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Kimber Solo DC Carry
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The Kimber brand has been built on single action 1911s. As they’ve expanded into rifles and .380s, the quality has carried through. As such, fans of the brand were stoked about news of a high-end carry pistol: the Kimber Solo. These 9mm guns were supposed to offer something that wasn’t available at the time–Kimber quality in a sturdy 9mm pocket pistol. The guns were supposed to rival the external dimensions of the average .380, shoot with uncompromising accuracy, and be made of aluminum and steel instead of plastic.
And Kimber delivered. But there was a catch–the Solo came with specific instructions about the types of ammunition it was designed to shoot. Many shooters who purchased Solos immediately took to the forums and blasted the company for putting out a gun that wouldn’t shoot any run-of-the-mill 9mm.
Kimber was unapologetic. With the right ammo, they assured everyone, the guns run reliably and perform well. And Kimber was quick to remind users of the Solo’s intended purpose. It is a gun meant for self defense. It is designed to perform perfectly under that scenario–when you would be shooting heavier, hotter ammo (in the 124-147 grain range). Even though the Solo isn’t a range toy, shooters still wanted reliability on the range, when they’d be shooting bulk junk.
I can personally see the logic in both approaches. There are plenty of 9mm options that will shoot anything. Why can’t Kimber develop a pistol that can shoot anything it is fed? Watching from the sidelines, I was more than amused. The Solo was shaping up to be a great topic of conversation. For me, personally, that was enough. Then Kimber sent us this one, their new Solo Carry DC, and I had to take sides. My days of armchair quarterbacking are over, and it is time to weigh in.
- Caliber: 9mm
- Height (inches) 90° to barrel: 3.9
- Weight (ounces) with empty magazine: 17
- Length (inches): 5.5
- Magazine capacity: 6 rounds
- Frame Material: Aluminum
- Finish: Matte Black KimPro II
- Width (inches): 1.14
- Slide Material: Stainless steel
- Finish: Matte Black DLC
- Barrel Length (inches): 2.7
- Material: Stainless steel
- Twist rate (left hand): 10
- Sights: Meprolight Tritium 3-dot night sight, fixed
- Radius (inches): 4.4
- Grips: Checkered Micarta
- Trigger: Double action striker- fired
- Factory setting (approximate pounds): 7
- MSRP: $904.00
Let’s get the basics out of the way before we continue with the philosophical musings. How does the Solo DC stack up as a carry gun? The size is slightly larger than I’d want for pocket carry. As micro .380s continue to shrink, the larger framed guns (like the PPK, and GLOCK 42) seem over-sized. The Solo is small for a 9mm, but won’t disappear in a pants pocket without printing a bit. It is ideally sized for IWB carry, though, and is great in the appendix or small of the back position.

While it doesn’t have a true beavertail, it does have a beavertail-like back end to prevent slide bite.
The gun is slick. There’s nothing on the frame to drag or snag. Even the sights are optimized for a draw from cover. So no complaints there. And the frame is textured in a way that grips skin but not clothing. The lines around the backstrap, for example, act like fingerprints. They’re smooth in one direction, but add extra surface area and aggressive texture when you clamp down on them. I like it better than checkering for a gun meant to be carried like this.
As for the controls…. Kimber is walking a fine line between functionality and compromise. The safety is fine. If you like external safeties on carry pistols, you will like this one. It offers 1911 familiarity, and is ambidextrous. The mag release, though, is a bit too slick for my taste. The only problem I had with the controls was getting the mags to drop free like I would like. Stay with me here–I’m putting forth an opinion, and I’m going to qualify it. The mags drop free. The button drops the mags, like it should. I would prefer there to be a bit more height to the button, so I could push on it harder, and for the actual button to have more texture. In short, I would like for this gun to kick out mags as easily as my full sized pistols do. It doesn’t. That, too, is a compromise. The mags aren’t as heavy. And the small size means big handed people may fumble around with the compact grip and tightly spaced controls. And there is an outside chance that you may have more hand than the solo has grip–which means the mag may pop loose from the grip and wedge into your hand.
I found myself performing mag changes in a more combative style. I’d put my left hand below the grip, push the button, and pull the mag free of the gun. There is a swell at the base of the mag well that allows the magazine’s foot to protrude slightly, which makes ripping these mags free very easy. This is important for reliability. It is also important because of the limited capacity.
The steel mags each hold six rounds. Is that a short coming, or a compromise? I’d say compromise. If you want something small, you don’t get magazine capacity. This is the type of gun that is best carried in the waistband with a spare magazine or two in your front pocket.
So now we’ve arrived at the most important section. With all of the talk about the Solo after its launch, I couldn’t wait to see how it did on the range. And I wasn’t disappointed. We’ve got more than 1,000 rounds through the Solo at this point. How is it running?
You can look at the results in the pictures here and get a good sense of accuracy. The gun shoots straight. The kick from the small-framed-Solo is lighter than most pocket .380s. There is some noticeable muzzle flip. And after four or five magazines of hard hitting 9mm, the web of your hand (and maybe your wrist) will feel the recoil. It isn’t as much fun on the range as some other 9mms on the market, but it is easier on the hands than any of the polymer framed 9s of similar size.
And that’s important. After 1,000 rounds, I feel qualified to make some sweeping pronouncements about the pistol. But I want to back it up a minute and offer this first: you have to train. No matter what gun you choose, you have to train with it. 1,000 rounds is a good start, but it is only a start. You will need a gun that can get you through anything you may face, even a day at the range.
So let’s talk about what the Solo does and doesn’t shoot. We put together an impressive list of brands, types, bullet shapes, grain weights, and powder loads. I’d intended to test all of the potential pitfalls the Solo might encounter. There wasn’t a single brand, grain weight, or bullet shape that the Solo couldn’t digest. It shot everything. We’ve had no significant failures of any sort. Even when I try to simulate a limp-wristed shot, the Solo won’t stovepipe. We had no double feeds, no failures to extract, nothing. We did get one failure to fire with a steel cased Tula round, but a quick half-rack reset the hammer, and the round fired.
