White House Leaves Door Wide Open for Confiscation of Millions of ‘Assault Weapons’ 

The Biden administration is leaving the door wide open for the confiscation and destruction of the more than 24 million modern sporting rifles (MSRs) currently in the hands of law-abiding citizens.   

On Wednesday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre could have assuaged the concerns of responsible gun owners that the White House would never deploy something like a Canadian-style mandatory “buyback” scheme — but she didn’t. 

When a reporter asked her whether president Biden supported, “not just banning the sale and the manufacture of semi-automatic weapons, but further than that, confiscation,” she gave the following response: 

Let me just be very clear.  What we’re talking about, AR15s, this assault weapons ban, they are weapons of war, and they not be on the streets across the country in our communities. They should not be in schools. They should not be in grocery stores. They should not be in churches. That’s what the president believes, and he has done more than any other president the first two years on the executive order.

Jean-Pierre went on to add, “As you know, we all know how government works. There’s only so much that he can do. And so now it’s time for Congress to do the work. And he’s happy to sign, once that happens, he’s happy to sign that legislation that says, ‘OK, we’re going to remove assault weapons — we’re going have an assault weapons ban.”

SEE ALSO: The Nashville Shooter is Trans, Jane Fonda, and More Insanity from the Left

The operative word in that last paragraph is “remove,” as in seize or take or, well… confiscate.  

Should we be surprised by this?  Absolutely not.  

The Biden administration has worked over the years to not only redefine what a firearm is to restrict the sale of certain firearm parts and precursor materials but criminalize the mere possession of pistol stabilizing braces.  

Its new pistol brace rule will likely impact tens of millions of Americans.  Those who fail to comply with the registration mandate by the May 31 deadline may face felony prosecution, which would include a hefty fine and prison time.  Not to mention the permanent revocation of one’s 2A rights. 

So yes, confiscation of MSRs is the goal.  There is no doubt about that.  The White House will continue to pursue this agenda by any means necessary.  That includes scapegoating pro-2A Republicans for the murderous actions of radicalized trans psychopaths.  See the tweet below:

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  • Stan d. Upnow April 7, 2023, 9:32 am

    “Let me just be very clear. What we’re talking about is violent, deranged criminals, and they (should) not be on the streets across the country in our communities. They should not be in schools. They should not be in grocery stores. They should not be in churches.”

    There, fixed it for ya, Kringe!

  • GJ April 5, 2023, 2:49 pm

    Honda, explain your comment. You must disagree with something.

  • Scott April 4, 2023, 11:21 am

    “I hate commenting…. But here goes!!! You people are ridiculous! Nobody is gonna take your guns (assault or other). “Keep and bear” means just that; Keep (possess), and Bear (carry). The fact that it took “so long” to meet a proper challenge is sad. The wording is absolutely unambiguous.
    There will be no assault weapons ban (the Supreme Court already issued an opinion, stating that there was no functional difference between, what was classified as an assault weapon, and any other semi auto gun. That’s why Eric Holder didn’t pursue a reinstatement of the ban. Because… He knew it would fail!!!!!! Just because someone says what they would like to do, does not mean they can do it!
    So, unless you think “ANYONE” republican, democrat, libertarian or other, can get 3/4 of the states to ratify. RELAX!!! ”

