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David Hogg may soon find himself in hot water.
Hogg, a founder of March for Our Lives, has employed AI-generated voices (of deceased children) to make tens of thousands of calls to Congress, demanding tougher gun laws.
However, this harebrained tactic may backfire in a big, big way.
I don't think @davidhogg111 realizes he's admitted to making at least 75,000 illegal robo calls and according to the @FCC each of those infractions carries a $1,500 fine. That's $112.5 million bones so far Davy, please keep going! I sure hope no one reports you. pic.twitter.com/AVzs9KNSui
— Military Arms (@MAC_Arms) February 21, 2024
In a recent declaration, the FCC categorically stated that calls made with AI-generated voices are considered artificial under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
That’s right – those voice cloning tricks used in too many robocall scams are now straight-up illegal. And guess what? This kicks in right now.
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It’s a huge win for consumers, and per the FCC press release, State Attorneys General are gearing up with new firepower to take down the shady folks behind these calls.
This revelation puts Hogg and the March for Our Lives organization in a potentially precarious position.
When you hit 100k you'll have also achieved another $3.75 million in @FCC fines on top of the $112 million you already owe… that is, if laws applied to leftist political hacks like you, which they don't during this regime.
— Military Arms (@MAC_Arms) February 22, 2024
The FCC’s unanimous adoption of this ruling signifies a clear stance against the use of such technology in robocalls, a category under which Hogg’s campaign apparently falls.
This legal hurdle could lead to significant fines and actions against March for Our Lives, and maybe Hogg himself.
I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens to Mr. Hogg. But as MAC pointed out in his tweet, if this law applies to March for Our Lives, they’d owe over $100 million in fines!
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I bet this clown still wets his bed.
We can only hope this loser dog turd son of an FBI AGT get charged and prosecuted by the FCC. The lying little twit rode his Big wheel to the school AFTER the shooting and that stellar news service CNN interviewed him as a victim. He wasn’t even there.
Hogg is a cognitively challenged imbecile who should be arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to death for treasonous activities against America and the Constitution.
Huck Fogg, BuckFiden & Yuck Fou for voting for pedo Joe.
Hogg is a cognitively challenged imbecile who should be arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to death for treasonous activities against America and the Constitution.
Nothing will come of this.
I agree. Nothing will happen to David Hogg as he is part of the Swamp Creatures from the District of Columbia. Laws only apply to the common people.
We live under a two tier legal system now.
Just another parasite that will never face any real justice. Democrats are vile piece’s of excrement
Stupid Little Asshole.
Sick MF there is nothing this sick ass activist will do to prove or to prove to themselves they are right. send that little turd to where I live gun fire every freaking day multiple times. thank god for A2 The only way I know I am safe in this freaking mad house. Send his ass to jail and make him drop that soap multiple times.
It won’t cost him anything. He’s an “activist” on the left.
Looney George Cloony will bail him out.
Good! Hope this makes the stupid leftist piggy SQUEAL!
He’s a democrat, nothing will happen to him
Billy the Kid was right. We have reached the point where “justice only comes from the barrel of a gun”. Dozens of deserving candidates.
I don’t see why he’s so excited. We know none of the current administration is going after him.
Absolutely nothing will be done about it. Vigorous prosecution is reserved for those on the right. The Biden administration will probably give him an award.
Hogg believes that criminals and the mentally ill will obey gun laws,obviously never having read the definition of CRIMINAL.Talk about a special kind of stupid!
Given that this unironically makes him a criminal, he should probably understand that.
Typical Lefty, rules are for the little people, not for them.
P*ssies like this guy, who would have got his @ss kicked in high school years past, have no shame and of course the leftist media will use anyone or anything to place law-abiding gun owners in the same category as those that gain attention to themselves by killing the innocent.
David Hogg was skipping School the day of the Shooting. He is NOT a Survivor of it.
He heard about the Police Presence at Majorie Stoneman and hopped on his Bicycle and Rushed to the school in hopes of getting Interview Material. He has been lying about his involvement for 5 years.
He has been using the Dead Kids as a Political Statement, and a Publicity Stunt. He Should be Shamed instead of Applauded.
Garland won’t prosecute….maybe a State AG
Yeah, unfortunately, Garland has no stones. If he did, Diaper Donny would be campaigning from behind bars.
I’m sorry who shit their pants at the Vatican ? That’s right dipshit your boy crooked Joe,lol
In a perfect world this little bitch would get his ass kicked twice daily in public until he finally broke down and got a gun and concealed carry license to stop the beatings…then we’d all thankfully hear the last from him.
David Hogg was not a survivor of the Parkland shooting he wasn’t even in School that day he heard of it on the News and rode his Bicycle to the school. CNN made him famous or infamous depending on rather you like this little asshole or not.
Just another lame White Knight trying to blame law abiding gun owners for the crimes of others. I am sick and tried of being blamed the stupidity of criminal behavior and lack of parental control. Make our laws and Justice System work like it is supposed to and prosecute and Treminate there murder ing life’s. 🤔
There’s a zero percent chance our democrat controlled, anti-gun government will go after Hoggs for making illegal robots calls. Zero.
+1. You’re absolutely right.
I guess the only chance is if the states’ attorney general start prosecuting him, but I’m sure the feds will step in and “correct” them if they do.