Internet Scammer Paul Webster Caught! + Anti-Fraud Tips from GunsAmerica

Don’t Be a Victim!

It is a sad thing to see the hard earned money of our GunsAmerica people wasted on a fraudster, but even our extremely advanced and aggressive fraud prevention system can’t catch them all. You have to protect yourself from internet fraud, and here are some tips.

  • If it is Too Good to be True, ITS NOT TRUE. – Everyone knows what guns are worth. We have price books even. If you see a gun for sale at hundreds of dollars under its value, there is a 95%++ chance that it is a scammer trying to get you to contact them. Also, never agree to do anything even questionably illegal. With that you have a 100% chance that it is a scammer trying to get you to send them money without the ability to report it when they rip you off.
  • New Sellers – No offense to new sellers here or anywhere else online, but the facts are that our fraud prevention system catches fraudulent accounts, usually very quickly. If you see a new seller with no transactions, get their payment address and contact information from them before you agree to anything. If you use Google Maps you can often get a street view and ask them what color their house is, how many neighbors they have, etc., to see if this looks like a regular person selling their own guns. THE MOST COMMON type of scam these days are “mail forwarding” services that involve these mailbox pack and ship places. If you Google Map someone’s address and it comes up as a shopping center or anything besides a residential house the seller can identify, steer clear.
  • No Knowledge of Product – When we send out a security warning on a suspected fraudulent account we get back probably 5 responses saying that they didn’t send money for every one that did. These 5 people often say “he didn’t know anything about the gun” or “he didn’t answer my questions” and even “he hung up on me when I asked the serial number of the gun.” Ask questions that only the owner of the firearm could answer and you’ll weed out the marjority of fraudsters out there.
  • Pop Me a Cellphone Picture – Most of us have been walking around with camera phones for more than 5 years now. If the person is a new seller, or your suspect something, there is nothing wrong with asking them to pop a quick cellphone picture of the gun that they can text or email to your phone or computer. It is a leap of faith to send a seller money with no guarantee of them sending you what you paid for. A quick picture to verify that they own the item is not a lot to ask.

Much to the relief of his hundreds of internet gun buyers who have encountered him first hand, Paul Steven Webster has been caught. He was arrested March 21st by Lee County Florida deputies after an exhaustive three year hunt by both state and local law enforcement. GunsAmerica was instrumental in both the opening of the case against Webster and in his eventual capture.

Webster has been known throughout the internet gun buying world as a most elusive purveyors of internet fraud operating in our small corner of the internet buying world. He has claimed victims from nearly every popular internet discussion forum, posting guns for sale several hundred dollars below their value, and he has also surfaced on all of the major gun buying and selling websites, as well as the internet gun auctions.

GunsAmerica customer service opened the case against him in 2008 (not 2007 like some of the press releases say) in Lee County Florida when he surfaced here, and our fraud prevention system kept him off of GunsAmerica until early 2011 when he again attempted to steal from our people. We quickly reached out to both local and federal law enforcement, and he was caught within a short time.

We are sending this notice out because we would like our people and the entire gun buying public to know two things.

  1. That there is a new sheriff in town when it comes to internet fraud. – Where as recent as a year ago we could not get any state or federal agency to pay attention to cases where there was under $100,000 in losses, the United States Postal Service has recently become the primary point of contact for what are considered “small” cases of internet fraud.Lee County Florida arrested Webster, but the warrants in Florida and a couple other states for his arrest were initiated by United States Postal Service Inspectors from information provided by GunsAmerica. The agent specifically involved in Florida has asked to remain anonymous, but this arrest never would have occurred with her aggressive pursuit of this case.
  2. That GunsAmerica aggressively pursues internet scammers. – GunsAmerica is the only website involved in this case that has had active and aggressive contact with law enforcement. Emails to several internet selling venues and discussion sites with buying and selling boards by the USPS went unanswered, and the case would have gone cold. Listen up internet gun community!! We can’t be silent about internet fraud. W e are hoping the victims of Paul Webster from all over the internet gun world will get word of his arrest through our blog and blog digest email.

