‘Sen. Fetterman Supports Overturning the Second Amendment,’ Reveals Staffer in Undercover Footage

In an explosive revelation captured in a secretly recorded video clip, Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) appears to endorse sweeping changes to the U.S. Constitution, potentially supporting a drastic alteration of the Second Amendment, according to his staffer.

The footage, acquired by O’Keefe Media Group, features Luke Borwegen, a special assistant to Senator Fetterman, candidly sharing that his boss would not oppose “overturning the Second Amendment.”

Borwegen says that Fetterman is “100 percent for gun control,” including “Red flags. Banning automatic rifles, like all that sh**.”

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Pressing the Fetterman staffer further, the undercover journalist asked, “So what exactly will he try to ban?”

Borwegen responded with “assault weapons.” The staffer also said of his boss, he’d be”okay with like overturning the Second Amendment,” adding, “I think he would much rather prefer, like nobody have guns at all.”

Clearly, these statements paint a portrait of Sen. Fetterman as an extreme advocate for gun control.

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  • Stan d. Upnow June 4, 2023, 10:10 am

    Fetterman, like Biden, is a brain-dead puppet useful as a pliable front for their handlers. We need to discover just who is controlling them, as They are the real threat to our nation.

  • Junior Marti June 3, 2023, 11:32 am

    Wait, isn’t’ this the Moron that looks like he is on Crack?

  • Walleye June 3, 2023, 4:14 am

    PA voted for this.

    • Stan d. Upnow June 4, 2023, 10:11 am

      And we all suffer for it!

  • Kbc.kurt June 2, 2023, 11:10 pm

    The Senator is not upholding his Oath of office to protect the Constitution for all of his constituents, he should resign immediately..

    • Stan d. Upnow June 4, 2023, 10:13 am

      The Senator isn’t aware of what planet he resides on. Pathetic.

  • BJG June 2, 2023, 1:37 pm

    Typical democrat. their all the same every one of them.
    If any of them have the guts to disagree with their policies, then switch parties..

    • Stan d. Upnow June 4, 2023, 10:14 am

      There are no more Democrats. They have all become Progressive-Socialists. Make a note of it.

  • Jim June 2, 2023, 1:16 pm

    There would then be tyranny in a heartbeat….so many dumbocrats looking for power. IMMEDIATELY
    1.arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
    2.the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
    3.a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
    4.oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
    5.undue severity or harshness.
    6.a cruel or harsh act or proceeding; an arbitrary, oppressive, or tyrannical action.

  • Blue Dog (he/him) June 2, 2023, 12:08 am

    Honestly, is this really news? A Democrat Senator is comfortable with the idea of repealing the second amendment. Does anyone believe he is the only Senator who feels that way? Even some Republicans probably think that way. The so-called most second amendment friendly President ever went from wanting to deregulate silencers to taking away bump stocks by executive order. The second amendment may have even fewer defenders left than the first amendment in Washington today.

    Common sense doesn’t necessarily demand an outright repeal but clarifying what limits and regulations on the collective right of the people to own firearms, and periodically reviewing and updating those limitations from time to time, that is common sense in spades. Technology advances and more dangerous weapons become available. Much like a periodic census prevents rotten boroughs, public safety is enhanced by up-to-date considerations of weapons in our streets.

    • Kane June 3, 2023, 9:41 am

      List the top three examples of firearm “regulations” that you will admit defy “common sense.”

    • Junior Marti June 3, 2023, 11:35 am

      Bump stocks were just a range toy. Now, braces, they are needed.

    • Stan d. Upnow June 4, 2023, 11:25 am

      “common sense”
      Ah yes, the darling catch-phrase of Progressive-Socialists everywhere to falsely describe whatever draconian, anti-Constitutional crap they want to inflict on America for their own twisted edification. You always try to promote yourself as such a sensible moderate, but we all know that you’re as far-left as they come.
      What I would deem proper would be to ban firearm ownership from people like you. After all, on the 4473 form there is a question as to whether you are suffering from/treated for mental illness. And those on the Left are Definitely mentally ill.

    • Chumley June 5, 2023, 7:52 am

      “Collective rights”?
      You just said the quiet part out loud, Bolshevik Dog (he,him).

  • Kane May 31, 2023, 9:37 am

    No real shock that a gun grabbing Demshevik, armed with a shotgun, chases an innocent Black jogger (2013 NOT 1913) and the lefty still thinks that he in NOT a big part of the problem. No apologies, no jail time, no reparations. Aint no pity in donkey city.

    I wonder where JFK Jr. will go with the 2A? He will certainly be an anti-2A candidate but who could be worse on any issue than the current fake POTUS (genuine POS)?

