FedEx Severs Relationship with NRA, Says Decision Is Not Politically Motivated

FedEx Severs Relationship with NRA, Says Decision Is Not Politically Motivated

FedEx says it’s ended its discount program with the National Rifle Association. (Photo: FedEx Facebook)

International shipping giant FedEx announced yesterday their decision to sever ties with the National Rifle Association, according to Reuters.

But the move has nothing to do with the recent mass murder in a Pittsburg synagogue, the company says. Instead, it claims that business members of the NRA did not bring in enough shipping volume to warrant the discount program it offered to the pro-gun group.

Unlike companies such as Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, and Enterprise, FedEx has thus far refused to cave to pressure from anti-gun groups who wanted them to end their partnership with the NRA. In February, they followed the example of Wells Fargo, which has maintained their ties with gun companies in an effort to avoid extra-legal restrictions on Second Amendment rights.

While FedEx said after the Parkland massacre that it opposed civilian ownership of “assault rifles,” it “does not and will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity regardless of their policy positions or political views.”

The company’s latest decision may or may not be politically motivated, but the mainstream media has reliably jumped to their own conclusions. Perhaps the dumbest take comes from Reuters’ John Foley, who believes this move by FedEx indicates that “the NRA no longer has the economic clout to inspire fear in the corporate world.”

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As proof, Foley cites an incident in the year 2000 in which the NRA called gun owners to boycott Smith & Wesson for their support of gun control measures. Smith & Wesson nearly went out of business, Foley claims, and the company’s CEO lost his job.

But the NRA’s influence over a gun company’s bottom line should come as no surprise. They are a gun rights organization, after all. A similar boycott would no doubt have the same effect today, and the NRA likely never had as much sway with companies outside the firearms industry. It’s also worth noting that NRA membership has never been higher, and donations to the organization spiked after Parkland.

Foley also claims that companies that banned AR-pattern rifles like Dick’s Sporting Goods, Walmart and Kroger haven’t suffered economically as a result of their decision. While Walmart may be too large to feel the effects of disgruntled gun owners, the same isn’t true for Dick’s.

The company saw a 10 percent drop in their stock price following poor earnings numbers in August, and while that price has risen in the last few days, it still isn’t clear how their decision will affect the company moving forward.

FedEx says it dropped more than 100 additional companies as part of the review that gave the NRA the boot.

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  • Ronnie August 16, 2019, 1:31 pm

    I guess I won’t be getting those clips for my double barrel shotgun now. What a shame.

  • Richard November 13, 2018, 12:32 pm

    Interesting and unfortunate how some of the largest companies are run by people who do not know God and when they say certain decisions they make are not politically motivated they lie as is the nature of the liberal anti -Christ mindset and is becoming a clearly evident behavior in these days.

  • Michael M. November 8, 2018, 5:26 am

    Everyone is getting all butt-hurt over a STRICTLY BUSINESS decision. The reason a company gives discounts is to drive volume. The agreement with the NRA was not providing the volume to justify the discount. Fed Ex is not saying they won’t ship for the NRA just they will have to pay full price. This is how capitalism works. I personally don’t care for Fed Ex but they aren’t the bad guy here. I don’t ship enough volume throgh Fed Ex to warrant a discount but you don’t hear me crying about it.

  • EDDIEB1106 November 6, 2018, 10:42 am

    Too much PC bull going on these days. They think this will get them more business. They probably had some complaints and we all know the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

  • spatin November 5, 2018, 1:29 pm

    I have been a loyal FedEx customer for years and years, but I am very disappointed that FedEx would target the NRA and its members by cutting off discounts for NRA and members. In the future I will be looking for other means of parcel and letter delivery. FedEx is not the only game in town.

  • Jack Rutledge November 4, 2018, 10:10 pm

    I live in rural Alaska. Fed-ex will not deliver to me and they know it. Yet they keep telling vendor’s that Yes they will deliver to my door step. Give them the boot they deserve. UPS will put it in my hands, so guess who gets my business.

  • mtman2 November 4, 2018, 9:15 pm

    Big mistake for FEDEX.

    Not that the NRA is more than a very large PR firm.

    SAF and others are the American Pitbulls in actual court fights to gain victories.

    Any other carrier that will stay out of Far-Left smear tactics will get my business.

  • Winford Brigman November 4, 2018, 9:07 am

    I have only ever made one purchase years ago that was shipped via FedEx and the item shipped was supposed to have been delivered according to the tracking number but I didn’t receive my package until four days later! I have never had anything else delivered by FedEx and never will. UPS gets my business and now the will hopefully get FedEx business now as well.

