Emma Gonzalez of March For Our Lives: ‘We don’t want to take guns away, We’re pro-2A’

Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez wants you to know that she’s not after your guns. In fact, if you’re a law-abiding gun owner, the aims of her organization, March for Our Lives, has nothing to do with you.

“We try our very darndest to get out the fact that we don’t want to take away guns and that we are pro second amendment,” Gonzalez told Variety in a recent interview. “We’re not trying to take guns out of society, we’re trying to regulate them.”

“If you’re already a responsible gun owner, then this has nothing to do with you,” Gonzalez continued. “We’re talking about the people that are irresponsible, the people who take advantage of the fact that the system is not very strict.”

She’s lying… Or, she hasn’t read the “How We Save Lives” section of the March For Our Lives website. Because numbers 4 and 5 on the list clearly call for banning firearms and accessories in common use, which would violate the 2A as outlined in the landmark 2008 Heller decision.

Emma Gonzalez of March For Our Lives: ‘We don’t want to take guns away, We’re pro-2A’

I will be honest, I think Gonzalez is a sweet kid.  She’s earnest and charming in a neighborly sorta way. She has a future in politics if she wants one.

But empty-headed rhetoric is no way to begin a career.  When she blithely declares that March For Our Lives is pro-2A when it’s clearly not, she immediately loses all credibility with gun owners.

SEE ALSO: David Hogg Threatens to ‘Destroy’ Smith & Wesson If It Doesn’t Donate $5M to Gun Control Research

If she follows the “Read more here” link on her own website she’d realize that of the nine states that prohibit certain magazines, five have implemented a retroactive (ex post facto) ban on the accessories (It’s actually four — CA, NY, NJ, HI — states and the District of Columbia).  Which means those “responsible owners” that “this has nothing to do with” were actually forced to surrender, destroy or permanently modify their lawfully owned property.  Big Brother did come for their magazines.

Advocating for a “buyback” program with respect to “weapons of war” is also directly calling for the seizure of lawfully owned property.  The government never possessed the rifles (rifles that are not “weapons of war,” by the way, but civilian versions of real weapons of war) it supposedly would “buyback.”  So, calling it a buyback is wrong.  It’s not.  It’s a confiscation scheme. Not understanding this is unacceptable, particularly for someone who claims to be “pro second amendment.”

Am I wasting my time by pointing this out?  Yes.  Emma will never read any of this.  But for the young people who may,  it’s important for them to understand that if you’re going to stand for something, make sure you do your homework and that you know what the heck you’re talking about.  Otherwise, you come across as a wide-eyed idiot.

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  • Glenn61 October 13, 2018, 5:20 am

    DON’T TRUST HER..!,, the shaved head nasty little dike is a gun control fanatic just like the Camera Hog.

  • Martingard October 12, 2018, 3:38 pm

    Maybe David Hogg is really a chick and that’s why they hang out together.

  • Mike Watkins October 12, 2018, 3:32 pm

    DONT argue with them, don’t try to use logic with them, don’t recommend they “educate themselves,” don’t respond in any way except maybe to say, “You are wrong,” without bothering to explain.

    I think it is a waste of breathe to talk to these idiots.

    The ONLY way I give these idiots any attention, is forwarding videos of their most blatant anti-gun statements to any gun owners I know who still aren’t aware of exactly what we are facing. Yes, there are some, usually of the “I certainly don’t need a 30-round mag to get my deer every year,” ilk. (Some of those guys are as beyond hope as the antis!)

