ATF Bows to Everytown Pressure, Revokes FFL of Nevada Gun Maker

ATF Bows to Everytown Pressure, Revokes FFL of Nevada Gun Maker
Everytown has a new strategy to put gun makers out of business. (Photo: NRA-ILA)

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) caved to pressure from the anti-gun group Everytown for Gun Safety this week when it revoked the federal firearms license of a gun maker in Nevada.

Everytown joined forces with Kansas City officials in filing a lawsuit against the ATF last year. In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs claim the federal agency had improperly issued a federal firearm license to JA Industries, which the plaintiffs claim was knowingly selling firearms to gun runners.

In response to the lawsuit, the ATF announced this week that they had issued JA Industries a notice of revocation of its firearms license. The agency did not take this action in response to a court order — they did so “voluntarily,” according to their letter. Everytown claims this is a “first-of-its-kind victory for gun safety.”

“We can only hope this decision marks the beginning of a new era at ATF, one that is consistent with President Biden’s commitment to holding rogue and reckless members of the gun industry accountable for breaking the law and putting lives in danger,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “After decades of serving as the gun industry’s lapdog, it’s time for ATF to do its job and be the American people’s watchdog.”

SEE ALSO: Everytown Hosts ‘Hour of Action’ to Demand Repeal of Georgia’s ‘Racist, Shoot-First Law’

As GunsAmerica reported last year, Everytown claimed JA Industries and its owner, Paul Jimenez, had been selling firearms to illegal gun dealers in Kansas City. But according to an affidavit written by an ATF agent, it’s unclear how much Jimenez and his employees know about that illegal activity.

The Kansas City gun runner who purchased firearms, James Samuels, usually ordered the firearms from Jimenez and had them sent to a local FFL. At one point, however, Samuels had 11 firearms shipped directly to his house. When Jimenez Arms employees contacted Samuels and asked him about straw purchasing, he claimed that his FFL had moved and assured them that he made buyers pass a background check before purchasing.

In its list of “allegations” against Jimenez, Everytown accuses the gun maker of selling cheap guns “that are particularly attractive to traffickers.”

SEE ALSO: Exclusive: Everytown Spent $200K on Losing Democrats Who Flipped Virginia House to Republicans

They also claim that Jimenez was cited in 2012 and 2017 for “serious recordkeeping violations,” but the ATF decided to hold a warning conference in lieu of revocation. If those violations were so “serious,” it’s unclear why the ATF didn’t revoke Jimenez’s license.

Of course, whether Jimenez deserved to have his license revoked is beside the point. Now, Everytown knows to go after gun dealers and manufacturers by suing the ATF, and Biden’s ATF will respond according to their wishes.

JA Industries was an easy target, given its connection to a convicted gun runner. But you can be sure that we’ll see more of these lawsuits while an anti-gun president runs the Department of Justice.

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  • Amir Fazadh April 18, 2022, 7:54 am

    JA Arms pistols are not a quality product, IMO. I’ve tried one at a range, and the FTF ratio was abysmal. They are mainly pot metal, and are unreliable as a meth-head making your bank deposits for you. That they continue to operate is a win for the 2A, but they should go ahead and cease operations because their product is unsafe, and very low quality. However, there is a market for them. Would I ever choose a Raven/Jennings/Bryco/Jimenez/JA product? Never. I’d save an extra few dollars and go with a SCCY or something. Affordable doesn’t have to mean cheap, and vice-versa.
    That NeveryTown has gotten traction is sad to me.

  • Desert Dawg Arms April 9, 2022, 3:17 pm

    What sane FFL just sends 11 pistols to some Joe’s house?

  • Darren Wade April 8, 2022, 4:15 pm

    Can we sue the IRS for Everytown’s activities that breach 501c and get them to take ~30% of their income from Bloomberg for his laundering activities and send their leaders to jail too?

  • Will April 8, 2022, 3:40 pm

    So, the federal agency that knowingly sold firearms to gun runners, is trying to shut down a manufacturer they suspect may have sold firearms to gun runners…. Yup, no conflict there.