So where does that leave me in all of my bar-room musing and armchair quarterbacking? I’m a believer. Steel cased bulk ammo? Check. Hornady Critical Defense (my spring and summer carry preference)? Check. Hornady Critical Duty (like Critical Defense, but hotter–ideal for winter carry when clothing is much thicker)? Check. 115 grain ball. Sub sonic. Light range loads. Everything. And the speeds of the bullets still demand respect. At one session, not pictured, we chronographed some 9mm, and only the 147 grain Federal Hydrashok rounds were consistently below the 900 FPS mark. Most rounds still broke 1,000 FPS.
Two more things to add. During the course of this review, I took the Solo to a family gathering. I’d offered to help a cousin with some basic shooting skills, and it turned into a family event. I watched six different shooters with varying ranges of experience (from active an active L.E.O. to complete novices) work out the Solo with no difficulty whatsoever. The second caveat I’d add is that we’ve yet to clean the gun. The functionality and reliability is beyond reproach, even with a filthy pistol.
Practical Carry?
How practical is the Solo Carry DC? I’m going to call it 90%. This, too, is an opinion based solely on the presence of the external safety. But maybe the 90% judgement is too harsh. I have yet to draw the Solo and forget to disengage the safety. In fact, my thumb sweeps down over that part of the frame as I’m gripping the gun. It is far from a problem.
The rest comes down to balance. The pistol has adequate texture. It has adequate sights. The magazine is adequate. There has to be a better adjective. To say that the component parts of the Solo are adequate is true enough, but the sum of its parts is ideal. If you are looking for a compact pistol, one that delivers extraordinary accuracy from a substantial frame, one that brings 1911 familiarity to a stylish 9mm gun specifically designed for the challenges of concealed carry, then the Solo Carry DC is it. I can’t think of a single competitor that brings all of that to the equation.
Like most of the Kimber guns, the Solo isn’t inexpensive. When most of the compact polymer 9s are coming in at or under $500, the Solo will seem expensive. So it is. With an MSRP of $904, though, it isn’t out of reach. You can get out the door with a gun, a holster, and ammo for under $1k.

It is a striker fired double-action designed to work with minimal lubrication. Note the captured springs on the guide rod.

Carry DC. The DC stands for…? District of Columbia? I wish. Deep Cover is more likely. And if I were going to carry in the District of Columbia, I’d rater have a PDW in 5.56.
I just recently got the solo DC as well, and almost like clock work when I fire four shots the gun Jams..the ejecting shell gets stuck with next round going in. Is it just a aggressive clip? Would love some wisdom on this!
I’ve had two Solos, a stainless and a D.C. Gave my husband the stainless, but I kept the D.C. Love my Solo and would never trade it off. Had a little problem with the first one when went to range, but came home and cleaned it good, after first cleaning. Most people don’t realize there is a spring you have to catch when putting it back together, that prevents the misfires. I had missed catching that spring. I’ve had Kahr, Glock, Ruger, Walther, Smith, you name it, but my Kimber Solo is my prize! Great carry, shooting at range, accurate, and all around perfect! Hate it that they quit making them. But at least I have mine. Oh, and I had a Kimberly Micro. Didn’t like it, so traded it off!
It seems that looking at specs the KAHR PM9, CM9 & even CW9 are superior & cost less !!
Yeah, but this gun appears to have a better quality build, even more than the PM9.
It seems that looking at specs the KAHR PM9, CM9 & even CW9 are superior & cost less !!
All is not always what it seems! IF you use the correct ammo, the Solo runs like a champ. The problem for many people is that they are too cheap to buy the correct ammo for their Solo. With the right (124-147 grain) ammo and some proper range time, this is a far better gun than Kahr can make. There is really no comparison.
My Solo DC gave me fits with malfunctions. I admit during the breaking I tried to use cheap amo, but I doubt that had much influence. Recommended loads worked pretty well flawlessly, so I have carried it. However, I noticed the slide stop just barely caught the slide, and before the year warranty was up I was having failure to lock back on the last round. Good excuse to send it in. Kinder was very helpful, but slow. I was surprised that the gun came back with a new barrel, recoil spring, slide stop and extractor. And they said they testified it with 115gr. FMJ! Sure enough, I haven’t had a FTE since (about 100 rounds including cheap loads). A gun I liked I now love (if it continues to work). I wonder what in that fix solved the jamming problems?
I recently purchased a slightly used Kimber Solo CDP (reportedly had 300 rounds fired through it). I read the mixed reviews on this gun, many of which reported jamming issues, but liked the size and features well enough that I decided I’d take a chance on the gun. I went out and purchased 3 different boxes of high quality ammunition of the type that Kimber recommends for this gun (124 grain or 147 grain–no 115 grain stuff). When the gun arrived, it looked nice and clean, so I took it out to the range to try it out without field stripping it for a thorough inspection. Two of the three boxes of ammo I tried had one or more jams per magazine. The third box had an issue with chambering the first round, but once the first round was in the chamber, no problems after that.
Having a gun jam at least once per magazine is unacceptable, so I took the gun home, field stripped it, thoroughly cleaned it, oiled it per instructions in the manual, bought some more ammo, and took it back to the range. After a proper cleaning and proper lubrication it performed absolutely flawlessly, using 3 or 4 different brands of high quality ammunition, shooting at least 3 full magazines of each brand. I was also pleasantly surprised at its accuracy for a gun with such a short barrel. I’m definitely not an expert shooter, so I wasn’t expecting to be very accurate with this small gun, but I got groupings at 15 yards that were nearly as good as those I’ve gotten with my Springfield EMP4 with a 4″ barrel. Using an NRA 100 yard small bore rifle target, all my shots with the Kimber fell well within the black part of the target. Not bad for a small gun that I haven’t practiced with.