  • Mike October 12, 2018, 3:05 pm

    Sure, she’s telling the truth alright. Nobody wants to repeal the 2nd A. Believe that, and I have some beautiful property south of Miami I’ll let you have cheap.
    These liberal self proclaimed experts for the cause have all the answers. They fail to realize that the law abiding citizens aren’t the problem. If we were, don’t you think they’d know it by now?
    So their answer is get rid of them all. Ooops, almost forgot: These celebrities with body guards, politicians, Hollywood actors “whom it is just their job “to get rich on the silver screen using them is ok. The average 2A guy, “what do you need them for” attitude. I know too many people who think that way. Assault rifles, weapons of war, by definition, aren’t used by consumers anyways.
    But , as these young know it all’s become of voting age, and misinformed, that should concern us. We , 2A, are slowly becoming a minority. Eventually they may get their way, by majority rules.
    So , let’s ban all guns right now. Be fair, everyone suffers. No more paint, nail, chalking, staple, blow-dry hair guns. So if all guns are banned, the police won’t need them either? We won’t need a military, less law enforcement officers too. Back to that land offer spoken earlier: buy soon, as prices will be going up…..

  • Phil October 12, 2018, 2:46 pm

    Emma can start by removing the Cuban flag from her right jacket sleeve…

  • Josef October 12, 2018, 12:17 pm

    Emma’s tume will change when her imagination reveals it’s disconnection with reality. “We don’t want to take your guns” is an age-old marketing ploy. Taking our guns is the last step on their flight of stairs, and the only one that will accomplish their objective (which is NOT the end of “gun violence”). Each preceding step will fail to produce the advertised empty promise, so it’s always on to the next one until we’re Australia.

  • Michael Keim October 12, 2018, 11:11 am

    Babbling, ill informed idiots. They would be better served if they studied the lessons of history. Hitler and Stalin; to name just a couple, had the type of “regulation” that they would love. We all know how well that worked out.

  • Kivaari October 12, 2018, 10:40 am

    She doesn’t know the law. She complains that fireworks can’t be bought in a neighboring state and brought to Illinois, yet a person can buy 20 handguns and bring them to Chicago and sell them at twice the price. She doesn’t know that the interstate sale of handguns is unlawful for non-dealers.

  • kane October 12, 2018, 10:27 am

    Bloomberg and the rest of this emerging movement usurped the “March for Life” slogan from the opponents of abortion.

    Emma Gonzales is NOT a supporter of the 2A.

  • Stan d. Upnow October 12, 2018, 10:17 am

    So, the Left latches onto a baby-faced Parkland HS teenager as their anti-gun spokesperson. Initial propaganda screaming for harsh gun control is a blunt failure amongst the intelligent adults. Now what?

    The gun-banners are relentless and well-funded(Bloomberg, Soros, et al), and craftily modify their message to try to “sanitize” their Real agenda – the UK/Australian model(or worse!).
    Notice they have changed the label from “gun control” to “gun safety.” Who isn’t for safety regarding firearms?
    Top that off with a healthy dose of deceptions and outright lies to persuade the naive & ignorant, and we have slick presentation package of “common-sense solutions” that no “reasonable” person can deny.

    Of course, they have their useful idiots to blindly support such measures. But now the effort is to convince “reasonable”
    gun owners that their proposals are limited and innocuous.
    This latest ploy by them brings back the memory of another liar with a hidden agenda: “If you like your healthcare plan, you
    can keep your healthcare plan.”

    Bottom line: Do Not believe them; Do Not trust them; Oppose Anything they propose!

  • DC October 12, 2018, 8:45 am

    Absolutely! Thank you Facebook, Twitter and all the other “Social Media” BS. It’s taught them to be that way that they always have something to say their voice has to be heard. It completely goes against what our good parents taught us to mind our own business and if u don’t have anything good to say don’t say anything. Plus don’t forget that now days everyone wants to be famous even if it’s famous for being nothing more than a whiney ass snowflake

  • Ronnie October 12, 2018, 8:32 am

    You made my day, I have never ever laughed as hard as I did watching this.

    • Stan d. Upnow October 12, 2018, 10:27 am

      Don’t laugh. These people are dead serious about their agenda and won’t quit.
      Instead of being dismissive(easy to do), we all need to pay attention to the very real threat.
      They are trying mightily to install their deluded operators in our govt..
      They already have many Progressive-Socialist Liberals(aka, Democrats) in our federal & state govt.s already.

