WATCH: Armed Israeli Citizens End Deadliest Terror Attack in Years

WATCH: Armed Israeli Citizens End Deadliest Terror Attack in Years
The attack is the deadliest terror attack in the country since 2016. (Photo: Screenshot)

Two armed Israeli citizens ended the killing spree of a terrorist who had killed four and wounded two in what The Times of Israel calls the country’s deadliest terror attack since 2016.

The attacker, a convicted terrorist who served four years in prison for plotting to join ISIS, began his rampage by stabbing a woman at a gas station in the town of Beersheba south of Jerusalem. He then rammed a cyclist with his car and stabbed several more people at a nearby shopping center.

At the shopping center, a bus driver named Arthur Chaimov noticed a man running around brandishing a knife. He exited his vehicle and confronted the man with his personal sidearm.

“I got closer and then I saw he had a knife. I saw a man [lying] wounded. I told [the stabber] several times: ‘I’m asking you to put down the knife. I won’t shoot you. He said ‘No,’” Chaimov told The Times.

In a video of the incident, Chaimov can be seen approaching the terrorist with his pistol raised. The attacker runs towards Chaimov several times, but the bus driver repels him by lowering his stance and taking aim.

Chaimov runs at the terrorist, who lunges back towards Chaimov with his knife raised. The bus driver fires once, as another armed civilian runs towards them. The terrorist drops to the ground after the first shot, and the second civilian fires two more rounds into his body.

SEE ALSO: Israel Loosens Gun Ownership Restrictions in Response to Terrorist Threat

Police commissioner Kobi Shabtai praised the men for taking decisive action. “Citizens displayed resourcefulness and killed the terrorist in the initial minutes,” he said.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett issued a statement of condolences to the families of the victims and said “we will work with a heavy hand against those who commit terror. We will pursue and reach those who assist them, too.”

Israel is a heavily armed society, but there is no right to own a firearm. Gun owners must obtain a license from the state to own and carry a firearm, which involves mental and physical health checks and proficiency training. Still, public officials openly recognize the benefits of civilian gun ownership for protecting the public against these kinds of terrorist attacks.

“Trained citizens who hold weapons in the public sphere contribute to the feeling of security,” said Gilad Erdan in 2018. Erdan was the minister of public security at the time and had just announced new regulation relaxing the requirements to obtain a gun permit. “They are an important line of defense against ‘lone wolf’ actions and are used in a sense as a temporary force multiplier, thereby strengthening public safety.”

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  • Fjb May 10, 2022, 6:04 am

    That’s the effect after training?
    First guy- u don’t need to charge down a subject and get the weapon a few feet from them for the weapon to do its job.
    Second guy-if u were in the US ud be going to prison. Subject was stopped first shot. He was just getting his jollies off putting those 2 in him

  • dennis lynch April 9, 2022, 7:25 am

    Got to love the Israeli’s.

  • Ej harbet April 6, 2022, 10:32 am

    Good shoot. When your laws don’t coddle terrs you can give a couple extra so they make it to hell

  • etph March 28, 2022, 12:46 am

    I was considering making alliya but things didn’t work out. In retrospect, I’m glad I didn’t go to Israel. I value my life and freedom more than anything else. I’ve been in a situation in another country where I faced 3 larger men who were threatening me because of my ethnicity. There was nothing I could do except walk past them. Miraculously, nothing happened because G-D or an angel was watching over me. But we can’t be foolish to believe that this will always be the case if presented with a threat or multiple ones. It’s ironic that a country like Israel that values life won’t allow the average citizen to protect and defend it by allowing them to have force multipliers. In that case it’s more like some of the places in the U.S. like L.A., Chicago and other democRat-run cities. Some of us aren’t “allowed” to carry a gun in our jurisdiction without a permit, which will never be issued anyway. We have to carry regardless because we know that no one will be there for us or our loved ones when we’re faced with a decision to defend ourselves with a force multiplier. Without the force multiplier, we’ll just be another victim–most likely injured or dead. The usual platitudes will be mentioned and feigned sorrow displayed. But it will all be forgotten the next day. Only we are responsible for our lives and safety, as well as our loved ones.

