Man points firearms at pets, causes stir

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According to the infinite wisdom of Colonel Jeff Cooper, rule #2 of the four rules of gun safety states that one should, “Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.”

Well, enter Thomas Mcguinness, a Florida man who posted photos of himself pointing a pistol at his pet dog and cat on social media.

Either Mr. Mcguinness was willing to kill his animals, which would in effect land him in hot water with authorities for animal cruelty, or he was intentionally violating an essential rule of firearm safety, which would in effect make him idiotic.

I’ll go with the latter, specifically after he stated this, “Don’t know why everybody so mad about a cat we only shot it twice.”

While it appears he was joking, animal control officials in Charlotte County have contacted him and determined that none of his pets were actually harmed since ABC Action News broke the story, Mcguinness epitomized how a gun owner should NOT behave.

It goes without saying, but Mcguinness’ stunt is perfect fodder for anti-gunners and a media that loves to perpetuate a negative image of gun owners. Hopefully, given the attention he’s received over the past few days, much of it negative, he learned from his antics and will refrain from acting a fool in the future.

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  • rpoutdoors47 July 28, 2014, 7:11 pm

    It’s too bad stupid doesn’t hurt.

  • Jager July 28, 2014, 6:25 pm

    Obviously people with poor judgement and lacking social propriety own guns too.Even worse,when you have a sick sense of humor and think moronic behavior is open yourself to criticism.But not being able to recognize such buffoonery is also a reason for concern.

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