Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was one of modern history’s most spectacular failures. His story is a cautionary tale illustrating the inevitable perils of absolute power.

Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi was born in either 1942 or 1943 to illiterate Bedouin parents who maintained no birth records. Rising from unimaginable poverty Gaddafi eventually amassed enough wealth to become the eighth richest person in human history. The sordid state in which he both entered and left the world stands in stark relief against the opulent splendor of his time in the sun.

Gaddafi’s early education was grueling. He slept in a mosque and walked twenty miles on weekends to visit his parents. He finished his first six years of school in four. He was popular in school despite his humble upbringing, and many of his earliest school chums received plum government positions when later he came to power.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Muammar Gaddafi saw in the Libyan military the opportunity for an ambitious man with no connections to attain both power and greatness.

Gaddafi dropped out of university to join the Libyan military, then being trained by a cadre of professional British officers. He chafed at the British influence, viewing the English as imperialist interlopers in Libyan affairs. In 1963 he was suspected in the assassination of the commander of his Libyan military school. This was a portent of bloody things to come.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Gaddafi took advantage of the regional turmoil that resulted from the 1967 Six Days War to overthrow the Libyan monarchy.

In 1969 the Middle East was still reeling from the trouncing Israel had given her Arab neighbors two years earlier. Amidst this unrest, Gaddafi led a consolidated military movement to overthrow the Libyan monarchy. The resulting coup was decisive and relatively bloodless. Addressing the Libyan people by radio, Gaddafi announced the formation of the Libyan Arab Republic. He proclaimed that the revolution would bring “freedom, socialism, and unity.” One of his first official acts was to promote himself from Lieutenant to Colonel, a title he wore proudly for the rest of his days.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Socialism leads to absolute power that leads to despotism. Stick with it long enough and chaos is the inevitable outcome.

Socialism is yet again in vogue among the less enlightened these days. How many times must this intrinsically flawed method of governance be tried and subsequently fail before these people will appreciate its manifest irrevocable weaknesses? In December of 1971, Gaddafi began nationalizing the nation’s oil infrastructure, and the fuse was lit.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

In the days before Gaddafi, Tripoli was an exotic cosmopolitan locale. The young lady in the center of the photograph seems to be put out with somebody.

In the near term, Gaddafi’s socialist initiatives were successful, increasing the Libyan gross domestic product and enhancing the national standard of living. Gaddafi’s reforms poured oil revenues into public works projects and education. Over time, however, something dark and sinister began to arise within Muammar Gaddafi’s soul. As seems always to be the case with totalitarian regimes, absolute power began to have its corrosive effect.

A Love Affair with Terrorism

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Gaddafi threw money at every terrorist group that would take it. The bombing of the LaBelle disco in Berlin killed an American serviceman and got the attention of President Ronald Reagan.

The details are tedious. Suffice it to say Gaddafi supported terrorist organizations around the globe. The Black Panther Party, the Nation of Islam, the Provisional IRA, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Action Directe, the Red Brigades, and many others received extensive financial backing from Gaddafi and his government. By the mid-’80s, Gaddafi’s terrorist pals had agitated the Gipper.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

A combined USAF and US Navy air operation hit several targets across Libya in 1986.

In response to the Libyan bombing of a Berlin disco that killed an American serviceman, President Ronald Reagan authorized Operation El Dorado Canyon. A total of 45 Navy and Air Force aircraft deposited 300 bombs and 48 missiles on a variety of targets, including Gaddafi’s home. A warning from the Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi saved his life.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

F117 Nighthawk fighters stood down an hour prior to takeoff in support of Operation El Dorado Canyon. A single F111 fighter-bomber was downed with the loss of its two crewmembers.

This operation was to be the combat debut of the F117 stealth fighter. However, this third arm of the attack was scrubbed an hour before takeoff out of fear of compromise of this radical technology.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

F111 crews were forced to fly an extra 2,600 miles because France, Spain, and Italy denied them permission to overfly their territory.

France, Spain, and Italy refused permission to transit their airspace, so the Air Force F111 fighter-bombers staging from England were forced to fly a laborious route with multiple air-to-air refuelings to reach their targets. One of the few non-military installations damaged in the raid was the French embassy in Tripoli. The F111 crews had to do something to entertain themselves during that unnecessary 1,300 miles on the ingress. Perhaps they just refined their target selection.

