GOA, GOF Secure TRO Against New Mexico Carry Ban

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

In a U.S. District Court yesterday, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) obtained a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against New Mexico’s firearm carry ban.

The ban was Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “public health order” in Albuquerque.

GOA and GOF promptly sued over the weekend, opposing the Governor’s decision. Five pro-gun groups in total argued in court for the TRO.

Judge David Urias, appointed by President Biden, delivered the ruling.

Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, stated: “We are ecstatic that Judge Urias agreed with us that Governor Grisham simply can’t trash the Constitution whenever she sees fit.”

SEE ALSO: GOA Sues New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham Over Albuquerque Firearm Ban

New Mexico Governor appears on CNN to defend her controversial ban on firearms.
New Mexico Gov. Grisham believes her carry ban is not unconstitutional. (Photo: CNN)

“Gun Owners of America will continue pressing to extend this Temporary Restraining Order into a permanent order,” he continued. “And we will not rest until all those in New Mexico who played a role in this action are held accountable for this gross assault on our rights.”  

The governor’s order, set since last Friday, was to end on October 8. The TRO, enacted Wednesday at 2:55 p.m., will hold until October 3.

Gov. Grisham also responded to the TRO.

“Today, a judge temporarily blocked sections of our public health order but recognized the significant problem of gun violence in this state,” she said.

“I refuse to be resigned to the status quo, and I will never stop fighting to prevent other families from enduring these tragedies,” she continued.

As always, stay tuned for updates!

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  • Blue Dog (he/him) September 14, 2023, 5:37 pm

    While I can appreciate what Governor Lujan was trying to do here, she went about it the wrong way. It might not be the easy way but it’s the cowboy way! While it is good to follow the procedures of Congress to amend these laws, the demands of public health emergency do bring an urgency and that urgency yields to frustration at such inaction! Even with the best of intentions, we have to work within the system to make lasting change.

    A more skeptical man might think Governor Lujan was trying to make headlines for 2024, consideration for a cabinet seat, maybe?

    I first heard about this last Sunday morning. I read it from a substack of a… radio show that propogates conspiracy theories and insurrection? And she made it sound like it was statewide, which worried me since I um…know a guy who had crossed about 60 miles of NE New Mexico on Saturday.

    • Hondo September 18, 2023, 5:16 am

      Blithering fool says what? You really are a useful idiot, good job bluedouche it/clown.

    • Gee September 25, 2023, 12:02 pm

      Grab’em by the balls Grisham is using this unconstitutional stunt for free campaign media airtime. Why don’t they demand she be charged with sexual assault and get her more free airtime? She grab her last much younger campaign manager by his balls and used campaign funds for attorney fees and to pay $150,000 settlement.

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