  • David Welsh November 3, 2018, 4:13 pm

    Let’s see…lets abandon support for an organization that supports the Constitution and a critical, God-given right necessary for free people. Fed Ex must want to curry favor with China. Screw ’em!

  • Stacy November 3, 2018, 3:20 pm

    I had to order the same reloading die set from Cabelas because fed x kept leaving them at the vacant house next store on the porch even though I have our house # on our driveway the just didn’t want to drive the extra 300’ down to my house. I kept calling Cabalas they would tell me they sent them and fedx tracking was saying they were delivered so I finally checked the vacant home and there all 3 sat!! Go figure i haven’t used them since!

  • MJ November 3, 2018, 1:03 pm

    Stay out of politics, just deliver my stuff.

  • Jim November 3, 2018, 10:27 am

    Just made 6 million unhappy whit your company I for one will not ship fed ex.

  • Douglas G Roy November 2, 2018, 9:34 pm

    F fedex and hello UPS.

  • James Phillip Pratt November 2, 2018, 7:45 pm

    Fedex must have a bunch of spinless Liberals in the executive management staff. Probably never served their country, were never taught fireams safety and the proper use of firearms by their fathers, and are afraid of loud noises. Now that they have violated our Constitutional Rights by discriminating against gun owners, it is time that we file suit against the stupid bastards.

  • Peter Brown November 2, 2018, 4:12 pm

    ups is, or was as bad as these leftists cowards.
    ups limited shipping a handgun to air travel. I asked an “official” agent at ups why the change. She said there had been too many thefts of firearms from ups. I asked her did ups have a problem with security.
    No, she said. I asked if that’s the case, were thefts going on internally (employees).
    Oh, no, she said.
    Well, toots, you can’t have it both ways. I’ve boycotted ups since that day in the 1990’s. Now that fed-EX has made my boycott list, the only viable alternative shipper that remains is the postal service.
    I’ll discontinue patronizing a provider of Dog supplies because they use fed-EX. They’ll be notified today.

    I’ll pay more and/or wait longer for goods and remain faithful to my principles because I am The NRA and an sure that even this site might be gone were it not for The NRA.

    • Sharon Hollen December 27, 2018, 1:10 pm

      I am chuckling at all the knee-jerk reactions, party, and company slamming over a headline that is FALSE. The NRA, along with other companies simply had their discount changed based on shipping volume. This is exactly what is wrong with our nation…gullible people believing and reacting to slanted/bs news and not bothering to check the facts. Sheesh people.

  • Cyberrifles November 2, 2018, 4:03 pm

    Get a EBay account and then apply for the shipping discount. Then just use that account to ship. FEDEX website never asks what is being shipped.
    Furthermore, even if you buy extra insurance and the item is lost, broken, or stolen, they will not pay. I had to sue them in small claims court to get my money.

  • Alan November 2, 2018, 3:00 pm

    I tried to use my NRA membership for a shipment once and they made me try to jump through so many hoops it wasn’t worth it. Screw them, I’ll never deal with them again. Boycott them, give them a one finger salute!

  • Steve November 2, 2018, 1:44 pm

    Screw FedEx. I ordered 1000 rounds of ammunition online. When the package arrived, it had been opened and 5 boxes had been taken. I contacted FedEx and they said they have the right to open any package. When I asked if that right extended to stealing part of the delivery, I got no reply.

  • Timothy Yorgan November 2, 2018, 1:35 pm

    I think FED-EX believes what they’ve given as reason for stopping the discount for the NRA, but I don’t think “jack” one of us out here are buying it. I, for one, if given the choice, will never choose FED-EX for shipping again, even if it’s cheaper for me. I’m not a company, but I’m one of the constitutional citizens who own some of the 300 million guns out here and buy a lot of parts via the internet. They’re gutless and caved to to the anti-second amendment crowd, no matter what BS reason they give.

  • Doug Samples November 2, 2018, 12:59 pm

    I will request other carriers when I place orders. I will not ship via Fedx. If a company will not meet my request I will find another source.

  • John November 2, 2018, 12:07 pm

    FedEx consistently throws my packages at Wrong address & flees, even if there is a gun inside!

  • Marcelino November 2, 2018, 11:18 am

    No more fed ex for me if I can decide which carrier to choose. They ain’t
    as fast as UPS anyways.

  • trapperwv1 November 2, 2018, 11:09 am

    No more FedEx for me

  • James Gordon November 2, 2018, 10:52 am

    While Fed Exs reason for dropping the NRA is believeable, I don’t believe it for one second.I only use UPS and USPS for all my shipping needs.Fed Ex speed of delivery has always been mediocre at best and I don’t care for the condition of their owner operators trucks.Good riddance to them!

