Six state governors gathered at SHOT Show 2022 for the first-ever Governor’s Forum hosted by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Governors Pete Ricketts (Nebraska), Kristi Noem (South Dakota), Asa Hutchinson (Arkansas), Brian Kemp (Georgia), Mark Gordon (Wyoming), and Mike Dunleavy (Alaska) met in Las Vegas to discuss the firearm industry in their states and reaffirm their commitment to the Second Amendment.
As part of his answer to a question about how states are banding together to push back against federal gun control laws, Gov. Dunleavy highlighted Alaska’s State Defense Force. He likened it to colonial-era state militias and offered the model as a way for other states to maintain an alternative to the National Guard, which is under dual state and federal control.
“Alaska for some time, and I think other states are thinking about this as well, has had a state defense force,” he said. “It’s a little bit like the National Guard, but it’s fully underneath the state of Alaska. That’s the bulwark against the possibility of nationalizing the National Guard.”
SEE ALSO: Pro-2A Militias Are ‘Treasonous’
The Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF) is an all-volunteer organization and is considered part of Alaska’s Organized Militia. The governor may activate the ASDF whenever the National Guard has been called to federal service or the Guard needs help to perform their state service. As of 2015, 23 states had organized some kind of state defense force.
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp also took the opportunity to commit to pushing for constitutional carry in this year’s legislative session.
“We’re going to make a big push to get constitutional carry done this year in Georgia, and I think we’ll do it,” he said.
Gov. Kemp has been advocating for constitutional carry since his run for governor in 2018, but has thus far been unable to get the legislation across the finish line.
SEE ALSO: Armed Alaska Man Foils Suspected Mass Murderer
Constitutional carry was the first bill Gov. Noem signed after taking office, and she did so in part to send a message that gun rights would be respected in South Dakota.
“Here, your Second Amendment rights matter, and we back it up with action,” she said.
The six-governor panel primarily answered questions about how to attract gun companies to their states. The governors credited rural, gun-friendly culture, an open-for-business mindset during the COVID pandemic, and clear pro-gun messaging from state politicians for their ability to attract gun makers.
Several high-profile gun and ammo makers have in recent years moved facilities to the gun-friendly states represented on the panel, including Weatherby, SIG Sauer, Stag Arms, and Magpul.
My state has a “Defense Force”. Been around for quite a few years. Don’t hear much about it now. It seemed their main mission was to keep the floors swept at the local NG armory when the NG was deployed. Imagine the type people that would sign up to be Junior Police Officers (but no gun) and you have an idea of who populated the DF.
Most states have an organized militia, separate from their National Guard. A few, like New York, have a naval militia.
i wonder if kemp had a wheelbarrow handy when he went there for HIS HUGE BALLS!!! this prick should be swinging from a lamp post somewhere in Georgia after the fucking stunt he pulled with the 2020 election! i can’t believe people are giving this traitor any credence.
Sounds like to me the intent of the founding fathers! There were no standing armies of any significance until the 20th century. They were always disbanded after a war. Only a few trained troops remained while no conflict was on the horizon. I realize today that is not practical with the speed of today’s conflicts.
However with the politicization of our military leaders, the seemingly purging in our military of certain political leanings, the willingness to ignore and violate the constitution it’s time for states to take measures prescribed by the the founders to protect and defend our constitution.
I wouldn’t trust anything Kemp says.
I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious. Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have … The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases. The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.
Thomas Jefferson
The Progressive-Socialist Globalists are hell-bent on nationalizing Everything they possibly can to expand and centralize their control & power. TG Sen.s Manchin and Sinema had the clear-thinking fortitude to resist the subversion. There will be attempts to make them pay for their deviation from das Party line. Non-compliance will not be tolerated!
Sounds like that lynch mob in “The Oxbow Incident.” Hope the FBI guys who infiltrated the Klan are on their toes here.
Treasonous Trumplikins claim to love America but hate the Federal Government along with any race or religion that is not there own. As an Army Veteran from a Family of Veterans, I know our Nation has fought against Facism and hatred yet so called “Patriots” and fake religious folks are openly committing a conspiracy against the Federal Government. May the TRUMP VIRUS visit you and permanently fix things
Go back to your hole, troll. Let’s Go Brandon!
Your asinine opinions just show how thoroughly the Progressive-Socialist subversives have infiltrated our military(and many other institutions, like education).
As Yoda might say: “Worked well with this one, the Kool-Aid has.”
Your hatred of fellow Americans is disgusting.
We live in New Hampshire. How can we find out additional information to pass on to Concord.
Thank you.
Think Twice…about formally joining any organization (no matter how small it is) concerning firearms…..If YOU don’t think the FEDS are watching/infiltrating all of them, and taking names then you need your heads examined…. to the FEDS we’re all terrorists/insurrectionists
No, better yet to live in fear, plays right into their hands. Time to stand up. Time to make them a little nervous. Read the entirety of 2A. We are the protectors of freedom, you & I, not some 3+ letter Fed, Gov. agency!
I have said for many years that the national guard is the organized militia in each state. And that the federal government should be removed from any influence in it. And when I saw the federal government send our national guard half way around the world on a world policing operation I knew I was right. How can they guard our nation if they are not here.
Well. you got it half right, anyway. The National Guard was what came out of the Dick Act (Militia Act of 1903 and its subsequent addenda. What it attempted to do was pacify the peasantry into believing that, with the National Guard, they no longer needed to participate in those pesky drills and musters. People would rather go swimming and play baseball rather than practice defensive drills and cleaning rifles. And look where we are.
The Dick Act was one of many pieces of legislation that slowly disenfranchised the people from their Constitution.
And by the way, remember that keeping the majority of our fighting force tied up in other countries keeps them off US soil when the Deep State finally tried to pull the plug. Just when we would need them over here, the Deep State will have (ab)used our military by using it to intimidate smaller countries into compliance with what we NOW know are globalist guidelines toward world domination. Our troops would be stuck overseas; abandoned in true Biden-fashion.
Looks like my posts (over past 3 – 4 years) about forming of a Coalition of Constitutional States and Counties was actually read by some. To be fair, it was modeled after 2A Sanctuary movement that began in Virginia.