Other names that Paul Webster ripped people off under are Savannah Associates (the other warrants were in Georgia), Blackstone Enterprises, and PCH Traders among others. We cannot disclose the list of websites that were platforms for his fraud, but they are as far reaching as any corner of the internet that you can travel to talk about or buy and sell guns.

In the end Webster was arrested at a Publix supermarket after we gave our contact at USPS the details of the location of his latest mail drop. Our people were instrumental in getting law enforcement the bank information where he was cashing checks, and eventually our people brought him down. We hope and pray that as the case is brought against Webster that our victims here on GA are reimbursed for their losses

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  • JOHN HUTCHISON April 30, 2016, 3:10 am

    hi great news on the scammer my story started in 2014 with the cannonsuperstore who had a sellers page on gunbroker I bought two dewate oerlikons 20 mm off of gunbroker as the months ticked past and hundreds of email these folks vanished it was lucky I had ontact info from the seller in new zealand that sort of saved the day or did it ?it seams the cannonsuper store contacted a company in san luis obispo who seamed helfull i had to fork out almost two thousand for importing from new zealand to these import exsport people , my friend got his new zealand permit to send to the importer in california but with them it was friendy contact in the first few months then nothing so in trying to email them to give me an update and that also i emailed them did they get my frends exstention in new zealand on exsportation? they sent me a hate message basical and your me is no longer a customer and talk to our lawyer this happened today now up to 10000 usd can anybody have any ideas on whats going on i saved every email and screen shot them as well plus the pdfs documents and theres
    all ths happened in 2014 ongoing with new charactors i tried contacting gun broker but nothing from them cheers john

  • RN September 21, 2014, 7:58 pm

    Caught one last Christmas in Sioux Falls, his name is Kenneth Boone. Local LEO’s know him, wouldn’t do anything. Postal Inspector said they wouldn’t touch anything under 10k. Finally got a great ATF agent who interviewed the slime bucket and he admitted that he scams all the time for a larger organized crime group. ATF agent gave it to the local DA who said it was small potatoes and not worth his time, even though Boone is a three time felon and child molester. Kudos to the lone ATF agent who tried to do the right thing.

  • Silveressa September 15, 2014, 4:35 am

    If I was a seller, I admit I would be rather leery of someone taking an overt interest in exactly where I lived (down tot he house color) given a would be thief who’s looking for a (potentially rare/expensive) firearm collection to acquire would also be after that exact same information.

    Great job on catching this scum bag, hopefully it’ll deter others like him!

  • Mike September 8, 2014, 10:51 pm

    “Thank you very much” to everyone involved in bringing this scumbag down. GOOD JOB.

  • Glen September 8, 2014, 7:13 am

    Now that is great news, we certainly don’t need people like this Guy Paul Webster running around the country side ripping off people……………. Thank you for keeping us informed about people just like this…….

  • Geoff Gallo May 27, 2014, 9:29 pm

    I am one of the guys he has been ordered to pay restitution to and as of this moment, not a dollar has been paid. 5 years probation and $100.00 dollar fine. What a joke… He owes me $470.00 and I want my money back…. He is not going to stiff me. I said when he ripped me off, I would see him in jail in 6 months and I kept my word and helped the law catch him. Now I want my money and I will collect.,…

    • JOHN HUTCHISON April 30, 2016, 3:13 am

      hope you collect i posted a comment on my loss at gunbroker and the cannonsuper store plus others

  • Stan March 14, 2013, 10:29 am

    Update Paul Webster Scam……to date his plea was guilty in 2011… $100.00 fine 5 years probation….restitution to be paid to victims. of which none has been made to the best of my knowledge….Sad!