    While I agree with most your statement. It is a note of interest that all this talk about we will take your “weapons of war” may just be a ruse, while the gun ownership opponents work on another of one of a “thousand cuts” of gun ownership restrictions and rules. I find it very interesting that this gets played out as one political party against the other. Now it is LGBTQIA, or some other alphabet soup, against those who are labeled as another group. Then in an attempt by some to bring us all together, “we must do it for the children” is the next attack. Instead of looking at the problem of violence against each other, and the cause, we seem hell bent on do creating more. Remember, Eric Holder, “Fast and Furious” and how politicians take care of each other.
    We have to realize that this is an attack on all gun owners and we should be standing together including those who do not own guns that do not not like infringement on our liberties. We should all be against any and all restrictions and proposed restrictions on any of our “rights” as stated in the Constitution of the Untied States.
    We, I mean all citizens, need also to understand that “Red flag laws” remove any and all do process and need to be challenged as unconstitutional as laid out in the fifth and fourteenth amendments. Let alone how such laws can be used for nefarious acts , bad idea. Remember to disapprove any thing that wants to divide the gun ownership community and to do so publicly. Let us stand by all of or our brothers, sisters and all who stand for the freedoms and liberties we are granted as Untied States Citizens no mater what label we are given by politicians, the media or any other group. Stand Together Stand Strong

    • Honda April 5, 2023, 3:54 am

      Useful idiot

      • Stan d. Upnow April 7, 2023, 9:37 am

        You must be looking in the mirror when you say that.

        • Hondo April 12, 2023, 9:08 am

          You fail to comprehend my comment? Sorry I can read it to you but I can’t understand it for you.

  • JonsOn April 4, 2023, 9:20 am

    While the 2nd to last thing I want in this country is war, losing my freedom is the 1st. Once they take our guns taking away all our freedoms will soon follow. The 2nd amendment is not about hunting. It’s about keeping a tyrannical government in check and more and more it looks like this current administration needs to be put in check. Confiscating assault weapons (which 99.9% of Americans don’t own) is blatantly unconstitutional. I would hope that the senile Joke Biden doesn’t think that he has the power to take one firearm from one individual. Every mass shooting has been done by either a registered democrat or a terrorist. Both of which love leftist policies. It’s not the gun that’s the problem but the changes the democrats have made to society and the drugs that have been handed out like candy by some doctors.

    • Stan d. Upnow April 7, 2023, 10:21 am

      “Confiscating assault weapons (which 99.9% of Americans don’t own) is blatantly unconstitutional. ”

      You are missing a very important point with that statement. The Progressive-Socialists call virtually Every semi-automatic firearm an “assault weapon.” And I would say that most gun owners DO own at least one of those.
      Maybe you should check-out the list of firearms that they have slated to ban. There are over 200 guns, by name, on that list! And they say that it’s just a start. If it accomplishes their goal of Total public disarmament, they will lie their faces off, as they do on almost any issue.

  • CornPop April 3, 2023, 3:34 pm

    A famous German man and his following did something similar 80 years ago. The end result was 6 million Jews, and 9 million Polish people were executed. Please tell me again why the Government should be the only one with guns?

    • JonsOn April 4, 2023, 9:22 am

      Let’s hope Adolph Biden doesn’t grow a little moustache. Power has already gone to his head (what’s left in it anyway).

    • Stan d. Upnow April 7, 2023, 10:08 am

      “Please tell me again why the Government should be the only one with guns?”

      Why? Because they fear all the “MAGA Extremists” will organize & rise against them, as they seek to implement their Marxist agenda to “fundamentally transform” America. That’s why.

  • Mark Hayes April 3, 2023, 12:42 pm

    I hate commenting…. But here goes!!! You people are ridiculous! Nobody is gonna take your guns (assault or other). “Keep and bear” means just that; Keep (possess), and Bear (carry). The fact that it took “so long” to meet a proper challenge is sad. The wording is absolutely unambiguous.
    There will be no assault weapons ban (the Supreme Court already issued an opinion, stating that there was no functional difference between, what was classified as an assault weapon, and any other semi auto gun. That’s why Eric Holder didn’t pursue a reinstatement of the ban. Because… He knew it would fail!!!!!! Just because someone says what they would like to do, does not mean they can do it!
    So, unless you think “ANYONE” republican, democrat, libertarian or other, can get 3/4 of the states to ratify. RELAX!!!

    • Kane April 3, 2023, 5:18 pm

      If you “hate commenting” then why bother?