Ultimately the Libyans apologized for their terrorist antics and paid American survivors a total of $1.5 billion. As a result in 2008 full diplomatic relations were restored between the United States and Libya.


Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Muammar Gaddafi was nothing if not flamboyant.

Gaddafi considered himself a fashion icon. He once stated, “Whatever I wear becomes a fad. I wear a certain shirt and suddenly everybody is wearing it.”

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Gaddafi, like most male narcissistic egomaniacs, surrounded himself with attractive women.

Gaddafi was a serial womanizer and a proper sexual villain. He kept one young woman locked up and sexually abused her for six years. Throughout it all, he was protected by an eclectic all-female VIP security unit.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Gaddafi’s all-female personal protection unit was afforded the best weapons and training available. This particular Libyan operator’s 9mm HK MP5K looks pretty sharp.

I couldn’t make this stuff up. The Western media named them the Amazonian Guard. Their formal name literally translates The Revolutionary Nuns. These attractive young women were hand-picked by Gaddafi himself. They were afforded extensive weapons and martial arts training and were required to take an oath of chastity.

By now Gaddafi had resigned as formal head of state and bequeathed upon himself the title “Brotherly Leader and Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.”

Falling From a Great Height

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Anti-government forces looted Libyan military arsenals, and the country descended into anarchy.

By 2011 socialism had taken its inevitable toll. Unemployment ran 30%, and nepotism and corruption pervaded the government. Buoyed by the Arab Spring movement, a coalition of anti-Gaddafi factions called the National Transitional Council (NTC) launched a full-fledged civil war. Government forces fired on demonstrators, arsenals were looted, and Libya descended into chaos. Gaddafi eventually went into hiding around Sirte, his hometown and the residence of his most loyal followers.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Muammar Gaddafi, one of the world’s richest men, was ultimately dragged out of this culvert and gunned down like a dog.

With his back metaphorically against the wall, Gaddafi announced that he was finally ready to negotiate a peaceful transition of power. The NTC was having none of that. Hounded by NTC artillery Gaddafi fled Sirte in a joint military and civilian convoy. NATO air assets destroyed 14 of the 75 vehicles and scattered the occupants. Gaddafi, his son Mutassim, and some of his closest cohorts fled to a construction site. One of Gaddafi’s security operatives deployed a grenade that bounced back and injured the Libyan despot. Rebels then pulled Gaddafi, filthy and bloodied, out of the drainage pipe where he was cowering and proceeded to tear him apart.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

For all his money and power, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, dictator and patron of modern terrorists everywhere, died like an animal.

The chaos was captured on cell phone video though the details are still in dispute. Before it was over, members of the mob had sodomized Gaddafi with a bayonet and shot him to death. There are those present who claim Gaddafi was ultimately executed with his own gold-inlaid Browning Hi-Power pistol. His body was subsequently put on display for curious passersby. It was an ignominious end for such an avowed narcissist.

The Gun

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Gaddafi’s gold inlaid Hi-Power was as gaudy and ostentatious as the despot who owned it.

Gaddafi’s Hi-Power was a later Mark III sporting extended bilateral safety levers and extensive gold inlay. The dictator was enthralled with gold and surrounded himself with it.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Many are the dictator with a taste for gold. This was some of Gaddafi’s golden mermaid-shaped furniture.

Other gold implements he acquired included a gold plated AK74 assault rifle, a gold tea trolley, a gold flyswatter sporting the head of an elephant, and a gold chaise-lounge in the shape of a mermaid.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Gaddafi’s gold Hi-Power became a bit of an icon. Mohammed Elbibi, the 17-year-old Libyan in this photograph, picked the gun up off the ground where it had been dropped. He purportedly still has it.

The Hi-Power was John Moses Browning’s last handgun. The story goes that the great man keeled over from heart failure at his workbench toiling over the design in Liege, Belgium, in 1926. His Belgian counterpart and fellow firearms savant Dieudonne Saive completed the weapon. It was ultimately released in 1935.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Gaddafi’s Hi-Power was extensively engraved and inlaid with gold.

The Hi-Power has the distinction of having served with both the Allies and the Axis during World War 2. The Canadian Inglis firm produced the gun for use by Canadian, British, and Nationalist Chinese forces, while the captured plant in Belgian churned them out for the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, and Waffen SS.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Gaddafi’s Hi-Power was a later Mark III model with a bilateral extended safety.

