handgun, I use a Beretta 96A1 set up in .357 Sig, with 9mm & .40SW barrels in a mag pouch. This handgun, by design, uses the same mags for all three calibers.
6) Pack & practice ‘gray man’ .
All of my stuff fits in an obvious looking, well marked ‘Spaulding’ Racquetball shoulder bag with the distinctive racquet cover attached to it. If you open it, you’ll see a racquet. Under a divider is the weapons broken down. If you open the huge main compartment, you’ll see a towel, court shoes, dirty court shorts & socks, etc… and you’ll gag and close it up. Under the divider though, is the backpack with my pertinents, my preferred clothing & footwear, etc.
7) As always, YMMV.
Good article. If means allow, a Truck Vault is a good option. More secure than under the rear seat, and it can secure everything you might need, especially if you need to play bumper cars.
Choose wisely what weapons you store in your vehicle. Whatever you choose is your next firearm that will be stolen. What weapon do you want the criminals to have? Hidden is irrelevant. Vehicles are the number one location fir firearm theft.
If the SHTF around here, people will going from house to house with cutting torches cutting open gun safes… LOL
PLEASE don’t “CARRY” Firearms!
When you “carry firearms” you partake in a Privilege and inadvertently support tyranny.
Don’t trade your RIGHT to “keep and bear Arms” for a Statutory Privilege of “Carrying Firearms.”
See “Why we should NOT “carry” firearms.”
And Why “Gun licenses are NOT LAW, they are Commercial Contracts.”
The fight against tyranny begins with Knowledge.
In a SHTF situation and you are the sole “defender” within a vehicle a long gun is at a disadvantage. It does not lend it self well for quick 360° threat response. Transition to another weapon caused by a current threat that you can’t cover can cost time and your life. We are talking close encounters of the immediate kind. You need mag capacity and muzzle mobility not stand off capability. A non buffer folder is better, a pistol variant is much better and super high cap mags for your pistol combined with single hand operation make that the hands down most effective in vehicle repel boarders 360° weapon.
If you must dismount, long guns fill the bill. If your a crappy shot under pressure go with a shotgun and hope close enough is good enough and combat or tactical reloading isn’t too slow. True folders once again add versitility on open or extreme close quarters engagements. There are many choices, you must choose wisely. Sit in your vehicle with your choice weapon and transition 360° and you will find enlightenment. Your truck gun/gear: Unless you are going to defend in place, you gear must be configured to size, weight and carrying system (s) that allows quick agd agile mobility. Know that you may expand substantial ammo and even lose a primary weapon early on. Employ a sling that wraps your torso and a wrist band that can connect to your handgun lanyard loop/hole. Your handgun has one right?