    • vikki May 18, 2013, 10:06 pm

      Are you sure about this? I knew Paul, for many years. I have to say, he was slick..It’s like he has disappeared off the face of the earth. He fooled us all..
      Did he plead out in Tampa” WHat about Savannah? Michigan? New York? DAMN

      • Geoff Gallo May 27, 2014, 9:32 pm

        Yes he plead out. It is up to the other States, Cities and counties to pursue him. People he ripped off need to actively pursue him if they want justice. I am.

  • shredding Austin June 26, 2012, 6:22 am

    Let us remember to safeguard all our company as well as personal information since we are dependent on computers which can be hacked by fraudulent minds. Thanks for your helpful tips!

  • Widgeteye October 19, 2011, 8:56 pm

    I am really glad I ran across this site. Thanks for the great info on USPS.
    Damn good information.

  • Jerry September 18, 2011, 1:59 pm

    Sorry he was arrested in March not May

    • JOHN HUTCHISON April 30, 2016, 3:17 am

      victum notification where is this located i have hundreds of emails of the folks who fleeced me

  • Jerry September 18, 2011, 1:58 pm

    All of you may know this, but Paul Webster plead guilty to Mail Fraud on Sept 1 in Tampa. He is going to be sentenced in Tampa on Nov 30.

    I feel blessed I only got taken for $500.

    When I by chance saw that he was arrested in May, I contacted the local police and they contacted me within a few hours. They then immediately turned my name over to the US Postal Inspectors. Sent them all my info I had.

    Signed up for the Victim Notification System and have been kept informed every step of the way.

    This week, the US Probation office in Tampa, sent me a “Declaration of Victim Losses” form to be completed by Sept 23.

    Contact information for the US Probation Office is (813) 301-5773

    Paul Webster: Case # 2011R00866
    Court Docket # 11-CR-00368

    He has a court appointed lawyer, so I don’t imagine we will see any money, but I makes me feel good just to let him know that I haven’t forgotten what he did.

    Good Luck

  • James Cook July 25, 2011, 5:02 am

    I dont think what he did was so wrong he should go to prison or be killed. The same greedy people who got taken advantage of are the same people who are more than willing to grab a fast buck if they can. I bet most of the people who thought they were getting a cheap gun that they could make money on would steal or scam people if they could and they probably do.

  • Wayne June 7, 2011, 9:24 pm

    Thanks for the vigilance Gunsamerica! Its a great start. I’m glad I have turned to you guys for information on guns and ownership. SemperFi. Majorkewl

  • RRR June 4, 2011, 3:35 pm


  • rich merlino May 29, 2011, 10:44 am

    do not waste taxpayers money on court fees and prison, shot him on site!

  • larry nickel May 17, 2011, 5:39 am

    Under Ted Kelly this maggot got me too. If its a first conviction don’t expect much, and dont expect any money back. He will either flee or just do short time in jail then be out to pull it again somewhere else. There is so much crime right now the jails are full and small timers are just not dealt with to severely, no room and no money. Besides Obama believes he is stealing from the rich and spreading the wealth to himself. The inspectors do a great job but the legal system sucks. nick

  • Mick May 16, 2011, 8:04 am

    Thanks for the assist GA but lets not forget that us folks who were “ripped” need to step forward. Myself and Ken Arnold from PA were early on this and spent countless hours working and sending info to the Sheriff’s Dept. in FL where this Complaint was initiated. Alot of it was done at our expense. We were constantly on the phone and E Mail with thier Investigators down there. If you are “ripped” please notify GA and file complaints with the local PD’s ect.

  • Anthony May 15, 2011, 7:41 pm

    Its always my worry sending good money out on a wing and a prayer auction deal . Just wish we had a actual phone number and person to talk to on GunsAmerica site . Had a deal with this guy Alan and discription was flawed . Was accused of altering gun , refused to take back . Contacted through e-mail GunAmerica and got nowhere . So fellows don’t pat yourselves on the back too hard .

  • Mike FiveNine May 12, 2011, 3:08 pm

    Probably honed his craft on Ebay!

