Jews Speak Out on Guns and Pittsburgh


Police show up late, standard model

Jews Speak Out on Guns and Pittsburgh

Tree of Life Synagogue (Photo: Wikipedia)

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership denounces the mental attitude that insists people are safer if they are unarmed and defenseless, like congregants at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh during this recent tragedy on Oct. 27, 2018.

“How many mass-murder atrocities must we endure before the message finally sinks in,” asked Alan Korwin, an award-winning author and consultant to JPFO. “People must understand that the same guns police use to protect you can be used to protect yourself,” Korwin said, echoing the comments made by president Trump, who was attacked for making this common-sense observation. Jews are often hoplophobic or otherwise reluctant to bear arms, leading to deadly results.

Working with Rabbi Dovid Bendory, the former Rabbinic Director of JPFO (now, Rabbi Emeritus), Korwin co-wrote “Why Jews Hate Guns,” detailing the many reasons Jews often adopt irrational positions that leave them vulnerable and living in fear.

“Jews cannot disarm themselves in synagogues or anywhere else for pacifist or utopian reasons because enemies will always seek to exterminate them. Even one armed Jewish man or woman in that synagogue could have made a positive difference,” said Dov Marhoffer, a Holocaust concentration camp survivor and Advisory Board member to JPFO. He advocates for an armed and trained community for safety. “Jews have no choice except to assume personal responsibility for having and using firearms to protect their own lives, their families, and their communities,” the same point made by the U.S. president.

One police officer on the scene, after the atrocity, reportedly noted that if any single person there had been armed, the damage could have been far less. No one there apparently had any means of defense, a common problem at mass murders (deliberately and inaccurately labeled “shootings” by mass media).

Now, the media is flaunting images of the suspect, which they know encourages copycats and unethically glorifies mass murder. They avoid saying murder, and instead imprecisely rely on the term shooting, denigrating America’s second most popular participant sport, which reporters uniformly censor and detest.

Jews Speak Out on Guns and Pittsburgh

“Refrain from gratuitous or repetitious portrayal of mass murderers’ names and images.”

We know we can expect days, weeks and even years of portrayals of the suspect’s mugshot, raising his evil persona to iconic status. This serves no newsworthy purpose, delights anti-Semites, motivates other sociopaths out there, and continues the unethical practices in what used to be an honorable profession–journalism. Any mention of the value of firearms or the Second Amendment will be vigorously quashed, misinforming the American public, and leading to no education or instruction where there ought to be robust training at all levels of society in the aftermath of this assault on us all.


Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, is America’s most aggressive civil-rights organization, dedicated to destroying the notion of “gun control” as any kind of credible public-policy position. So-called “gun control” does not control guns and doesn’t control criminal behavior. What it does do is disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless in the face of criminals, tyrannical governments and genocide. History repeatedly proves this fact. Founded in 1989 by Aaron Zelman as a response to the Holocaust, JPFO speaks with the moral authority and tenacious commitment of survivors of persecution, and knows that surrendering your personal and family safety to government protection courts disaster. “You don’t have to be Jewish to fight by our side, you just have to love liberty.”

  • William Olah August 28, 2020, 10:33 am

    Well, said. We have reached the tipping point for this nation. It is time to decide , do we remain a society of freedoms that is governed by Law and , hopefully, common sense, or devolve into a truly oppressive degenerated nation.

  • Stan d. Upnow November 29, 2018, 10:44 pm

    Had a Jewish friend who was an attorney(another one? lol) and a huge Liberal, anti-gun fanatic.
    So, he says to me: “Wouldn’t you get rid of ALL the guns if it would save just One life?”
    I looked at him like he was crazy and told him: “Absolutely NOT!”

    Needless to say, he didn’t like my reply.

  • sam snyder Ph.D. November 8, 2018, 6:37 pm

    Leftist Jews vote 100% for demonrats, which makes up about 76% of Jews in America. They are infantile and as crazy as their non-Jewish counterparts. If they choose to be a soft target so be it. The Jewish Federation in Los Angeles, have metal detectors, and armed guards at the entrance. All the lefties, jew, and gentile are anti-gun and will ultimately succumb to their own stupidity and fears.

  • Bruce Allen November 5, 2018, 7:01 pm

    “They who can give up essential liberty to
    obtain a little temporary safety deserve
    neither liberty nor safety.”
    Benjamin Franklin

  • Spyridon Spyratos November 5, 2018, 12:04 pm

    I got the feed on quora and my personal feeling is this every law-abiding citizen that has no criminal record or mental health issues requiring medication should be allowed to have a concealed carry permit. Too many times as in the case in Nazi Germany and the People’s Republic of California and New York, law abiding law abiding individual’s become become the victims of psychos, anti-semites, anti-gay, and all kinds of bigots and crazy people who for whatever reason seem to think that they are superior to everybody else and have a right to harm everyone else. As a father, a husband, a taxpayer and a US citizen and above all a member of the human race who is no longer 25 years old I personally and fed up with not being able to go somewhere a movie theater my church just shopping with my family and not be nervous that at every second I am out or even in my own home I run the risk of some demented individual for lack of a better word who has whatever agenda in their brain be able to harm me or my family because they’re having a bad day or because of just hate this type of situation cannot be tolerated anymore criminals will always find a way to have weapons what other than might be from homemade knives to whatever or improvise with trucks cars explosives suicide bombers whatever means they can do to further their agenda. We possess in this world an equalizer call the firearm basically pistols and I personally feel but if they’re higher than even one individual in that synagogue in this case in Pittsburgh or a movie theater in Denver or an armed security guard that you would he was doing in the school in Texas wherever it might be people who choose to use violence would have a much harder time harming the Innocents if they were faced with a pistol in the hands of a qualified individual pointed at them the body count would be much lower. If you look back in the 80s to a situation on the Long Island Railroad with Colin Ferguson who walked in to a train with a loaded gun and injured and killed several commuters if a Transit cop an armed civilian we’re in that melee one bullet in his body could have saved several lives. Firearms are an unbiased tool the user determines bad or good and there are simply not enough police or security people to be able to defend every place that becomes a target for these lunatics. My personal sentiment is we all have the right according to the US Constitution which reaffirms Our God given rights by our creator pertaining to the pursuit of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, freedom of religion is guaranteed in that Constitution as is freedom of speech and just to make sure but no dictator every takes that away from us the 2nd Amendment was put into place. Which I think we should start practicing along with all the other rights guarantee to us in the Constitution given to us by our creator.