      I “hate” reading lies like “Nobody is gonna take your guns (assault or other).”

      I grew up in a suburb just out side of Chicago where handguns were banned for around 30 years. It was very similiar to the ban in Chicago. The CPD would send gun teams out to confiscate law abiding firearms from tax payers.

      More recently, the top LE official in IL, a massive slob named Jaybob Pritzker, is trying to jam through legislation that is targetting all sorts of firearms including many rimfire .22’s. Massive fines, confiscation and 3rd class felony charges are intended to be part of Jaybob’s war on the fiream owners of Illinois.

      Your post has no basis in fact. Keep living in your pretend, mystical nowhere but do the Nation and all of mankind a favor and stop “commenting” here and anywhere else where people seek any level of truth.

    • Richard N April 3, 2023, 6:34 pm

      Mark you are an F#%*ing idiot if you don’t believe that President Biden and his progressive allies won’t attempt to confiscate ever “assault” weapon known as Modern Sporting Arms. Even in violation of the constitution. His BATFE, arbitrary ruling that AR pistols with short barreled rifles will probably be struck down by the courts. The man has a single agenda, just listen to the idiot you people have elected president.

    • JonsOn April 4, 2023, 9:25 am

      If you hate to do something you shouldn’t do it. You clearly don’t know history or the fact that the democrat party doesn’t care about the Constitution. It’s the old “it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission” idea. They would just do it and then ask the American people to forgive them as they only did it to keep people safe. An excuse that has been used many times before and every time it falls very, very short.

  • DEFENDER April 3, 2023, 11:50 am

    The British tried to Take our weapons about 200 yr ago.
    Guess what happened? And – WE are “Still Here”.
    NOW – The Authorities “Here Anyway” – WILL NOT AND WONT DARE TRY.
    NONE of MY Guns(I used-to own), for 60yrs.:
    EVER: Got up, walked out the door, and shot Anyone !!
    Of course “I” have NONE NOW.
    What was wrong with MY Guns ???
    Talk about a Revolution, Fight to the Death – Just Try that S*it.

    How do you stop a Mass Shooter ? Simple – Shoot them in the head ASAP.
    But Wait!! – You have to have a gun to do that. hmmm
    Then there is that Bothersome – 2nd Amendment thing.

  • Nicholas April 3, 2023, 9:22 am

    And the so-called pro-second people should take the responsibility for being in this position. The Second has Twenty-Seven words in it, not just the last Fourteen. It is the only amendment that points to a “necessary” duty required by the Constitution at Article I, Section 8, Clause 15.
    Lets be honest and admit that the “individual right theory” is nothing more than an excuse to avoid having to perform a constitutional duty.

    • JonsOn April 4, 2023, 9:35 am

      More wrong words have never been spoken. The militia is the people. Regulated in this sense means regular not regulate. We are all in the militia whether we like it or not. However, the last clause “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” is not a suggestion nor is it about having some national guard bearing arms. This being the 2nd right the founders enshrined should tell you a lot. You have to remember that when this was written we had just come off a war in which the enemy had tried to take our arms. Our individual arms. Most guns owners will gladly fight for this country if need be. They only ones who would back down from defending this country are those on the left who think guns are bad. So stop your leftist bull crap.

  • Mort April 3, 2023, 8:23 am

    They have no clue how many bodybags they’re going to need if they TRY to take our guns.

  • Wil Ferch April 3, 2023, 7:38 am

    As I said since Sandy Hook now as much as 10 years ago……seems we can’t afford metal detectors and entry guards at schools….but we can afford them at all airports and all city municipal and court buildings. Guess kids aren’t valued enough….eh?

  • Wil Ferch April 3, 2023, 7:37 am

    As I daid since Sandy Hook now as much as 10 years ago……seems we can’t afford metal detectors and entry guards at schools….but we can afford them at all airports and all city municipal and court buildings. Guess kids aren’t valued enough….eh?