I haven’t had the gun long enough to draw any long-term conclusions, but my initial impression is that this gun is probably going to be picky about ammunition, and also picky about being properly cleaned and oiled, but if you stick to the type of ammo the manufacturer recommends, do a good job of cleaning the gun, and keep it properly lubricated, it seems to be reliable. Deviate from any of those, and you’re likely to experience the jamming issues that so many others have reported. So, thus far, I would tend to blame jamming issues on inadequate maintenance and not on the gun itself.
I agree. My solo likes to stay clean. After about 40 or 50 rounds of the cheap 115 gr American Eagle, it jams at least once per magazine. After a good, thorough cleaning, it shoots the same crap just fine.
But with the correct 124 grain ammo, mine will easily shoot 250 rounds, and likely 500. Avoid the cheap 115 grain crap and find some proper 124 grain ammo when it’s on sale!
I bought an early issue Solo because I loved the size, power, Kimber “quality”. My experience: frequent jams; mag fell out during shooting; stiff spring, very hard to load to 6 round capacity; Sent it back to Kimber 2 times who polished the feeding mechanism and replaced the mag release button. Did not solve the problem. I finally came to the conclusion that I could not trust the gun. Sold it at a gun show….
No way. No way. No way. I call this reviewer a flat out liar. No way he fed a Solo any ammo he wanted. They barely feed the high end stuff. No way they feed low-end, range ammo. Reviewer must be getting some kick back from Kimber.
I had reliability issues with the recommended ammunition. Sent it back to Kimber. They replaced some internal parts and barrel. Now it will shoot absolutely any ammo I feed it, including both 115 gr and 124 gr HANDLOADS. I went from being extremely unhappy to absolutely loving my Solo. I am absolutely telling the honest truth. It shoots anything I feed it.
I bought my first Kimber last year, a new Solo Carry, and it has been totally unreliable with ANY ammo, including Kimber’s recommended choices. I’ve tried over a dozen different factory loads and don’t recall that it ever went through a complete magazine without a jam. I bought a new Kahr CM9 a few months later for almost half the price ($339.99 vs $629.97), and it works 100% with anything I put in it. This first experience really soured me on Kimber, and I don’t think I would ever buy another one.
I read these reviews and wonder what gun are they talking about?
My Solo DC is a jam-a-matic. It does not matter what kind of ammo I put in it, the pistol will not get through a magazine without some sort of issue. And speaking of magazines those factory magazine springs are a BEAR to get 6 rounds loaded into them. I only load 5 rounds because I do not want to risk tearing my fingers apart.
Back to the jamming. I have tried different grips, different magazines, different amounts of ammo in the mags IE: 3 rounds and a pinky extension…nope, the gun just jams.
It could very well be me but my Baretta “Tomcat” (.32 acp) works flawlessly, so who knows.
I could send the gun back to Kimber but at this point I am going to just cut my losses, sell the gun and move on. Many people have had success with the Solo and I say good for them. But as far as I am concerned the Solo is just too finicky a weapon for self-defense. YMMV.
The Kimber name drew me buy the Solo when it first came out. I did buy it for an everyday carry /self defense weapon. After feeding every kind of ammo thru it I have had no success curing the jams. All I can say is that I carry it loaded with a round in the chamber. If the day ever comes that I need to neutralize a threat, I hope the first round does it because I am not sure the second round will feed…….Actively looking at Glock 43 as a replacement…
Anyone looking to buy a slightly used Kimber Solo?
email me the serial number. Might be interested.
I would be interested
Have you tried a Hogue Jr. Handall to keep you from limp-wristing it? I have seen preople limp-wrist them and also have their hand catch the clide… and then wonder why it did not go into battery properly or why they had a FTE. LOL, just LOL! Frankly, I think the answer if for potential buyers to practice first with something small like a Seecamp… and first learn HOW to hold a small semi-auto.
Bought my Solo Stainless (serial begins with 112; don’t know if that indicates 2012 mfg) three years ago to use for pants pocket all-year-round carry, and have found it easy to get used to and forget about in that capacity. Test fired it with 124gr FMJ Fiocchi rounds when I first bought it, and now have qualified with it as a retired Federal officer for three years while carrying 135gr Hydra Shok. Have fired a reasonable variety of 124-147 ammo, both FMJ & HP. Failures: Absolutely zero. No issues. Works every time. Seven rounds of 9mm instantly available, no questions asked. I only use the six round mags, and rotate them about every eight weeks. So far at least, it’s the best all-season carry gun I’ve ever owned.
Idk. Maybe I just got a hold of a good one, but I’ve had mine for two years now and I’ve not had a single problem as most have described. I do feed it Kimber recommended Ammo. I love the size, and I love my 28 round mags. I hope I don’t run into any issues but after about 800 rounds, I don’t believe I should. It just keeps getting better and better. I have never had a FT F or FTE. And I do trust it as an EDC. Just my two cents
I recommend a name change for solo, it should be called the ‘Caveat Emptor’. The Kimber Solo was without a doubt the worst new gun purchase in my 40 years of buying firearms. I had read the reviews but was cocky, there has never been a firearm I coulnt make function. Well, I met my match in the solo, after sending it back 2 times, the grips fell off (google solo grommets came out of frame to recognize this is a common problem) stove pipes, jams, etc. After a factory ammo bill $200 I went to reloading, surly I can find a recipe that would work, nope. Already in hole over 1000 bucks and 6 months of my life I decided to not give up, since the Kimber smiths could not get it running I took it someone I trust, nope. So, I had to put a mark in the defeated category, there is now a firearm that I, nor the manufacture, nor trained gunsmiths can make work. Really I do believe its close to a 50/50 proposition, if you get a good one they seems to work fine, you get a bad one your best bet is to punt. I have to weight in on the ‘manufactured to shoot hot factory stuff only’, do you really think Kimber engineers sat around the table and said “lets make a pistol that will only function with specific ammo” Are you kidding me, I assume what happened is that ammo is the only thing they could get it function with so instead of continuing to work on it until it was ready for market they compromised. Also, their customer service and wait times suck.
