Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator

Authors Historical Guns Will Dabbs
Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
The grisly beating of Rodney King ultimately precipitated some of the worst rioting in American history.

Early in the morning of March 3, 1991, Rodney Glen King was driving a 1987 Hyundai Excel along the Foothill Freeway in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. He was accompanied by his friends Freddie Helms and Bryant Allen. King and his buddies had killed the previous evening watching basketball and drinking at a friend’s house. At around 1230 in the morning, King passed Tim and Melanie Singer, a husband/wife California Highway Patrol team. The Singers initiated a pursuit, eventually reaching speeds of 117 mph. King refused to pull over.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Rodney King was a convicted criminal whose beating at the hands of overzealous police sparked widespread anarchy.

King later admitted that he knew a DUI charge would violate his parole and send him back to prison. 2.5 years earlier King had robbed a Korean grocery store while armed with an iron bar. He assaulted the store owner and made off with $200 cash. King was eventually apprehended, tried, and convicted. He served one year of a two-year sentence before being released.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Rodney King was desperate to avoid returning to jail.

King departed the freeway and led the cops on a merry chase through residential neighborhoods at high speeds. The pursuit eventually involved multiple police units from different agencies as well as a police helicopter. After some eight miles the officers finally cornered King and stopped his car.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
The arresting officers didn’t realize they were being filmed when they beat King and his buddies.

King’s two companions were removed from the vehicle and arrested albeit with some violence. Freddie Helms was later treated for a laceration to his head. For his part, King purportedly giggled and waved at the orbiting helicopter. The senior LAPD officer onsite took charge and directed the LAPD contingent to swarm King for a takedown.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
The four arresting LAPD officers beat the holy crap out of this guy.

Up until this point the cops were clearly in the right. However, everybody involved was energized. The arresting officers beat King mercilessly and tased him at least once. Medical personnel later documented a right ankle fracture, a crushed facial bone, and sundry contusions and lacerations. King’s Blood Alcohol Content indeed showed him to have been legally intoxicated. His tox screen was also positive for marijuana. Without the knowledge of the police, a local plumbing salesman named George Holliday shot a video of the brutal beating. This footage eventually made it into the media.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Rodney King was beaten right across the street from the movie set on the night this iconic scene was filmed .

The story behind the Holliday footage is simply fascinating. The opening biker bar scene from Terminator 2: Judgment Day was being filmed just across the street from where the cops finally stopped King’s Hyundai. Holliday actually had his video camera set up in hopes of catching a glimpse of Arnold Schwarzenegger. During a subsequent interview he said, “Before the beating, right across the street from where we lived was a biker bar, and they were filming Terminator 2: Judgment Day there. I actually have footage on the original tape of Schwarzenegger getting on the bike and riding off.” Had they not been filming the movie, Holliday would not have had his video camera in position and ready.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Latasha Harlins’ life was a study in urban tragedy.

 Thirteen days later, 15-year-old Latasha Harlins entered Empire Liquor in Los Angeles and put a $1.79 bottle of orange juice in her backpack. Soon Ja Du, a Korean-American woman who owned the establishment along with her husband, confronted her about it. Du claimed that Harlins denied having the juice. Two young witnesses disputed that claim, asserting that Harlins had the money for the juice in her hand and was planning to pay for it.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Latasha’s was an unimaginably broken home life.

Latasha Harlins was the product of some of the most sordid stuff. Her father regularly beat her mother until they eventually separated. When Latasha was nine years old her father’s new girlfriend shot and killed her mother in a dispute outside an LA nightclub. The poor girl was subsequently raised by her maternal grandmother.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Soon Ja Du gunned down Latasha Harlins in cold blood.

Harlins and Du got into a shouting and shoving match, and Du ended up on the floor. As Harlins turned to leave, Du retrieved a revolver from behind the counter and shot the girl once in the back of the head, killing her instantly. Though she was convicted of voluntary manslaughter, Du was only sentenced to five years’ probation, a ten-year suspended prison sentence, 400 hours of community service, and a $500 fine. The sentencing judge stated that the fact that Du had been robbed multiple times before affected her actions and mitigated her culpability. 

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
The initial acquittal of these four police officers precipitated an epic conflagration.

The four police officers who beat Rodney King were subsequently tried and acquitted. Film director John Singleton was in the crowd outside the courthouse when the news was announced and stated, “By having this verdict, what these people done, they lit the fuse to a bomb.” His words were prescient.