More than 1.5 million copies were manufactured before production ceased in Belgium in 2017. The Hi-Power saw service with dozens of nations and remains in active use around the globe.

The Hi-Power was the first handgun in widespread use to feed on a double column, single feed magazine. A Saive contribution, this type of feeding device now drives every high capacity combat pistol in the world.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

A BBC reporter named Gabriel Gatehouse returned to Libya four years later and tracked down Gaddafi’s Hi-Power. The story of his search is fascinating. Click here to read it. 

A single action design, the otherwise superlative trigger on the Hi-Power is adversely affected by the addition of a magazine disconnect safety originally stipulated by the French specifications that drove the original design. Removal of the magazine disconnect components will improve the trigger’s personality.


Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi prospered off the backs of his people and ultimately died for his sins.

The argument could be made that Muammar Gaddafi rose higher and then fell farther than any other human being in history. He was born a nomad in the Libyan desert during World War 2 to parents too poor and ill-informed to document his birthday. He amassed unimaginable wealth and subsequently used it to foment chaos around the globe while grotesquely oppressing his own people.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was a despot and a killer. He had his own butt fat injected into his face in a failed effort to stave off aging. He refused anesthesia for this procedure out of fear he would be poisoned.

In the end, he was dragged out of a culvert by an angry mob, violently abused, and likely executed with his own weapon, a gaudy abomination of one of the finest combat pistols ever conceived. The two timeless lessons to be learned are that socialism never, ever works and that being a tyrannical despot seldom offers a decent retirement plan.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

One should never get into the tyrant business for the retirement benefits.

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  • michaelap December 21, 2020, 12:49 pm

    Can we please stop pretending Gaddafi was anything but a horrible man? He was a dictator who ruined the lives of his own people. He abused and raped women including his own “guards.” He murdered anyone who disagreed with him. He used nepotism to rule. He was a complete dictator. He absolutely deserved everything he got and it was his own people who handed it to him which speaks volumes.

  • Nicks87 July 25, 2019, 4:47 pm

    “spectacular failures” Really? The man took power when he was 27 years old and ruled for 40 years! Maybe he was a piece of human garbage but “failure” he was not.

  • Nicks87 July 25, 2019, 4:45 pm

    Great comment, glad you could offer a different point of veiw other then the NeoCon narrative that Fox News has been repeating… and NO I’m not a democrat or a liberal, I just want the truth.

  • Papa July 16, 2019, 1:27 am

    What became of the female bodyguards?

    • tim December 21, 2020, 12:40 pm

      The ones who didn’t die from Aids are now old, fat, grey and depressed, missing their days when they once could attract a sugar daddy.

  • larry July 15, 2019, 7:10 pm

    What exactly is your reference source….The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Lots of anti-semitic claptrap conspiracy here.

    • Kane July 19, 2019, 4:42 pm

      And now look at the total destruction of Western Civilization as Libyans swarm into Europe. The killing of leaders like Gadhafi will insure that all despots will reject an arms deal seek weapons of mass destrustion.

  • Ti July 15, 2019, 4:27 pm

    Wow doc! You stirred up a discussion the likes of which.

    Anyway, I’ve got an Inglis HP. I had no idea(not that I’m a dummy) that the disconnect on no mag can be cured. Always hated having to insert to drop hammer.

    Browning’s HP is still one of the fav’s because of Hi-cap IMHO.

    Dr Dabbs My CoCmdr when I was in army avn, did an article on preferred aircrew carry while in RVN. Browning HP came out as top pick, it appears because hi-cap mags let you put 13 down range quick.

  • ExGob July 15, 2019, 3:08 pm

    That’s a sad ending. But it would have been great if you could have traded the wife for another Hi Power.

  • Ronald Davis July 15, 2019, 1:09 pm

    The article is full of revisionist history .. Gaddafi was no saint by any means but he took his country from 24% to 96% literacy .. Free college, Free Medical and the highest employment of any country in Africa ..

