Pew Survey: Gun Violence Concerns Surge; Divide Over Impact of Gun Ownership Persists

Public support for stricter gun laws.
(Photo: Pew Research Center)

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A recent Pew Research Center survey reveals growing concerns over gun violence in America. The poll also shows an evenly divided perspective on the impact of gun ownership on safety.

Conducted from June 5-11, 2023, the survey engaged 5,115 panel members nationwide. Results show that 62% of Americans predict increased gun violence over the next five years. Only 31% expect stability, while 7% anticipate a decrease.

Regarding safety, 49% believe gun ownership increases safety. The same percentage think it decreases safety due to potential firearm misuse.

The poll shows a slight rise in support for stricter gun laws since 2021, now at 58%. This figure matches sentiments from 2019. Meanwhile, 26% deem the laws adequate, and 15% argue for leniency.

Survey results also underscore vast support for specific gun control measures. Notably, 88% back the prevention of mentally ill individuals from purchasing guns.

Furthermore, 79% favor raising the minimum age for gun purchases to 21. Other proposals, like banning high-capacity magazines (66%) and assault-style weapons (64%), also secured majority backing.

SEE ALSO: Independence Day Celebrates America’s Firearm Heritage

Pew Research results on gun control.
(Photo: Pew Research Center)

The survey reveals stark divides by party and community type on the impact of gun ownership. Among Republicans, 79% see gun ownership as safety-enhancing. Among Democrats, only 22% agree.

Place of residence also influences perceptions on gun ownership. Individuals in rural areas view gun ownership as safer than urban residents (65% vs. 34%). Gun owners also view it as safer than non-owners (71% vs. 37%).

Public opinion on the significance of gun violence and violent crime as issues has increased by 11% in both parties. Yet, partisan gaps persist. 81% of Democrats see gun violence as a big national problem, while only 38% of Republicans agree. The perception of violent crime as a major problem has also increased among both Republicans (60% to 64%) and Democrats (47% to 52%).

The poll also shows growing support for arming teachers and school officials in K-12 schools, now at 50%. This figure is a notable increase from 43% two years ago.

The survey highlights the divisive nature of gun policy in the U.S. However, shared areas of agreement, such as barring mentally ill individuals from buying guns, suggest potential common ground.

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  • ejharbet July 10, 2023, 6:56 am

    in a true democracy the majority would favor oppressive government and less freedom.
    peaceful? slavery over dangerous freedom? I’ll take my chances with criminals over a government that has the monopoly on force and a history of killing its citizens on a whim

  • Kbc.kurt July 7, 2023, 1:33 pm

    More people die from alcohol related deaths than by firearms. More people die from vehicle related deaths than firearms. More people are stupid than voting with logic.

  • l1254 July 7, 2023, 1:31 pm

    Surveys are garbage if you word a survey correctly and stack the questions with a favorable group you can get any results you desire.

  • l1254 July 7, 2023, 1:24 pm

    The far left liberals have ignored no! encouraged crime by not prosecuting and as to go as far as dropping charges for all crimes which leads to increased the violence. Myself i think this is the plan by the left to get rid of all guns ignoring gun violence thus encouraging criminals by not punishing the crimes and using this politically to achieve there goal of a ban or even confiscation.

  • Dur Poiguy July 7, 2023, 1:06 pm

    ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS NOW! We don’t need more laws because the democrats aren’t even complying with the laws we have now. Strongly enhanced penalties for criminal gun usage works. You rob a store/person with a gun you get an added 10nyrs. in jail, no parole, no plea bargain. PERIOD. Convicted felons caught with a gun for any reason-10 years in prison to serve consecutively after other time. Make prosecutors who don’t follow the law liable for jail time themselves, they are as much a problem as the criminals!

    • Kenny July 8, 2023, 5:39 am

      Absolutely correct! I remember a three strikes law and a use of a firearm in the commission of a crime law that was very effective.

  • JIM July 7, 2023, 10:58 am


  • Jay July 7, 2023, 8:25 am

    Surveys are not absolution–too much room for monkeying with the results.

  • Wade July 7, 2023, 8:17 am

    They skipped 2020 and 2022. Was that convenient or did the data not support the antis?

  • Kenny July 7, 2023, 6:21 am

    Why is this continually called “gun violence “? Are guns inherently violent? No, no they’re not! When someone is killed by a drunk driver is it called car violence? When someone is bludgeoned to death with a hammer, is it hammer violence? Hell no, it’s people violence! Call it what it is!

    • Hondo July 10, 2023, 7:14 am

      But doesn’t fit the lefts narrative, they want more shootings so they can fulfill their wet dreams of disarming Americans.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment July 6, 2023, 4:53 am

    someone needs to define mentally ill before they start using it……..being straight, law abiding, owning a gun, and having a moral core seems to be targets for that excuse!

    • ejharbet July 10, 2023, 7:07 am

      if you’re too deranged to own a gun, you need to be confined to protect public safety. the dangerous part of freedom is that you get a chance to prove that you’re crazy and people can be harmed in the time it takes to stop you. give me dangerous freedom because I can prepare.
      so called peaceful slavery means the government is empowered to destroy who it wishes and the last century gave us numerous examples of that

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