The Riots

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
There resulted unfettered chaos.

The synergistic combination of Rodney King’s vicious videotaped beating, the acquittal of the officers involved, and Soon Ja Du’s mild sentence in the killing of Latasha Harlins precipitated a hurricane of violence. Riots began the day after the verdict was announced. Soon much of LA was in flames.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
During the 1992 riots, much of LA burned. Note that these white people are also taking advantage of the opportunity to loot local businesses.

64 people died in the violence, and another 2,383 were injured. 3,600 fires were set and 1,100 buildings were immolated. Fire calls came into dispatchers at a rate of one per minute for a time. First responders were utterly overwhelmed.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
More than 9,000 National Guard troops were deployed.

The government invoked a dusk-to-dawn curfew and mobilized the California National Guard along with Federal Law Enforcement and some active-duty military personnel. The violence continued for six days. Property damage ultimately ran between $800 million and $1 billion.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Soldiers and Marines make lousy cops.

One extraordinary episode demonstrated why military troops should never be used in Law Enforcement roles. When responding to a domestic violence incident a combined force of LAPD officers and US Marines closed on a Compton home. A violent criminal was holding his family hostage inside. Upon their approach, the suspect fired two shotgun rounds through the front door, injuring a police officer. One of the LAPD cops then shouted, “Cover me!”

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
In stressful circumstances training kicks in.

In keeping with their training, the Marines immediately laid down a withering base of fire to cover the cop’s maneuver. In a matter of moments, they had saturated the house with some 200 rounds. Miraculously the inhabitants were unharmed. A bit shocked, I rather suspect, but nonetheless unhurt.

Rooftop Koreans

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
The stage for the 1992 LA riots had been set over years.

In general, Koreans were the local shop owners, while African-Americans were their customers. There was a low-grade antipathy percolating between these two ethnic groups that boiled over after the Harlins incident. As a result, rioters targeted Korean-owned businesses for destruction. Police were so overwhelmed as to be unable to respond to calls for help. Countless established family businesses were burned to the ground.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
The armed Koreans who defended their businesses during the riots were typically either revered or reviled depending upon the particular political bent of the commentators.

The businesses that survived were those that were adequately defended. In a violent, chaotic, lawless world, some Koreans armed themselves, retreated to their rooftops, and prepared to shoot looters. The resulting iconography created a modern legend among responsible armed Americans. The controversy surrounding those people, their actions, and those images roils even today.

The Guns

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Guns were easier to obtain by law-abiding citizens in California back in the 1990s.

I studied all the pictures I could find to see what sorts of weapons these armed Americans were using. In 1991 California gun control laws were not quite so draconian as is the case today. For the most part, these armed Koreans wielded fairly mundane ordnance.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
These guys are packing typical combat handguns of the era.

Standard-capacity combat handguns like Beretta 92’s, Glock 17’s, and sundry Smith and Wesson pistols were in evidence. There were numerous bolt-action hunting rifles along with sporting shotguns of various flavors. I spotted a couple of Mini-14 rifles and an AK. The most intriguing weapon I could find was a Daewoo Precision Industries K2.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
The Daewoo K2 is an under-appreciated service rifle on this side of the pond. A reliable piston-driven design, the K2 only weighs 7.2 pounds empty.

The K2 is currently the standard service rifle of the South Korean military. Development began in 1972 and spanned a variety of prototypes in two different calibers. The definitive 5.56mm version was first fielded in 1985.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
This cheerful-looking guy was rocking a Daewoo K2 during the LA riots.

The resulting weapon reflected the state of the art. A gas piston-driven design based upon the proven Kalashnikov action, the K2 fed from STANAG magazines and featured a 1-in-7.3 inch, 6-groove barrel. GI weapons included safe, semi, 3-round burst, and full auto functions. Small numbers of semiauto variants were briefly imported by Kimber, Stoeger, and B-West in the 1980s. The 1989 import ban via executive order by Bush the First capped the numbers in the country and rendered the gun an instant collector’s item. From what I have seen at least one of these superlative weapons made its way onto the rooftops of these Korean-owned businesses during the LA riots.

The Rest of the Story

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Rodney King’s life met a tragic untimely end. When he died he was in a romantic relationship with one of the jurors from his civil trial.