    Gaddafi amassed a massive amount of Gold .. The Rothschild / Central Banksters / Counterfeiters only allowed Gaddafi to sell its oil in dollars .. The banksters had devalued the Libyan Dinar taking larger and larger pieces of the Libyan Money .. Gaddafi announced to the world the Pan-African Gold Backed Dinar .. Two weeks after his announcement Gaddafi was murdered ..

    ISIS oil thieves are now hard at work in Libya with the Rothschild / B.P. oil raking i the cream .. The decimation of Libya was a message to all those who sell oil in anything except U.S. Dollars .. Saddam sold Oil in Euro’s .. He’s dead .. Syria sold Oil in Euro’s, Yen and Chinese Currency, their still trying to kill Assad .. Iran is selling oil in everything but U.S. Dollars and Israel / Rothschild’s have said they plan to attack Iran ..

    Libya was so prosperous that they had issues with border security because everyone wanted to move to Libya .. Gaddafi’ great dam project provided water for irrigation not only to Libya but to other countries as well .. Now Libya looks much like Iraq and Syria all thanks to the Rothschild / B.P. Oil ..

    Speaking of B.P. Oil 80% of U.S. Troops are stationed in Norther Iraqi oil fields Protecting B.P. Oil THIEVES ..

    In 1967 Israel attempted to sink the USS Liberty killing 43 and wounding 172 .. They bombed, strafed, Napalmed and Torpedo’ed the Liberty and it didn’t sink .. Israel attempted to blame it on Egypt (like the Lavon Affair 1954) and had the Liberty sunk we would have been in a major war against the entire middle east .. So we know from this that 911 was a Mossad operation designed to make the U.S. fight Israeli enemies ..

    Lets go back even further .. The Rothschild’s financed the confederate army so they could weaken both the North and the South in a very uncivil war .. The idea was to weaken the U.S. so the French and Brits could walk in an take over / recolonize .. Had not Lincoln and Tzar Alexander 1st not communicated and had not the Tzar not sent his armada to protect the U.S. From invasion the U.S. would not be the U.S. today .. This F’ed up the Rothschild plans for world domination so they swore vendeta against the Tzars family and in the early 1900’s they murdered them all ..

    The biggest threat to world security is the Rothschild’s / Israel .. Oded Yinon .. Learn it .. The plan to steal all the lands between the Euphrates and the Nile ..

    • Haythem September 24, 2019, 12:29 pm

      Thank you so much for in lighting the every one in here and author that just bashed Gaddafi’s. There is no human saints. dig a little in the politician and presidents this country and you will terrifying results. Let’s for once stop attacking the middle east and calling them terrorist because attacking other countries is also considered terrorism.

    • tim December 21, 2020, 12:43 pm

      What are you talking about? Unemployment in Libya was over 30 percent during his final years. Medical was horrible and available to only those who were wealthy or associated with Gaddafi. Many would leave to seek adequate medical care.

  • pablo July 15, 2019, 12:57 pm

    Come on. If it had bee Ronald Reagan’s high power you guys would have been praising its beauty.
    But because it was Omar’s it a POS.
    By the way it was never proven that Libya had any thing to do with the disco bombing in Berlin. It was just a pretext to attempt an assassination of him ,but instead killed his infant daughter. What kind of government or country attempts to assassinate the leader of another nation upon such pretext. Even to the point of attacking his family in an attempt to kill him.
    And it was the US that finally engineered and assisted in his overthrow not giving a dam for the impact and chaos and suffering it would cause that country and it’s people. Not to mention it being the direct cause of the loss of American lives from the attack upon the American compound in Benghazi. Since when does any government give a dam about the oppression of people. Our government has supported a lot of dictators through the years that has caused a lot or blow back .
    Omar was hated because of his independence from the powers that be and his threat of Uniting Africa and creating a gold backed currency, that would undermine the make believe paper money we use. He had to go.


  • pablo July 15, 2019, 12:55 pm

    This ☝️

  • Ricky B. July 15, 2019, 12:08 pm

    Roger this is mostly nonsense bro; where are you getting your information from?

    I mean Lybia is clearly NOT in a good place today… So I get that it may be easy for us to look from the outside and just assume everything must have just been perfect before in comparison to today. You should REALLY stop pretending Gaddafi was anything other than a horrible human though. That dude absolutely deserved the kind of death he received!

