WATCH: Brutal Stabbing of Ryan Carson In NYC Has Everyone Talking…

If you were on social media this week it was impossible not to see the fatal stabbing of Ryan Carson.

What Happened to Ryan Carson?

Carson, 32, was a self-described “community organizer,” according to NBCNewYork.

On Monday morning, while waiting for a bus in Bedford-Stuyvesant, he was confronted by a crazed man with a knife.

“I’m going to kill you right now,” yelled the perp.

Carson was at the bus stop with his girlfriend. The two had just attended a wedding and were presumably on their way home.

“Chill, chill, chill,” Carson replied, trying to de-escalate the situation.

The knife-wielding suspect then took a swing at Carson. Fearing for his life, Carson began to run but tripped over a bench.

While he was on the ground and in a vulnerable position, the killer repeatedly stabbed Carson.

The perp then approached Carson’s girlfriend, who appeared to be in shock. He spit on her, kicked the fatally wounded activist and then ran away.

First responders transported Carson to NYC Health and Hospitals/Kings County. There he was pronounced dead.

An investigation is ongoing to track down the killer.

Commentary on Social Media

Following the publication of the surveillance footage, social media was abuzz with commentary. Many lamented the tragedy while some offered self-defense advice.

“This is horrible to watch and I am so sorry for both victims…of course people should argue about crime and what to do…but there is another aspect at play here…the ability to defend yourself even if u r unarmed. Just because you dont have a gun doesnt mean you are defenseless- IF you have proper training,” said podcaster Chris Cuomo on

“Of course an armed attacker has an advantage but you can defend yourself. And we never really discuss this. @tonyblauer trains me and so many others how to defend yourself…hoping nothing happens is not a plan with so much crime around us,” he continued. “Shouldn’t we talk more about what to do? And encourage people to train as we do with fitness? Wonder what blauer’s take is?

The man Cuomo referenced, self-defense expert, Tony Blauer responded, “First time Ive watched this. Horrible. Our streets are out of control. FTR I never comment on events like this in real time… it’s disrespectful and exploitative. And it irks me when others training companies post technique videos on how their system would’ve neutralized the threat.”

“There’s so much going on here (or missing) – pre-fight strategies from situational awareness to verbal escalation, defensive postures for when you’re trying to protect yourself and others. True self defense is very different from martial arts. Like @ChrisCuomo said, I’m sorry for the victims. Chris happy to discuss this with you soon,” Blauer said.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Ryan Carson’s tragic death forces a hard look at personal safety. Violence, stark and unpredictable, demands our attention and action.

How prepared are we to face sudden threats? Is self-defense training, sans firearms, as Cuomo insinuates, truly enough in real-world, high-stakes scenarios?

And, what do we say to individuals, particularly on the Left, who dismiss the fundamental right to keep and bear arms? Those who staunchly believe that a competently armed citizen is merely a myth?

The discourse on personal security, firearm ownership, and self-defense skills needs amplification beyond the 2A community. Perhaps that will be the legacy of this tragic situation involving activist Ryan Carson.

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  • Blue's Dad October 12, 2023, 5:15 pm

    This is why A2 is so freaking important, Had Carson a gun and was good with it this would had been different that POS would not have been chasing him. the hardest part is that his Girlfriend had to watch that OMFG she had to see that. condolences to his family and to her truly sorry for your loss. and again this is why exactly why A2 is so important to protect. and as a avid gun owner and a respectable citizen. I support A2 all the way

    And I absolutely hope they find that SON OF BITCH and toss his ass a cell and he gets his just reward in prison.

  • Mac October 10, 2023, 7:27 pm

    In answer to your main question of how I would have handled the knife-wielding maniac, I would have kept my distance to begin with…the posts on common-sense situational awareness are spot-on. That said, if unavoidable however it got that way…and it can be no matter how hard you may try…I’d have blown him away and, 1, hoped there were honest witnesses and/or clear-enough video and, 2, worried about the consequences later. I carry, no matter what the laws.

  • Ozark Muleskinner October 7, 2023, 9:03 pm

    Carson was wrong and stupid in so many ways but he didn’t deserve to die for his stupidity.

