The emails and social media messages to Hornady’s customer service team haven’t let up in months.
“Where’s all the ammo?”
“Are you still making hunting cartridges?”
“Have you shut down due to COVID?”
“Why are you making T-shirts and not ammunition?”
“Are you hoarding ammunition?
“Are you selling all the ammunition to the government?”
A quick survey of Hornady’s Facebook page reveals of few of these missives. Customers demand to know why they can’t find the ammunition advertised in the posts. One even suggests that Hornady’s marketing team roll up their sleeves and hop on the factory floor.

It was easy to sense the frustration and fatigue in Jason Hornady’s voice when he sat down with GunsAmerica last week. As the vice president of one of the nation’s largest ammunition manufacturers, Hornady has captained the company through the greatest surge in demand in the industry’s history, and he’s fielded hundreds of questions and comments like the ones above.
Hornady and his team have done their best to keep up. They increased production by 30 percent last year, when they usually only grow five or ten percent each year. They ran through their entire inventory 18 times in 2020, when a normal year only sees six inventory turnarounds.
“Anything we make yesterday is shipping today,” he said. “And it’s all categories. Security boxes, ammo, reloading. All of it.”
Insane Demand, and Getting Worse
As anyone who has visited a gun shop in recent months can tell you, ammo companies haven’t been able to keep up with demand. And the problem may be getting worse.
Hornady said that while they were able to secure ammunition components and boxes for much of 2020, they’ve seen a drop in availability in recent weeks.
“Now there’s a shortage in corrugated cardboard nationwide. Explosive certified cardboard is in even shorter supply. We’re starting to see issues with some of the other stuff, primers in particular,” he said.
Their raw material cushion has largely evaporated amidst insane levels of demand prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, social unrest, a presidential election, and an incoming Democratic administration.
To illustrate the demand they’re trying to meet, Hornady told us about a customer who purchased in June an entire case of Hornady ammunition for each caliber he owned. The man told Hornady he owned firearms in 12 different calibers, and he spent $2,700. The man’s wife wasn’t happy, Hornady said.
“Normally, a guy would buy one or two boxes. Instead, they’re buying cases,” Hornady said.
As another example, Hornady told us that two of his son’s teachers at school have asked if they can purchase ammunition from him.
“Part of me wants to send him to school with the ammo just to see what happens… but I’m not sure that’s a great idea,” Hornady joked.
Hornady’s customer and his son’s teachers are far from unique. Long after the toilet paper shortage ended, gun owners have continued to purchase ammunition with the same mindset.
Earlier this month, a local news story made the rounds on social media showing hundreds of people lining up outside a single local gun store to purchase ammunition. There’s no evidence that gun owners are shooting more frequently. The demand is cause primarily by a vicious, panic-induced cycle.
“It goes fast because there’s none out there,” said Utah gun store owner Mark Greer.
Conspiracy Theories and Ammo Production
Conspiracy theories about the government stockpiling ammunition grow largely from a misunderstanding of the ammunition production process, Hornady said. Increasing production isn’t as easy as spinning up another factory, and none of the ammunition companies have been able to keep up. Growing production also requires hiring more employees, and with the unemployment rate at 2.9 percent in Grand Island, Nebraska, they’ve struggled to onboard more factory workers.
It’s important to point out that Hornady has dramatically increased production this year. The company shipped 30 percent more in 2020 than they did in 2019, which, Hornady said, “is a darn solid increase.”
“Most manufacturers are hoping to get a 5-10 percent increase each year. And that’s what we’re doing with our equipment purchases and employee hiring. But now we’re talking about condensing three years of growth into one,” he explained.
It is true that, to a certain extent, Hornady prioritizes the calibers that are in highest demand. They’ve paused some very uncommon calibers like 7mm STW or .222 Remington, but the fact that a gun owner can’t find a certain cartridge doesn’t indicate that gun manufacturers have stopped making it. Hornady is still producing all of the most popular hunting cartridges, along with self-defense ammunition and .22LR.
At the end of the day, Hornady encouraged gun owners to keep in mind that ammo companies are in the business to make money, so stockpiling ammunition doesn’t make any sense.
