Kalashnikov USA: AK Shotguns Now Shipping to Dealers!

Kalashnikov USA has begun shipping out its AK shotguns to dealers around the country!

The KS-12 and the KS-12T should be hitting the shelves of your local brick and mortar gun shop any day now, if they haven’t already. The company said that these models will be followed by the KR-9 9mm platform by the end of summer.

“We have finally reached the point of being more than satisfied with the remarkable quality and reliability of these products,” said Kalashnikov USA CEO Brian Skinner in a press release obtained by GunsAmerica.

“These firearms are truly worthy of the Kalashnikov name,” he added. “We are extremely proud to introduce these to the market, and are confident of their success in the AK arena.”

Kalashnikov USA: AK Shotguns Now Shipping to Dealers!

The KUSA KS 12 Shotgun.

KUSA had teased us for a couple years about the release of its products.  The delay in the launch of its highly-anticipated lineup was due to an unflinching demand for “only the highest standard of parts and processes” to build the guns.

“I am certain these firearms will be in high demand,” said Bill Silver, VP of sales at KUSA. “Of course, we wanted to ship these guns months ago, but compromising the quality or the brand in order to speed up the time table, was not an option for us. Kalashnikov USA is only going to produce firearms that will perform well beyond any shooter’s expectations.”

Kalashnikov USA: AK Shotguns Now Shipping to Dealers!

The KUSA KS 12-T AK Shotgun.

I guess we’ll have to see if they were worth the wait.  The press release we received did not include specs or pricing.  However, according to information KUSA sent out in 2015, the MSRP on the KS 12 autoloading shotgun was $874.00 and $999.00 for the KS 12 Tactical version.

That info may have changed between then and now so I reached out to KUSA for more information.  I’ll update the article if/when I get the skinny.

KUSA says that the KR-9 9mm platform of firearms will follow in distribution and will include the KUSA 9mm pistol, the KP-9, the KR-9 carbine and the KR-9 SBR short-barreled rifle.

“There will be nothing on the market that will be able to rival these 9mm guns in quality, price, or performance,” said Silver.

  • Dan June 2, 2017, 2:14 pm

    Favorite weapons of the pro-Trump, pro-Russian comrades.

    • Joe June 2, 2017, 11:17 pm

      Dan the Man, You are an @$$ !!, SNOWFLAKE GO AWAY !!.

  • Steve June 2, 2017, 11:19 am

    If you want a shotgun that looks like and has the same action as an AK then the Vepr is already on the market and I picked up a bra d new one for $450. With all the bells and whistles. Rails and attachment
    points. Also came with a holographic red dot sight on it already.

  • vincent smith June 2, 2017, 10:52 am

    too pricey

  • Mood-O June 2, 2017, 8:58 am

    Nice looking shotgun.
    Paying for the name…
    I’ll stick with my $500.00 dollar Saiga

  • alex June 2, 2017, 8:32 am

    900 dollars for a black shotgun pretty high priced!!that’s close to the price of a beautiful ruger or barretta, for an ugly AK shotgun.i’ll wait for the price to go down.

    • Sitter June 2, 2017, 3:36 pm

      What, you just make it up as you go??
      First you say to much $$ then you say its ugly, what is the point of your post??

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