The SIG P320 has been widely popular since its release, with many SIG and aftermarket accessories quickly following. The replaceable grip module has been one of the most popular of those accessories. I’ve tried several offered in different sizes and materials but none really just fit my hand.
That is until now. The newly released Brouwer Solutions M1811 Module design borrows characteristics from the legendary 1911 grip and seamlessly blends them to the grip of the P320. To my hand it is definitely an improvement to the curvy factory grip.

The trigger guard is enlarged to accommodate cold weather glove use and has double undercuts to allow a very high support side grip. Access to the trigger and magazine release is sculpted to ensure interference free operation.
The grip angle, shape, size and contour are almost identical to an original 1911. The flatter sides of the grip and high beavertail make the 320 point and index better than ever. Stippling on the sides and checkering on the front and rear provide a secure grip without being overly aggressive.

The bottom of the grip module is generously flared to allow rapid reloads. In addition, the bottom of the module has a metal insert to facilitate securing a detachable magwell.

The M1811 module is designed for drop in function with P320 models without a safety selector. However, the versions with the safety selector haven’t been forgotten. Brouwer provides an internal outline of the area that needs to be removed for operation with a safety selector. The area is easily removed with a Dremel or rotary tool.
Capacity Fits 17 and 21 rd
Height 4.2 inches
Width 1.21 inch
Length 7.25 inches
Weight 4 ounces
Rail Picatinny 1913
MSRP $ 89.95

On the Range
All the features and how it feels in the hand are important but nothing means more than how it shoots. The Sig P320 is already a great shooting pistol but the Brouwer M1811 module makes the Sig even better.
The improved beavertail and double undercut trigger result in a very high grip increasing recoil control, while the complimenting 1911 style dimensions made the P320 index on targets exceptionally well.

I was instantly impressed with the recoil control when my first Bill Drill resulted in about a 3-inch group. I’m not sure exactly which grip angles cause it, but the grip module seems to consistently force your hand up into the higher larger beavertail.
The biggest improvement on the range was the indexing of the pistol, how well it naturally pointed on the draw and target transitions. In addition, the larger magazine well allowed for speedy reloads without being overly large for daily use.
Every drill and round I shot reinforced that the Brouwer M1811 Module was going to stay on my Sig P320. We tried the Brouwer on the full sized and the compact model and found it to be a great addition to every P320.

I am very impressed with the Brouwer M1811 grip module, it is all that it’s advertised to be. I definitely feel it increased my performance with the Sig P320, and it is a very cost effective way to increase performance. You really have to shoot it to fully appreciate it.
Brouwer is working to set up dealers around the country, so contact your local dealer to get them stocking Brouwer products or order online. Click Here for more information from Brouwer
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I have shot thousands of rounds through my 1911 but always wanted to try some of the newer guns. Retraining my muscle memory held me back. I’ll give it a try. Thanks.