      Make sure anyone you vote for is pro-2nd A. for Real.
      Lean-on your current reps. through phone calls & letters.
      Be civil; we are not them, and don’t chase elected Congressmen out of restaurants, or scream in their faces.

  • Dr Motown October 12, 2018, 8:15 am

    Hmmm….so now the “assault weapon” is a “semi-automatic assault rifle?” Both are BS

  • Tony Bell October 12, 2018, 8:13 am

    Once again the left has show their preference for emotion over intellect. We have allowed our education system to distort our children’s thinking ability. The “trophy for everyone” and the “safe space” training are coming back to bite us – hard.

  • i October 12, 2018, 8:07 am

    And the check is in the mail, I’ll still respect you in the morning, I’m from the government and I’m here to help, and the pope isn’t Catholic.

  • Jay October 12, 2018, 7:31 am

    All these lesbians, gays and transvestites scream from the mountain tops how they want their rights! They scream about acceptance and tolerance then want your rights! How in the hell is anybody in their right mind going to accept these people when they themselves can not accept who they are, or were as born and DNA, genes, say otherwise!

  • Scott Phillips October 12, 2018, 7:26 am

    Weapons of war? So my AR is safe(never used in a war), but my 1942 Mosin(Great Patriotic War) is at risk?

    • LAMan October 12, 2018, 8:37 pm

      Careful now, if anybody ever lets on to her that the power of your Moisin-Nagant 7.62x54R rifle actually dwarfs the power of the 5.56×45 of an AR-15, her head’s liable to explode.

      “Killing Russian Peasants Since 1891”

  • Darryl October 12, 2018, 6:39 am

    yeah sure you don’t even though that’s all you’ve been talking about since you’ve opened your mouth. you like all the rest have but one goal and that is to TAKE everyones guns away bottom line.

  • G-rat October 12, 2018, 5:56 am

    What I don’t understand is, why would anyone name their son “Emma”?!

  • David Smith October 12, 2018, 5:44 am

    These kids are tools of the radical left. They are also attention whores that are eating up all the media attention. If the anti gun people dropped them , we would most likely hear about them months later for being arrested for something stupid just so they could be in the news.

    • Stan d. Upnow October 12, 2018, 10:33 am

      You hit upon an important point – “…eating up all the media attention.”
      The MSM is nothing but a Leftist tool. That is why they are getting all the press they do.

  • GLC October 12, 2018, 4:56 am

    Don’t let that scripted sweet talk fool you. She is a radical anti-gun socialist who, if given the chance, would repeal the 2nd Amendment.

    • Stan d. Upnow October 12, 2018, 11:01 am

      Yup. Did you notice during the video how she gave the raised, clenched-fist salute? That’s the Communist salute from long ago.

      • LAMan October 12, 2018, 8:58 pm

        You are absolutely correct. International Brigades fighting in the Spanish Civil War 1936-39 are typically pictured with that clenched-fist salute.

  • Jim H October 12, 2018, 4:52 am

    These “children” and I say that because that’s how their minds work, either have no clue what they are doing or they are being purposely deceitful. Personally I think it’s a combo of both.

