House Passes Pistol Brace Repeal Resolution!

2nd Amendment – R2KBA Current Events S.H. Blannelberry This Week

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The US House of Representatives passed a resolution to repeal President Biden’s pistol brace ban yesterday. In a tight vote, the House, led by Republican representatives, passed the resolution 219-210.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) spearheaded the repeal effort. On Tuesday, he criticized the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) for trying to “make felons out of millions of Americans.” He also accused the Biden administration of attacking Second Amendment rights.

Scalise referenced Biden’s backdoor methods. He suggested these were attempts to criminalize law-abiding gun owners, including military veterans.

“We’ve seen – from the very beginning – [President] Biden wants to take away gun rights of law-abiding citizens. He’s tried it multiple different ways, but coming through the backdoor – trying to retroactively make felons out of people, including military veterans who lost limbs fighting for our freedoms – is shameful, and we’re standing up against that,” he said.

The resolution now faces an uphill battle in the Senate.

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) already voiced his opposition. He called the resolution “awful” and stated it allows people to conceal what he called “an assault weapon.”

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The Biden Administration responded with a vow to veto the resolution, stressing their priority is the safety of the American people.

“This Administration has no higher priority than keeping the American people safe, which is jeopardized with a vote in support of a resolution that makes it easier for mass shooters to obtain these deadly weapons,” the White House said in a statement.

The pistol brace ban, originally enacted as ATF final rule 2021R-08F, amended ATF’s “regulations to clarify when a rifle is designed, made, and intended to be fired from the shoulder.” It affected firearms equipped with stabilizing braces and other attachments.

However, the rule exempts braces designed for individuals with disabilities. Options to comply with the ban included registering it by the deadline per the National Firearms Act, attaching longer barrels, removing the brace and discarding it or permanently altering it, turning in the firearm to the ATF, or destroying the firearm.

The deadline to comply was May 31, 2023. Violators may now face felony charges and the permanent loss of 2A rights as possession of a short-barreled rifle without a tax stamp is prohibited under federal law.

The House’s repeal resolution has now set the stage for a showdown in the Senate. The oral argument for Mock v. Garland, a lawsuit challenging the new rule is also scheduled for June 29th.

Stay tuned for updates.

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  • Daddy June 18, 2023, 6:15 pm

    Time to publicly execute traitors of the American people and the constitution.

  • BE Davis Brown June 16, 2023, 2:47 pm

    The only reason they made such a big todo over allowing a vote on this is that the RINOS and Democrats will be on record as anti 2a so close to their reelection and the fear that they will lose over it. They can’t have their cake and eat it too, If they really believed in what they’re doing is right they shouldn’t have any fear in the consequences from their constituents of their vote as long as they’re fighting on their behalf.

  • Kbc.kurt June 16, 2023, 2:10 pm

    IF the non judicial BATFE , or any G.O. or entity Federal, state or local CREATES its own laws/regulations against the CONSTITUTION, its ARTICLES and/or AMENDMENTS then iTHAT ENTITY should UNILATERALLY APPLY THOSE LAWS/REGULATIONS across that entities scope. MEaning; IF THE B A T F E IMPOSES RESTRICTIONS/INFRINGEMENTS on its Fand E which are CONSTITUTIONAL, they should apply equally those items to the NON-CONSTITUTIONAL A and T. IT would be better to JUST REMOVE THE F and E FROM THE B A T AND ITS NON- PEOPLE VOTED INFRIINGEMENTS.

  • Dave June 16, 2023, 1:40 pm

    Nice feel good. Doubtful it will get through the Senate and without doubt old Crap in My Pants won’t sign it. It’s another one for the Supreme Court.

  • Pete June 16, 2023, 7:55 am

    Once again congress is a day late and a dollar short. The ATF has been nibbling at the edges of its lawful authority for years, taking bigger and bigger chunks of unlawful authority as they observed no one, (congress) pushing back. At the eleventh hour, the House of Representatives held hearings where nothing new was learned, but it did make for cool sound blurbs and photo ops. At the end of these historic hearings, where the Director of the ATF could not/refused to define what an ‘assault rifle” is, the needle had moved exactly zero. After millions of dollars and lost hours of “productive congressional time”, the outcome was to have a vote on HJR 44 which has no chance of passage. But, made for great sound bites and photo ops. It’s pretty clear that Congress has lost its ability, or desire to be a “check” to maintain the balance of power in our system. This isn’t the first instance where they have abandoned their responsibility, look at the IRS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA. These people are derelict in their duty and have been for decades.
    The Democrats and Republicans are playing by two different sets of rules. The Democrats play by the “take no prisoners” rules and the Republicans play by the “let’s not make someone angry” set of rules. If the shoe were on the other foot and an agency was stepping on the feet of one of their important goals there would have been investigations, raids, indictments, and arrests. They don’t care if none of the preceding were to be found to be illegal, they would have achieved their objective. Until this culture of accepting losing and fighting over the legislative crumbs culture is changed America will continue to slide toward tyranny.

    • Nick June 16, 2023, 3:01 pm

      No federal agency other than the IRS has any authority to enforce any laws in the United States outside of DC. All of these other alphabet agencies are pure government overreach.

      • Stan d. Upnow June 16, 2023, 8:42 pm

        Huh??? What are you talking about? You’re totally wrong!

    • Stan d. Upnow June 16, 2023, 8:35 pm

      Why I’m not a Republican.
      Used to say: The Democrats suck. The Republicans only suck less.
      Very few in DC aren’t in the Swamp Clubhouse.

  • Jerry June 16, 2023, 7:16 am

    Chuckie schumer is an idiot. He claims a pistol brace makes it easier to conceal an “assault weapon” (what features define an assault weapon, chuckie?). He must live in a world where removing the brace makes the pistol bigger than leaving it on. Typical democrat logic-always running their mouths with their brains in neutral

    • Stan d. Upnow June 16, 2023, 8:41 pm

      Progressive-Socialist definition of an “assault weapon” for banning purposes—–

      “It has barrel, can be held in the hand(s), and fires bullets, BB’s, pellets, or paint balls.”

      Surprised they didn’t include water pistols. Next, I’m sure.

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