  • Kojack October 7, 2023, 10:55 am

    Not to further attack a dead man, but Ryan is clearly a poster child for a generation of physically and mentally weak, feminized males, who’s idealistic mantra of anti police, hugs and kindness for criminals because the establishment has oppressed them and they can’t possibly be held personally accountable for the state of their life or actions. This is approach failing miserably, just look at all the major cities who have chosen to coddle criminals, they are on the edge of self destruction.

    • Mikial October 8, 2023, 8:23 am

      I agree completely. He was a foolish Liberal who paid the price for his unrealistic outlook on life in our society. Sadly, Liberals will not realize the truth of the situation because they make decisions based on emotion and virtue signaling rather than a genuinely logical or factual approach. The murder of journalist Josh Kruger in Philadelphia a couple of days ago is another example. He took a viper into his home to “help him get through life,” and was murdered for his trouble.

  • Chuck Matson October 7, 2023, 7:37 am

    Kung fu Cuomo would have peed himself and would have been carved up just like this leftard.

  • Wayne Baker October 7, 2023, 7:21 am

    This looks like a hate crime to me, plain & simple. Will the police have the guts to call a spade a spade? We’ll see…

  • Dr. Strangelove October 7, 2023, 5:22 am

    If he had shot the mope, he would have gone to jail and been vilified by the same newsreaders in the video.

  • BE Davis Brown October 7, 2023, 2:30 am

    And all liberal social media warriors can do is fault the same police they want to defund for not being there to protect him.

  • Reality Check October 7, 2023, 1:24 am

    Complete failure of situational awareness. See also: Do not try to reason with an individual that just attacked a trash can.

  • Geo October 6, 2023, 11:51 pm

    I would have attacked his knife holding arm/hand and ripped it from his body and beat him to a pulp with it. He won’t get more than one shot to get me with it and then it’s Katy bar the door.

  • Pete Faz October 6, 2023, 9:39 pm

    Well I carry– that being said,I am not leftist trash

  • Raptor October 6, 2023, 9:18 pm

    Try that crap down South and get sent to Hell with 4 rounds capped on you.

  • RealityCheck October 6, 2023, 8:36 pm

    Long before you start talking about self-defense techniques, you need to take a hard look at situational awareness. The way the attacker was walking, the hoodie, and the fact that he started a fight with a trash can all would have had me taking my girl in the opposite direction. It’s one thing to talk about how people with mental illnesses have rights, it’s something completely different to ignore the fact that there are mentally ill people out there that will kill you without a second thought because no matter how much we’d like to think we can medicate them to sanity, they simply aren’t wired correctly. The only fights you really win are the ones you avoid.

  • R H October 6, 2023, 7:41 pm

    He was “silenced” by “someone” for some reason. Why would the killer attack just him and leave a witness? I am a staunch “right winger”, alway have been, always will be. But someone paid to have that left wingnut killed…

  • El Zorro October 6, 2023, 7:00 pm

    Want to fix this? Take 13% and move the decimal point two places over to the left….

  • jerry October 6, 2023, 6:17 pm

    I will not go to New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, South Carolina, New Mexico or any place where I cannot carry a firearm. Charles Bronson, where are you?

  • ditpook October 6, 2023, 1:58 pm

    Play this over and over again at all leftist rallies asking the questions, “where are the police?” “where are the social workers?” Where is the mayor?”

  • Jim October 6, 2023, 1:27 pm

    First thing I thought is that the couple looked like two undercover cops trying to attract an attack. Seriously.

    Okay, assuming I am in NYC, and do not carry any kind of weapon… “Chill, chill, chill” is the last thing I would have said. Yes, I might have tried to talk him down off the cliff. Failing that, when he showed the knife, and got as close as he did, I would have grabbed his knife wrist, and the dirtiest fight of my life would have been on. Close tight on him, bite his throat, gouge his eyes…I want the taste of his blood on my mouth. I would keep him so close he could not punch me, or do anything with any force. I would then be his f’n nightmare. Only two thoughts exist…control his right wrist, and make him scream so loud he would wake the dead. At 73, I am old enough to know I could die tomorrow, so my fear is not death. My fear is that he takes me down, then goes after the woman I am with. If this sounds phony to you, then you are not ready to survive this guys attack.