    Considering that the JA legacy of 44 years of making self defence affordable to everyone, they should recieve more respect than they do…. Criminals use all types of guns… SNS’s got a bad rap. When was the last time a mass shooter used a Jennings Nine??? They may be cheap, but they definately fill their nitch…

  • STEPHEN STEWART April 8, 2022, 1:11 pm

    Mauser6863: Saturday night special?! Stupid comment. Criminals prefer quality guns just like anyone else would! By the way, when is the last time anyone heard that term ‘Saturday night special’? Thought the NRA finally got that term buried until Mauser6863 revived it.

    • Frank April 15, 2022, 11:52 pm

      Go brush up on your reading skills. “Blue Jackass, it/them” popped out the phrase first. Mauser just recycled it in his reply.

  • Scott Syverson April 8, 2022, 12:45 pm

    Under a Supreme Court Ruling this week, it is now easier to sue governments for malicious prosecutions, i.e. political driven prosecutions. This case originated over a man jailed for a multitude of charges originating from a false claim of child abuse (the abuse was the infant had diaper rash – not joking). All charges were eventually dropped, but the man was jailed and it cost him money to defend himself. While this case and Supreme Court ruling were aimed at law enforcement, it theoretically could be used for Agency Law, like the B.A.T.F. because it is a cross-over as it is a Federal law enforcement agency. This sounds like an excellent opportunity to take this new ruling out for a test spin against the A.T.F. Paul Jimenez, do you have a Go Fund Me page?

    • Dav April 8, 2022, 4:17 pm

      I wouldn’t use Go Fund Me. They words to the effect that if they don’t think you are worthy of getting the money they will take it away and send it elsewhere.

      • Amir Fazadh April 18, 2022, 7:57 am

        Yep, after the Canadian Truckers had their donations seized/diverted, there’s a reason they call it “GoF**kMe”.

  • Susie Crocker April 8, 2022, 12:11 pm

    April 4, 2022
    Dear Valued Customer,
    JA Industries LLC has become aware of the recent statements made that our
    license may have been revoked, and our business shut down. This misinformation
    has led to many questions and uncertainties regarding current orders as well as
    availability in the coming future.
    Please be assured that, as it stands today, JA Industries LLC is very much open for
    business and operating with a valid Federal Firearms License. JA Industries LLC
    and the JA team is dedicated to continuing to produce our quality JA product line.
    We encourage you to continue to place orders for any items in which you have an
    interest. Current and upcoming inventory is adequate and can be obtained by
    contacting your sales representative.
    Considering the recent allegations against JA Industries LLC, and owner Pablo
    Jimenez, we are working closely with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
    and Explosives to resolve the matter at hand. We very much appreciate your
    support and loyalty throughout the years and ask for your understanding while
    we navigate through this process.
    Yours sincerely,
    JA Industries LLC
    JA Team

    • Tom April 8, 2022, 2:10 pm


  • Stan d. Upnow April 8, 2022, 10:24 am

    Agreed that there are trashy firearms being made & sold. There was talk some time ago about regulating firearms under Consumer Protection Laws. Not a bad idea, in theory. But, like any and all methods the anti-gun crowd can use, it’s a guarantee that they would somehow use that avenue as a means to attack the firearms industry and their “evil” products.

    So, what’s the solution? Well, like any inferior product in the marketplace, word gets around Fast that that item is junk, or even worse, dangerous to use. If the Consumer Protection Laws were administered fairly, i.e., devoid of undue influence by those with an agenda to fulfill, then those laws could be used to weed-out the undesirable elements. However, in this case, the Left has already tipped their hand that they would weaponize the CPL’s to go after the firearms industry at large. So, unfortunately, that proposal is DOA.

  • Mike Parducci April 8, 2022, 10:17 am

    I’m a gun owner . I hunt and shoot at the local range and l believe wholeheartedly in the 2nd amendment. But it’s quite evident that gun running is an up and coming industry in this country. Runners are purchasing weapons from dealers in states that have lax gun laws and buy cheap weapons at market prices, then resell them 3 to 4 hundred percent profit. The vast majority of these never go through any background check . Almost all of the resellers have no ffl licenses. The ATF does not belong to any single individual or organization so don’t make that assumption. It’s runners and reseller that’s destroying the 2nd amendment. If you cannot see this then I’ve wasted my time , because you apparently back the illicit practice or turn a blind eye

    • Rich Zellich April 8, 2022, 3:17 pm

      ” Runners are purchasing weapons from dealers in states that have lax gun laws”

      Would you care to name any state that has a law – or lack of laws – that allows people to buy from dealers without following the prevailing FBI background check procedures?