You are not alone out there. I am getting ready to sell my Solo DC. I just cannot get it to shoot reliably.
My sister really wanted a Solo CDP and after a long search we located one. I was well aware of issues with the early models and that the gun required a break in period so no surprises there. We got a print out from Kimber describing the how long the break in should last and what ammo was required. Unlike a lot of Solo owners we followed Kimber’s instructions (correct ammo….) and the gun did have a few malfunctions at first. As time went on and the number of shots increased the gun became more and more reliable. Towards the end of the break in period the Solo was shooting like a charm.
Now that it has been broken in it actually shoots everything we feed it without any problems although it will never be carried without the Kimber approved “good stuff”. Yes the “good stuff” is pricey but it’s not a range fun gun so you’re really just investing in making it reliable to begin with and after that you can shoot cheaper ammo if you like during range trips. There are plenty of ammo brands that meet Kimber’s power requirement but don’t cost nearly as much as your carry ammo.
The gun is just plain sweet to shoot, is surprisingly accurate for it’s size and feels absolutely amazing in the hand. That’s actually how my sis first came to know the Solo. We had been going to our local gun stores and attending gun shows picking up and handling every subcompact we came across. The one constant among subcompacts and most compacts is that they are exceptionally uncomfortable to hold, which means they are even more uncomfortable to shoot. We handled more guns than I can remember and once we got to the Solo it was like a whole new world. Unfortunately it was the only one at the show and had just been purchased so we didn’t get to buy one that day. The fantastic ergonomics combined with the accuracy, quality and reliability has made us both believers in this gun. I only wish I had bought a second one for myself that day because I can’t afford one now.
I can’t speak for the folks who had bad experiences. It’s a fact that Kimber released some lemons so there’s that for sure. However, I’ve heard folks complain about how unreliable their Solo was but also say they didn’t follow the instructions for a break in period or shoot the recommended ammunition because “they shouldn’t have to” or other such reasons.
If you want one, they are very nice guns but they are also pricey and require a dedication to preparing them to be carried because they aren’t carry guns out of the box. If you’re the type who likes nice things and doesn’t mind going out of your way to maintain them then you are probably a good fit for the Solo. If you are the type that thinks a gun this expensive should just work out of the box with whatever you feed it then you should probably get a Glock. It’ll shoot out of the box with anything but the experience of shooting the two will be polar opposites. Not a case of good and bad, just opposite.
I just purchased a Solo from a friend. He had purchased the gun for his wife. She shot it half dozen rounds and didn’t like it. He said that she had trouble with it jamming, but said they didn’t shoot through the recommended break in, I bought it for a good price so I took the risk that the gun had issues. After running 50 rounds of 124 gr. American Eagle and 20 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense, I was unable to get through even one mag without a FTE. I called Kimber and got an RMA# ( it’s going back tomorrow). While I had Kimber CS on the line, I ask when the gun was manufactured. It was March of 2014 (Serial # starts with S114****). So if you’re thinking about buying a used one from an individual, beware that Kimber continued to have issue with these pistols for quite a while, but hopefully they finally have it sorted out as the latest reviews seem to be much better.
I don’t believe a word of the’s glowing reviews for the Solo. I own 1 and have shot 1 other. Both were ammo sensitive .
I have spent hundreds on trying to find the right ammo. Remington 124, 147 golden Saber jhp and Hornady 135 defense ammo. These are my carry choices.Federal white box 115 jhp are hot and my range ammo. NOTHING ELSE IS RELIABLE. I don’t know anyone who has a reliable Solo.
GREAT REVIEW!! I owned a 938 as warm weather carry, and loved it…and sold it. I then went to a Shield 40, but couldn’t fully wrap myself around the tupperware gun idea– not diminishing the great gun that the M&P is, and so many other polymer pieces; I am a diehard 1911 fan… And, yes, for all you Glock guys, I do own both of their 10MMs and love them, but my collection is all American steel 🙂 … So now I toy with purchasing another 938 but am intrigued by this SOLO by Kimber. I own an Ultra and fully understand what people mean when they say, “but Kimber is just different” than any other 1911 as they truly are a premier gun manufacturer. I read every review online, as well as call Kimber directly and speak with Kimber dealers locally. I guess I don’t understand why people bash the gun, when the REAL problem at the core is “YOU DIDN’T READ THE DIRECTIONS”. I bought a SOLO DC (which actually stands for Diamond-like Coating) and will pick it up next week… I will keep you updated. Thanks for a great review and wonderful insight from everyone!
UPDATE: I picked up my SOLO DC today, got it home for a pre-range clean, and off to the range for 345 flawless rounds of 147 grain HPs and FMJ. I chose to do as prescribed by the manufacturer and not a hickup. Recoil was as expected for its size, no worse than my MK40 Kahr, and a trigger better than expected. Thanks, again, for the forum and an honest review to start all this!
#2 UPDATE: Back to the range yesterday to try and mix things up and get my SOLO to show me something other than reliable… I had Magtech 147 leads, Hornady 147 carry HPs, and (ready for this one?) Tulaammo 115 steel case cheapies. My SOLO ate up everything; HPs alone, lead 147s alone, 115s alone…. I did assorted arrangements in the magazine to surprise me, to no avail- not ONE hickup. It loved ’em all like a fat kid loves on a piece of cake 🙂 The only wierd quirk I did notice was that the 8-round mags from Kimber fed fine from 8, but when you load an 8-rounder, put one in the pipe and top the mag back off, it will not seat in the frame. OK, 8-rounds it is. Summary: Kimber remains Kimber, the top of the food chain and reliable to the end. Thanks again, and safe shooting!