    • Andrew N. March 30, 2022, 2:39 am

      The old adage; I’d rather be judged by twelve than carried by six…

  • StoryTimeDavid March 26, 2022, 3:50 pm

    Thank you very much for bringing us the news / information.
    It’s good to see that in Israeli and some other countries around the world that private citizens are aloud to take up arms against terrorists with our fear of reprisals or jail time from their leftest – elected officials, the news and crazy people who live in almost complete protection that would never understand why it’s a good thing to take bad people out of the jeanpool.
    Here in the US we would be treated just like Kyle WrittenHouse no matter how bad the terrorists were that we took out to save innocent by the leftest.
    We need real constitutionalist and supporters of our rights in all levels of government.
    Not some leftest that can’t even tell us a definition of what a woman is.

  • jerry March 25, 2022, 3:26 pm

    I could see that the first shooter was working to get a good angle where his rounds would not strike any bystanders. The flippin’ idiot second shooter had no regard for what was behind his target. He foolishly fired at least two unnecessary rounds, putting the first shooter and others in danger.

    • Jose Vicente Vega March 26, 2022, 7:39 pm


      • jerry March 28, 2022, 2:16 pm

        The street surface will not stop those rounds. The bullets will skip off of the hard surface and strike whatever is behind the target. You can see the first shooter running to get out of the line of fire. Anyone who can’t see that should get into a firearm safety class immediately!

    • David Gordon March 26, 2022, 10:16 pm

      The terrorist was on the ground. The shooter was standing. The only thing behind the target was the surface of the street.

      • Ej harbet April 6, 2022, 10:36 am

        And after going through the meat they’ll probably stop in the underside or land on the pavement spent

  • Jim March 25, 2022, 2:10 pm

    We now have 25 Right to Carry States. Let’s make it 26!

    • Brian March 27, 2022, 9:53 am

      It should be 50!

    • STDavid March 28, 2022, 12:05 pm

      Armed societies are polite societies, so it should be world wide that ordinary people are aloud to protect themselves, their families/ friends and there property from bad people which try to do them harm.

  • Boz March 25, 2022, 1:06 pm

    Good job, Citizens!

  • Mauser6863 March 25, 2022, 12:54 pm

    Well the lucky Hero should not have hesitated, as he took a big chance not being stabbed to death himself. Knives are no joke and most knifes can be deployed and used effectively in less time than it takes to draw your weapon, aim and fire. No need for commands, conversation, etc, as the bad guy has made his choice and you need to make yours.

    I know Christians and Jews have a moral obligation to preserve life, but that all goes out the window when a murderer is on the loose.

    Yes, I agree that our “Woke Dope” media would have opined about the terrorists as follows,

    “Achmed or Al to his friends and family was a good man, who cared about his family, his community and his cat Fuffy. He also took a keen interest in others and contributed with his time and money to help youth and to encourage them to study the Koran and play sports like basketball and soccer. He dreamed of traveling internationally and helping people in other countries to better their lives, improve their communities. Unfortunately he was falsely convicted and imprisoned by a justice system that looks unfavorably towards critics of the government.

    After his release he found it difficult to find meaningful employment and sought help from his local mosque and the support of others in his same position. With all hope lost and took the only path open to many young men, to strike a blow for freedom in any way he can. With all productive avenues taken away from him, he turned to martyrdom for his faith, as he felt it was the only path open to him. The community will miss him and mourn him like the thousands of other young men killed in the struggle for freedom.” MSNBC-CNN-NYT-MOUSE-E-I-E-I-O

  • Yonatan March 25, 2022, 12:50 pm

    Terrible example… as an Israeli who immigrated to the US SPECIFICALLY because of the total lack of gun rights in that country, I can tell you that Israel has some of the most draconian and all-encompassing gun control laws in the world. Only police, military, and a small group of privileged elites who have connections in the right places have access to firearms. The average citizen has no right to own, or even handle a firearm whatsoever. Even those lucky few who managed to obtain a gun license are only allowed to own 1 pistol and 50 rounds of ammunition. No rifles are legal whatsoever for anyone. I left that country because I was not allowed to own a weapon to defend myself and my family, and had I stayed, I might very well had ended up as one of the helpless victims of this or another terror attack. Please think carefully before using Israel as a poster child for gun rights.