  • Dean Clevenger April 3, 2023, 7:06 am

    Communist takedown will be complete..millons here from other countries .. criminal amongst…we the people
    will be ducks in a row…. beware of the man that has nothing left to lose.. many will fight

  • FirstStateMark April 1, 2023, 11:28 pm

    For two years, the democrats had the House, Senate and White House and did nothing after mass shootings. Now, since republicans have the House, it’s the republicans fault because they have the house majority. These politicians in Washington D.C. are f*cked up. And I mean both parties. The only thing they care about is getting re-elected. Nothing gets done.

    • Stan d. Upnow April 7, 2023, 10:41 am

      Every year there’s a foofarah in DC over raising the debt limit. They try to scare the public that if we don’t further push the nation into a fiscal black hole, the federal govt. — horrors — will shut-down.
      I say let it shut-down, as if they ain’t in session, they can’t make bad laws that harm us.

  • JoeUSooner March 31, 2023, 11:50 am

    Ask me. I’ll tell you EXACTLY what you can do with your socialist, anti-American, unpatriotic, unconstitutional ‘ban,’ and your ‘confiscation order.’ Sideways!

  • Stephen March 31, 2023, 11:04 am

    Really not so sure Bribem has the authority nor power to order such a confiscation through executive order or fiat. He may think he’s the King, but this would be challenged immediately. To many presidents are already established.

    • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment April 1, 2023, 4:51 am

      with him still granted war powers all he would need is civil unrest and declare martial law then order all guns to be confiscated. trump being jailed might do the trick. And don’t say it couldn’t happen these are insane unhinged people running the white house!

  • WyoMilCom1 March 31, 2023, 9:06 am


  • Countryboy March 31, 2023, 8:56 am

    Maybe they shouldn’t be in the hands of Demcorats.

  • Lost Snipper March 31, 2023, 8:21 am

    when you come for mine , bring yours

    • Stan d. Upnow April 7, 2023, 11:15 am

      Won’t go down like that. They’ll get the banks, many of which are “woke,” to cancel your checking & credit card accounts until you surrender All your guns, and not just your “assault weapons.” They’ll also get the telecommunications companies to kill your cell phone & internet service.
      Now, in the age we’re living in, how many people are going to get by without those?

      They’ll establish regional drop-off points manned by the corrupt FBI to intake your “offerings.” That might mean you have to drive many miles to get there. Nothing like adding insult to injury. You say you want fair monetary compensation for the $$thousands$$ your guns are worth? hahahahaha! Be happy we don’t get Merrick Garland charge you for attempted federal extortion. Oh, and before you go, Agent Greed from the IRS wants a word with you about where you got the cash to buy all those guns. You’re gonna be audited.

      So you see, you guys thinking you’ll make a heroic armed stand to preserve your rights aren’t seeing the big picture. Sure, there will likely be a few “midnight visits” with 15-member SWAT teams kicking-in the front doors and shooting the “suspects” in the house, as CNN camera crews just happen to be there to film the whole assault on a “MAGA Terrorist” family and their arsenal of banned “weapons of war.” Gotta make examples to scare the others into compliance, ya know.
      Have a nice day, y’all.

  • Bob Blackthorne March 31, 2023, 7:53 am



    See, during that Hurricane, my boat overturned, and………

    • Stan d. Upnow April 7, 2023, 12:19 pm

      Uh huh. Well, Mr. Blackthorne, lying to the police carries penalties ranging from a Class 3 Misdemeanor up to a low-grade felony AND fines running from $65 to $25,000, AND jail time from 30 days to 6 years. Varies by state.

      Of course, if they suspect you possess firearms, anything you say won’t stop them from tearing your home apart looking for them. Have fun cleaning-up the mess and good luck suing for damages.

      I understand where you’re coming from, but internet bravado won’t change the reality that the govt. possesses “…six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” as Chuck Schumer said. Think rationally and act likewise.

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