“Anyone who thinks that ammo companies aren’t trying to make and sell as much as they can, doesn’t understand capitalism,” he said. “We all like money. Nobody wants to ever make less.”
When Will it End?
As to when the shortage will end, Hornady doesn’t see the situation improving in the next 18 months. It may even be two years before gun owners start seeing ammo back on the shelves. His prediction is based on the events of the last year but also on the cyclical nature of previous ammunition shortages.
“Every time something happened like the Brady Bill, Sandy Hook, Barack Obama, Katrina… business goes up huge one year, then 5-10 percent the following year, flat the third year, and it’s that fourth year where everybody’s hung over and there’s more supply than there is demand,” he said.
Any one of the fear-inducing events of 2020 would have been enough to start that cycle. For them all to occur in the same year is unprecedented, and the Biden Administration is less than a week old. If Biden and Harris make good on their campaign promises to crack down on legal gun ownership, Hornady said the cycle could take even longer than two years to work its course.
That doesn’t mean gun owners won’t be able to find any ammunition in the coming years, but they’ll have to be patient.
“It’s shipping all the time. We’re all shipping more all the time,” Hornady said. “The biggest thing is, be patient.”
“The second biggest thing is, if you have a good retailer who will let you put your name on a list, do that. Or do it with one of the reputable online guys. And keep all your brass so somebody can reload it for you,” he recommended.
Bottom line? Hornady and other manufacturers are working as hard as they can to meet today’s unprecedented demand.
“It’s coming, sooner or later. Just start a little earlier and be patient. We’re all making it every day,” Hornady concluded.
Cabela’s and Bass Pro have removed their shelves they have no intentions of ever stocking ammo again. When talking to their employees they lie about selling truckloads of ammo within thirty minutes. But there are no videos of ammo trucks being swarmed by hordes of panicked buyers, nor will there ever be a photo of a box of ammo with a manufacture’s date of 2021!!!
A partial answer to the shortage is for all ammo companies to sell directly to consumers. Retailers are getting ammo from manufacturers and jacking up the prices (example: Cheap as Dirt selling 9mm at $.85 a round). Cut out the middleman, at least for the next 18 months to two years. One can’t say, “well that’s capitalism,” because capitalism requires some equality in the marketplace.
If manufacturers want to keep retailers in the loop, then mandate that their ammo only be marked-up in price a certain percentage.
It is not just ammo… but there is no powder available anywhere.. Why.
LOL! it’s OUR fault, many of you are HOARDING it, we have no one to blame but ourselves, Get over it.
Not to mention the millions of first time guns buyers out there.
It’s not that you can’t get ammo. You can if you get on a waiting list AND pay through the nose for it. Do that and you can get what you want though it may take a few weeks. It’s the freakin’ PRICES that are insane–something Hornady suits didn’t seem to talk about much in the article.
I use center-fire cartridges very sparingly now. With the most basic range ammo now higher than top-of-the-line personal defense rounds were a year ago, I don’t want to be replacing very many of them. Fortunately I have a lot of 22LR on hand from back when they had sale prices on buckets of it, and I practice more with my .22 SA revolvers now. They shoot the “bucket” stuff just fine as long as you clean them frequently. The SA’s also take longer to load and eject so you don’t burn through ammo quite so fast.
I’ve got some ammo for some of my guns but I won’t shoot it now. I’m curious about how smart some of the anti-gunners are. It’s becoming obvious that gun control comes down to ammo and even to a tiny primer. People against private gun ownership might just say, “Keep your gun, I don’t care – as long as it’s empty”!
There is more to it than the supply and demand issue, striking copper miners in Chile [ settled ], military contracts, and the lingering COVID crisis?!?
Makes no sense to even directly effect foreign imports of ammo & reloading goods to the US?
I believe the other possibility is to prevent a national security issue of an potential armed conflict by both or either opposing political factions between patriots and the armed factions [ known as the John Brown Club ] of Antifa and other groups of Anarchists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Socialists that participates as inciters and violent rioters willing to arm themselves for their cause?