    • Edw March 25, 2022, 3:23 pm

      If what you say is true how did these two non elite appearing individuals were able to pack firearms, or did they do it illegally?

      • Maglide March 26, 2022, 3:28 pm

        How can you tell they’re not elitists with connections as the other poster referred to? How do you know they aren’t violating laws that may or may not be enforced. There’s like 2% known here, but 100% strong opinions.

      • Yonatan March 27, 2022, 12:42 am

        I am not aware of the specific circumstances of the two individuals involved in this incident, however a few points need to be made. Israel has a system of “eligible categories” of people who have the right to apply for a gun permit. These include ex-cops, those who attained a high rank in the military, those who served in special combat units, and some municipal workers. The fact that one might fall into one of these “eligible categories” in no way guarantees that any application will be approved, it simply allows the individual to try his luck at applying. The criteria that the government uses in determining if someone should have their license application approved or denied is totally arbitrary, and an application can be denied for as little as having a medical problem, being in debt, going through a divorce, your neighbor having called the police on you 20 years ago because your dog barked at him, voting for a political party that isn’t liked, or having publicly spoken out against government officials or policies. It’s kind of like applying for a carry permit in New York. Technically it’s possible to get one, but most applicants are denied. I managed to get one in NY, because the judge liked the fact that I’m a veteran, a firearms instructor and RSO and decided to approve me. The guy before me in line was less lucky and had his denied. In Israel, a large number of applications are automatically denied, without having to give a reason for the denial, and with no way to appeal the decision. In the case of this incident, the first shooter is a bus driver (municipal employee) so he would fall into one of the “eligible categories” for a license, and probably was issued one. With the other guy, I have no idea. I heard the police took away his weapon after the incident, so it could possibly have been owned illegally, then again he might have been one of those lucky few who managed to actually get a permit. Illegal guns are rare in Israel, though the specific region where this occurred (the Negev desert) happens to be awash in illegal guns smuggled in from Egypt by Bedouins, so it is hypothetically possible that people there could be carrying illegally as a result of the relatively easy access.

        • Stan d. Upnow March 28, 2022, 12:20 pm

          It’s insane to think that Israel, a tiny country with a small population under constant threat, would do anything other than Insist that all capable citizens be armed; a citizen army, if you will.
          Look at Ukraine, for your example. You need every armed individual you can muster in your situation.
          Governments are the bane of mankind! People don’t start wars… govt.s do.

      • Yonatan March 27, 2022, 12:03 pm

        I am not aware of the specific circumstances of the two individuals involved in this incident, however a few points need to be made. Israel has a system of “eligible categories” of people who have the right to apply for a gun permit. These include ex-cops, those who attained a high rank in the military, those who served in special combat units, and some municipal workers. The fact that one might fall into one of these “eligible categories” in no way guarantees that any application will be approved, it simply allows the individual to try his luck at applying. The criteria that the government uses in determining if someone should have their license application approved or denied is totally arbitrary, and an application can be denied for as little as having a medical problem, being in debt, going through a divorce, your neighbor having called the police on you 20 years ago because your dog barked at him, voting for a political party that isn’t liked, or having publicly spoken out against government officials or policies. It’s kind of like applying for a carry permit in New York. Technically it’s possible to get one, but most applicants are denied. In the case of this incident, the first shooter is a bus driver (municipal employee) so he would fall into one of the “eligible categories” for a license, and probably was issued one. With the other guy, I have no idea. I heard the police took away his weapon after the incident, so it could possibly have been owned illegally, then again he might have been one of those lucky few who managed to actually get a permit. Illegal guns are rare in Israel, though the specific region where this occurred (the Negev desert) happens to be awash in illegal guns smuggled in from Egypt by Bedouins.

  • Clint W. March 25, 2022, 10:15 am

    I find it interesting that Israel calls someone who killed and attacked people a terrorist. In that case, we have a lot of terrorists around this country who deserve the same fate, but here, if taken alive and held for trial, we will make sure their mommy did not keep their Lego’s away from them first.

    • TriggerHappy March 25, 2022, 10:56 am

      In this country the woke media would call this a knife attack not a terrorist attack.