  • Kevin May 11, 2011, 7:52 pm

    This awesome. On all my transactions I purchase my fire arms with United States Postal Money Orders. The Postal Inspectors will follow up situations like this especially if USPS money orders are used for payment and merchandise is fradulant. Koodos to USPS another one for the good guys!

  • Will May 10, 2011, 10:55 am

    There are a lot of FFl people out there that would appreciate your business than these clowns. Check the internet for FFl dealers nearest you before you order next time. I would bet my mother in-law life that it would more pleasurable.

  • Christopher F. Holland May 4, 2011, 9:46 am

    Question; Several times I have ordered guns for dealers and have had to have any gun shipped to an FFL. The last time I had a beautiful little O/U sent to me % the FFL. I arrived at the shop (a 3 hour min. trip) and walked in to find the crew who worked at the place swinging my gun, setting it down on hard counters, generally acting as though they had a well used shotgun of no merit and no worth. I said something to the effect of “Could I see the gun.” and it was enough to clue them into the fact it might be mine. Wonder of wonders, no scratches and no bangs or bruises.

    But is this every gun shop’s policy? To throw a delivery around after the packing was thrown in the corner? (I had to retrieve the packing and the box!

    The Owner quietly watched the whole proformance and never said a word.

  • bill May 2, 2011, 11:21 pm

    this dude tried to rip me off late jan 2011 he would not send me pics of the other side of the gun but wanted to know where the check was i told him to pound sand. you guys need to make it easy to report these scammers its to hard to do it the way its set up now to bad as i wont try to buy anything off of your site for a long time

  • huffman264 May 1, 2011, 6:03 am

    Great Job Keep up the good work

  • Hugo April 29, 2011, 2:51 pm

    Good Job GUNS AMERICA! I wish Auction Arms was as caring and pro active. I was victim of a scammer on that site. This thief had already scammed others. I have since stayed away from them. They don’t seem to be well organized. Its true, if its that good of a deal, research the seller.

  • Will April 29, 2011, 10:44 am

    I wish that I had read this article sooner. My son and I went to a gun show recently where a older gentlemen had some pistols, semi hand guns etc. not much of a display but was trying to convince us to buy from him and “there would be no paper work” and “why let them know what we got”. I should of taken a picture of this dude or reported him. But not being that well informed of the do’s and don’ts of gun shows operations, my son quickly suggested that we move right along to another table.

  • Jake M April 29, 2011, 12:14 am

    Outstanding. Would be nice to have more companies looking out for their customers like Gunsamerica. Keep up the great work.

  • Bubba April 27, 2011, 3:14 pm

    Good work guys!!! Now when is the shooting? The sorry S.O.B. needs that. It is well if the shooting happens and not only is he out of business for good but it just might discourage some others from scammings.

  • William Peterson April 24, 2011, 10:19 pm

    Good work. I have’nt bought from Guns America, but I appreciate your looking after buyers.

  • meanc April 22, 2011, 4:22 pm

    He used to go by the usernames Keez and KeezParrot as well.

  • meanc April 22, 2011, 12:28 am

    Does anyone have a list of aliases he used on other forums and the names he used on the various auction sites.

    It’s nice he was caught, kudos to everyone involved, but I think helping people get their money back should be a big priority. The only way his real name will help them is to know which aliases he used.

    • Administrator April 22, 2011, 9:01 am

      That is the only list we were able to get. He actually used his own name for a while, before he began actually registering business names and getting bank accounts in those names.

