Stacey Abrams Sells A Gun Control Plan That Georgia’s Not Buying

Stacey Abrams Sells A Gun Control Plan That Georgia's Not Buying

By Larry Keane

Georgia Democratic candidate for governor Stacey Abrams is rolling out a gun control plan that includes restricting gun rights. It’s a gambit she believes state Republicans are ready to get behind.

Abrams wants to reverse course on several pro-gun measures signed into law by Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, including a repeal of the state’s Constitutional Carry law, enacting universal background checks for private firearm transfers and imposing so-called “red flag” laws that don’t protect Due Process rights. At the same time, she’s got a plan that would include a “clean slate” program that would wipe out offender criminal records if they don’t commit further crimes in a set time period.

Abrams told Axios her plan includes, “the obvious and the common-sense gun safety rules that do not infringe upon anyone’s ability to carry.”

Except that it does.

Punish the Law-Abiding

Abrams’ gun control plan centers on several measures that clearly infringe on the rights of law-abiding Georgians, not criminals that have no respect for the law. Her gun control plan would reverse course on Georgia’s Constitutional Carry law that allows for law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed firearm without requiring a payment and permission from state authorities to do so.

“SB 319 makes sure that law abiding Georgians, law abiding Georgians, including our daughters, and your family too, can protect themselves without having to have permission from your state government. The Constitution of the United States gives us that right, not the government,” said Gov. Kemp when he signed the legislation into law at a firearm retailer in Douglasville, Ga.

Abrams claims the law allows criminals and the mentally ill to carry firearms. This ignores the fact that it is already a felony for prohibited persons, including felons and those adjudicated mentally defective or those involuntarily committed to a mental health facility, to possess a firearm.

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She would also reverse course on other carry laws, including a 2017 “campus carry” law and a 2014 law allowing law-abiding Georgians to carry firearms in churches, schools and bars. Topping off that plan would be her push to criminalize private firearm transfers without an FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verification.

Abrams believes that the same legislators that sent these bills to be signed into law would suddenly turn tail and support her effort to repeal them.

“During the time that ‘guns everywhere’ passed in the state legislature, there were many Republicans who knew that it was the wrong thing to do, but it was an election year,” Abrams said, according to Axios. “And I think in hindsight, there will be very much a willingness to reconsider and to strengthen our laws.”

Appease Criminals

Abrams’ tough-on-guns approach, though, doesn’t apply to those breaking the law. In fact, she doubles-down in her plan to go soft-on-crime, even while she blasts Gov. Kemp for empowering Georgians to protect themselves from criminals. Abrams told media that she’s still in favor of eliminating cash bail for some crimes, which turns criminals immediately back to the streets. She wants some low-level traffic and drug crimes to be classified as civil offenses instead of crimes. She also wants a “clean slate” law that would automatically clear criminal records if someone doesn’t re-offend in a set period of time.

Republican National Committee spokesperson Garrison Douglas derided the clean slate proposal as “felony-b-gone,” reported ABC News.

Georgia sheriffs are lining up with Gov. Kemp in condemning Abrams for her ties to groups supporting the “defund the police” movement. Over 100 sheriffs blasted Abrams for her connection to the Marguerite Casey Foundation, a Seattle-based grantmaking group that has called for the abolition of police. Abrams supported an expanded anti-police initiative from the group shortly after joining its board, according to Fox News. The Marguerite Casey Foundation has repeatedly supported defunding and abolishing police, awarded millions of dollars to academia that advocate for anti-capitalist views and abolishment of prisons, and Abrams supported the foundation’s expanded anti-police initiative “Answer the Uprising” campaign.

“Ms. Abrams actively serves on the governing board of – and has profited from – an anti-police organization which openly advocates for abolishing prisons and stripping local police departments of their funding,” the group of 102 sheriffs wrote.

Abrams’ vision for Georgia doesn’t favor those who obey the law. For them, it’s a loss of Second Amendment freedom. Her plan gives reprieve only to those who break the law.

Larry Keane is Senior Vice President of Government and Public Affairs and General Counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry trade association.

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  • paul I'll call you what I want 1st Amendment July 9, 2022, 4:53 am

    and yet these same phucks ask “why do you need a gun” “why do you need more than 10rds” while they are increasing the violent criminal population! All lefties should be banned from owning guns since they are mentally incompetent!!!

  • Dan Hayes July 8, 2022, 10:17 pm

    Look Kids, it’s a Real Live Black Hippie Radical, right here in the South…”Yep, “I Demand a Recount Abrams” is back & being groomed for Washington! To know Georgia, is to HATE Georgia…to just know of Abrams, is enough for you to make sure to send SERIOUS TIME at the Range with your Family. It’s obvious she has Dangerous Handlers, Followers and Cash Flow & the fact she sits on the Board (meaning she gets Money from them) of Marguerite Casey Foundation scares the Scat out of Me! Seeing she wants to put more Criminals back on Georgia Streets shows you her Target Voters…but it also means Big Business for surrounding States. She will single handedly make Businesses & well off Georgians FLOOD the Realestate Markets in those States, getting the Hell out of Georgia!

  • Steven July 8, 2022, 10:24 am

    The next govenor of Georgia, by theft.

  • phylo July 8, 2022, 10:10 am

    the baby hippo is out to kill the Second Amendment………!

  • Stan d. Upnow July 8, 2022, 9:29 am

    Georgia– Get Rid Of That Radical Progressive-Socialist! She, like all of them, is toxic!

  • Boz July 8, 2022, 8:58 am

    That’s a fat pIan!

  • Phil July 8, 2022, 8:52 am

    Will Stacey agree to pay for the pain and suffering and death claims of the ones who would be involved in use of firearms by prohibited persons or in commission of a crime because those would not be able to defend themselves with firearms due to her denial of their 2nd Amendment right?

  • John K July 8, 2022, 7:18 am

    She probably wants guns to be edible by the looks of her

    • Stan d. Upnow July 8, 2022, 9:31 am

      Naw, the trigger guard would get caught in her gap teeth. ha

      • Hondo July 8, 2022, 8:04 pm

        That’s funny right there.

  • Mark N July 8, 2022, 1:10 am

    To add to all of that, this hypocrite outspent what the entire Congressional Squad combined paid for all of 2021 for her personal security in the first quarter of 2022. She spent $450,000. on executive security even though she is not an elected official.

    • Fal Phil July 8, 2022, 8:15 am

      Leftists, collectivists, and sexual deviants live in fear. It is their defining characteristic. Her reasoning is that if no one can defend themselves, then it is only the members of the herd that live on the outer fringes that will get picked off, and elites like her will be safe.

      Georgia’s demographics are interesting in that they have changed dramatically over the last 15 years. WIth the combination of the state government wooing businesses from blue states, whose employees bring their blue values with them, the mass resettlement of refugees from other parts of the world, and federally subsidized standards of living for non-traditional families, Georgia may be at the nucleus of the civil war. Most of the two primary party leaders are globalists, and most of the productive tax-paying citizens are not. The index of evil has risen dramatically in the state compared to its neighbors.

      At least they got rid of the Guide Stones.

    • Stan d. Upnow July 8, 2022, 9:33 am

      Gee, wonder where all that money came from?

    • Kane July 9, 2022, 9:26 pm

      The “personal security” is a scam involving the tranfering campaign funds to family, friends and lovers while corrupt polticians skirt income tax. Of course the corrupt politicians can take their political war chest as personal income but then be required to pay income tax on the money. So, whatever way these corrupt politicians choose too distribute their funds on advise of their accountans. SA is probably one of the most extreme and shameless scammers.

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