  • Carl V. Berthelot November 2, 2018, 9:58 am

    I will no longer use Fed EX and encourage other s to do the same.

  • JungleCogs November 2, 2018, 9:37 am

    As a former Decorated Marine Officer, Fex-Ex Founder/CEO Fred Smith should know better. Even if their (his) explanation is true, the optics of the timing is bad for his firm and for the country.

  • r w firearm sales November 2, 2018, 9:16 am

    I am a ffl dealer. I have fed ex drivers tell me I should not sell guns. they will not work with your business hours. they have lied that they made a delivery attempt. fed ex express drivers are the worst. I try to order from wholesalers that ship usps. their drivers are very workable and friendly. I do quite a few internet transfers. I get a copy of other ffl dealer federal firearm license that are stamped in red “do not ship fed ex”. I wish all my guns came in ups or usps.

  • ALSCV November 2, 2018, 9:15 am

    What a big lie! Not enough NRA business? If this is true, why didn’t you cancel their discount earlier? You gave in to the big lies by the anti 2A liberals in the media, congress, etc. You haven’t the fortitude to ignore the liberal anti-2A people, much less tell the truth. You are disgusting people who have no spine. I cannot use your services.

  • CHRIS MCBRIDE November 2, 2018, 9:13 am

    Well guess UPS will get all of our shipping business from now on. I will make changes monday morning and will let them know why.

  • Infidel762X51 November 2, 2018, 8:52 am

    The decision was not politically motivated. And the Pope isn’t Catholic either.

    • WVinMN November 2, 2018, 11:00 am

      The current Pope isn’t. He bows to the alter of Marxism.

  • akjc77 November 2, 2018, 8:47 am

    Lets face it the radical leftists are never gonna stop attacking and chipping away at our 2nd amendment and the NRA, and it seems there are always gonna be plenty of fairweather friends that only believe in our God given rights when it’s easy to! The key to our 2nd amendment is our youth! We need to be making sure we teach them the importance of our 2nd amendment and the joys of safe shooting. As they pansify more each generation and become more and more hardwored to electronic devices and less and less on outdoor activities like shooting. We ever lose our 2nd amendment and we will lose this Nation to the Socialist left just like most of Eutope has.

    • No1hunter November 2, 2018, 10:38 am

      Good luck with that. Our Socialist public school systems will never let that happen. The brainwashing starts the day they step in the door.

  • Paul Culpepper November 2, 2018, 8:21 am

    FedX is by far the worst shipping/carrier in the business, in our opinion. FedX brought leaking spray paint cans into our office on two different occasions; the leaks were due to their “rough” handling of the product. We no longer will accept fragile items from FedX and now we will just not use them altogether.

    FedX just ain’t no UPS!!!!

  • Jay November 2, 2018, 7:41 am

    I’m up in the air on this one as the owner of Fedex was a marine and Vietnam vet but he was also a supporter of the larger than life RINO McCain for president!

  • gary November 2, 2018, 7:22 am

    well, NRA needs to make a better deal with FED-X… Trump would. It’s not like they won’t ship NRA stuff and it’s not like we all have to use FED-X… all just business right.

    I’d like a follow up story, if this is just business who else have they severed ties with due to lack of business…prove it’s just business.

  • Wynndale Stringer November 2, 2018, 6:57 am

    Good! I’ve been fedup with fedex for a long time. They are the worst and I usually ask for a different delivery service anyway.

  • Rangemaster11B November 2, 2018, 5:46 am

    FedEx is usually the most expensive option in shipping, anyhow.

  • Ghost November 2, 2018, 5:24 am

    FedEx…Say Bye-Bye to multi million dollar contracts.

  • Joe November 2, 2018, 5:05 am

    To hell with the federal express.

  • bob November 2, 2018, 3:36 am

    This has nothing to do with politics so hope Fedex will understand when I no longer use their shipping service.

  • FB November 2, 2018, 3:09 am

    The NRA has nothing to do with psychopaths going on killing sprees. Are you going to also stop supporting U-Haul if terrorist continue to rent them for committing atrocities?

  • Dr Motown November 1, 2018, 12:00 am

    Honestly, unless I owned a small business that did daily shipping, I wouldn’t even know about the NRA discount because I don’t ship much anyways (besides the occasional eBay sale that goes UPS or USPS). As for other companies, like Hertz, I already had a discount through another professional organization so I never even looked to the NRA for auto rental discounts (subsequently, I’ve used the RMEF-AVIS discount option and dropped Hertz when I travel). I think most NRA members would be better off with discounts towards things we use frequently, like life insurance, liability insurance, even healthcare insurance.

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