Rodney King was ultimately awarded a $3.8 million civil judgment and became fairly wealthy as a result. He bought a house for his mother as well as another for himself with the proceeds. Tragically, King never mastered his sobriety. In 2012 he fell into his swimming pool and drowned. He had cocaine, marijuana, PCP, and alcohol in his system at the time. He was 47.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Apparently, the four cops involved just wanted to disappear.

Two of the four cops involved in the beating were eventually convicted of violating King’s civil rights and spent 30 months in federal prison. All four left Law Enforcement. None of them remained in California.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Reginald Denny’s skull was fractured in a total of 91 places. His left eye was pushed into his sinus cavity.

Reginald Denny, a passing white truck driver, was dragged from his vehicle by an angry mob and brutally beaten. One rioter struck him in the back of the head with a cinder block, severely fracturing his skull. After extensive surgery and therapy, Denny eventually regained the capacity to walk. I guess that’s something.


Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Little was safe during the riots. This entire apartment complex was gutted.

Today the uprising is referred to as “Sa-i-gu” within the LA Korean community. This translates as “April 29,” the day the violence began. During those six horrible days, multiple warning shots were fired, but no rioters were injured or killed by the rooftop Koreans. Like all parasitic scavengers, the rioters gravitated toward the areas with the easiest pickings. Businesses bristling with armed Koreans were essentially left alone.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Not all the rioters were black, and not all of the responsible citizens were Korean. This pale-faced guy scored a new sofa.

Modern commentary on the phenomenon of the rooftop Koreans is delightfully biased. Left-wing commentators state that the willingness of these shop owners to arm themselves in defense of their businesses was pure unfettered racism. They further assert that those of us who venerate this behavior are knuckle-dragging neanderthals awash in toxic masculinity and driven by insensate, race-based venom. I must respectfully disagree.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
This looks like a fun girl day at the local mall.

Speaking solely for myself, of course, I don’t care one whit what color the people were who were defending their businesses or burning them down. I tend to judge others based on their civic-mindedness and propensity toward responsible behavior. Regardless of ethnicity, I categorize those who burned down their neighborhoods as the Bad Guys and those who prevented them from doing so as the Good Guys. Failure to appreciate that obvious truth seems fairly incomprehensible to me.

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
Regardless of the hue of their skin, these miscreants are not the heroes in this tragic tale.

There is but a thin veneer of civility that separates human animals from the lesser sort. We never seem to be more than one headline away from violence and carnage. To those who might defend the actions of the rioters, you’re all idiots. Feel free to venerate the criminals if that be your wish, but don’t act surprised when the rest of us find solace in our firearms and sense of community. 

Rodney King, Latasha Harlins, Rooftop Koreans, and the Terminator
The guy busy trashing his neighborhood here is dressed like an off-duty stockbroker. Presuming rioting to be intrinsically racially segregated is itself innately racist.

I don’t minimize the egregious nature of the Rodney King and Latasha Harlin’s tragedies. However, they both had their origins in deep societal brokenness. Until we can repair the basic family structure in these derelict communities nothing will ever get better. Guns, poverty, drugs, and violence are simply symptoms. Dysfunctional families, a dearth of responsible fathers, and a lack of positive role models is the underlying disease. It remains to be seen if anyone has the moral fortitude to stop screaming about the symptoms and conjure an effective cure.

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  • Kenny in Idaho January 13, 2023, 1:44 pm

    Great article, it brought back a LOT of memories. I (unfortunately) was living in Manhattan Beach, CA and working at Universal Studios. They sent us home early the day the verdicts were read, and I drove right through the middle of that shi*-show. Three gas stations were on fire on a single corner! Expecting trouble that day, I had my Ruger pistol on the seat right next to me. While stopped at a light I watched looter come running out of store, 10 feet from me, carrying a TV. He tripped over the trample security bars, fell down and the TV broke into pieces. He got up and ran back in to get another one!! After that, I didn’t stop for the lights, there was madness everywhere. I had borrowed my grandma’s car: a blue and white Mercury Cougar. In my suit-and-tie I must have LOOKED like a cop! It is one day I will never forget! A year later I walked off my high-paying job and went elk hunting in Idaho with my father. Best decision of my life! Thanks for the article!!!

  • S.H. Blannelberry January 11, 2023, 3:27 pm

    We updated our comment section last week with a new WP plug-in. Regular readers can attest to the fact that the format has changed. Not sure what happened to your contribution. Please try reposting.