Besides the point of having an estimated numbers of violent gangs, extremists groups, and organized criminal syndicates in the USA around 850,000+/- according to FBI data…
I’ve noticed for the past 3 weeks where I live; the gang shootings have subsided as I am not hearing gun shots of every week that is normally heard is because of the ammo shortage?
We all have seen the extreme price gouging of ammo and retailers are taking advantage to profit more and will continue to do so until such time when ammo is again normalized!?!
I don’t believe that ammo manufacturers have raised their prices to retailers, to law enforcement, and to our military? – I have not read any article that stated that and is the reason behind the high price of ammo?
I for one is not going to pay these high prices and those that do are only encouraging it!!!
I went through the last ammo shortage unprepared, so I was in line at the stores when they opened hoping to get a box of 22LR. As soon as it was over and prices went done I started stocking up every time I saw a good price on any of the ammo I shoot wheather I need it or not, now I’m set to ride this shortage out and still go to the range and practice.
you all; did have this trouble in WW2
OR ANY OTHERTIME ? i think this is the new communist government
AND if we dont get our heads out of our ASS,S
I started reloading in 1961. It is interesting what the comments are from those persons wanting to purchase not found ammo. “I think I should start reloading.” It is also interesting how many “new” friends you acquire when they find out I reload. Well, as far as starting to reload, they are quite a bit late. Cost of equipment, dies, and components (lack of) slows that down.
I have enough supplies for several years, even loading for family. But this is because I would purchase components to restock what I was using at that time. So, like the old joke said, “patience Jackass, patience”.
Things will come back (we hope), but with the new administration it may take some time.
Primers, anyone? Also the slow powders are difficult to find, but it can be done.
I just happened to be at the Sportsmans warehouse earlier this week, and they got in primers, and they were bought up quickly (limited purchasing). I even got some.
I like the website, but this article seems really off to me. For instance, it seems written more to panic people into more buying, not reassure them or answer tough questions. And some other questions; why not limit sales to cases, preventing the stockpiling? Isn’t this what stores do with milk or eggs? Also no mention of the increased mark up made by the manufacturers. I’m a capitalist, but in the time of crisis weapons and ammo manufacturers need to be patriots, not capitalists. Same with the retailers. Finally, the article doesn’t address the elephant in the room. Most likely the new administration will attempt to impede sales. Will manufacturers stand strong or cave to the new world order? Looks like they’ve already started to cave…
Though we would all rather buy Made in USA only, where is all the IMPORT ammo and reloading supplies? Other countries may have to deal with Biden/Harris insanity in macro terms but ammo (and its components) IS made in many other countries. They can’t all use American primers, brass, etc. Where is it? You would think Brazil and a number of European and Eastern European countries would want to cash in on the demand. Are they being blocked from importing?
Ammo, the New T.P.!
It takes time to spin up production. Especially for something like ammo, where you need the highest quality control for reliability.
I would prefer they do it right than have a cartridge leave a bullet halfway down the barrel when I need to defend myself.
There may or may not be truth to the ammo makers manipulating production a while back and now are playing catch up, but one this is for sure, the hoarding buyer is the real problem, and online or real stores not limiting per unit sales to customers does not help the issue. I’m on the board of a gun club, and our shooters are not out there like they used to be, spending a day testing hand loads that vary by 1 grain, or others burning through a box of X39 in their AK’s, or 223 in their AR’s. They also seem reluctant to shoot their .22’s out of fear of not being able to replenish their supply. Even the trap and skeet fellers are not shooting all day, as reloading supplies are almost non-existent and ready made stuff is hard to get too. With the fear of the pending regimes hatred of firearms and things like ammo tax, gun tax, extra insurance, who knows where this will go. Only hope is to take the Congress back in 2022.
Two points that have been missed thus far: legality and trust. Unless you have a FFL, you can’t legally load ammo and sell/barter for a friend or anyone else. Regardless of reasons provided, no one trusts what is explained as the cause. We don’t trust the government, we don’t trust the manufactures, and we don’t trust authors of the articles. I enjoy shooting and hunting. I have friends who shoot far more than I do/did and I shoot far more than than others. I also teach others. Usually mindful about the number of rounds a student should bring to practice, now we shoot more 22’s due to availability. Encourage dry firing (except 22’s) for practice/training as people should anyway. Encourage making shots count, also as should be done anyway. Some folks plan ahead & others don’t. Only once did I buy premium ammo at non-sale price due to special hunt coming. Generally buy premium products when on sale looking at future events. (That includes defensive ammo.) Expect that will continue, but will see.