My husband just bought me a Kimber Solo crimson trace based on it being well reviewed as a concealed carry weapon for women. I was very excited to get it but while looking it over I found that I cannot pull the slide to chamber a round. My 28 year old daughter had the same problem although she finally managed to pull it one time after 5 or 6 attempts. We have not field stripped the gun yet as directed nor have we even put any rounds in the clip yet (haven’t even bought any yet – truly brand new) but I am now wondering if I should even bother. If I can’t pull the slide I can’t use the gun and it is too expensive just to leave it lying around. I would really like to keep and use the gun. Am I doing something wrong? Do you have any suggestions for me?
A basic flaw in all reviews is the lack of a quantitative number or factor for moving the slide to chamber the first round.
I am a 9mm fan, but found that my wife could not use any of my guns. I bought a Glock 42, thinking the .380 might be easier but it was not.
She has a short .38 special, but would like a nice 9mm and have commonality of ammunition.
Rhonda-get a wheelgun. My mom had the same problem; she cannot rack the slide on any semi auto gun.
Stuart- after i bought the Ruger LCP off of my mom (see above), my dad and I bought her an LCR as a replacement/Christmas Present. It comes in 9mm.
Sorry to jump in here late and maybe you know this maybe you don’t. If you wish to own a auto pistol, but are having trouble with the slide. What worked for my wife was to have her hold the side in her weak hand and push the frame forward, with the other. I cannot swear this will work for you but give it a try. At 65 I would have trouble racking a 1911 like John Goodman in the Big Lebowski. Especially if I never had, just a thought.
You might also want to look at a Sig Sauer P232… with this you simply pull-back on the hammer before pulling the slide to take the pressure off the spring. Another option is a Beretta Jetfire (a few different models, like the Bobcat or Tomcat) with the pop-up barrel. This allows you to drop a bullet into the chanber without needing the pull-back the slide. Of the two, I find the P232 likely easier to use in an emergency, but bother are easier semi-autos for people with weak hands. (Full disclosure, I LOVE my P232 but do not own a Beretta Jetfire.)
My slide was very hard to pull back when new also. Eject the mag, then pull slide back (is much easier), while slide is locked back, insert mag, and engage slide release.
Bought the Solo because it felt good in the hand. Took it to the range and fired it using 115 gr. Blazer ammo. Did have multiple FTE’s. My biggest issue was that one of the grips came off in my hand. The pressed in inserts for the grip screws pulled out of the frame. Had to send it to Kimber for a frame replacement. Kimber customer service leaves a lot to be desired. It took almost 6 weeks to get it back and not once did I get any type of communication from Kimber giving me a status update. I had to keep calling them. When I complained I had one guy give me attitude and another told me they are backed up with repairs. So much for quality and customer service. Maybe I should have gotten the Glock.
Love my solo cdp. no issues. trust it completely.
Up date to my comment of a few weeks ago. After 3 times back @ Kmber ,they upgraded my stainless Solo to a CDP-LG Solo @ no charge, imagine my disappointment when I took my “(custom shop) Solo to the range and after 20 rds the safety fell out of the frame .Called Kimber , my Solo CDP-LG is now @ Kimber for the 4 th. time,, Class Action, please keep me in the loop,
Ive always wanted a Kimber, the best American made handgun ever .Bought the Solo w/crimson laser grips in Sept 2014, Cost was over 1,000.00 bucks.A beautiful gun, but I wish I read the reviews before buying this expensive handgun . Pay more & get better , right ? It’s gone back to Kimber now. It failed to cycle on a regular basis , no matter what ammo I used, including what Kimber recommended . What’s confusing is that some of these handguns work without issues using any kind of ammo,and some have failures that I am having. Seems as though Kimber is having quality control issues. I sincerely hope that Kimber can get it’s act together .
I have owned my SolO CDP for two years now and am hesitant to stake my life on it. First, the eight-round extended magazine does not feed reliably. In fact, I leave it unloaded in a drawer; $80 of shear disappointment. Second, I had luck feeding 115 Winchester FMJ, so I thought I would give Blazer a try. My plan was to shoot the 350 round box of brass 115 FMJ bullets for inexpensive practice. Nope! My Solo will not shoot three rounds before it fails to extract. To be fair, the gun does shoot all recommended rounds without pause. The problem is that I cannot afford to shoot enough practice rounds to overcome the eight-round magazine and 115 Blazer failures. At $1 per round, 1,000 rounds would buy me another Solo! Lastly, I have had to replace the batteries four times in the Crimson Trace grips. They are a major disappointment!!! The InSight grips on my BodyGuard are three times as bright, have never had their batteries replaced, and the on/off switch actually works! I have not bothered to replace them a fifth time. Lovely looks, svelt lines, and great weight-to-bang ratio, but I find myself reaching for either a more proven reliable pocket pistol or a commander .45 ACP.
Mine worked fine for the first 500 rounds, then stove pipe after stove pipe. I sent it back to the factory.
They fixed it as well as the magazine that was harder than hell to release. So far no issues. But now I have the trust issue as well. Was going to buy the Sig p224. Maybe next time…
P.s. I did give it to my girl friend for a while but, as far as pulling back the slide, it needs a lot of muscle and she felt she could not safely do it and due to that it is poor pistol for a woman,,,
I wish I had the same opinion ! I have sent my solo back to Kimber twice as of today . First problem FTE first msg and the following three after . Off to Yonkers they said they chsnged the slide spring and adjusted the extractor . It came back and ran find for 200 plus rounds . I felt confident enough to carry it so I went to give it a good cleaning and discovered that one of the grip screws just spun . The insert that the screw goes in is pressed into the frame and it came out of the frame . O well back to Yonkers again and they had to replace the frame ( new serial number ) . Now I have to re- register the gun . It’s sitting at my gun shop as I write this . I Rey love the ergonomics of the solo BUT the kimber CS guys are slow and disconnected from the the gunsmiths that repair the guns . Reminds me of the Who’s on first story . I had to remind the three CS guys that the gun that failed is a Kimber more then once . I own several Kimber 45 ‘s and love them . Bottom line I don’t know if I can trust the solo in a life and death situation . I really would like my money back for that reason . If this new frame solo fails I may attempt a class action lawsuit against Kimber and see how many other Solo owners have had the same opinion as myself . Charlie Dc
My Solo is back @ Kimber for the 3 rd. time, all for the same reason, grip nuts came out of the frame, $ back not an option, CS suggests that instead of a Solo , they want to send me a Micro 380, @ NC (no charge ), If I wanted a 380 Kimber I would have bought one originally . Curious to see how this plays out .