  • Deus Vult November 4, 2018, 9:04 pm

    When Jews, the most viciously attacked, murdered, exterminated race of people in modern history advocate for pacifism in the face of the evil existential threat, it shows how insanely psychopathic the leftist agenda truly is. “The highest virtue is to be a weak, compliant victim.” The Warsaw Ghetto returns void.

  • MJ November 3, 2018, 11:49 am

    This is what happens when we fail to learn from history. Our founding fathers learned this early on. Our Second Amendment was a gift, which leftist democrats are trying to erase.

    The only way to stop aggressors is to have a deterent, it’s universal.

    Society is safer when criminals don’t know who’s armed.

    • AJ November 4, 2018, 8:34 am

      Our founding fathers had this thing called common sense. They were able to see the secondary and tertiary consequences of government corruption. Their foresight is what has kept us from having leaders like Adolf Hitler and Stalin. But with the lack of that tact these days, people are blind; doomed to repeat the past.

      The left is already stirring the pot on this, obviously blaming guns, but also casting the blame on conservatives saying we allow these things to happen. That we want these things to happen. The people that follow them are just dumb enough to buy into it.

      Thanks to the technology we have, that allows us to have the foresight of our founding fathers, we have faltered. In an age where you literally have a computer at your fingertips, able to acquire that knowledge, people choose to be ignorant. Society will sell itself out, it’s not a matter of if anymore, but when. The vast majority fall into the bullshit themselves, as the convenience of our world makes them complacent. They live in their own little bubble of security, thinking that bad shit won’t happen to them. And when it does, it’s everyone else who is to blame. This is the progressive agenda.

      • Daniel Braatz May 7, 2019, 3:44 pm

        Very well said Sir!

  • Mark Hummel November 2, 2018, 9:20 pm

    May God Bless the victims of this horrific tragedy, their families and loved ones.
    As Merrill Street had written about Chronicles in the Bible, I question what has happened to the Temple Guards.
    Of course you hope this never happens to anyone.
    I have known but a few Jewish people but, those that I have known were supporters of firearms and self defense.

  • Jmtaylor November 2, 2018, 8:19 pm

    The defense of the Warsaw ghetto by Jews with a few guns accomplished several important milestones in history.
    1, It destroyed the Nazi myth of weak Jews.
    2. It forced the reallocation of troops to defeat the ghetto defenders.
    3. The Germans could never reconcile the reality of what that fight cost them in manpower, material and time with the official image of Jewry.
    4. Then they had to allocated combat forces to reinforce occupied territory against future uprisings, not Hitler’s original plan.

    A good man with a gun can – – – – – –

  • Sylvan November 2, 2018, 7:31 pm

    Jews who lived in Germany during the 1930’s will can testify how Nazi Jews with the mindset of feinstein, Schmuer and others helped cause the holocaust and even today these nazi Jews helped in causing school massacres by posting “GUN FREE ZONE” knowing damn well it means “come on in there is no one to stop you” These anti gun laws came about as democraps did not and still do not want blacks to have legal gun ownership. The taskmaster mentality of democraps is still alive and well . Look at Chicago and the left coast with very strict gun control laws. Racism is why they have these bans

    • Bruce Allen November 5, 2018, 7:06 pm

      Gun Control laws here in the US actually started when the government wanted to take automatic weapons from Al Capone and other mobsters in the 30’s. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court upheld those bans and now we are in a position where as Justice Clarence Thomas noted, the protection of the citizenry by the Second Amendment has been treated as the “Red headed stepchild” of the Bill of Rights set forth by our Founding Fathers.

    • Stan d. Upnow November 29, 2018, 10:38 pm

      Yup. Did you know that back in the day, the KKK in the post-Civil War period were Huge proponents of gun control? They didn’t cotton to the idea of freed slaves having firearms. So yes, gun control is racism.

  • steve nelson November 2, 2018, 4:26 pm

    Wake up from the ether, my judaic bothers. Quit suffering from hope and wish, and get off your dead ass and dying feet to foster life in our future. Maybe we can live noble and grand..

  • Mike November 2, 2018, 3:48 pm

    If a “good guy with a gun” was there…………….

  • mike November 2, 2018, 3:42 pm

    If a “good guy with a gun ” was there……………………..

  • Leonard November 2, 2018, 3:33 pm

    There are many of my fellow Jews who live in a bubble that only has room for those who think alike. I am personally on the outside. My mother knew I shot competition and sold firearms for a living. She was appalled when I visited her one day directly from work, and still had a gun in an ankle holster. \”How dare you bring a gun into my home\”?
    Well, mom didn\’t like that I had enlisted in the army just before Vietnam, nor the smile on my face when the war got hot and I knew I was going. After the army, it was college, and a bit of travel, but she really flipped out when needing a job, I joined the sheriff\’s office. It was not to be my career, as mentioned, but it was how I fit in with American society, as I wanted it to be.
    Mom is gone now. No more fights about politics, because I was always the one who was \”wrong.\” She died when Obama was in, so she had no idea of my joy when Hillary lost. But mom was a Democrat, after all, so she may have voted for Obama\’s second term from the grave.
    I am a Life member of the NRA. My Facebook page tells people that. I am the son of Israel, but I am married to America. I am a third generation American, and I am well into my 70\’s. I have traveled the world, and this is still the best place to be born and raised. We must all defend the American Way.