  • Carl April 21, 2011, 1:19 pm

    I’d like to spit some Beachnut in that dudes eye and………

  • Dave April 21, 2011, 12:01 pm

    Love to read stories like this one….I have always liked the GA site and have purchased a few firearms from there vendors, while I never felt threatened or worried about fraud, it’s good to know they and their users are on top of things. Yes, this was a shared capture, the involvement of many people’s are evident, and generally that is what is needed in a case like this. Thanks is not enough for those involved. While I agree with most comments on this subject, especially the ones on the public getting more involved in the world they live in and making a difference. But, this is America and we do have laws and a legal system…so they will take care of this character, not vigilantly. We are not China, (and I would hate to be), we are not the Detroit thugs from the North….I would like to think as a fellow gun owner and responsible citizen, that we,.. more than any others,.. are more responsible than the average guy. We have to be, firearms require that we be diligent and safety mined. Something I am reminded constantly as a conceded carry advocate. Personally I think Most firearms owners are more conscious of their surroundings, people in those environments, the goings on of daily events and what is happening in our government. While a great many feel differently about Guns then we do, it is us that appreciates the liberties and rights this country allows, and our Constitution and Bill of Rights protects. Great job by everyone involved in this case…While I doubt if this will stop the abuse of all future Inter-net purchases…I know this article will educate many, and GA will be ever vigilant at stopping would-be criminals. Stay Safe, Keep a Watchful Eye Out and support the NRA!

  • Bill Gray April 20, 2011, 9:54 pm

    NICE JOB Authorities. I know it wasn’t ONLY GunsAmerica, but also St. Louis Missouri Postal Detectives working my case from March 2010 along with Banking Authorities from my area. I also was a victim to one of his scams from GunsAmerica over several firearms. We aided authorities for months to help bring this puke down! Great Going Guys!!! You said you’d get him!

    • Geoff May 9, 2011, 11:36 am

      Good for you Bill… After he ripped me off, I went full go after him also.. We were able to figure out that Ted Stephens was really Paul Webster. I told him that he burned the wrong guy. The .45 he burned me on was going to be a Christmas gift to my son who joined the Navy. I told him we would find him within 6 months and the authorities did it in 4 months… I hope he rots in prison. We are planning to be at his arraignment just so I can look him in the eyes and let him see that the guy he ripped off was part of the team that brought him down.. Hope to see you there….

      • G. Gerlach October 12, 2011, 8:11 pm


        It is wonderful to hear about MEN who refuse to be whiny, professional victims. Someday I hope to meet you personally. I am a former USMC Colonel / Physicist from Vietnam days (1960-1975), shot up badly. Am now in Silicon Valley, CA but not for long. My wife worked at Stanford University as Manager of the Computer Science, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratories but she was killed late last year, Nov. 5, 2010 in a traffic collision — no accident.

        California has become more communist even than Russia, where I am a former member of the Moscow Physical Society, etc. Scientists from there cannot fathom how Americans can be so stupid to pay no attention to our corrupt politicians, but so much attention to Football, Basketball and such.

        I greatly respect any MAN that is an extremely unforgiving victim of such guys, but as Guns America states, let the rest of us listen carefully to their wisdom. I am a Patron member, and very active in all NRA political activities here, even though it does not do much good as there are too many leftists. They are NOT Liberals, they are communists and leftists only — the very opposite of a Liberal.


  • don April 20, 2011, 2:24 pm

    Just hope they will put him away for a long time-not just 6 months and out on good behavior-

  • Mark Pelky,Sr. April 20, 2011, 1:37 pm

    Awesome Guns America that is great I’m shore your customers as much as I would appreciate letting us know how much time this loser was sentenced to that in itself I’m shore would make a hole lot people feel even better,and THANK YOU for watching out for your customers.

  • Jeff Stewart April 20, 2011, 11:11 am

    This is SELF-governance as it should be!! Way to turn off the ball games, video games, backyard beerBQ’s, etc. etc. and GIT R’ DONE!!! Hats off to Guns America!!!!! (LOVE that name btw) ….makes me feel secure! 🙂

    That is EXACTLY the type of people AND MINDSET (Family Government) that is VERY NEEDED RIGHT NOW in …..

    the RE-inhabited Republic for the united states of America!!!

    Will those of you who TRULY love your country PLEASE step forward….the rest of you are “free” (for now) to return to your ball games.

  • Geoff April 20, 2011, 12:53 am

    I communicated with the USPS Inspector today and was informed that the Government was putting together the indictment and he will soon have the Federal Charges served on him. Doesn’t look like he will be getting out anytime soon. So far from what I have been able to tell he has 9 Felony counts filed in Georgia to answer to and 5 other Felony counts in Florida. This doesn’t include the Federal Indictment. See ya later Paul Webster, you puke !!!