  • Andrew March 25, 2022, 9:57 am

    If one looks to the Blaster Laws of Israel, they realize it’s almost NooYawkCity.
    Maybe a slight bit better in terms of “carry” but to get the Owner License is said to be more difficult.

  • edi March 25, 2022, 9:46 am

    This turd had already stabbed people which should have been his ticket to the 75 virgins not “drop the knife”.

  • Rouge1 March 25, 2022, 9:33 am

    Well hopefully you got your covid death jab like a good little slave.

  • wes March 25, 2022, 9:14 am

    shoot the face, walk away.

  • David Whittaker March 25, 2022, 9:08 am

    Leadership has to change asap. There is no hope for North America to be sustainable as a country with ethics under our present leadership/dictatorship.

  • Paul rovira March 25, 2022, 8:56 am

    This is all starting at the education process in our country they are indoctrinating our children at schools teaching them to hate this country we should not allow foreigners to become teachers or professors they are poisoning our children STOP allowing China to buy out the seats at colleges where our children become scientist and last I love when a citizen kills a foreigner committing a deadly crime against innocent people
    I hope they urinated in his dead mouth

  • S W March 25, 2022, 8:22 am

    Waited too long to shoot him, and is fortunate he was not stabbed.

  • Armed and Dangerous March 25, 2022, 7:51 am

    When will these dumbass terrorists learn, you don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. Another case closed by a good guy with a gun.

    • Stan d. Upnow March 25, 2022, 1:27 pm

      Obviously, you don’t understand the Jihadis’ mindset. By perpetrating murderous acts against “infidels,” they are carrying-out Allah’s will, and will die as martyrs, go to their version of “heaven,” where 72 virgin goats await their pleasure. So you see, they want to die.

      • G.O.A Patriot March 25, 2022, 2:47 pm

        I say we should help them die and not only in Israel!

  • Dr Motown March 25, 2022, 7:50 am

    Must not have been a “white supremacist” since there’s been nothing on the MSM about this 🙄

    • Brian March 25, 2022, 11:08 am

      The MSM doesn’t want you to know about armed citizens protecting themselves & society from criminals & terrorists. It goes against their mantra that the private individual should not be allowed to own firearms and that we should depend on the government to protect us.

    • Stan d. Upnow March 25, 2022, 1:31 pm

      If it were in America, the Leftist, lying media would call the murderer the “victim” and clamor for the shooters to face murder & hate crime charges. Soros prosecutors would eagerly comply. This country has gone insane!

  • Walt Morris March 25, 2022, 7:47 am

    Communists who are destroying America like Obama should be put in front of a wall. Our constitution allows that punishment for traitors. Any politician who advocates disarming honest law-abiding Americans should be treated as traitors to our country because they are!!!

    • Stan d. Upnow March 25, 2022, 1:36 pm

      Don’t forget, Walt, that Justice has been replaced by Legality. And the corrupt Legal system is becoming more insane & dangerous as its administrators are increasingly “woke” idiots.

  • James Wiley March 25, 2022, 7:45 am

    We need our citizens too arm themselves too be able too protect against this glamorized gang killings of the defenseless, our leaders are over looking the real reason for the increase of violence , every thing from video games too music too fashions too gangs but the real corporate is money

    • J.B. Stern March 25, 2022, 11:05 am

      Misspelling a simple word like “to” gives our gun-control enemies ammunition against us.

      • Stan d. Upnow March 25, 2022, 1:38 pm

        But, we can strike back at them. Toucan play at that game. lol

    • icecliff March 25, 2022, 11:55 am


  • Slim March 25, 2022, 6:57 am

    Great Job men!!!

  • Muleskinner March 25, 2022, 6:31 am

    “Though defensive violence will always be ‘a sad necessity’ in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men.” – St. Augustine

  • Let's go Brandon, FJB March 25, 2022, 6:30 am

    Si Vis Pacem Parabellum

  • Namer March 25, 2022, 6:15 am

    Nice to start the day with a good news story.

  • george wilberg March 25, 2022, 5:07 am

    With the lawlessness now in America and the flood of non vetted and non vaccinated people pouring through the southern border from god knows where we are in serious trouble. Laws should protect Americans but if not we must arm ourselves like Israel. Otherwise under the current leadership we are all doomed.

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