By some reports, there are over 400M firearms in private hands in the USA. So if every gun owner bought a box of 50 rounds of ammo for each of their guns, that would equal 20B rounds!
The shortage in ammo should not be a mystery to anyone. Estimates for first time gun buyers in 2020 are in the neighborhood of 7 million. Each of these new gun owners of course purchased ammunition to feed their new purchase. All of these purchases drove demand and all gun owners see shortages at their favorite retailer and/or online. When they see shortages they begin to purchase more when they find it. Doesn’t take long before panic buying takes over, shortages hit and prices sky rocket.
As far as manufacturers go they are putting out ammo. Take a quick look at online gun auction sites and you will find all the ammo you want. Of course your going to have to pay outrages prices because people have gone crazy with panic and are bidding far more than the reasonable price. With the Socialists now running the federal government I doubt we will see a plentiful supply of ammo at reasonable prices for years.
You can forget brick & mortar stores they NEVER have or can get ammo. And IF you are lucky enough to find an online merchant you can expect to pay 3 to 5 times the regular price. I still think a lot of the ammo is going to the gov’t. Remember when the DHS was issued a blank check to buy any and ALL the ammo? This jacking the price is pure BULL SHIT! It’s bad enough when they JACK prices AND LIMIT quantities also. And the question remains…….where the hell is the ammo going? And who decides who gets what and when? Gas shortage, toilet paper shortage, ammo shortage, gun shortage. Everything was fine when Trump was in the White House. Now with this new ass hole and his ass hole mate in charge of the country every thing has gone to crap! And it will remain that way until this nation returns to it’s good senses!
Actually this all started with Trump in the White House! I manage a brick and mortar gun shop, Lately we haven’t had 9mm ammunition to sell to customers unless they buy a gun. We have been getting ammunition consistently but not in case quantities, but a few boxes here and a few there. This supply we hold to sell with guns. We are getting a huge order (for us) this next week, 40 cases of 9mm, 40 of 5.56, lots or other calibers. At that time we will sell it on the shelves, not sure if we will limit how much you can buy. Probably not! But firearm sales have slowed since Biden was inaugurated. I was surprised by this for sure.
Excellent comment
Sorry , I hear the manufacturers crying they’re doing all they can do ,,, and they’ve ramped up 30% , and I’m sure they have !!! BUT , in times like these , why are they coming out with all these new “super calibers”,,, that really aren’t enough better than what we’ve already got !!! Example ,,, is a 6.5 creadmore or any of the new super 6.5’s really got any “great” advantages over a 260 rem. (That nobody liked) when it came out ,,, or a 100yr.old 6.6×55 in a new “strong” action with a quick twist barrel ??? Or if you want a real 6.5 ,, buy a new .264 win. !!! Why have 6 new “empty” spaces on dealers shelves !!! I get the idea of “supply & demand” but the idea they can’t keep up with demand is the problem any “business” loves to have !! I know everybody’s costs are going up ,,, but not 2-300% !! Somebody’s gouging us ,, and I don’t like it , nor will I forget when it’s all over !!! There ,, I’m done ranting !!! We’re all in this together !!!
I think we are all missing when this happened…
Remember when Walmart stopped selling ammo? The MFG’s lost their largest customer. They then cut back production on everything. Laid off employees etc. etc. Losing their largest retail customer hit them hard and they reacted. Then Covid and they shut down even more production. As we all know, “if you pass it up you can’t make it up”. Now they will not increase production sufficiently because of the profits they are making. They say they do but what is 30% really? Not even two extra production hours a day. Don’t buy their excuses and bull. If they really wanted to make ammo there would be plenty. Remember they lost their largest retail customer. Where did all of this ammo go?