    • Liron November 5, 2018, 4:51 pm

      Our tiny Temple just put up a sign that said “No Gun Zone” out side the main entrance. When I heard about I told my wife we should either get them to remove the sign or drop membership. There is no reason to aid and abet anti-Semites. My wife, always a more temperate voice than I, went to the board and suggested they were asking for suicide by hate, and the sign should be removed.
      They complied.
      Sometimes common sense triumphs over liberal lunacy.
      Next goal. Encourage them to get CCLs and practice at the range.

    • Liron November 5, 2018, 4:53 pm

      Our tiny Temple just put up a sign that said \”No Gun Zone\” out side the main entrance. When I heard about I told my wife we should either get them to remove the sign or drop membership. There is no reason to aid and abet anti-Semites. My wife, always a more temperate voice than I, went to the board and suggested they were asking for suicide by hate, and the sign should be removed.
      They complied.
      Sometimes common sense triumphs over liberal lunacy.
      Next goal. Encourage them to get CCLs and practice at the range.

  • Leonard November 2, 2018, 3:32 pm

    There are many of my fellow Jews who live in a bubble that only has room for those who think alike. I am personally on the outside. My mother knew I shot competition and sold firearms for a living. She was appalled when I visited her one day directly from work, and still had a gun in an ankle holster. “How dare you bring a gun into my home”?
    Well, mom didn’t like that I had enlisted in the army just before Vietnam, nor the smile on my face when the war got hot and I knew I was going. After the army, it was college, and a bit of travel, but she really flipped out when needing a job, I joined the sheriff’s office. It was not to be my career, as mentioned, but it was how I fit in with American society, as I wanted it to be.
    Mom is gone now. No more fights about politics, because I was always the one who was “wrong.” She died when Obama was in, so she had no idea of my joy when Hillary lost. But mom was a Democrat, after all, so she may have voted for Obama’s second term from the grave.
    I am a Life member of the NRA. My Facebook page tells people that. I am the son of Israel, but I am married to America. I am a third generation American, and I am well into my 70’s. I have traveled the world, and this is still the best place to be born and raised. We must all defend the American Way.

  • JD November 2, 2018, 3:04 pm

    Synagogues or churches or concerts or movies. Doesn’t matter to haters. Just their 15 minutes of fame and attention. more people to witness how strong they are with a gun in their hands. Always carry and be prepared to defend yourself, family, and friends. Evil has no rules or bounds. Only decent people have bounds.

    • JOHN A DAVIS November 2, 2018, 8:26 pm

      Your Summary is correct , only those with Values honor Values.

  • Merrill Street November 2, 2018, 1:45 pm

    1 Chronicles 26:1-25 GNBThese are the assignments of work for the Levites who served as temple guards.From the clan of Korah there was Meshelemiah son of Kore, of the family of Asaph. He had seven sons, listed in order of age: Zechariah, Jediael, Zebadiah, Jathniel, Elam, Jehohanan, and Eliehoenai.There was also Obed Edom, whom God blessed by giving him eight sons, listed in order of age: Shemaiah, Jehozabad, Joah, Sachar, Nethanel, Ammiel, Issachar, and Peullethai. Obed Edom\’s eldest son, Shemaiah, had six sons: Othni, Rephael, Obed, Elzabad, Elihu, and Semachiah. They were important men in their clan because of their great ability; the last two were especially talented.Obed Edom\’s family furnished a total of 62 highly qualified men for this work. Meshelemiah\’s family furnished eighteen qualified men. From the clan of Merari there was Hosah, who had four sons: Shimri (his father made him the leader, even though he was not the eldest son), Hilkiah, Tebaliah, and Zechariah. In all there were thirteen members of Hosah\’s family who were temple guards.The temple guards were divided into groups, according to families, and they were assigned duties in the Temple, just as the other Levites were. Each family, regardless of size, drew lots to see which gate it would be responsible for. Shelemiah drew the east gate, and his son Zechariah, a man who always gave good advice, drew the north gate. Obed Edom was allotted the south gate, and his sons were allotted to guard the storerooms. Shuppim and Hosah were allotted the west gate and the Shallecheth Gate on the upper road.Guard duty was divided into assigned periods, one after another. On the east, six guards were on duty each day, on the north, four, and on the south, four. Four guards were stationed at the storerooms daily, two at each storeroom. Near the western pavilion there were four guards by the road and two at the pavilion itself.This is the assignment of guard duty to the clan of Korah and the clan of Merari. Others of their fellow-Levites were in charge of the temple treasury and the storerooms for gifts dedicated to God. Ladan, one of the sons of Gershon, was the ancestor of several family groups, including the family of his son Jehiel. Ladan\’s two other sons, Zetham and Joel, had charge of the temple treasury and storerooms.Duties were also assigned to the descendants of Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. Shebuel, of the clan of Moses\’ son Gershom, was the chief official responsible for the temple treasury. Through Gershom\’s brother Eliezer he was related to Shelomith. Eliezer was the father of Rehabiah, who was the father of Jeshiah, the father of Joram, the father of Zichri, the father of Shelomith.

  • Stephen Baze November 2, 2018, 1:36 pm

    Interesting that American Jews usually vote DEM , Hey ? That has always baffled me and it is still largely true. But they do live in the herd affect like Wildebeast and if the first guy jumps into the crocodiles the others will follow.

  • Jack Finegold November 2, 2018, 12:45 pm

    My Liberal Jewish Brothers and sister’s
    Open boarders friendly to Muslim immigration and disarming our own selves is not good policy.
    Every Jew should own and know how to use a firearm. The only true way to ensure “never again”.

  • Pat J November 2, 2018, 12:13 pm

    It’s impossible to reason with my city-jew part of the family, I don’t try anymore.
    I’ve also began traveling through the rest of life without religion some time ago.
    No church, no temple or synagogue, no anywhere without a gun.
    I have a fine horse, rope, tree, and backhoe for Bowers.