  • Gene April 19, 2011, 3:21 pm

    Great job guys–keep the anti-fraud wheels turning–we appreciate you being the “watch dog” for us!!!

  • Tridunc April 19, 2011, 1:18 pm

    Fortunately I never heard of this rip-off artist but it is amusing that he was caught right here in my little part of the world. We’ve got a pretty good sheriff here that’s no nonsense and knows how to serve silver bracelets and I can assure all of you out there that this guy’s stay in the Lee County barbwire motel will not be a pleasant one. He’s probably squealing like a pig right now!

    Thanks GunsAmerica

  • Rule of Wolves April 19, 2011, 1:03 pm

    It seems like the U.S. Postal Service is the only Federal law enforcement agency doing serious law enforcement work in fighting gun crime. If this had been handled by the ATF they would have tried to sell guns to Webster . . in Mexico!

  • bill April 19, 2011, 11:35 am

    I thank is the man who got me he used the name of George Paterson and the address was Savannah Associates and on the US postal money is was siagn Savannah Associates. I am greatful you got him

  • Otis Nunn April 19, 2011, 11:01 am

    I have bought several (at least 5) pistols thru internet purchases and I am greatful to GA and Auction Arms and others that have helped to keep fraud down on their sights. I have also bought several items thru E-Bay over the years and I will have to say that I worry more about fraud on E-Bay than I do on any of the gun sights I do business with. My congratulations to GA and everyone involved in bringing this scum wad down. Thanks guys!!!!

  • Gary Emch April 18, 2011, 9:46 pm

    They should do like in China. Take him out in a field and put a round through his head. Our criminal justice system is a
    total joke thanks to the lawyers.

  • Steve Hogan April 18, 2011, 9:26 pm

    Thank you. This is what it takes to keep our websites working and the users happy and secure. It doesn’t come without diligence and effort and for that I thank you. We will all benefit from your efforts.

  • paul April 18, 2011, 8:32 pm

    This just shows what type of people collect guns. In many other areas, someone like this would have been hunted down and shot or beat up. Most gun collectors are above that, which speaks volumes. It took me many years to mature enough to be a responsible gun owner, I do not drink anymore and I try to control my temper. I am not a good person to cross, but I have learned restraint and I am proud of my internet associates that also have.

  • Dennis Moore April 18, 2011, 8:24 pm

    I wish Guns America, or some arm of yours would put in a escrow service for buyers like me. Someplace that keeps the money for a while until you let them know that you got what you paid for. You work out the details, but buyers and sellers
    would feel safe with a third party holding funds and making sure funds are good, and the sale was good. I would pay a
    little extra to be safe, as I think most people would.

  • David Detwiler April 18, 2011, 6:58 pm

    Good work/better results. Staying aware is the #1priority. I am a 1st time seller and only have one gun to sell. I don’t take plastic either and have never had a reason to apply for a FFL but over the years have bought of sold over a hundred guns. I do have a verified address and you can Google me silly for my little trailer will definately show up. Take care, be safe, I think it’s going to be a hot one this summer.

  • Rick April 18, 2011, 5:13 pm

    Here is a couple of websites that you can report online fraud.

  • George Campbell April 18, 2011, 4:17 pm

    Great to finally hear PAUL WESBSTER is caught. Had been hearing about him for along time. Great Job to Gun America and all involved in stopping him. Hope he didn’t get Bonded Out. Keep us updated on him and his Court Case, plus another copy cats. Thanks George

  • Mic Mokos April 18, 2011, 3:05 pm

    It is great to hear this news. I would like to hear more of it only not just in guns but in all the other rip offs going on out there. They tried to get me to send them money for a driver to pick up my truck I had for sale by telling me the money I wanted for the truck was sitting in Pay Pal and would be released to me after I sent them money for the driver to deliver it. How stupid do they think we are? Well, some are, sorry to say. What ever happened to loyal honest people? You can not escape KARMA!