My Solo is back @ Kimber (3 rd. time ) right now . all for the same problem grip nuts keep falling out of the frame. Kimber wants to replace the Solo with a Micro 380. ($ back not an option ) If I wanted a Kimber 380 , I would have purchased one originally … Not sure how this is going to play out …
I to have the Kimber Solo 9mm stainless steel model, the first one out. I have had nothing but problems. From failure to load, failure to eject. Have tried every type and grain of ammo made with no exception. I have a full size Kimber 1911 45, that I love, but let me tell you they are like their made from different companies. Very disappointed with this carry gun that I bought for my wife. No way would I trust this pistol with her life, wonder if the owner of Kimber would.
The Solo is a beautiful gun, and it is remarkable that Kimber could build it at 17 oz for an all metal firearm. That said, I think that there are equal or better products on the market at a better price point–such as the Sig 938 or any one of the all-metal Kahrs (heck, even the polymer guns are reliable as heck and significantly less expensive). Outside of the fact that the Solo never has made it on the California roster–and never will unless the law changes–I would certainly consider owning one–but only if they chopped $200 off the MSRP. And I can believe that there are entirely reliable Solos and ones that just won’t run–I own a Kimber, and it was utterly unreliable until I changed out the recoil spring to a Wolff. (Kimbers supposedly use Wolff springs, but the difference was like night and day between the original spring and the mail- order Wolff).
Interesting review. I just purchased a SOLO, and new I paid much less than a grand for it. I found the solo with CT grips on it under a grand. Anyway I was amazed at how well the gun pointed and shot. I was hitting plates at 7 yards and missed one in 50 rounds. I used +P ammo and hardball and never had one issue. I would like to shoot it some more before I start carrying it and would love to shoot a few hundred rounds through it before I carry it. My one complaint is the mag release is a s stated very rounded and mine seems very hard to press to release the magazine. I will fire a few more mags full and see If it doesn’t loosen up.
I had one of the originals which shot any weight and brand ammo I fed it without problems. I had problems reassembling the slide after cleaning. it would lock open and not release. Kimber was no help. I replaced it with a Diamondback DB9. A lighter more compact pistol which feeds anything and is as accurate as the kimber. A third of the price of Kimber a lighter gun with no problems and 600 rounds through it.
Meanwhile my Sig P938 shoots any 9mm round I put through it.
After following the developments of the Solo and being assured that Kimber had gotten all of bugs fixed, I bought two of them, one for my daughter and one for me. Imagine my chagrin when I went to the range and found neither pistol would function reliably. I used a variety of quality factory 124 gr and 147gr ammunition and I could not get through a full magazine in either pistol without a failure to feed or a failure to eject. I was so angry, I came home and threw both pistols in a drawer and vowed never to buy another Kimber product. You should not have to spend several hundreds of dollars for a pistol that will not function reliably right out of the box. Any other manufacturer would go out of business if their products did not work reliably. What would you do if you bought a dishwasher that wouldn’t clean the dishes or stopped working in the middle of the wash cycle? How would you feel about a hammer that the head falls off every time you swing it at a nail? How about a new car that stalls before you get it out of the driveway? You wouldn’t tolerate that. So why do we tolerate firearms companies whose products don’t work right the first time we take them to range?
Beachhawk, (up at Feb 9, 2015 above) wrote: “You wouldn’t tolerate that. So why do we tolerate firearms companies whose products don’t work right the first time we take them to range?”
Because once you’ve gotten your Kimber ‘settled in,’ it’s worth all the fuss! Was it Aston Martin or the MG that required constant adjusting and babying to make-it-go? The original Harley’s required a LOT of work to keep running, but they were worth the extra work (to those who truly wanted them). Kimber makes a stable of superb weapons, and if the new gun is fussy early on, so be it! For those of us who love Kimbers, having to completely disassemble and completely clean a handgun before its first trip to the range is worth the hassle. Might it shoot just fine without that? Sure, my Micro did great out of the box — and did even better after it’s new-baby-bath!
(p.s., I’m not a fan-boy, I’m a fan-girl… except it’s really that I want a gun I can rely on without thinking about it — and that’s the Kimber — once you’ve made sure of that. (And don’t you make sure of that with ANY gun you’re going to carry?!)
While the earlier Solo’s did possess a few flaws, mine shoots like a charm! Having a 2nd home in South Florida the Kimber fits easily in the cargo pocket of my shorts and does not reqire a holster (although I do carry it in an inside the pant leather holster as well). It is not a pocket gun, but rather a small concealed power house that you can double tap 2 in the chest and 1 in the head. The trigger on my pistol is very crisp and mine has the laser grips that are great for shooting around barriers and obstacles. I have a Khar PM9 with CT Laser sight, but it is a little bet bulkier and heavier. Good pistol……..just not as good as the Kimber. Remember when it comes to concealed carry, fastest one to the party stays alive. Can’t wait until Glock makes thier 42 in a 9mm!!
Another thing to consider, which wasn’t mentioned in the review or other comments here is the maintenance of the pistol as recommended by the user manual. The recommended spring/guide rod assembly replacement interval is after every 1000 rounds to guarantee proper functioning (at ~$38ea). Also from the manual, here is a break in recommendation: “For proper break-in, fire 24 rounds of 124 gr or higher, high-quality factory-fresh premium personal defense ammunition. Clean and lubricate the firearm after every 500 rounds or after each shooting session, whichever is first” so the break-in mentioned in the review is more of a subjective one than a recommended one.