  • Tim Bunn October 12, 2018, 4:32 am

    What I don\’t like, is that she is very liberal minded when it comes to her rights. She is a self admitted homosexual, and she does not want the government to the legislative control her rights when it comes to her sexual identity, yes she does want the government to control the rights of legal gun owners, people who follow the laws. Most of the violence that occurs from gun use against innocent people, is done so by criminals, and laws will do nothing to stop that. What we need is enforcement of the laws, and when people break these laws they should serve the full time for breaking them. Not be let out for overcrowding, or because of the cost. Also, she says that she wants to make it mandatory to lock up guns. I don\’t have children, and I never come into contact with children, my guns do not stay locked, if somebody breaks into my house I want that gun ready in less than 3 seconds. When I leave my house, whatever guns I don\’t have with me stay in a deadbolted in room. Again, what is regulation going to do to somebody like the person who shot up their School. He was legally allowed to own guns, but no matter how hard you try, some people that are legally able to own guns and have not been convicted of any violent crime or serving prison time will have no reason to be told they can\’t have a gun, but they\’re still a bad person, they just haven\’t committed any crimes yet. You don\’t need to regulate guns anymore what you need to do is have systems in place to treat mental illness. You need to have laws in place, and laws that are enforced that keep people with possible terrorist ties, away from weapons. We don\’t need to have entire parts of cities and have it by Muslims, and run under Sharia law, that also have training grounds for carrying out terrorist attacks on our soil. There are so many things that the Liberals do, that put us all at Jeopardy under the reasoning of protecting our civil liberties. Also, if you\’re going to start complaining about Kickbacks of our politicians, then you need to open that book up real wide. Authors are doing things that are killing our kids by letting these companies run roughshod over the food we put in our bodies and how it\’s grown. Is impossible to buy a vegetable nowadays that hasn\’t been in some way affected by genetics or chemicals that these companies produce. Don\’t worry about guns get down to the source of the problems. Get people off the streets, and keep them from going into prisons. Educate them, don\’t concern yourself with something in the college all the time some people just need to trade. Punish healthy people that don\’t take care of themselves by working.

  • Tim Bunn October 12, 2018, 4:31 am

    What I don’t like, is that she is very liberal minded when it comes to her rights. She is a self admitted homosexual, and she does not want the government to the legislative control her rights when it comes to her sexual identity, yes she does want the government to control the rights of legal gun owners, people who follow the laws. Most of the violence that occurs from gun use against innocent people, is done so by criminals, and laws will do nothing to stop that. What we need is enforcement of the laws, and when people break these laws they should serve the full time for breaking them. Not be let out for overcrowding, or because of the cost. Also, she says that she wants to make it mandatory to lock up guns. I don’t have children, and I never come into contact with children, my guns do not stay locked, if somebody breaks into my house I want that gun ready in less than 3 seconds. When I leave my house, whatever guns I don’t have with me stay in a deadbolted in room. Again, what is regulation going to do to somebody like the person who shot up their School. He was legally allowed to own guns, but no matter how hard you try, some people that are legally able to own guns and have not been convicted of any violent crime or serving prison time will have no reason to be told they can’t have a gun, but they’re still a bad person, they just haven’t committed any crimes yet. You don’t need to regulate guns anymore what you need to do is have systems in place to treat mental illness. You need to have laws in place, and laws that are enforced that keep people with possible terrorist ties, away from weapons. We don’t need to have entire parts of cities and have it by Muslims, and run under Sharia law, that also have training grounds for carrying out terrorist attacks on our soil. There are so many things that the Liberals do, that put us all at Jeopardy under the reasoning of protecting our civil liberties. Also, if you’re going to start complaining about Kickbacks of our politicians, then you need to open that book up real wide. Authors are doing things that are killing our kids by letting these companies run roughshod over the food we put in our bodies and how it’s grown. Is impossible to buy a vegetable nowadays that hasn’t been in some way affected by genetics or chemicals that these companies produce. Don’t worry about guns get down to the source of the problems. Get people off the streets, and keep them from going into prisons. Educate them, don’t concern yourself with something in the college all the time some people just need to trade. Punish healthy people that don’t take care of themselves by working.

  • John R. PylesIII October 10, 2018, 7:22 pm

    Why don’t we just regulate The 1st Amendment so people can’t protest?

  • Mike V October 9, 2018, 9:09 pm

    Don’t forget that obnoxious political hit job on CNN. Remember the things she said to Dana Loesch?

  • Sepp W October 9, 2018, 6:39 pm

    The problem with her logic is any restriction only affects responsible firearms owners and has ZERO effect on criminals or any one prohibited from possessing or obtaining a firearm.

    Instead of championing ways to get the reporting of things that prohibit a person from obtaining or possessing firearm fixed, they go after the firearm itself; an inanimate object incapable of doing anything until a human picks it up.

    If they’re Pro 2A, they have a funny way of showing it.

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