Yet this doesn’t make sense. Covid hits and they lay off employees, even though the article states that “scares such as a pandemic or Sandy Hook drive up demand”. So which is it? Obviously this VP knows his market, and should have seen demand blowing up 18 months ago, and reacted accordingly.
It can’t be factual. Manufacturers are claiming they are making more. Retailers are limiting the number of boxes. So more people should be purchasing small amounts.
Ask the retailers if they are seeing a 30% increase in ammo they are getting. NOT!
You got it exactly right Charlie. All you have to do is start asking the workers in the gun department about whether or not they’re getting the same shipments that they got before the pandemic. They will inevitably tell you they are getting much smaller and less frequent shipments.
Moderators on this site?? Hmmm…
One has to wonder how much is being gobbled up Soros and his NWO goons.
There were millions of new gun owners this past year or so, sparked by communist terrorists known as Biden voters burning and looting Democrat cities while the police often did nothing.
If each of those new guys, said to be about 7 million bought 100 rounds for their first firearm that alone is an increase in demand of 700 MILLLION rounds. My best guess is 700 million mostly 9mm, 5.56, and 7.62×39. If they bought 1,000 that’s a 7 BILLION increase and that is only from these new gun owners. I know one new guy who got a couple of thousand 5.56 for an AR-15 and then got a Moisin Nagant and 500 7.62x54R for it.
Very possible
A little math for those who doubt panic buying causes ammo shortages…
Lets say a given manufacturer can, in one day, produce 1,000,000 rounds of 22 long rifle ammo destined for 500 round bulk packs. This means 2,000 of those packs can ship at the end of the day. There were, as of January 2020, more than 4,700 Walmarts in the nation. This means, at most per day, a single walmart will get less than 1/2 a box of 500 rounds.
The real problem is a sense of scale. Some folks will always try to take on more than they need. I have a friend who has stockpiled more 5.56, 9mm, and .22lr than he and 6 other people could shoot in their lifetimes if they burned a thousand rounds a month each. He can’t even move the stacks in front to check the condition of the stacks in back. He was not hurt by the purchase, but his greed has caused many others to feel the pinch. I know he will buy ammo by the pallet if possible. He bought a pallet of .40 cal and never shoots that gauge of ammo. He is not the only one like that in my area…now multiply him by the nunber of cities and small, 10 people with this mental problem will keep the nation short on ammo for years.
Not Sure, good post.
Everyone who claims the supply is being “manipulated”, please come out with some proof. Ammo companies have hundreds of employees, most shooters themselves. If there were some skullduggery a whistleblower would have tipped off the public by now.
No doubt you are right. So why no mention in the article? It ignores the obvious.
I agree with others and suspect more BS is at work. I understand Supply & Demand but this is being manipulated to some degree. In the article with Hornady there was no discussion of the increased profit margins during the shortage especially when production increased 30% in 2020. Now downstream suppliers are likely also raising prices but like it was mentioned in the article, they all like to make money. This sounds more like a DemoRat situation to “never let a crisis go to waste”.
Excellent comment. I agree.
There’s one question they refuse to answer. These manufacturers claim to be producing ammunition at max capacity+. So where’s it going??? Who’s getting it??? Literally everyone–from retailers down to individuals–is reporting an inability to obtain any ammunition of certain calibers. If they’re producing it in greater quantities than they ever have, they need to answer the question of where it’s going because it’s not making it to anyone in the public domain. The fact that they refuse to address this basic question is beyond troubling.
There is a bigger issue missed here. When the US$ crumbles we will be thrown back into the ‘BARTER’ system. Ammo has $value – ammo can protect or kill game, AND ammo can be ‘traded’ for other tangible goods like food/gasoline/services/etc. Having extra ammo is kin to having ‘silver’ ingots in your pocket with nearly as long shelf life.
Ammo is a poor mans investment tool. Remember, always SAVE your brass it still has trading value!!!
If you’re not stocked up already, then you’re fucked. Don’t hold your breath waiting.
Let’s say the the ammo manufacturers have not cut production, and have actually maintained or possibly even slightly increased production. If that’s so, then where is the ammo going? Since it is not being offered by either brick & mortar or internet retailers, my best guess is one of those gigantic, secret “Raiders of the Lost Ark” government warehouses. Not a joke!