  • toprudder July 15, 2019, 11:54 am

    Let’s see now, he was killed in Oct., 2011 and Phil said, “And it was the US that finally engineered and assisted in his overthrow not giving a dam for the impact and chaos and suffering it would cause that country and it’s people. Not to mention it being the direct cause of the loss of American lives from the attack upon the American compound in Benghazi.” Now, Barack Hussein Obama was elected President in 2008 and reelected 4 yr. later, so he was in charge of International Relations for the USA at that time. Figures.

  • Ricky B. July 15, 2019, 11:42 am

    “By 2011 socialism had taken its inevitable toll. Unemployment ran 30%, and nepotism and corruption pervaded the government.”

    Nepotism is the hallmark of all totalitarian regimes throughout history… In kingdoms nepotism is the law; the ruling family is supposedly ordained by a higher power to hold absolute power.

    America is a nation born specifically because our forefather’s opposition to a governance structure where nepotism is literally the only factor that decides who is in charge of EVERYTHING. This wasn’t passive opposition. The founders of this nation didn’t just risk their own lives to be free of this generational evil… The revolution was fought in their own their own backyards. If it failed, the idea that there families would somehow be spared a brutal death certainly isn’t something any of them expected.

    Am I the only freedom loving defender of the US Constitution (y’all remember the document that established our 2nd Amendment rights, right?) in this country today who even notices our current president’s preference for nepotism? How is that OK to anybody who claims to be conservative? How can any of y’all listen to an orange baffoon who rails against Washington corruption with a straight face as he openly & shamelessly operates THE MOST DEMONSTRABLY CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION IN US HISTORY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  • PD Rhodes July 15, 2019, 11:02 am

    Your articles are definitely an excellent place to read good stuff/info about incidents/like this one.
    First Class.
    Always like to see your articles in this News Letter/GunsAmerica.
    Definitely do like the cartoon with the socialism fork into the electric outlet. : )

    A right hand salute to you; Sir.

  • Miltos July 15, 2019, 10:23 am

    In 2007 Tony Blair met with Gaddafi. Then “something” happened and the neocons decided to kill Gaddafi who (like Assad) was maintaining peace and keeping ISIS in check. Now we created yet another chaos with unlimited migration of Sub-Saharan people into Europe via Libya. Crime is rampant all over Europe. Now Trump has to clean up the ISIS expansion.
    Next time an authoritarian narcissistic tyrant emerges send him “thank you cards” on his birthday.

  • Phil July 15, 2019, 10:03 am

    Come on. If it had bee Ronald Reagan’s high power you guys would have been praising its beauty.
    But because it was Omar’s it a POS.
    By the way it was never proven that Libya had any thing to do with the disco bombing in Berlin. It was just a pretext to attempt an assassination of him ,but instead killed his infant daughter. What kind of government or country attempts to assassinate the leader of another nation upon such pretext. Even to the point of attacking his family in an attempt to kill him.
    And it was the US that finally engineered and assisted in his overthrow not giving a dam for the impact and chaos and suffering it would cause that country and it’s people. Not to mention it being the direct cause of the loss of American lives from the attack upon the American compound in Benghazi. Since when does any government give a dam about the oppression of people. Our government has supported a lot of dictators through the years that has caused a lot or blow back .
    Omar was hated because of his independence from the powers that be and his threat of Uniting Africa and creating a gold backed currency, that would undermine the make believe paper money we use. He had to go.

  • Phil July 15, 2019, 10:02 am

    Come on. If it had bee Ronald Reagan’s high power you guys would have been praising its beauty.
    But because it was Omar’s it a POS.
    By the way it was never proven that Libya had any thing to do with the disco bombing in Berlin. It was just a pretext to attempt an assassination of him ,but instead killed his infant daughter. What kind of government or country attempts to assassinate the leader of another nation upon such pretext. Even to the point of attacking his family in an attempt to kill him.
    And it was the US that finally engineered and assisted in his overthrow not giving a dam for the impact and chaos and suffering it would cause that country and it’s people. Not to mention it being the direct cause of the loss of American lives from the attack upon the American compound in Benghazi. Since when does any government give a dam about the oppression of people. Our government has supported a lot of dictators through the years that has caused a lot or blow back .
    Omar was hated because of his independence from the powers that be and his threat of Uniting Africa and creating a gold backed currency, that would undermine the make believe paper money we use. He had to go.