This is for non gun people. I don’t know of any well educated shooter that would spent a grand on a striker fired pistol, unless he was driving a Turbo Porsche and wearing a Rolex President. I know many wealthy people but they don’t flaunt it by buying overpriced designer names.
The Kimber does not shoot well at any price to make it worth triple the amount of a Glock ,Kahr, Or Shield, “none of which are crap guns.
It was problematic when first introduced and still picky with ammo. Not a carry gun I would entertain carrying at any price. I carry a PM9, which is still over 6 hundred dollars new, but runs 6 mags of 6 different types of ammo without one hiccup as a test when first purchased out of the box. I have 7 mags for it including the 7 rounder and it’s dead on accurate from 25 yards back, it will group a 6 inch group down to a 1-2 inch@ 7 yards. Only thing done to it was night sights, and frog lube.
No disrespect to you ,but I learned a while ago not to say that I would never pay that kind of money for a certain thing ,because you may not be there yet, I hope I gained a friend GOD BLESS AMERICA And GOD BLESS you.
Actually, I paid less than a grand for my Solo and LOVE it because it functions properly as designed! I also do drive a Porsche and while I own a few Rolexes, my daily watch is a Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch. All of that said, I took the time to break-in my Solo properly with recommended ammo, and make sure that I clean and assemble it correctly (spring issue for many, I think) when needed. Maybe your problem is that you are not refined enough to understand that machines require proper attention to get them to function as designed?
I felt compelled to add a comment about the older Solo. There is a small spring which holds the slide lock down and if the slide lock isn’t correctly inserted and the spring isn’t engaged it allows the slidelock to “flop” locking the slide back when shooting.
I carry my Jiminez ja-380 in the summer months, it’s fairly accurate and with a little polishing of the feed ramp, the reliability is good. $129.00 out the door!
Had placed an order right after the Solo was announced. Had to wait seven months for delivery. Tested it with the recommended 124gr ammo first and had zero failures. Since, I have run the gun with all weight and non-recommended brands. What do you know, zero failures. Guess u get what you pay for sometimes even when it’s not promised. Insofar as MIMI parts are concerned, to date I have found nothing in the gun magazines or on blogs that stated specific failures of such parts. I would like to see any that may be available.
I could only load five rounds into several different magazines that I tried as well as a change to weaker springs, which would not feed. Granted I am an old fart, but even my gunsmith couldn’t and he has “thunder thumbs.
I wanted to make one more observation and that is that I have little respect for a company that would sell me an expensive product like the Solo and then market a much more expensive gun to replace it. That has convinced me that Kimber is out of touch with reality with regard to real shooters who work hard for their money and rely on their firearm.
I wanted to make one more observation and that is that I have little respest for a company that would sell me an expensive product like the Solo and then market a much more expensive gun to replace it. That has convinced me that Kimber is out of touch with reality with regard to real shooters who work hard for their money and rely on their firearm.
I’ve been lusting after a Solo DC since I first saw it. The local LGS is very negative on the gun even though he has it for sale. Says it jams consistently after 50 rounds, and that Kimber knows it has a “problem”. It is a lot like my PM9 (Black Stainless with night sights), which NEVER fails. But the smoothed lines, and considerably shorter trigger on the Kimber draw my attention. I might just have to take the plunge. Thanks for your input.
I liked your review. I have a Kimber Solo that I almost sold before I ever fired it because all of the failure reviews that I read AFTER I purchased it. The dealer who I bought it from talked me into shooting it. The first time out I only fired 50 rounds of the 147 grain recommended ammo. The Solo worked perfectly! I found a box of 50 rounds of 115 gr. ammo that I had for a previous gun. On the forums a I had read that many people commented that they tried 115 grain and had no failures so I thought I would try them. To my surprise, all 50 rounds fired with no problems whatsoever! Concerning your comment about firing 1000 rounds through it for total testing or whatever, I feel that is a bunch of nonsense. Mine works perfectly with a hundred rounds through it and I am now using it as my carry gun with 147 grain recommended ammo in it. If and when I get to a gun show and see some known brand of 115 grain at a reasonable price, I will buy it and put it through the gun to get more familiarity with it and not for the purpose of testing it. However, there are some cons about the gun that you did not mention. I have to use a butter knife to completely load the magazine because of the strong spring in the mag. That was mentioned numerous times in the forums. Also, it takes several tries before I am able to rack the slide because of the strong springs. I thought about buying the Sig 938 but I do like the solo better because of the melt down edges and the external 1911 style thumb safety which is on the 938 but works better (more positive) on the Solo.
Ok let me explain this in as plain language as I can for you people that keep talking about and focusing on the 1,000 rounds. The author has been doing what’s called a long term test on this pistol with as many different kinds and bullet weights of ammo he could find. The purpose of this is to see how the gun functions over a period of time and to try and make it fail by using all kinds of 9mm and not cleaning it. Does everyone get it now? ITS FOR THE REVIEW AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BREAK IN OR ANYTHING ELSE! Oh, and there were no failures of any kind and the Solo works great!
I bought an early Solo but wound up sending it back to Kimber twice because in recoil, the magazine release button pushed into my hand enough to pop the mag loose. I could only get off a shot or two before the mag popped loose in and stopped the action. I thought it was just me, but I had some others try it and they got the same response. I sent it back to Kimber twice and they sent it back without action telling me that the release was within spec. I suggested filing down the mag release buttons so they wouldn’t protrude so far, or at least rounding off the top because they were flat topped, but they told me any modifications i made would void the warranty. I never had any issues with ammo, but I couldn’t make the pistol work for me, so i sent it back to Kimber and they refunded my money. After reading your review, I wonder if they modified the magazine release buttons. I really liked the pistol, but wish I wouldn’t have purchased an earlier model. By the way, If I remember correctly, the trigger is actually a very nice single action. I have a Shield now, and like it very well. I have shot it a LOT and it hasn’t missed a beat.