  • justme November 2, 2018, 11:39 am

    In Israel, when you turn 18, man or woman must serve time in their military. In the military, they definitely learn how to use guns and protect their homeland. We as fathers (and mothers) must teach our daughters and son how to use a gun and not be afraid of the word “Gun”. I carry…I hope I never have to fire my weapon in self defense of myself or my family but at the same time, if the situation arrises that I have to, I will use it. As they say, know your surroundings, know your exits and be prepared, just in case. Like the article stated, it would have taken only one person armed to stop this fanatic from murdering all these people. I hope, at my Church I belong to, I am not the only one with a CCW. You never know what lunatic shows up and thinks his God told him to kill people…

  • Joe November 2, 2018, 11:18 am

    I\’m Jewish and grew up in a Jewish neighborhood. My father served in the Army Air Corps in the Pacific on a bomber and qualified Expert with a Thompson but he never owned a firearm of his own. As others have stated for the majority of Jewish people ;gun ownership, hunting and protecting the homestead are not part of the collective DNA. Jews typically live in larger cities where there is safety in numbers and a police dept. to protect the home. I have never understood the resistance to firearms by American Jews in light of the murders of family in Europe by the Germans and their collaborators. I conceal carry daily and have loaded long arms in the house.

    • srsquidizen November 2, 2018, 5:40 pm

      “and a police dept. to protect the home.” That’s what they think? Really?

      Jewish people are surely among the smartest on earth (I’m not Jewish and not saying that to put any other group down–it just seems pretty obvious in view of their accomplishments). Baffling why so many haven’t realized the very simple fact that “When you’ve got seconds to live, the police are only minutes away.”

  • Joe November 2, 2018, 11:18 am

    I’m Jewish and grew up in a Jewish neighborhood. My father served in the Army Air Corps in the Pacific on a bomber and qualified Expert with a Thompson but he never owned a firearm of his own. As others have stated for the majority of Jewish people ;gun ownership, hunting and protecting the homestead are not part of the collective DNA. Jews typically live in larger cities where there is safety in numbers and a police dept. to protect the home. I have never understood the resistance to firearms by American Jews in light of the murders of family in Europe by the Germans and their collaborators. I conceal carry daily and have loaded long arms in the house.

  • Norm Fishler November 2, 2018, 11:11 am

    I fail to understand what has some of those commenting about how offensive it is to them about carrying a gun. You put it on, and you go about your business. So what’s the big deal? If the concept so mortally offends you then don’t do it, but leave me and the others who share the same temperament as myself to live life as we see fit. STOP PROJECTING YOUR WORST FEARS, MISGIVINGS AND INADEQUACIES, UPON OTHERS WHO WISH TO BE PREPARED FOR THE WORST TODAY’S SOCIETY HAS TO THROW AT THEM!

  • Dave Brown November 2, 2018, 10:57 am

    I have been voting for 48 years now, and shooting much longer. I have carried on and off for 40 years, and everyday for about 25 years now. I own and shoot A Lot. I vote right and left as I vote for the person not A Party. I have always support some form of Gun Control, kind of like having to pass a test to Drive. Yet I carry, and of course I Can Not Carry In Any Government Building (yet I do when I run into the Post Office, but they will spend our money to stop that soon enough). Part of my point is the left and right won’t let us carry into their work, Why Not? As for One person being arm helping maybe. My 357 or 40S&W would be better then nothing. But that person would be up against an AR or better yet a AK or even an SKS, and of course a 30 round mag. U can run but U might not be able to hide from my AR or AK as the AK don’t much carry about a wall.

    I would like to see All Of Us armed, but then we have to worry about the other guy even more. Is there a solution. I would say there is, but Attraction would be the way to Get Er Done. And of course our So and So Governments would have to allow US to carry into there place of work. Enough Said. Free Your Mind, Be Party Blind.

  • Old Outdoors guy November 2, 2018, 10:49 am

    Wow, such a melee of opinion about the obvious as we have seen so many times in the past. just as 2 +2 will add up to 4 no matter if a Jew or a Gentile makes the calculation, somewhere along the lines of ancestry, we have somehow lost our basic level of the most influential decision making criteria we have ever known …… its generic term is \”COMMON SENSE\”. Now you can blame what is going on in this country on \”bad blood\”, general bull pucky from those in command, maybe the fates of the winds, but the truth is many of us have lost our contact with our sense of the \”common\” or sense of what is inherently \”right\”. How does one put names and dates on when this all started? How can we place blame of where we are today by what we are fed by the media or those who are termed to be educators in our various structures of \”learning\” . Fellow Americans, we don\’t learn EVERYTHING in school from a book or listening to a teacher who is about to retire from a dead end career of force feeding what the school administration feels is the \”right\” ingredients to feed to our young \”ignorant\” children so they grow up to be \”educated\” young men and women! We learn more from the day to day experiences that we are faced with ALWAYS, and from history, the ACTUAL history of how our planet has grown from the \”armed cave man\” to the modern armed people for whom this small niche of history is geared to record their activities. Man has ALWAYS been armed. From a guttural shout to ward off a hungry animal from encroaching on their cave site to the use of sharpened sticks and rocks thrown with some accuracy to defend their tribe from \”foreign\” invaders onto their \”homeland\”.So, here we are today, a society made up of groups of people, all with different beliefs, different techniques for solving problems, or making \”right\” decisions when problems do arise, and we all of a sudden are faced with something that has been brewing for many years from the \”old days\” when we possibly could have done something to minimize such thoughts, urges, and behaviors. We have reached a time when we finally pull our overweight carcasses out of the recliners and start to look around us instead of depending on \”the other guy\” to handle the situation, whatever it is about. We have ingrained so very many biases, faulty decisions and reasoning through our past generations in the hopes that we will \”weather the storm\” and someone else will come along and make things right for our children.The point is coming soon when it will be time to play your hands and lay down the cards y\’all have drawn to see who is right, who was bluffing, who knows the real \”rules of the game\”, and who has won this \”hand\” in the ongoing history of mankind, and who will rake in the pot and become the new Richie Rich at the table. And, in my opinion, the winner will be someone or some group or some nation who has re-discovered the real meaning of \”Common Sense\” and has used it, along with unbiased counsel, to play their hand and win that next pot.I truly believe we are coming to a showdown in this country, and there are other nations waiting in the wings to see who DOES win this next played hand. And then we may see what happens in the \”semi-finals of the game of LIFE as we know it now. The future lies in all of us becoming more aware of our worldly surroundings, of all of us becoming more faithful and dedicated to our \”Maker\”, whatever His or Her name may be, and the active participation of ALL OF US to forge ahead in common to seek a solution for the good of the nation and that of the world in general. There are way too many \”Red launch buttons\” in the hands of too many young nations who are just itching to push them and \”see if it really works\” to allow this to go on much longer as we have been doing. Young nations who have recently had a taste of what real freedom is all about, and old nations who have endured many years with their freedoms leading them into higher and higher levels of convenience, technology, and freedoms that today are being challenged in favor of other concepts which history has already proven do NOT work!! We can\’t sit back any longer and leave it up to the \”other guy\”. We ARE the \”other\” guy and we have the power to change the way things are now. It\’s called the VOTE and, yes, I DO believe that one vote DOES make a difference. I HAVE to believe that or I am no better than those who wish to take our rights away from us here and now. If not now, then they will orchestrate a plan to do it in the future. Patience being the one virtue on which they can believe that it WILL come to them if we continue to sit and ignore what is going on around us and do little or nothing. \”LET THE OTHER GUY WORRY ABOUT IT!!\”, and allow them to whittle away at our rights and freedoms until such time that we have little freedom to do anything about saving our rights or stopping them from implementing their plans to take them ALL away from us.