  • Fredrick January 10, 2023, 12:33 pm

    This article brought back a lot of memories and indept of the stories things you never knew about. I was going to comment at first just how much I enjoyed the article, but as I got closer to the end,I read how the author said he doesn’t minimize the egregious nature of Rodney King and Latasha Harlin’s tragedies, but then goes on to say about their societal brokenness! This is the thing I despise!!! You take the victim and make them part of the problem!!! When in reality it was our racist, bias and corrupt justice system and police officers that failed us. All the policemen had to do is their job, arrest him without beating the hell out of him, it would have never been injustice being filmed or a trail. Now, if the justice system had convicted the policemen, and gave the Korean woman what she rightfully deserve and the policemen also we wouldn’t have even been in that situation, only if they had done what was RIGHT!!! That’s the problem right there when you say, owe this applies to this person,but not this person!!! That’s always been the problem with this country, and you can’t expect a dog to keep getting kicked and oneday not eventually bite, this nation was created because of that(Great Britain kicking). You know we as people tin to lean too far one way or the other instead of the RIGHT WAY that’s how you can tell where a person really stands or what they stand for no matter how much they try to hide it or dress it up YES I’m referring to you Mister Writer of this article!!! When you have the supposedly upholder’s of the law being LAWLESS the resolute of that is LAWLESSNESS!!! I am 100% progun, believe in protecting your property and family and yourself!!! But I’m also intelligent enough to know when people have had enough of injustice you gonna have people make a stand and a statement to let it be known we have had enough and refuse to take anymore of this!!! If it wasn’t for WAR it would be no peace!!! Even JESUS had to turn over a few tables and swing a whip!!!

    • Not racist guy January 14, 2023, 6:45 pm

      Lol. They WERE part of the problem. He had a rap sheet and she was allegedly shoplifting and assaulted and battered a shopkeeper. He simply stated those facts. I don’t really think king deserved that level of a beating but we also did t deserve for him to be driving unsafely at those speeds and drunk. Love how everyone who says something you don’t like is “hiding behind a keyboard “ and racist. I believe you are a part of the racist victim mentally and I have my suspicions that king, herin referred to as the perp, is a relative of yours.
      “Can’t we all just get along?” The Perp

  • Decent guy January 9, 2023, 5:51 pm

    Pretty good observation except do not blame being brought up in the Getto to be the blame for being a riotous racist person. I was brought up poor in the Getto and made something of myself.decent human,not a thief or disrespectful of police or any decent person.

  • Citizen January 9, 2023, 5:32 pm

    King was a huge man who fought police just as Floyd did so many years later. If the suspect is twice your size, you’re probably going to deploy different tactics than you would with a normal sized human. Other than that I make no comment. Just putting things into context.

    • Fredrick January 10, 2023, 2:59 pm

      So he was big and did not attack them, but was attacked because of his size,so this made everything right and justifiable,WOW!!! First of all, your statement tells alot about your character and what you stand for! And I will go so far as to say he was beaten because of his race, big or small!!This all is nothing new under the 🌞 sun!! You as well as them is our society’s problem!!! Trying to use his size to justify the injustice!!! And how would you know if him and George Floyd fought policemen in earlier years, and even if so they weren’t doing the time when King was beaten and Floyd was killed!!! You really need to 🙏 pray!!! As long as it’s people like you our problems will never be solve!!! BE AND STAY HONEST!!!

  • Elmer Fudd January 9, 2023, 3:21 pm

    The “stockbroker” guy is dressed typical retail casual and he is Hispanic. Look at his brown buddy in the background. The guy carrying the couch is Hispanic. We don’t know if the looters getting into that car were white. They appear Hispanic. Look at those arrested laying the ground. They are Black and Hispanic.

    This gets into the same “White Hispanic” junk when poor Trayvon Martin was gunned down by White Hispanic, George Zimmerman in Florida. Hispanics become “White” when it fits the narrative.

    Whites participated, no doubt, but this part of LA was not called home by many White people. How many here drive to Black parts of town to protest with BLM activists? Yeah, me neither.

    • R January 25, 2023, 9:57 am

      Hello, based department?

