CCRKBA on Hunter’s Plea Deal: ‘An insult to the intelligence of the American people’

Current Events This Week
Hunter Biden sleeping with a crack pipe.
The president’s son, Hunter Biden, is sleeping with a crack pipe in his mouth. This photo was on his infamous laptop. (Photo: NYPost)

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

In an event raising eyebrows across the nation, Hunter Biden—son of President Joe Biden, an outspoken critic of gun rights—has struck a “tentative deal” to resolve a violation of federal gun law.

This development has incensed the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), who have declared it “an insult to the intelligence of the American people”.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb has issued a potent query to the public: “Why should anyone respect any gun laws if the president’s son gets a pass?”

This statement stems from the perception that the younger Biden is receiving preferential treatment, a notion that has elicited widespread outrage, symptomatic of a prevalent feeling of an abhorrent double standard.

The silence from gun control lobbying groups has only amplified the dissatisfaction.

“This fact alone shows what hypocrites they are, and what a hypocrite Joe Biden is. Their silence is deafening,” continued Gottlieb.

It is noteworthy to point out that President Biden has dedicated his political career to stringent gun control measures, including the prohibition of so-called “assault weapons”, and most recently, a campaign to halt the sale of 9mm pistols.

SEE ALSO: Hunter Biden to Plead Guilty to Tax and Firearm Charges

However, this staunch stance seems to waver when it comes to his own son’s involvement in a federal gun crime—a crime that for any other person, knowingly lying about being a non-prohibited individual to secure a handgun, could result in hefty fines and a decade-long imprisonment.

The stark contrast in treatment leads Gottlieb to a disquieting conclusion.

“If Joe Biden wasn’t president,” Gottlieb said, “Hunter Biden would be heading to jail. Looks like the biggest loophole of them all is to violate a federal gun law when you’re the president’s son.”

Furthermore, the CCRKBA chairman opines that the deafening silence from the gun ban lobby regarding this case should obliterate any influence they wield on national gun law policies.

“The anti-gun-rights movement, from Joe Biden on down through all of the billionaire-backed gun control groups have just lost whatever credibility they ever had, and ever will have, by not immediately denouncing this deal,” Gottlieb stated.

“These elitist anti-gunners must never again be taken seriously by the public, the media or members of Congress and state legislatures when they advocate for tougher gun laws, while remaining silent about the Biden gun crime loophole.”

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  • bobsyouruncle June 24, 2023, 2:22 pm

    Slap on the wrist? more like, kiss on the……………

  • Phil June 23, 2023, 9:17 am

    There are no surprises about the loud lack of comments from the gun control shrills. I can recall the Branch Davidian Raid with the agents killing the dogs and other animals during the standoff. PETA had no comment about the animal destruction. The same issue arose during the Ruby Ridge standoff. An agent killed Weaver’s dog. Again, PETA did not condemn the killing.

  • Sara June 23, 2023, 6:25 am

    How many “people” will now ask for “the Biden” deal now? And how many people will get it?

  • bobsyouruncle June 23, 2023, 12:45 am

    Russian disinformation, or was it Bulgarian disinformation? and of course no one is above the………….. WAIT!, Look over there down at the border, cowboy overseers whipping slaves

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment June 21, 2023, 3:09 pm

    Don’t forget the questionable way he tried to get rid of it, that seems to get lost in the discussions.

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