Remington Reboots: New Georgia Move Amid Closure Buzz

in Industry News, This Week

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Remington’s CEO Ken D’Arcy recently tackled the misconceptions about the company’s future following the closure of its Ilion, New York plant, ensuring fans that Remington Arms is not only still in business but is also making a significant move.

“I would like to take a minute to update you on RemArms and our exciting move to our new home in LaGrange, Georgia,” D’Arcy stated.

He detailed the decision made in late November 2023 to shut down the Ilion facility, which spanned one million square feet and included several buildings constructed from 1914 to 1916.

D’Arcy described the old facility as “old, outdated and frankly cost-prohibitive to operate.” The challenges of operating the expansive, outdated facility coupled with New York’s restrictive legislation made the move to Georgia a logical choice.

Georgia, according to D’Arcy, presented an attractive alternative. “Both the state of Georgia and the City of LaGrange have proven themselves to be very firearms friendly and view us as an asset to the community,” he noted.

SEE ALSO: Remington’s Gone — Now What for Ilion, New York?

While the Ilion site has completed its operations, the transfer of equipment and materials to Georgia is still in progress. Remington has initiated operations in a temporary LaGrange facility and has commenced construction on a permanent site.

“We’ve broken ground and cleared our 43-acre site, and will be pouring the pad the first week in April,” D’Arcy shared.

This new facility will centralize RemArms’ manufacturing, distribution, research and development, and corporate headquarters. Set to be fully operational by September of this year, it promises to be a modern, efficient, and state-of-the-art facility.

D’Arcy emphasized, “The move to LaGrange will help RemArms fulfill our promise to build the finest firearms available for hunters, shooters, law enforcement, and military use worldwide.”

With a tone of reassurance and forward-looking optimism, D’Arcy thanked the community and stakeholders, underscoring the company’s ongoing commitment to excellence in the firearms industry.

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About the author: Larry Z Welcome to “Inside GunsAmerica: Where Values Meet Excellence”, an exclusive deep dive into one of the leading online platforms dedicated to the promotion and protection of the Second Amendment.

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  • Richard stein April 22, 2024, 8:15 pm

    So happy to know the Remington Arms Co is alive and will be doing well for many years to come. My first duck/goose gun was an 870 I purchased in 1971. Today, it looks and shoots as good as new. I own other guns now, but my 870 is still my favorite.

  • Jim C April 19, 2024, 7:25 pm

    Great job Remington, The state of New York does not deserve any perks manufacturing ANYTHING. Its oppression towards the basic fundamentals of freedom hopefully will bite the politicians right in the arse

  • Mad Mac April 19, 2024, 9:01 am

    Never mentioned in stories about companies relocating
    is that they are moving from Forced Unionism states
    to Right to Work states.

    • Jake April 19, 2024, 9:39 am

      In addition, approximately 81% of every Dollar paid in “union dues” winds up in the hands of the Democrat Party. In my opinion most unions are mere fronts for the Communists. The UAW workers support Trump while the officials are 100% for Biden, even though Biden’s electric stupidmobiles will cut UAW jobs in half or more and all the major parts will be from China.

      • Clint W. April 20, 2024, 9:33 am

        Read the history of the attempted unionization of Southern textile mills in the 20’s and 30’s. First off, many were sweat shops with some real unjust work requirements, but others were fair and good to their workers. There was violence, shootings, building destruction. In the long run, it was proven that all the union action in these places was run by union organizers out of NYC, and when taken to trial because of their corruptness, all of them were based in the communist ‘workers’ support, and most were convicted of primarily being communists. Why does everything aimed at everybody seem to come from NY governments and NYC? Even when Flagler was building the railroad to Key West, he spent a lot of time in NYC courts who had issues with everything he was doing, including how he treated his workers, where when investigated, were treated better, fed better, had a health clinic and hospital, worked an 8 hour day with an hour for lunch, all provided my him, but still they took him to court. If CA and NY would break off and float out into their respective oceans and sink, the country would be a better place.

      • Jay Smith April 21, 2024, 9:44 pm

        Not all unions are like UAW or Teamsters. IAM is the acft maint field version. I am not Dem and wouldn’t work without it. We were shorted over $6K each in under 2 years working on a contract without it. No job security, no promotion from within guarantees, and crap for a pension. BUt , most Union members that are Dems need to wake up, the Democratic party is NOT good for “workers”. ( Of course, most of the Acft maint field are Ex military, which leans Republican.

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