  • Grumpy Old como January 9, 2023, 2:33 pm

    Will Dabbs should stick to medicine and military topics because his libtarded pandering to those who think Rodney King was the innocent victim of a criminal beating by police is beyond pathetic and stupidly described in his article here. The left-wing media seldom showed the entire video. Those who have seen it know that King NEVER complied with commands to surrender. LAPD protocol at the time called for their officers to continue delivering strikes with the baton until compliance was obtained. That’s why King took a whooping, because he was a big fella who was incredibly dumb in all regards. But LAPD was quick to throw those four cops under the bus and disown them, even though none of them actually violated LAPD policies on the use of force. In fact, any of those cops who might have refused to engage King (that is, to use force until he complied) would have been fired. Rodney King was a career POS; he was a complete scumbag loser regardless of his race. Dabbs needs to avoid writing about topics he obviously knows nothing about, in this case the use of force in law enforcement. Dabbs should signal his virtue elsewhere.

  • JoeBoy January 9, 2023, 1:19 pm

    The problem is really with the monkeys. Just eliminate them. California leadership or lack of is the root cause of the stupidity. Stealing is stealing and I don’t give a rats ass if it’s just a dollar. Today the monkeys are stealing without punishment. If the courts are too full to take on the cases then allow the business owner to defend their property. Put a sign at the entrance committing a crime on this premises WILL get you shot. Don’t involve the police, just have a trash truck available to pick up the scum before they start stinking. Shoot them and leave them at the curb for pickup. Bet that stops the crime.

    • EhhGoat January 9, 2023, 6:18 pm

      So you’d be ok with someone shooting and killing your child over a dollar?

    • Kane January 9, 2023, 9:24 pm

      People from every different ethnic group, religous group or any conceivable catagory will listen to reason. One thing I learned years ago as a young service member, there are people who share the same demographics as me but they are in fact my mortal enemy. Just look at the fake CnC. At the same time there are people who have very little in common with who are still cherished friends that I would give my life to protect if necessary.

      So, I CANNOT sign on to dehumanizing someone or talk about “just eliminate them.” Never noticed “JoeBoy” before and he could be an agent provacatuer (sp?) like Ray Epps but then there are at least 10 people who voted approval for this guy’s post. This tells me alot.

      Way to go you fools, erode the 2A community even further.

    • Fredrick January 10, 2023, 3:11 pm

      Who are you referring to as monkeys? Did some escape from the zoo? One more thing I can tell the talk of a COWARD they will use the biggest badest talk, but will be the first to run, no fight in them what so ever!!! Do er’s just go do it!!! NO TALK!!!

  • Kane January 9, 2023, 12:44 pm

    “The guy busy trashing his neighborhood here is dressed like an off-duty stockbroker. Presuming rioting to be intrinsically racially segregated is itself innately racist.”

    For all I can tell, the guy might be leaving divorce court with a few matters still unsettled. Whatever, let’s pretend that “White Flight” is the real cause of the food deserts and then blame any and all Whites for “gentrification” when people try to rebuild a neighborhood.

    Wanna dig deeper, past the Black and Brown street gangs that destroy US cities? It’s NOT the misdirect called “White Supremecy.” At the core, you will find the CIA, blaming the Common citizen for the crimes the power elite causes.

  • justin case January 9, 2023, 11:43 am

    The author’s rendition of the Rodney King incident and his general vernacular in describing the “beating” is a load of bullshit. Walk a mile in my shoes you piece of crap then tell me how the officers beat poor Rodney so bad. Rodney was human scum and HE put everything into motion that night. Remember, the officers were acquitted by a jury.

    • Will Dabbs January 9, 2023, 4:48 pm

      Gee whiz, brother. Piece of crap? It was a simply fascinating story considering the Terminator tie-in, and I wanted to share it with you guys. I clearly stated that King started all of it and explained that the officers were acquitted. However, have you watched the video? The guy was on the ground on his hands and knees, and they beat the crap out of him. Honestly I’m not taking sides, just trying to present the facts along with an observation that this event sparked a massive riot.

      • Grumpy Old the January 10, 2023, 9:44 am

        When I first saw the video of King’s refusal to comply with arrest, I wondered why a couple of cops didn’t pounce on him and subdue him. That’s what we used to do. Then, through doing actual research, I learned than LAPD policy at that time was for officers to continue delivering blows with their baton until the arrested party complied. WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO, which the left-wing, sensationalist media almost never showed. King never complied. “On his hands and knees” is NOT subdued, nor is is compliant. If you come at me while I’m still up on my hands and knees and I will tear you apart. Have you ever seen an MMA fight? Or freestyle wrestling? A man on his hands and knees is far from helpless. Quit buying into all the media’s whiny bullshit and actually ask questions. Do some research.