    • Old Outdoors guy November 2, 2018, 11:41 am




  • Old Outdoors guy November 2, 2018, 10:44 am

    Wow, such a melee of opinion about the obvious as we have seen so many times in the past. just as 2 +2 will add up to 4 no matter if a Jew or a Gentile makes the calculation, somewhere along the lines of ancestry, we have somehow lost our basic level of the most influential decision making criteria we have ever known …… its generic term is “COMMON SENSE”. Now you can blame what is going on in this country on “bad blood”, general bull pucky from those in command, maybe the fates of the winds, but the truth is many of us have lost our contact with our sense of the “common” or sense of what is inherently “right”. How does one put names and dates on when this all started? How can we place blame of where we are today by what we are fed by the media or those who are termed to be educators in our various structures of “learning” . Fellow Americans, we don’t learn EVERYTHING in school from a book or listening to a teacher who is about to retire from a dead end career of force feeding what the school administration feels is the “right” ingredients to feed to our young “ignorant” children so they grow up to be “educated” young men and women! We learn more from the day to day experiences that we are faced with ALWAYS, and from history, the ACTUAL history of how our planet has grown from the “armed cave man” to the modern armed people for whom this small niche of history is geared to record their activities. Man has ALWAYS been armed. From a guttural shout to ward off a hungry animal from encroaching on their cave site to the use of sharpened sticks and rocks thrown with some accuracy to defend their tribe from “foreign” invaders onto their “homeland”.

    So, here we are today, a society made up of groups of people, all with different beliefs, different techniques for solving problems, or making “right” decisions when problems do arise, and we all of a sudden are faced with something that has been brewing for many years from the “old days” when we possibly could have done something to minimize such thoughts, urges, and behaviors. We have reached a time when we finally pull our overweight carcasses out of the recliners and start to look around us instead of depending on “the other guy” to handle the situation, whatever it is about. We have ingrained so very many biases, faulty decisions and reasoning through our past generations in the hopes that we will “weather the storm” and someone else will come along and make things right for our children.

    The point is coming soon when it will be time to play your hands and lay down the cards y’all have drawn to see who is right, who was bluffing, who knows the real “rules of the game”, and who has won this “hand” in the ongoing history of mankind, and who will rake in the pot and become the new Richie Rich at the table. And, in my opinion, the winner will be someone or some group or some nation who has re-discovered the real meaning of “Common Sense” and has used it, along with unbiased counsel, to play their hand and win that next pot.

    I truly believe we are coming to a showdown in this country, and there are other nations waiting in the wings to see who DOES win this next played hand. And then we may see what happens in the “semi-finals of the game of LIFE as we know it now. The future lies in all of us becoming more aware of our worldly surroundings, of all of us becoming more faithful and dedicated to our “Maker”, whatever His or Her name may be, and the active participation of ALL OF US to forge ahead in common to seek a solution for the good of the nation and that of the world in general. There are way too many “Red launch buttons” in the hands of too many young nations who are just itching to push them and “see if it really works” to allow this to go on much longer as we have been doing. Young nations who have recently had a taste of what real freedom is all about, and old nations who have endured many years with their freedoms leading them into higher and higher levels of convenience, technology, and freedoms that today are being challenged in favor of other concepts which history has already proven do NOT work!! We can’t sit back any longer and leave it up to the “other guy”. We ARE the “other” guy and we have the power to change the way things are now. It’s called the VOTE and, yes, I DO believe that one vote DOES make a difference. I HAVE to believe that or I am no better than those who wish to take our rights away from us here and now. If not now, then they will orchestrate a plan to do it in the future. Patience being the one virtue on which they can believe that it WILL come to them if we continue to sit and ignore what is going on around us and do little or nothing. “LET THE OTHER GUY WORRY ABOUT IT!!”, and allow them to whittle away at our rights and freedoms until such time that we have little freedom to do anything about saving our rights or stopping them from implementing their plans to take them ALL away from us.

  • Bob K November 2, 2018, 10:29 am

    I am a 71 year old Jewish Liberal who carries to synagogue services daily, and have done so for years. If we do not from learn the lessons of history, then we are doomed to repeat them. Never again.