  • Mark Williamson April 18, 2011, 2:12 pm

    Thank you GunsAmerica for helping to put this individual behind bars. We all hate to get ripped off and I appreciate the time and effort it took for you to help law enforcement pursue this guy.

  • Phil April 18, 2011, 1:49 pm

    I don’t sell, only buy… If I ‘did’ sell, the google map tip would kill me… as I live out in the country. My actual address and my mailing (google address) are different… google me and you’ll see nothing but trees. Google street view ain’t happening down here… most vehicles turn around at the first mud hole. 🙂 If they did make it down, they’d lose their paint jobs, as my large guard dogs like to ‘welcome’ strangers…

    Does sound like a good way of verifying folks are who they say they are though.

  • Wade Noland April 18, 2011, 1:43 pm

    I responded to buy a Colt double barrel shotgun with a USPS money order for $305 several years ago on the internet. I got ripped off and the USPS refunded my money order and then charged me again for the money order and turned me over to a collection agency. I feel “hung out to dry in a hot sun!”

  • mike April 18, 2011, 1:42 pm


  • Geoff April 18, 2011, 1:32 pm

    Hey Jim, I have to agree with you. When there is a firearm that I found on the internet, I go to a local shop to check one out, to see how it feels. If the local shop can’t match the price with shipping and the transfer fee, I then go and buy it on the internet. I have not had a problem till this guy in the article above. i have no one to blame except for myself. I should have known better than to buy from someone who did not have a verified address, who did not take credit cards and who did not have an FFL.. A suggestion to Gunsamerica, maybe if the person wanting to sell does not have an FFL, an address that you can verify or who does not take credit cards or at least does not have processing in place, maybe an account should not be allowed to be set up. Even closing the door partially may prevent some fraud. I found a couple firearms again on gunsamerica that I wanted, however, it was the same situation, I passed it up. I have the firearms I wanted and did not receive an empty box.

  • Jim Arthur April 18, 2011, 12:47 pm

    I hope this slime in behind bars. He gives all Internet sellers a black eye. 99.9% of Internet firearms sales are perfectly legitimate. Firearms sales by Internet should be no different than buying an Ipod or a flat screen TV by Internet. You don’t don’t need to see any serial numbers because we don’t send firearms directly to you. We send to an FFL of your choice, in your state who usually checks the firearm. The ATF Form 4473 and background check are through your local FFL, not by the Internet firearm seller. Why do firearms buyers feel like they need to handle the firearm before buying? You can’t shoot it even if buying from a brick an mortar store. Buy where you are going to get the best value for your hard earned money. This is usually via the Internet, not the local Mom and Pop Shop with sky high prices.

  • Geoff April 18, 2011, 12:21 pm

    Great news. However, don’t take all the credit Gunsamerica. I was one of the people he ripped off. He ripped me off in December, I was most likely the last person he ripped off or one of the last. My investigations found out who this guy was who ripped me off. The name he used when he ripped me off was Ted Kelley. The bank he used was located through my bank, who provided the US Postal Inspector with the info. I put two and two together and fingered Paul Webster for the guy who ripped me off. Catching him was and putting the Lee County Sheriff on to him was a shared process. If you remember, when he ripped me off in December, I said he will be caught in 6 months because he ripped off the wrong guy…. Thank you.. I’m not tooting my own horn, but don’t take all the credit guys…. Persistence and not giving up caught him.. The US Postal people are awesome !!!!

    • Administrator April 18, 2011, 12:31 pm

      If you read the end Geoff, we credited our people, not just us, and indeed you were the first to do significant research into connecting the dots that it was indeed Webster. It was your initial theory that was given to the local PD at the mail forwarding place, and he sent that to the Postal Inspector who already had warrants out for Webster.

