Missouri AG Sent Blistering Letter to FBI After Agency Attempted to Illegally Harvest Gun Owner Information 

Former President Donald Trump isn’t the only individual the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has in its crosshairs.

Law-abiding concealed carry permit holders in Missouri are also on the agency’s radar, according to state Attorney General Eric Schmitt. 

Back on July 13th, AG Schmitt wrote a blistering letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray instructing the bureau to back off from attempting to illegally harvest gun owner information. 

“It has come to my attention that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has informed several Missouri county sheriffs that they will be showing up in August to ‘audit’ CCW permit holder records. The FBI states that, ‘The audit includes an onsite review of your Concealed Carry Weapons Permits…,’” the letter states. 

“Let me be perfectly clear. Allowing federal agents from the FBI to have access to records of Missourians who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon violates Missouri law and infringes on our Second Amendment rights,” it continues. 

The letter goes on to substantiate why Missourians are so suspicious of federal agents coming down to the Show Me State to conduct an “audit.”

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“You famously targeted the parents of school children who showed up to express their concerns at school board meetings.  Unbelievably, somehow this was done as an alleged violation of the PATRIOT Act,” reads the letter.

“In addition to targeting parents, your agency has targeted conservatives, most famously the witch hunt against President Trump and his team,” it continues.  

AG Schmitt also noted that at the same time it was aggressively persecuting those on the right, the agency was turning a blind eye to the malfeasance of high-profile Democrats, including dropping the ball on Hillary Clinton’s email server and sitting on its hands with respect to Hunter Biden’s laptop.  

As mentioned, this letter was written before the FBI’s unprecedented raid Monday morning on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida to recover “classified material” for the National Archives and Records Administration.  

Trump believes the FBI’s probe at Mar-a-Lago was politically motivated.  

“After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate,” Trump said in a statement. 

“It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections,” he added. 

It’s unclear at this time whether the FBI has begun its audits of CCW info in Missouri or if it’s ceded to the demands of AG Schmitt.

One thing is for sure, however, in light of the Mar-a-Lago fiasco, the FBI is now under a microscope.

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  • Stan d. Upnow August 12, 2022, 4:35 pm

    And the FBI seemingly gave No reason, or specific individuals that they were needing information on, for this intrusion. Unless there is a criminal investigation of someone, then this is an outrageous and transparent ploy to obtain lists of legal CCW holders for what can only be one reason. Also, such an inquiry is rightfully the province of the BATF, not the FBI.
    Plus, as AG Schmitt stated, the FBI has become a totally corrupt, politicized tool of the Left. That means they are essentially illegitimate in discharging their mission. The DOJ, headed by Merrick Garland, oversees the FBI, and we know how corrupt & politicized That agency is. We need to “clean house” before the filth becomes overwhelming.

  • kjj August 12, 2022, 3:43 pm

    What is going on here at this comment section? You are moderating and not posting our right to free speech! I posted a non threatening comment about dark skys ahead and you did not post it? Has the WOKE left got too guns america digest where you can only say what the WOKE left approves of ?.

  • kjj August 12, 2022, 3:32 pm

    If this illegal unconstitutional behavior by the FBI and DOJ against the people continues i see dark very bad things happening in this country in the near future.

  • Mike August 12, 2022, 11:07 am

    TO ARMS TO ARMS , love that letter from AG of Missouri we have to stand firmly all Americans we need to push back hard we will not tolerate this kind of abuse and kick their ASSES BACK TO DC we had enough

  • Tommy Barrios August 12, 2022, 10:06 am

    So what are the filthy stinking ATF criminals gonna do about Texas residents… who don’t need no stinking filthy GD permit to carry a gun in any form or fashion concealed or otherwise… they’re gonna come arrest everybody in Texas now… including the Texas governor F-ing bastards!
    Here’s one for the GD ATF… I’ve never had a permit… never will have a permit …and I’ve carried a firearm all of my life ALL OVER this Country without one…. so come TRY arrest me you criminal bastards!
    They’ll quickly find out what the 2nd Amendment is really for and how it is applied to Communist Criminal directed TYRANTS!

    • kjj August 12, 2022, 3:35 pm

      They want info on your weapons purchase and in Kansas we have the same thing no permit required to carry.

    • John Boutwell August 12, 2022, 5:10 pm

      Missouri residents need no permits either.

  • Stephen Graham August 12, 2022, 10:00 am

    God bless men like AG Schmitt! What a perfectly crafted letter he wrote to the Director of the FBI and to the Attorney General of the United States.

  • Slim August 12, 2022, 8:45 am

    Regardless of your political persuasion everyone should take note of the present lawless condition of the US Government. These people are worse than Hitler’s Brown Shirts. When you vote remember these actions and vote to end the tyranny that we all are living under with Joe Biden’s Cartel.

  • No1Hunter August 12, 2022, 8:21 am

    If they show up, tell them to go jump off a cliff. If they try to push their way in, throw them in a jail cell for insurrection.

  • Dr Motown August 12, 2022, 7:26 am

    Unde what authority and law is the FBI conducting this audit? They have no jurisdiction over state CCW laws🤔. Total intimidation and overreach

    • Stan d. Upnow August 12, 2022, 4:40 pm

      The real question is– What the hell are they up to?
      But, we already know the answer, don’t we?

  • No August 12, 2022, 7:21 am

    ATTEMPTED???? There’s video of her DOING it. Attempted my butt!

  • JB August 11, 2022, 2:37 pm

    I wonder how many other states have been subject to such inspections of CCW records and that have quietly cooperated with the KGB. Has their ever been a time in the history of our nation where the Federal Government has been this atagonistic against the Second Amendment and American Citizens in general ?

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