    • Richie November 2, 2018, 3:11 pm

      It seems that many young Jews, are forgetting histories lessons”

  • Clint W. November 2, 2018, 10:15 am

    If ever a race of people, the Israelite’s, and those who follow the Jewish faith, should stand up for the right to keep and bear arms, 5,000 years of persecution should have taught them that lesson. It has been only been about 70 years where certain Jewish residents of Germany gave up that right by command, and paid the price. Martin Niemöller’s poem covers it all. I have a homemade bumper sticker size sign on the back window of my truck next to my NRA membership sticker. It features a American Flag background with a combat soldier on one side and the Statue of Liberty on the other. It says in letters large enough to read from 20 feet, “What Freedom Are You Willing To Give Up Next?” Well, which freedom are you?

  • Alan November 2, 2018, 10:14 am

    While I applaud the common sense take by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, what I absolutely hate to see is this separation by race and/or religion that seems to be so prevalent in our day. Are we not all people, facing the exact same dilemmas? This is supposed to be the UNITED States of America and yet segregation seems to run rampant these days. Divide and conquer…is this our future?

    • Dan Galbreath November 4, 2018, 4:51 am

      The most relevant comment here.

  • KurtW November 2, 2018, 10:01 am

    Either they’ll learn, or die trying not to.

    Oh, well.

  • harry_orwell November 2, 2018, 9:56 am

    When will logic prevail? When we evolved we invented tools to help us overcome obstacles. Think the wheel and the edged tool. Guns are no different. One of the main reasons is that man is flawed and there has been and still are evil doers which can’t be argued. Until that stops you had better be ready to defend what’s precious. Jews know this more than any other group. When will logic prevail. Sorry I already said that.

  • DocLoch November 2, 2018, 9:36 am

    “denigrating America’s second most popular participant sport,”

    This phraseology should always be followed by a clear explanation that sport is very much secondary to the unalienable right to self-defense. Sport is NOTHING but a means to practice this right!

    If the talking points aren’t clear, there can be no clear message!

  • Dan November 2, 2018, 9:07 am

    Corporations fund and control both political parties! Therefore, it is they who will decide if and when we are disarmed. If public outcry over shootings that occur outside of low income areas becomes loud enough to threaten their collective profits in any way, their focus on legislation favoring whatever agenda they happen to be focused on at the time may shift temporarily to this issue, and firearm bans and seizures will become a reality. I guess if you believe that Trump is a self-made millionaire, that politicians are working for you, or that Santa’s beard is real, this reality will be hard to accept.

    • AJ November 2, 2018, 11:37 am

      Hey Santa’s beard is magnificent. It has nothing to do with this.

  • Infidel762X51 November 2, 2018, 8:50 am

    How soon they have forgotten (or were never taught) the lessons of the Warsaw ghetto and how a few armed Jews stood off the SS for several weeks.

  • Dan November 2, 2018, 8:46 am

    MASSIVE tax cuts for Corporations and the Wealthy while maintaining record spending on the military has resulted in MASSIVE budget deficits, which will necessitate MASSIVE cuts to social programs. Things are going to get very ugly in this country, and self defense will be more important than ever!

  • Old Timer November 2, 2018, 8:27 am

    “Never again,” and “every Jew a .22” I remember in my youth requests for Americans to donate 22 caliber firearms that they could part with to Jewish people. Some of these 22s were smuggled into Europe to allow those who understood that G-d wanted active defense against evil to make some type of noble resistance instead of lining up for slaughter.

    • Don P. November 2, 2018, 10:16 am

      Good point, Old Timer! Sadly, far too many people misunderstand the Scriptures when it says “Thou shalt not kill”. It is specifically speaking of murder. Not self-defense, and especially not ‘defense of others’ such as children!

      It would be great if the NRA or some other organization would start a fund, to allow for those who have the means to to help, to purchase firearms for those who need them but cannot afford them.
      Maybe a voucher system would work? That way, the buyers would still have to fill out the paperwork for themselves so no laws broken.

      Just my 2 cents worth…

      G-d bless!!

      • David Moore November 2, 2018, 2:43 pm

        Sadly, that is called “straw purchase” and is illegal now.

  • Matt November 2, 2018, 8:25 am

    No matter what laws are put in place, criminals don’t obey laws, hence they murder. Gun control is the first step to eradication, that’s proven in history. We are taught history in school so we don’t repeat it, and I know for most of us, history class was very boring, but I’m wishing I would have paid more attention. Now we have these mass murders happening on a very frequent basis, partly because the media is to blame, and partly because the criminals see the lack of resistance. Our justice is not swift, and our police are spread thin. It’s only getting worse the more “gun free” zones we have. They are leading the sheep to the slaughter, then some family member is going to say how terrible it is. It is terrible that awful things like this happen, but if law-abiding citizens arm themselves when they go out, things like this would happen less. Every place an armed citizen stops this tragedy, the news ignores it. They only like it when a lot of people die, which is a travesty in itself!

    • Dan November 2, 2018, 8:48 am


    • joefoam November 2, 2018, 9:13 am

      I agree wholeheartedly with you. One point to note is that mass shootings are on the decline and have been for 25 years. It’s only the MSM running the stories constantly, for monetary gain, that makes them seem like they are an everyday occurrence. With our hand held media platforms you can’t escape the coverage.

    • C. Aldridge November 2, 2018, 12:35 pm

      Are you sure they still teach history in the classroom? With all the removals of historical monuments, I wonder if it is. If these idiots who scream that we have to remove these “symbols of hate” etc. had been taught history and why we have these monuments, maybe there would be less screaming going on and more understanding that these monuments are there to remind us of what our history means and how they are there to show us what we should do or not do in today’s world. They are tearing down history, not learning from it. That is why they keep screwing things up.

  • Dan November 2, 2018, 8:21 am

    Unfortunately, the political party most responsible for union busting legislation, and for fear and hate mongering, seem to be the party who claims to be protecting our right to defend ourselves against the inevitable evil or troubled predators among us. In addition to stopping corporate money and influence from further corrupting our political system, we need a third party to represent the rights of the working class without being labeled communist!