  • Phil July 15, 2019, 9:59 am

    Come on. If it had bee Ronald Reagan’s high power you guys would have been praising its beauty.
    But because it was Omar’s it a POS.
    By the way it was never proven that Libya had any thing to do with the disco bombing in Berlin. It was just a pretext to attempt an assassination of him ,but instead killed his infant daughter. What kind of government or country attempts to assassinate the leader of another nation upon such pretext. Even to the point of attacking his family in an attempt to kill him.
    And it was the US that finally engineered and assisted in his overthrow not giving a dam for the impact and chaos and suffering it would cause that country and it’s people. Not to mention it being the direct cause of the loss of American lives from the attack upon the American compound in Benghazi.Since when does any government give a dam about the oppression of people. Our government has supported a lot of dictators through the years that has caused a lot or blow back .Omar was hated because of his independence from the powers that be and his threat of Uniting Africa and creating a gold backed currency, that would undermine the make believe paper money we use. He had to go.I’m not a Omar supporter I’m a truth supporter.

  • Roger July 15, 2019, 9:55 am

    Sorry to say, but history is still written by the victors, and typically full of sh*t… It’s a shame that an article like this is based on so many lies and propaganda. I’m as anti-collectivist as a man can be. I find socialism abhorrent. I do my best to base my life on a sime maxim of individual freedom, personal responsibility… But Gaddafi, in my opinion, and in the opinion of a vast majority of his own citizens, was a HERO. If you swallow hook, line & sinker, all of the nonsense about pinning the funding and organization of global terrorism on convenient targets, who just happen to stand in the way of the corrupt military/banking empire, then its likely that your mind will never consider that you’ve been lied to your entire life by your TRUE enemies, far closer to home. Get one thing straight though… Socialism, is not the same in every application, and the way it was done by Gaddafi was a beautiful thing. Here’s the big difference… NO TAXATION (extortion) of his people. There was no TAKING away wealth from the people to redistribute in a manner decided by an authority. THAT is what OUR government does… THAT is the brand of socialism that WE are victim to. How does it feel to have almost HALF of your earnings extorted from you while you struggle, and see it so freely given to ILLEGAL immigrants in the form of free housing, healthcare, education, etc…all while we can barely afford these things for ourselves?!?… How many homeless vets do we have on our streets?? THAT is an unfair and EVIL form of socialism. What Gaddafi had done was FAAARRR different. When he took power, he seized ownership of the oil facilities that were previously stolen by the British and other western nations, as is the norm all throughout the undeveloped nations. He had nationalized these facilities, rescued his own nations resources from foreign corporations that had no right to them… and it was the profit of the nationalized oil exports that funded ALL social programs and infrastructure. This is how the roads were built, hospitals, schools, etc… Libya had the highest literacy rate of the entire continent of Africa,and the lowest for poverty under Gaddafi. These funds also provided free housing for his citizens, medical care and higher education (domestically and abroad). The government provided large subsidies for the purchase of farms, vehicles, etc, as well as interest-free loans. One thing he DIDN’T have… was a Rothschild central bank. Funny thing was, only 7 days after the “revolution” had begun, that’s EXACTLY what was installed by the “freedom fighters”(think, Syrian free army… Aka ISIS). Starting to make sense yet?? He was beloved by his people, this was apparent from within Libya, but beyond it, nothing but lies and propaganda. The hoax that began NATO’s unilateral and unsanctioned involvement was the claim that Libyan military jets were firing upon peaceful protestors… A farce that was challenged by Russia from day one, who had ZERO radar data of this activity, and still no video of any kind has ever surfaced of these attacks. Of course, our corrupt western media embedded reporters with “rebels” and continually were caught FAKING conflicts, shootouts, bombings, etc red-handed. Even as they would film groups of “rebels”, it would ALWAYS be a tight camera shot, filled with chanting fighters…giving the world the impression that the streets were filled with them, that it was obviously a popular uprising against an evil tyrant….but… Multiple times other citizens, armed only with cell phone cameras, would also film these interactions with western media camera crews, but from a distance, and found that there would typically be only a dozen or less of these screaming men, crowded around the lense of our trusty mainstream cameras… What we were shown was an illusion, nothing new at all. Ever heard about the rally in Green Square? Probably not…because it would have challenged all the lies in the media. Over FOUR MILLION Libyan citizens had made their way to Green Square to rally…to create a display so big that it could not be ignored. They did so to show solidarity with their leader, and to tell NATO that they DIDN’T need their “humanitarian” bombs to save them from the mythical tyrant we’d been told about since we were children. RT News showed it… It had to be filmed by a drone, as only an aerial perspective could truly show the amazing mass of Libyan citizens, who were simply begging to not be attacked. I remember watching it live, feeling hopeful. It was beautiful to see so many come together this way. But… Our media, and most other corrupt outlets around the world ignored this plea… And Obama commenced the bombing. Mostly of military targets, but also so much civilian infrastructure (water treatment plants, hospitals, schools, etc) that it knocked Libya back into the stone age, and the many regional warlords did the rest. Now Libya is the capital of the African slave trade. Human beings are openly auctioned off in city centers that were so vibrant and full of life just a few years ago. And when it all comes down to it, it WAS Gaddafi’s fault… Just months prior, he had announced the creation of the Libyan Gold Dinar. He created a currency for all of Africa, one with ACTUAL intrinsic value, unlike our dollar. And just as the campaign in Iraq was triggered by Saddam’s announcement to abandon the petrodollar scheme and adopt the Euro as the official currency for Iraqi oil… Well, we know how that always goes. Gaddafi was altruistic, in a true sense… Not in some fake manner, as in a Bill Gates or the Rockefeller Foundation sort of way. He truly wanted to best for people. Search sometime about the “madman’s river” as it was called by our media. It was an incredible feat of engineering, tapping into ancient aquifers underneath the Libya desert to irrigate vast fields of produce. The goal, as Gaddafi had stated, was to feed the entire continent of Africa…to irradicate starvation. The evil that rules this world, it requires, it CREATES instability… And in turn, opportunity to consolidate more and more power over people. If you want to understand why this world is, what it is… You’ve got to forget what you’ve been told. The lies have been pushed into our minds since our skulls were still soft. Reevaluate everything.