      Frankly, that “lax gun laws” statement sounds like it came straight from the professional anti-gun industry, not a knowledgeable gun owner.

    • Johna Boutwell April 8, 2022, 5:07 pm

      Nope, you are swilling the Kool Aid of the un and misinformed, most guns in the hands of criminals are stolen guns. Stolen from cars and homes by minority criminals that do little to no prison time even when caught!

    • Desert Dawg Arms April 9, 2022, 3:45 pm

      1st thing I have learned is never trust anyone who says “I believe in the 2nd Amendment but……..” Your comments are so flawed I don’t even know where to start. First there are no states with lax gun regs only states with excessive gun regs. Second, all interstate commerce in firearms must be FFL to FFL and BGC are required before firearms can be transferred to unlicensed individuals. In state purchases from resident to resident DO NOT require BGC in many states, this is what living in a free state allows. There is nothing to stop a resident of a state buying a gun from an FFL and then reselling at a profit, that my friend is capitalism. The federal government already has laws on the books requiring re-sellers of guns to be licensed. Good luck in figuring out who is selling as a business and who is selling their collections.

      You may want to brush up on The Gun Control Act of 1968 Title 18 chapter 44, Title 27 CFR Chapter II Part 478 Commerce in Firearms and Ammunition as a start.

  • Stan d. Upnow April 8, 2022, 10:03 am

    The BATF, like the DOJ, is supposed to be an impartial law enforcement agency. But, as we’ve seen repeatedly, the Progressive-Socialists have corrupted both to serve their own ends.
    And don’t count on Republicans to set things right if they regain power. They’re nothing but a buncha compromising eunuchs.

    • Carl April 8, 2022, 11:42 am

      Amen to that. BATF is a failed enforcemnt arm of the Justice Dept. Should of carried out a thorough investigation of the company prior to issuinfg the FFL.

  • Clint Wildec April 8, 2022, 10:00 am

    Yes, if JA Industries had/has a record of numerous infractions of ATF’s regulations and was not dealt with before the actions of the communist party group, Everytown, then JA Industries must have been getting the Hunter Biden gun violation pass. The ATF could also have dragged their feet to allow a communist group like Everytown to succeed in their efforts, to give Everytown credibility as an effective gun control organization, instead of the ATF doing the leg work in dealing with a company known to ignore their rules.

  • Nicholas April 8, 2022, 8:38 am

    “Everytown claims this is a “first-of-its-kind victory for gun safety.”” Let us conclude from that statement that they will use this against anyone they can.
    Those who debated and ratified the Constitution set forth rules designed to run a specific type of government. It is government wherein “the supreme power resides in the body of the people”, quoting Justice John Marshall. The Justice also wrote the decision for Ex Parte Bollman, 8 U.S. 75, in which he defined the act of treason.
    I did the work on writing “A Case Of Treason” (, but some of the research leading to my conclusion was given to me by a constitutional scholar. Based on the history of the term, and the actions of most agencies, my conclusion is that the ATF commits Treason. However, try and find a pro-2nd groups, and the attorneys they employ, the community will never go on the offensive with actual Law to defeat our enemies. Why?
    While groups such as Everytown use any and all methods to disarm the American people, the 2nd amendment community continues to play by the rules of their opponent. The comments here are moderated, so, I will ask. Perhaps someone at Gunsamerica, a business that has a huge stake in this, will answer questions that I’ve posed numerous times. I’ve gone as far as to send letters to many in the industry. Why do you continue to fight using an argument that has no backing in the historical or lawful record? An argument that imposes no Duty, creates no office, and keeps the power of the Sword in the hands of those who would take your weapons and leave you defenseless against their perversions?
    Just the other day Macron of France said that he did not believe in self-defense. He is of a type that are being placed in positions of power as are most of our government officials. Stop living by the foolish idea that it can’t happen here, or that you will rise to the occasion when you don’t want to fight a winning battle now when victory would be easy.