    • sudont November 2, 2018, 1:10 pm

      I agree. If anyone should be supporting liberal gun laws, it should be liberals. I’m pretty convinced that the only reason liberals turned away from supporting gun rights is because conservatives began to support them in the seventies. “Oh, you guys support gun rights now? Then I’m gonna take the opposite position”.

      What we have now is, liberals calling for more conservative gun laws, and conservatives trying to preserve liberal gun laws. We should all support civil rights.

  • Larry November 2, 2018, 8:17 am

    L.P. Summers wrote about early settlers in “History of southwest Virginia 1746-1786…” and mentions that many churches at that time had every member of the church bring a musket to church. Why? These people were no fools and realized that there were no police or armies to protect them from the Indians. It was just common sense. Uh, gee, are people that ignorant that they think the police will be everywhere all the time to protect them? Even the police say that you have to protect yourself until the police show up. Otherwise, not to worry, the ambulance will take you to the morgue.

  • Mark November 2, 2018, 8:13 am

    If someone breaks into my home I would rather be with a firearm than not ! Of course guns in homes require safe keeping from children and being knowlegeable with the gun you choose for defense !

  • Dan November 2, 2018, 8:09 am

    The old Western adage, “God created man, but Sam Colt made them equal,” will always be relevant. There will always be evil or troubled predators in our midst, and if they happen to be bigger or stronger than the rest of us, we will become easy prey without a means of defending ourselves.

  • Jay November 2, 2018, 7:52 am

    The Jews are a perfect example of brain washing of generations. They are victims even after all the tragedy that has befallen them. They for the most part make themselves victims from the brain washing and don’t even know it. Arm they selves and be a liberty seeking freedom lover, as you have had the right for many many years now!

  • R Herbst November 2, 2018, 7:40 am

    Imagine what an armed a Jewish community in Germany would have been like. They would have been acting illegally which Jews have been pillars and leaders in society and not criminals or breaking the law. They turned in their guns as ordered by the Reich’s new laws.
    History shows the Nazi’s that the Jews did not fight, but when they did go to battle to defend something the Hand of God was on them. So imagine what might have happened when law abiding Jews with guns were provoked and rounded up by their own government??? I’d rather die fighting for freedom and right with a gun in my hand than locked away waiting for them to decide which path to death I would take.

    • Martin Buck November 2, 2018, 4:09 pm

      There were many Jewish veterans of World War One, who saw plenty of combat and displayed commendable heroism by all accounts, who unaccountably caved in to demands to hand in their precious weapons. Dissenters were dealt with one by one as there was no organized community resistance, in fact, there was communal shame at the participation in such a terrible, losing war. Remembering that World War Two was simply an extension of World War One (thanks to the French), the disaster continued for the Jews unto death.

  • Ronald Parks November 2, 2018, 7:30 am

    I have been and continue to be mystified at the difference in the attitude of the Jewish people in America as compared to the Jewish people in Israel. Most Jews in America seem to be liberal and blame guns for shootings while Jews in Israel seem to all realize that having guns and being able to use them is a necessity for their survival, without regard for age or gender. Some may say that it is necessary to bear arms in Israel because they are surrounded by their enemies. Well, so are we all… and these, like some in Israel, are the worst as they do not declare themselves as enemies before they are among us. We should all be prepared to protect ourselves and each other wether, Christian or Jew.

    • Dave November 2, 2018, 9:56 am

      Ronald,you are absolutely right! Go to Israel and kick a door in and make entry.You will most likely be met by a house wife who is armed with a firearm and trained in its use.Once again we go back to the old saw ” The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

  • lamar November 2, 2018, 7:16 am

    I am now more re-enforced to carry concealed than ever. The more these events happen, the more we need to think about our own protection ! I have been carrying for over three years, but not consistently. It is now time to carry 100%.

  • Andrew November 2, 2018, 7:14 am

    Exactly…..However, I would add that the liberal misuse of the language is exactly what brings in advertising revenue. These “reporters” are in fact “salespeople” working on behalf of advertisers and politicians at the cost of future lives. Who are really dangerous?

  • JB November 2, 2018, 6:47 am

    More than 50 of my relatives were murdered by the nazis during WWII.
    Not one of them owned a gun.

    Another six million other Jews in all likelihood didn’t own guns either.

    I can’t prove that any of my relatives or any of the six million would have survived had they indeed owned guns, but if they did, maybe 25 of my relatives and maybe two million of the six million Jews would have survived.

    • Bob November 2, 2018, 7:56 am

      You are absolutely right and my heart goes out to you for your loss. Hitler’s orders at the beginning of the exterminations were to ensure that all the Jews and others were disarmed. Tyrants worldwide over the years have always stressed disarmament of their people to control them and kill them easily.

  • David November 2, 2018, 6:34 am

    Alan Korwin, keep your award winning opinions where the sun doesn’t shine.
    Don’t infringe on my rights to protect myself.
    You have choices of where you want to live. Make a decision and do it, but leave my rights alone.

    • Bryant November 2, 2018, 6:55 am

      Dude, Korwin wasn’t denigrating our right to bear arms. His pint was that if you don’t currently carry you definitely should train up and arm yourself. “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

      • Matt November 2, 2018, 8:19 am

        I see what you did there and I like it!

  • Mikhail Bukhsbaum November 2, 2018, 6:18 am

    So the elderly man like me would be going to the shul packing? The tragedy would not be preventable because he made up his mind and found the target. He would of shot them leaving the building anyway if he could not of gone on the inside. The Police arriving armed to the teeth was shot as well. Four officers are in the hospital. You are talking about stoping “one man army” with a small handgun? Many here apparently do not understand firearms.

