NRA Board Elects New Leadership

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The NRA Board of Directors has elected former U.S. Congressman Bob Barr as President. Doug Hamlin will serve as NRA Executive Vice President and CEO. This announcement followed the 153rd NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, attended by over 72,000 NRA members. They explored the latest firearms, gear, and accessories from nearly 700 exhibitors at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.

On Saturday, President Trump delivered the keynote address at the NRA Leadership Forum. He accepted the NRA Political Victory Fund’s endorsement for his re-election.

“I thank my colleagues for their support of my election as NRA President,” said Bob Barr. “I have been a fighter my whole life and I commit to boldly fight for our Second Amendment rights on behalf of the millions of NRA members. We need to grow our ranks, especially in this election year, and I pledge to focus my attention on doing just that.”

The NRA Board of Directors also elected William A. Bachenberg as NRA First Vice President and Mark E. Vaughan as NRA Second Vice President.

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Doug Hamlin, the new NRA Executive Vice President and CEO, previously served as Executive Director of NRA Publications. Before joining the NRA in 2014, he worked in the publishing industry, holding various positions at Petersen Publishing Company. He was also vice president and group publisher of Motor Trend magazine and publisher of Guns & Ammo magazine. Hamlin served six years as a Marine Officer, including overseas with the Third Marine Division. He has been active in veteran charitable causes.

“I am truly humbled to be elected by the NRA Board of Directors as the next Executive Vice President & CEO of the NRA,” said Doug Hamlin.

“Our Association is at a decisive moment in our history, and the future of America and constitutional freedoms depends on the success of the NRA. I look forward to working with NRA staff to execute NRA’s gold standard programs and promote political and public policies that are in the best interest of our members and all gun owners,” he added.

Following his election, Hamlin re-appointed Randy Kozuch as Executive Director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action. He also appointed Joseph P. De Bergalis, Jr. as Executive Director of NRA General Operations.

The Board of Directors re-elected Sonya B. Rowling as NRA Treasurer and John C. Frazer as NRA Secretary. The NRA membership voted to create the position of NRA Chief Compliance Officer. Robert Mensinger was elected to serve in this role.

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  • Frank May 25, 2024, 7:40 am

    So… Will the “Chief Compliance Officer” keep others from raiding membership and donation revenues? As a lifetime member, I do hope the NRA will regain some relevance in the perpetual battle to safeguard every citizens rights, as described in the 2nd Amendment. I’m watching.

  • LJ May 24, 2024, 10:55 am

    Why has the NRA taken so long to get it’s act together and distance itself from Wayne LaCrook and his cast of characters? How many MILLIONS of dollars were wasted just on legal fees to squash this ridiculous civil trial that never should have happened to begin with?

    Wayne LaCrook was ordered to repay the NRA $4.3 million of the $5.4 million he “misappropriated” during his reign of terror. Wilson Phillips, the financial officer, was ordered to repay over $2 million of what he squandered. Will the NRA ever see one cent of that money? HELL NO!

    Over my 50+ years supporting the NRA, I’ve spent my hard earned money to proudly climb to a level 3 life member. My next move was to the benefactor level, but that will never happen. The NRA will never receive one red cent of my money ever again. AND I removed them from my ‘will’ to receive my modest collection on my passing.

    Can the NRA survive this scandal? Only time will tell.

  • Clint W. May 24, 2024, 10:49 am

    I am a life member of the NRA, but I have been unsatisfied with my inquiries to them concerning the real story of LaPierre, where only the media version was told. Nothing in the magazines defending him, excusing him, or explaining all the accusations against him. They never answered one of several emails I have sent, and when you do want to inquire about or suggest anything to them it has to be in writing via the USPS, they will not take anything by email. Perhaps they get so much hate email, it is easier to just do snail mail, but still, I wish they would have explained the whole LaPierre debacle honestly. I never vote in their election, I do not know those people unless they are former military with a proven track record, but because Janey Homemaker writes a description of herself and says vote for me, it ain’t happening. What was my dues money, and other money the NRA sends me requests for, I have been sending to SAF, GOA, and CCRKBA for many years now, instead.

    • LJ May 26, 2024, 8:40 am

      Same for me. I’ve reached out to the NRA many times over the years with concerns about why they allowed things to get so out of hand with Wayne LaCrook and his cronies. Also with their all-or-nothing attitude towards gun ownership. Common sense has to factor into the equation at some point.

      We NEED the NRA for their political lobbying, but I’ll never understand why they allowed the controversy with internal corruption to get so out of hand. They need people like you and I, Clint, and millions of others like us. Why they have thumbed their collective noses at us doesn’t make sense.

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