        • Fredrick January 10, 2023, 3:21 pm

          King was done helpless!!! And you try to justify the continous beaten because he was on his hands and knees? Your as sorry and cowardly as those cops!!! And you won’t rip nothing, I can tell the talk of a COWARD!!! A REAL MAN KISS ASS ON HIS OWN!!!

        • Fredrick January 10, 2023, 3:41 pm

          You the lying piece of scum I just went back and watched the whole thing and at one time King was on his back and stomach and still getting the HELL BEAT OUT OF HIM!!! YOU JUST WHO YOU ARE A COWARDLY RACIST PIECE OF CRAP WHO TALKS BIG BEHIND A SMARTPHONE KEYBOARD!!! I DON’T LIKE LYERS, ESPECIALLY COWARDLY ONES!!!

          • Hondo January 19, 2023, 11:07 am

            Somewhere a circus is missing their clown, I think I have found him,lol.

      • Been There January 10, 2023, 10:29 am

        No, Will, your article definitely shows your bias against the police. Did YOU see the entire video, not just the short, edited video? The worthless media drove the very narrative you are using in your article. Those officers showed amazing restraint throughout the entire incident and fell back on their training in an attempt to make a lawful arrest. The original jury saw the entire video that I am referring to and that was why they were acquitted. Your comments in the article and your captions of the photos show a gross bias and indicate a lack of research. If you are going to open an old wound make sure you have the facts straight.

  • Louis January 9, 2023, 11:42 am

    These are deeply sad cases, nevertheless you are reporting them quite in the same way every mass media had reported them. To forge what could be called a qualified opinion, a lot more facts are needed. Your last sentences are quite correct though, but I am unfortunately of the opinion that you stirred a pot of filthy “odorous mud” without knowing enough before stirring it. Reporting war heroes feats is one thing, but reporting events that could set streets on fire is another.

  • Billy M January 9, 2023, 11:22 am

    Interesting article. Some parts of the story I did not know. But the author is dead-on with his observation that guns, drugs, poverty, etc. are symptoms of a problem. As with a doctor treating the symptoms of a disease, the patient will never get better until we start treating the problem.

  • W.Wallace January 9, 2023, 10:51 am

    Know very well some cops are “bad”. But King brought all this on himself. And his attitude/actions are still carried out against law enforcement to this day. Criminal and thugs have no respect for authority. Most have had their way since birth. They’re completely out of control…. Animals!!!

    • Fredrick January 12, 2023, 1:24 pm

      I wish that was you getting the hell beat out of you by them, and then come back and comment!!! RACIST!!!!

  • Greg January 9, 2023, 9:44 am

    You forgot to mention how Mr. King assaulted one of the policemen knocking him to the ground before his “beating.”

  • Robert M Copley January 9, 2023, 9:39 am

    Will Dabbs has an excellent discourse on this bit of social history. A social history that, to this day, is driven in the negative by a socially disrupted culture.

    • Grumpy Old como January 9, 2023, 3:49 pm

      Dabas doesn’t know what he’s blathering about, especially when he describes how the LAPD victimized poor little Rodney King because he was driving around drunk and on PCP and led them on an extended high-speed chase. King was a life-long scumbag, drug-using drunk who never complied with orders to surrender. His injuries stemmed from his refusal to submit. He got what he deserved.

      • Fredrick January 10, 2023, 3:26 pm

        You talk big behind that smartphone keyboard!!! I bet you wouldn’t have faced King one on one!!! You can tell the talk of a COWARD,AND YOU DEFINITELY ONE!!!

        • Fredrick January 10, 2023, 11:56 pm


        • Hondo January 19, 2023, 11:10 am

          Who ordered the clown? Go away you self righteous buffoon.

  • El Zorro January 9, 2023, 9:29 am

    Many thanks for sharing your thoughts via this well-written and trenchant column!

  • Gunny January 9, 2023, 5:16 am

    Well Done, Bravo Zulu! The California Militia was called out for this mess. Agencies did not know the state actually had a real life militia. When the legislators found out – well, disarm and de-fund! Gotta love what the police ask the Marines to do. Two different perspectives coming together for an awesome outcome!

  • C. Herrington January 8, 2023, 4:16 pm

    Another well done article. You hit the nail on the head about the underpinnings of these societal dysfunctions but “moral fortitude” seems in short supply in our country as witness our Federal and state governments.

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