    • bryant November 2, 2018, 7:06 am

      You are absolutely right. Why would anyone wish to train/arm themselves in the face of some psychopath and give themselves, and others, a chance of survival. If a bad guy shows up you should totally just lie down and wait for death, and let everyone else fend for themselves that you could help otherwise. Your line of thinking is flawed. How many people do you know that you would give your life for? Being the sole armed defender might get you killed, but you might at the same time save many other lives. Notice that when the police showed up the psycho turned his attention to them. How many lives to think were saved by the good guys that finally arrived, and what effect would an armed good guy had prior to the police showing up? People only think of themselves when referring to situations like these. “I would just get shot if I tried to defend.” Saying there’s no point because the evil asshat had already made up his mind is very lazy, defeatist, and wrong.

    • Mark November 2, 2018, 8:53 am

      Don’t denigrate yourself, Mr. Bukhsbaum. I have a friend who, 35 years ago (before the advent of concealed carry) was in a theater lobby with his wife and then-80 year old father. A mentally-ill criminal suddenly entered the lobby with a knife and stabbed my friend (a surgeon) and his wife with what would have been a fatal wound but for my surgeon-friend’s presence and quick (medical) response. But they would all have been stabbed to death but for the response that REALLY counted — his 80 year old father (the “elderly” man) seized up a stanchion holding a velvet rope and used it to attack the attacker, ultimately driving him away from more potential victims (and saving who knows how many more). I know; the situation isn’t a precise counterpart, but a) with a firearm the father wouldn’t have had to get into hand-to-hand combat with the guy, with all the dangers that includes and b) if the guy had a firearm, the stanchion wouldn’t have done much good. How much better to be armed and able to defend oneself and others of God’s children from such attacks? Even when one is “elderly” — and has the experience, wisdom, and knowledge to know what happens in society when violence is allowed to flourish without prompt, decisive response — one can still be a strong defender of the right.

    • Alan Robinson November 2, 2018, 9:05 am

      by that ‘reasoning’, you should just lay down and give it all up.
      seriously, where do people like you come from?
      Better to stand, fight and die, than to go as a lamb to the slaughter.
      And whats with this age thing? MANY elderly are still able to shoot, it’s not like he was some highly trained storm trooper.
      You apparently do not understand firearms, nor the idea of self defense.

  • Ghost November 2, 2018, 5:22 am

    Unfortunately we live in a NOT perfect world. Many within our Government are as evil as those we meet in the street. The Law of Nature, & God given Right is to protect ones self & their family. This coins the phrase “it takes a good man with a gun, to defeat a bad man with a gun”.

  • Joe November 2, 2018, 5:14 am

    The wolves at the door drool and await the day when they can once again harvest the dead bodies of unarmed citizens. The Jews know full well what the Holocaust needs to re emerge once the disarmament of the people is complete.

  • MadMax3.6 November 2, 2018, 5:13 am

    Jews living here need to follow the example of Jews living in Israel and arm themselves to be able to respond to any threat!!!

  • SuperG October 31, 2018, 10:44 am

    Still so true to this day:
    Thomas Paine, writing to religious pacifists in 1775:

    “The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them; the weak would become a prey to the strong.”

  • Dr Motown October 30, 2018, 11:35 pm

    A conservative Jewish friend told me once that most American Jews are descended from leftists that were kicked out of Eastern Europe during one polgrom or another. Upon arriving here, they immediately brought with them their beliefs in socialism and centralized state power, and set up various clubs, unions, and summer camps in the Catskills to indoctrinate future generations. Combine this with a progressive decrease in religious influence and you can understand why most current Jews are secular uber-libs that blindly vote for one party and its gun-loathing agenda

    • Hugo November 2, 2018, 7:55 am

      The pogroms in Russia were not the result of leftist ideas. Jews were persecuted in Czarist Russia because they were different. Their socialist ideas came as a result of a being ruled by a corrupt monarchy. I am Jewish and grew up in NY. There is no organized indoctrination that I or any of my many friends are aware of. I am politically conservative as are many of my Jewish friends. As for the many American Jews that have abandoned common sense for liberalism…they were raised in liberal families and are unable to see and/or understand the truth about human nature. Their ancestors came here looking for a better life. They settled in cities like NY or SF because they faced less discrimination there than other parts of the country. The liberal mindset set in and future generations were unable to see the failures of their belief system. I feel sorry for them.

  • Martin Buck October 30, 2018, 4:46 pm

    Shalom to all those unfortunately affected by this horrific event. I looked into Jewish history, and was disturbed to find out about the Tish’a B’Av fast, which commemorates the high number of disasters which have befallen the Jewish nation on the 9th day of the month of Av, on the Sabbath. These disasters include the scouts’ bad report on the chances of the Jews entering Canaan, resulting in a further forty years in the wilderness, expulsion from England in 1290 and Spain in 1492, and the start of World War One in 1914. I should repeat that all of these events occurred when 9th Av came on the Sabbath. Not every Sabbath 9th Av means a disaster but it did for the destruction of the Temple twice, by the Babylonians, and again by the Romans, and another Roman massacre of the Jewish people in the next century. So Jews regard 9th Av with caution. so much that when it happens on the Sabbath (Shabbat), they nowadays transfer it to the following day, to avoid this association. But G-d will not be mocked. 9th Av falls on Shabbat in 2018. It was perhaps inevitable that some disaster would happen in this year. Let us hope that this incident was it, and that nothing worse is to occur. Let us all pray for the Jewish people, and keep them in our hearts forever.

  • Mike V October 30, 2018, 1:06 pm

    I’ve never understood how a historically persecuted group living here with our freedoms, wouldn’t all be armed.

    We have this right, use it!

    • AJ November 1, 2018, 11:22 am

      I know right?

    • Hugo November 2, 2018, 8:01 am

      As a Jew, I’m surprised by that as well. For a people that value education, many Jews don’t seem to learn from history. I understand how they came to be liberal. When their ancestors arrived here, they settled in places where they faced less discrimination..big cities like NY and SF that were melting pots. Future generations adopted the same liberal leanings. Some of us saw through the BS and some are still mired in it. I hope they wise up soon. I carry a gun in synagogue now that I live in a more enlightened part of the country.

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