  • Jstrm April 6, 2022, 2:59 pm

    2A is a great read. But first read the Declaration of Independence followed by 2A. Better understanding of why we have 2A. No more king Georges! No tyrants. A government of the people, by the people and for the people. No communists and no socialists. The only reason the left works so hard at gun confiscation is to be able to permanently control the government. Once they shut down the gun makers in this country, where will the police and military acquire small arms? China? Russia, etc?

    • Carl April 9, 2022, 11:39 am

      Sad to say but we’ve lost our control because of BIG money. There are people out there who have the power to buy and sell votes due to the greed and corruption that is evident in the political arena. We need election reform that requires full disclosure of donations, a cap as to the amount of dollars any one candidate can spend and term limits. Only U.S. citizens, not corporations, PACs or dark money can donate. One thing we should do is watch those elected and the legislation they propose and their voting record, so the next time they run we hold them accountable. I live in Colorado and I’ve watched my state go from a generally conservative point of view to a full blown liberal movement and it is sad. And as the states collect more revenue though “taxes” we become less powerful.

  • Blue Dog (he/him) April 5, 2022, 11:25 am

    This isn’t the victory that it seems like. This company has gotten in hot water before and they way that company is structured, they just reorganize, change names and get back into producing cheap and unsafe firearms. That is how Raven became Jennings, Jennings became Bryco, Bryco became Jimenez, and Jimenez became JA. What is next? Richard’s Guns? Zincarms? Melting Pot-metal Armory? Honestly there were plans to build a .25 at home on this blog a few years ago that would be safer than any Saturday night special these folks flushed out.

    If you don’t know the story about Brandon Maxfield and the Ring of Fire group of manufacturers, that plays into this story. Two names ago, a 7 year old boy was shot and paralyzed by a guy trying to unload a Bryco and they were found liable to the tune of $24 million. Lawsuit, company reorganises, unsafe cheap handguns keep rolling through American streets, rinse, repeat.

    This isn’t the end of the story for Jennings, just a chapter break.

    • Mauser6863 April 8, 2022, 11:15 am

      Poor people have a right to own firearms, just like the rich do. The gun control crowd switches gears all the time, we need to ban those “Weapons of War”, like the $1,000+ AR-15’s and the “Cheap Saturday Bight Specials” that are the preferred choice of criminals, etc. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. Now the “New Evil” is homemade or 3D Printed Guns, etc. etc. These tools of tyranny never stop, but they will lose as someone will buy the company and the tooling and maybe even the name and the cheap guns will continue to flow.

      • BunnyHumper April 9, 2022, 12:29 am

        Brother, our Troops do not carry Semi-Automatic $1,000+ AR-15’s into battle, because the enemy wouldn’t have to kill them…they’d die of ridicule first! Plus, as already argued here, Saturday Nighters will get Gangers Killed…why would the Soldiers & Bangers Die? Cause EVERYONE ELSE, whether on the Streets or on the Battle Lines IS USING FULL AUTOMATICS…which are not cheap and Illegal in the US for We The People! A Light Full-Auto Pistol is the preferred choice of Criminals…why?…because they can’t shoot worth a $hip. I lived in the Hood for close to 20 Years & witnessed 3 Drive-By Shootings…NO ONE WAS KILLED, but one idiot actually shot his Baby Boy and Sister…the rest of the 4 clips he fired went into the walls of the house. He was aiming at their next door neighbor neighbor, who was 30 yards away, but it’s hard to look cool, holding an Uzi sideways, using da’ gangsta’ grip and to be a COWARD doing 50-60mph and hit anything! THAT is why these morons use FULL-AUTOS, cause they couldn’t hit water if they fell out of a Boat. Quit listening to Liberal Idiots & go to a firing Range…LEARN something about your subject matter before coming on here and making an idiot of yourself…I am embarrassed for you!

        BTW…the Tooling for a 3D Printer is a CAD File! Bahahahahahahahahaha!

    • Rouge1 April 11, 2022, 9:45 am

      What’s a Saturday night special? Can they be used on Friday? Or is this a misused term like assault weapon?

      • Hondo April 12, 2022, 7:12 pm

        Isn’t that a shitty song by Lenard Skynard ? another stupid boy band, lol.

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