I have several friends who own Kimber hand guns. They are very nice weapons. Most of us use Glock and Kel-tecs etc.
Even the ones who own Kimbers will tell you the cost is not justified. Paying $1,000.00 for a for a 9mm cc doesn’t make any sense to me. Shooting both guns, I cant see any difference. They both sling lead down range and hit what they are aimed at.
Shooting 1000 rounds through a cc gun to get use to it, not going to happen.
I don’t think getting used to it is why people shoot a lot of rounds through a gun they are going to carry. I fire several hundred rounds with several different brands, weight of bullet to make sure there is not a single unexplainable hiccup, be it a failure to feed, failure to eject etc.O ne jam with a carry gun is cause for doubting the guns reliability should one ever really need to defend yourself.
I personally chose the Sig P938 over the Solo some time ago. Had the Solo been Single Action Only then I probably would have purchased it. I was fairly happy with my P938 as it came from the factory (it is SAO of course), but then I had the trigger worked on by a gunsmith – and wow! Now it is very easy to shoot accurately, and the trigger is just like my higher-end 1911’s. There is no way I would now switch to a Double Action Only carry gun like the Solo, too long of a trigger pull & too heavy of a pull.
BTW, why does the Solo have a manual safety?
Lastly, I’m surprised that the Solo review didn’t mention that extended mags are available. They make a huge difference on these little subcompact hand guns, by adding an extra round or two, and also by adding to grip size so you can hold the dang thing.
What about the failures of the extended mag with the last 2 rounds being pointed down? Does Kimber have a fix or just don’t buy the extended mag?
I would love to see a comparison to the Sig P938. I am a big fan of both the P238 and the P938. Similar in size to the Solo. Definitely a tack driver and a slightly longer 3″ barrel (P938). I guess if you are not a fan of a condition 1 carry I would lean to the Solo…. otherwise I truly enjoy the Sig.
Buy the Sig p 938. I own both a Solo and the Sig p 938.
My Solo is unreliable, the Sig functions perfect!!!!!
The Solo has a lot of nice features but you just can’t depend on it.
I wish Sig would make a copy of the Solo.
An obvious gun that should be mentioned and compared to here is the Kahr PM-9 (and its less expensive cousin, the CM-9). It is thinner, lighter, has a really nice trigger and is priced lower than the Solo. It is striker fired and does not have a manual safety. It shoots strait and has pretty light recoil. Why do you guys tend to ignore and fail to mention the Kahr brand when it is such an important maker of quality thin carry pistols?
I agree with your comment, and would add the CW9,which has a 3.5″ barrel, a longer grip, and one extra round (7+1), same trigger, and weighs in at 15.9 oz. I performed the recommended 200 round break-in in one session with no fatigue, only a sore where my thumb rested on the slide release. It is very comfortable to shoot with my preferred 124 grain ammo. And cost less than $400.
I’ve carried a Kahr P40 for years, and am comfortable with it. I would say that the profile is very high, and it has a lot of snap. Granted, it’s the .40 version, but it still carries a higher than optimal profile — more like a sig 22x series. It’s light and easy to carry, but is also very sensitive to limp-wristing.
Great review! This gun has been on my radar for a long time. If I can find one I’ll buy it.
Sorry but having to shoot 1,000 rounds out of handgun just to try and make it work is not even desirable considering many manufacturers are now using junk brittle MIM cast parts that are not known for their longevity. Since you did not mention if this gun uses them it is a good bet that it does.
Double action only guns have long pulls which generally means the average person is lucky to hit a silhouette target at a maximum of 7 yards and that is pushing it. True the average gun fight is usually close but not having the ability to shoot out to 25 yards with accuracy is a big drawback. Even the tiny .25 acp handguns in single action models are able to accomplish the 25 yard hit range. The only advantage of the double action only is that with its really long stroke your less likely to touch a round off if you did not intend to.
If Kimber has accomplished more reliability by lightening up the recoil spring then expect more of an early frame failure with the aluminum frame and more rapid wear of its rails due to increase rearward velocity of the slide which is what is making it more reliable with underpowered ammo. This is probably why Kimber originally made the recoil spring so stiff as it would have delayed aluminum frame failure and frame wear.
At least the Solo does not have a flexible junk plasticky frame which are noted for cracking right behind the trigger guard in small concealable plasticky framed guns. Even an aluminum framed gun makes the gun feel more like a traditional firearm rather than a kids cheap ass toy made of junk plastic.
If this gun was both double action and single action and had a manual safety and was free of junk MIM cast parts I would probably buy it.
I don’t understand your comment? It is a double action only gun. Only single action guns can be carried in “condition one.” Also, the double action pull is very much like a good revolver’s pull, not a cheap semi auto’s. It’s very manageable.
Huh? I have an early Solo and despite the warnings about light weight bullets, I have fired everything I can find through it and never had a failure of any kind. And yes, I am well past your 1,000 round test. Regarding the safety, it’s a double action trigger. Who needs it? Personally, I simply don’t use it. If I can manage to “accidentally” manipulate a 6 to 8 pound, double action trigger enough to cause and accidental discharge I really shouldn’t be carrying a gun at all.
As a retired law enforcement officer and academy firearms instructor I highly recommend this little gem. It is quality built, has an excellent trigger and sights and hides away with the best of them without being too small to manipulate properly while having less perceived recoil than the plastic .380s I have fired. What more can you ask for?
I couldn’t agree more. I would qualify that by saying that most of my newer Kimbers; regardless of size, have required fitting of the slide lock to prevent the nose of some ammunition from lifting and engaging the lock. I tried to speak with a tech at Kimber about that issue but to a man, Kimber doesn’t listen.