While Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda has stalled in the U.S. Congress, the Texas legislature was hard at work this year shoring up the Second Amendment rights of Texas residents.
The legislature passed a constitutional carry provision and a suppressor bill along with five additional pro-gun measures that Gov. Greg Abbott celebrated at a recent bill-signing event at the Alamo.
“Politicians from the federal level to the local level have threatened to take guns from law-abiding citizens — but we will not let that happen in Texas,” said Governor Abbott. “Texas will always be the leader in defending the Second Amendment, which is why we built a barrier around gun rights this session. These seven laws will protect the rights of law-abiding citizens and ensure that Texas remains a bastion of freedom. Thank you to the Texas Legislature for getting these bills to my desk.”
Governor Abbott’s office provided a rundown of the seven bills:
- Senate Bill 19 (Schwertner/Capriglione) prohibits any governmental entity from contracting with any business that discriminates against firearm and ammunition businesses or organizations.
- Senate Bill 20 (Campbell/Hefner) allows guests to store firearms in their hotel rooms.
- Senate Bill 550 (Springer/Spiller) removes the shoulder or belt holster requirements, allowing Texans to carry firearms in whatever kind of holster they choose.
- House Bill 957 (Oliverson/Springer) repeals the criminal offense of possessing, manufacturing, transporting, or repairing a firearm silencer. It also ensures that any firearm suppressor manufactured in Texas, and that remains in Texas, will not be subject to federal law or federal regulation.
- House Bill 1500 (Hefner/Creighton) prevents any government entity from prohibiting the sale or transportation of firearms or ammunition during a declared disaster or emergency.
- House Bill 1927 (Schaefer/Schwertner) authorizes Constitutional Carry in Texas, meaning law-abiding Texans can legally carry a handgun without a license to carry.
- House Bill 2622 (Holland/Hall) makes Texas a Second Amendment Sanctuary State by protecting Texans from new federal gun control regulations.
SEE ALSO: Gun-Rights Groups Celebrate Passage of Constitutional Carry in Texas
Constitutional carry bills had stalled in previous sessions of the Texas legislature, but pro-gun grassroots groups credited this year’s victories to the efforts of Texas residents along with effective leadership from pro-gun groups like Gun Owners of America (GOA).
Tamara Colbert, the co-founder of the conservative action group, Grassroots Gold, praised the “thousands of grassroots [who] walked, called, emailed, and provided testimony” along with GOA Texas state director, Rachel Malone.
“She was unwavering in her pursuit of important Second Amendment legislation that would make history for Texas,” Colbert told GunsAmerica. “Her commitment to education and training for the Second Amendment grassroots was incredible. Rachel provided strategic leadership for GOA members to stay on topic, provide impactful testimony in hearings, and do citizen lobbying with legislators.”
Malone gave credit to the gun owners who lobbied for each bill.
“This is an amazing victory — and it is your victory,” she said on Facebook. “Without you, our dedicated and passionate community of gun owners, we would not have achieved this victory. And so today I honor every ordinary Texan who has worked and sacrificed to repeal the unjust permit requirement for handgun carry in Texas.”
SEE ALSO: Texas Passes Bill to Remove NFA Suppressor Requirements for ‘Made in Texas’ Cans
These bills do not immediately take effect. Texas residents should visit each bill’s web page to check the effective date before acting on any piece of legislation.
Governor Abbott is what a great pro 2nd amendment Governor, and protector of law abiding American citizens Constitutional rights looks and sounds like. You have a great Governor Texas. Now get some laws on the books that have stiff non plea bargain able sentences for criminals who continue to use and possess guns illegally. You know like convicted felons. Remember they can’t harm people when they are in prison.
What a great country Texas is!
My hat is off to Texas and all the politicians involved and protecting our Second Amendment. Even being from the pro second amendment state of Arizona, Texas fills my heart with joy by its recognition of our second amendment in addition to its use of common sense. Great work, Texas!
The suppressor law is a nothing burger. The feds can still prosecute if you are found in possession without a tax stamp.
I wonder about the Con Carry bill–does it apply only to Texans, or can nonresidents open carry also?
You took the words out of my mouth! Even if some poor soul has his day in court and wins, the Feds will have ruined their life. This is a trap, pure and simple.
I have a hard time taking that photo seriously with that crook Dan Patrick so prominently featured. As long as Ken Paxton is around, he’ll still only be the second best crook in the state government, though.
“…You took the words out of my mouth!…”
Surely, there are others here who would gladly replace those words with other things in your mouth instead, tardwad.
The Constitutional Carry bill is for Texas residents only.
From the article: “House Bill 1927 (Schaefer/Schwertner) authorizes Constitutional Carry in Texas, meaning law-abiding Texans can legally carry a handgun without a license to carry.”
I would imagine that the Texas in-state only suppressor law will be challenged by the Gates-Soros-Biden Administration. How the challenge will be carried out is unknown. Texas’ Democrats, being the traitorous and anti-white snakes Democrats are, will side with the Gates Administration.