    So RFK Jr. is on record for blaming the CIA for his uncle’s assassination? He must then suspect the CIA for his own father’s assassination since he supports parolling Sirhan Sirhan. Those are two big murders, followed by massive frame up which include a huge wave of death. The cover up of JFK would then include several LEO’s (Tippet, Roger D. Craig etc).

    So how can anyone who believes that President JFK was murdered by the CIA could at the same time support disarming the common citizen? Well, if anyone can a Dem. can. If the CIA murdered JFK than the crimes committed by this 3 letter agency must be worthy of a Nurmenberg trail.

    • Blue Dog (he/him) June 1, 2023, 11:57 pm

      Kane, you are getting a bit out there, buddy. Nothing quite so timely as the JFK assassination. One determined marine changed the course of history with about the rickety-est old rifle you could find.

      In before “Elvis is still alive.”

      • Kane June 2, 2023, 10:55 am

        “Nothing quite so timely as the JFK assassination.”

        Here’s a bit of what you don’t get. The same type of maniacs that wanted to push the world into nuclear war with the Soviet Union more than 50 years ago now want to push the world to nuclear war with Russia. Why? “Freedom”? Nope. Communism? that was an elaborate charade. The Ukraine? Ha.

        Looks like we will have a Dem. Presdential candidate that has believes the CIA commited Regicide. If true, then the US is the final stages of the greatest betrayal in the history of mankind. Almost every platitude the US Government has pushed well before Sidney W. Souers has been a psych-ops lie.

        So now the timely question is, how can a potential US President, RFK Jr., ever trust the CIA as the “chief intelligence adviser”? Maybe you missed it, but the US is closer to nuclear war than ever incuding the Cuban missile crises.

        Here’s what else you don’t get. Marine is always capitalized, you would never make that mistake with LGBTQ. And now many people who study LHO believe that he was NOT only “patsy.,” he was a deep US Intelligence agent operative. After reading you post above and many previous ones, I understand how lost you are so many issues.

        Get a clue, this history is still important.

      • Kane June 3, 2023, 9:39 am

        BTW, BD, I thought you knew more about firearms and marksmanship to back the lone gun man theory. My mistake.

        If one mediocre shot with “the rickety-est old rifle you could find” could kill JFK with Secret Service protection then what would qualify as “common sense” gun laws.

        • Blue Dog (he/him) June 5, 2023, 11:29 am

          I owned a Carcano once upon a time, but the other calibre (7.35) from the one LHO shot Kennedy with (6.5). I cannot claim much experience with shooting it as I only ever found one box of ammo for it and the ammo was priced higher than I had paid for the gun. But, Kennedy was not the only person ever killed with one. Italy even managed to conquer a couple of countries carrying them.

          I’d have the regular laundry list of common sense gun violence prevention measures – universal background checks, registration, AWB, safe storage requirements, updating the definition of what is a receiver (upper receivers and 80%), hi cap mag ban, getting bump stocks and pistol braces listed under NFA (which really would be moot after an AWB), maybe background checks for ammo? As technology advances, thing like microstamping and smart gun technology would be good too but like electric cars, the tech isn’t quite there for it to be practical yet. I think another side of treating gun violence like a medical outbreak is to address how firearms are represented in media, especially violent video games. These war games like Call of Duty or PUBG are teaching our kids, boys especially, about firearms and gun safety and gun culture, in the same way the internet is using pornography to teach them about love.

          I will be more careful when discussing Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children and the majiscules. 😛 In the same spirit, the English name of the country is Ukraine, no “the”. You would not say “the Denmark” or “the Mercia”, any region named for their borderland marches doesn’t take the article. Regarding majiscules and the genders – I really don’t keep track of all that. I am just a flip phone guy in a smart phone world.

          • Kane June 6, 2023, 4:30 pm

            Going back to the late Mark Lane, he was one of the first to wright about how the feds could not zero the scope on the Carcano after great efforts with all sorts of shims. His book “Rush to Judgement” still stands up after over 60 years. Not only could LHO not make the shots, the rifle and scope were a total bust. Fiction wrtiters like Posner still make a good living duping people and maybe the CIA chips in a bit for that author.

            JFK Jr. is talking about the harm of SSRI’s, wonder how long he lasts. Did you know Willie Jeff Clinton drove Halle Boggs to a Texas airport just before he died? The Clintons have killed more people with airplanes than “bomber” Harris.

            The US called it The Ukraine when Stalin was killing every Kulak in sight. The CIA under Obama over threw the pro Putan leader leader and cutt off water to the many Russians living in the Crimea. Then they tried to over throw Putin with their “pussy riots” and other CIA fun and games.

            I know the British like you also want the The dropped with The Ukraine? I know Boris Johnson still calls Ulster “Northern Ireland” and I bet you and Volo Zelenskyyyyyyyy do the same. Why should I suck up to the globalists?

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