    • Haythem September 24, 2019, 12:54 pm

      Thank you so much. i wanted to say something similar but, i just don’t have the gift to writing. thank you.

  • Jerry S. July 15, 2019, 9:27 am

    Socialism is inherently bad because it is left to “humans” to implement it. Humans have frailties that will always corrupt the systems they are involved in, to say the least. The many avarices of man always lead to chaos for societies.

  • Michael Winkler July 15, 2019, 8:16 am

    “Gaddafi supported terrorist organizations around the globe. The Black Panther Party, the Nation of Islam, the Provisional IRA, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Action Directe, the Red Brigades, and many others received extensive financial backing from Gaddafi and his government. ”

    WOW… the SAME organizations backed by Democrats….

  • BR549 July 15, 2019, 6:57 am

    About socialism, I will say this; it isn’t the “socialism” that is bad, it is the fact that it, …….. like so many other forms of ruling over a large populations, so easily succumbs to greed and corruption. Compassionate, citizen oriented socialism “could” exist. but it doesn’t, or at least it doesn’t last. Look at our own system; designed by geniuses and yet we allow idiots to run it. SSDD, so who are we to talk?

    The only difference between the last picture in this article, and the same fate being thrust upon members of our own Congress, is that too many people here still believe that our original organic Constitution is running their lives. When the day comes that they find out otherwise, there will be a LOT of really pissed off people, which is why so many politicians are trying to take guns away and allowing Orwellian legislation to take place.

    All that said, I have to say that Gadaffi was one of the absolute UGLIEST ruling figures to ever sit on a throne. Imagine putting powered door locks, windows, and seats, and A/C on a rusted out Cub Cadet lawn tractor; that’s the image I’m left with. What he did to that poor defenseless Hi Power III was a crime in itself; …… I used to own a Hi Power II before my now ex-wife begged me to get rid of it …………. for the children’s safety, of course. I caved in and then it turned out that she wanted a divorce. DOH! What a surprise. She was, of course, a liberal Democrat, and yet, while I don’t have my beloved Browning anymore, the upside is that I no longer have to worry about her.

  • Link Lackluster July 15, 2019, 4:29 am

    Current punk socialism supporters would benefit from reading this amusing piece. But not reading helpful material is what keeps them ignorant socialists.

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