    • Kojack October 7, 2023, 10:37 am

      I agree. If its a fight for your life, you have to harness an inner craziness to survive and use every tool you can think of. At that point, there are no rules of engagement.

  • Hondo October 6, 2023, 12:32 pm

    Leftist asshole got what he deserved, I simply don’t give a shit about these types of fools.

    • JD October 8, 2023, 6:44 pm

      Ya Damn Skippy!

  • Dexter Winslett October 6, 2023, 12:09 pm

    Oh well. He should have armed himself.

  • Advocate October 6, 2023, 12:09 pm

    Radical Leftist Advocate, full of white guilt, preaching the philosophy, who doesn’t have a clue of what is out there in the world.
    Sorry for his demise and the family he leaves behind. We now have the radical leftists advocates being the major influencers in
    power in the country. Someone said he was a defense victim, he could have chosen to defend himself, but he chose to run, leaving
    his girlfriend. Wondering what the knife wheeling Suspect Advocates.

  • Dexter Winslett October 6, 2023, 12:08 pm

    Dexter Winslett

  • Kbc October 6, 2023, 11:43 am

    If either of the victims had a firearm and protected themselves by shooting the criminal, they would have been arrested for discharging a firearm within the city limits, publicly brandishing a weapon, and equity based civil and criminal codes. Possibly not having a CWP and most likely a compact semi automatic pistol. Then there would have been riots and lawsuits for white oppression and priviledge. Sad.

    • Mac October 10, 2023, 7:08 pm

      But he would still be alive. Better to be a carry-law violator and alive than a carry-law abider and dead.

  • Kbc October 6, 2023, 11:35 am

    Are knives to be banned as assault weapons? Register all your knives, Ban importation of knives from china– KNIVES ARE KILLING PEOPLE!! Really?

  • Dave M October 6, 2023, 11:22 am

    If either of the victims were allowed to carry a gun, they could have ended that POS with a simple trigger pull. As it is, NY will do a catch and release, letting the POS do it again. Hopefully the next victim ignores the NY carry law and pops the AH.

  • RG October 6, 2023, 11:13 am

    An armed society is a polite society. Having a CCP puts even the smallest women on equal footing against a large armed man, it’s common sense to have the ability to defend yourself.

    • D.J. October 10, 2023, 8:09 am

      There is an old saying ……….
      “ God created man , Sam Colt made them equal .”

  • CP October 6, 2023, 11:07 am

    Speed, surprise, and violence of action. It’s what the animals employ. It’s the only counter to the criminal insanity of of street Democrats.

  • Phaddy October 6, 2023, 11:04 am

    1911, I don’t leave home w/o it!!

  • Edward Demain October 6, 2023, 11:00 am

    If this had played out in AZ, the person would have been shot as soon as the knife was shown and one less bad guy on the street.

  • Winston October 6, 2023, 10:57 am

    According to the 2020 census, NYC is now 78% non-white. White people who choose to remain in a black-dominated urban area run the risk of outright execution unless carrying an appropriate self-defense weapon and paying attention at all times. NYC is a cesspool of criminal dysfunction and societal decay.

  • ejharbet October 6, 2023, 10:52 am

    mindset and education.
    up close knives are fast and dangerous. condition white is death

  • Michael October 6, 2023, 10:26 am


  • Kane October 6, 2023, 10:21 am

    Will “Hate Crime” charges be included in case against the “suspect”?

  • Albert Brock October 6, 2023, 10:12 am

    He was a defenseless victim. Just the way the government of NYC wanted him.

    • Punisher Six October 6, 2023, 10:31 am

      From what I have read, including in this story, the ‘victim’ was quite the social justice warrior who seems to have received just what he advocated for, voted for and deserved. Want people to be defenseless? Want criminals to be not arrested or punished? This is what happens, and could not have happened to a more appropriate person.
      Good riddance: one less libtard fouling things up for the rest of us. At least he’s no longer contributing to global warming.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment October 4, 2023, 3:56 pm

    “if it will save one life”……yeah the criminal’s life………if he was armed there would be one less bad guy on the street!

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