      • JL April 18, 2011, 12:52 pm

        Great job of “Whoop-Ass,”
        glad he is public, let’s see what happens when all the gunners know his story:)

  • rusty April 18, 2011, 12:03 pm

    I was born and raised in Detroit where we shoot thieves and child molesters! No repeat offenders, problem solved

  • Charles Coker April 18, 2011, 11:31 am

    fantastic news
    hang em high

  • Chris Guerra April 18, 2011, 11:21 am

    Excellent Job GA!!! I love to hear when someone is stopped from ripping people off!!
    This is part of the reason i advertise my Security Safes & Custom sized Vault doors on your website because of the concern about Safety & Security of the people on your website it is foremost on your list as well as mine.
    Thank you – Kudos!

  • Dennis (aka Postal1) April 18, 2011, 11:15 am

    “For over three years the name Paul Webster has popped up all over the internet in gun forums as someone targeting “bun” buyers for internet fraud.” LOL, reminds me of the booboo’s I make!

    Seriously, I worked in the Postal Service for 46+ years and if the Homeland Security and FBI were replaced tomorrow with the people that worked like the Postal Inspectors, we could again sleep sound. I have seen and used the inspectors myself and they are awesome, scary too.

  • Mario Giberti April 18, 2011, 11:14 am

    It may have been this creep who stole my ad for a fairly rare german made 1970 or so walther ppk, and said he had a dozen of them for sale. He used my ad photo and description. Gunsamerica quickly pulled his ad off. Thanks, Gunsamerica!

  • Lewis Clarke April 18, 2011, 10:50 am

    Kudos to GunsAmerica!!! Low-life crooks like Webster give the sport a bad reputation and ruin the credibility of shooting and gun collecting for other honest Americans. As a “newbie” to the sport, I have been impressed by the number of experienced shooters who have taken an interest and tried to help me get started off on the right foot. In my opinion, Paul Webster represents the very “worst of the worst”…..

  • manuel perez April 18, 2011, 10:44 am

    i love wen a person lake this get caught they will tink tways bifore do it again thank you gunsamerica!

    • mark April 18, 2011, 3:45 pm


  • John April 18, 2011, 10:28 am

    Outstanding job of getting this thief out of circulation. I’ve received several fraud emails to buy one of my guns and they seem to have similarities: new buyer usually registered that same day, no previous purchase or feedback, and of course they are not verified. Never click on a link in one of these emails.

  • Bill Thornburg April 18, 2011, 9:49 am

    Caught a thief, thank you GunsAmerica! Makes your gun site a safer entity to deal with and I will tell my friends.

  • Kevin Kesler April 18, 2011, 9:30 am

    Nice!! about time this type of fraud was handled correctly. Mr. Webster can now be the “poster boy” forever sparking fear in other would-be online criminals. Announce his tale to the world!

  • Jim D April 18, 2011, 8:40 am

    Amazing, first off, thanks for helping track that idiot.
    Second, I live down in the Lee county area and this didnt even make the news.
    BUT, let a Baseball player get his AK47 ripped off and its all over the news.
    Hmmm, thank god for setting priorities.
    WTF?????=Welcome To Florida

  • james burns April 18, 2011, 8:33 am

    It a good deed in deed, no pun intended, but as you have stated in your talking points on fraud, if too good to be true it is!!!!, you should never have to sent cash for a firearm, or credit card, my advise is sound if you can’t go to a see and get the serial number to check to see if the firearm isn’t stolen then pass it up, move on there are plenty of good people willing to work with you You Need Patiance,don’t be in a hurry you will benifit from this……………

    • daniel nesss June 15, 2011, 12:07 pm

      That is awesome advice!!!!

  • devin evans April 18, 2011, 8:16 am

    Great job Guns America that’s awsome you guys were involved in catching webster!!
    I support shooting sports,hunting,and second Amendment Freedom!!!!!!

  • Howard Sizemore April 18, 2011, 8:01 am

    Great job on your part for sure,we don’t need people like this scamming unsuspecting people like me..Keep up the great work..All of us “gun nuts” appreciate stories and info like this.

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