If that’s a bad guess, then will manufacturers please reveal production numbers and destinations (also with numbers) for the ammo they’re producing.
Need to also see which calibers they’re producing….if it’s 5.56 and .308, and not much of anything else, then we need to see those destination numbers
Great comment!
I don’t do new stuff and the stuff I need are not the kinds of things that would be expected to be impacted severely. I need .300 Savage, .348 wcf, 444 Marlin and 30-30 caliber cartridges and components.
.38 special and .357 are my go-to handgun cartridges.
I can understand the noobs getting 9MM, .380 and .40 S&W but I can’t see them buying all the powder, primers, etc.
Something doesn’t add up
I think that the ammo manufacturers are using their own primers to make the ammo that they are able to. Most brand name ammo manufacturing using a proprietary mix/blend of powders. Normally not what we handloaders use.
Powder and bullets can still be found from what I’m seeing.
Yeah… but you’re not the only reloader. And some of them may be ordering pallets of the shit
I like that Hornady didn’t make some bs claims like some other manufacturers have. It’s a fear generated shortage. Remember in 2009? Alot of us learned from that shortage. Unfortunately, people are whipped into a frenzy, and now there are lines to get in to retailers before they open.
Production has increased 30% & price has increased 300% -It’s all about the $$$$
Industry could probably step in and start making ammo but in a couple years when supply catches demand then these start ups will be left with a product they cannot sell for what they need to make a profit. Not a smart way to invest money. Those of us that have been through several of these panics saw it coming and prepared long ago. New shooters and others will need to learn the lesson this time. Be assured the next panic is coming just a question of when.
“Save your brass for reloading”
Kind of hard to do without primers.
I heard that!!! I was planning on getting a newbie down for some shooting but didn’t want to have him replace the ammo he used (at these prices it isn’t right) so i was working a deal for reloading components but after friday’s trip I guess that is out the window……..
I for one just wish to thank Hornady and the rest of the Ammunition manufacturers for all they are doing. It’s the fault of people buying what they don’t really need immediately. I very much need 300 blackout ammunition as I have new firearms in this caliber. I’m willing to wait it out as I will not pay what sellers are demanding.
I call bullsh*t. I’m sorry, but I just don’t believe it.
Why does Hornady need a Marketing Department when they can sell all that they can make and then some?
A bit shortsighted, no? All businesses, if they want to stay in business, need a marketing department. Although it may not seem like it, this is temporary. Even if it lasts 2 years or more, when a company is in business for over 50 years, it’s temporary. If they can survive! They will.
All companies need a marketing department. If they want to stay in business.
I know the demand has gone through the roof; but there isn’t ANY ammo getting to the stores out here…
I buy at a reputable on-line distributor… I have email alerts set up whenever they get any of 11 different calibers in stock… Note – that doesn’t mean it won’t be gone by the time I log-in… It’s just a notification that they got some…
In 9 months – zip – Not a single email notification…
Something strange is goin’ on, and it IS NOT just demand… You would see product move if it were demand…
Sir I worked at Scheels all Sports all during 2020 and I can tell you it does show up and it goes as fast as it comes even when people are limited to 2 boxes per caliber. We would get in a pallet of 9mm which is about 100,000 rounds and it would be gone in a matter of hours. It is purely panic buying. I have been in the gun industry for close to 10 years and have seen it over and over again. People need to calm down and be patient. It will come back.
Are you saying there is no real basis for the panic? Seems an awful lot of buyers disagree wit you.
You should broaden your search then. I get emails and texts from a number of online ammo vendors when stock shows up, and have snapped up boxes here and there. Not as much as I’d like, but enough to keep me topped off. Stay away from Cheaper than Dirt however, they are the biggest price gougers out there. Charging more than anyone else, nothing “Cheaper” about them.
I’ve had a case of range ammo on backorder since July 2020, and every time it gets close to the ship date, it gets moved out another 2-3 months. It just got bumped from 1/25 to 4/25. But I’ll leave it on backorder because my cost was $237 and the current cost is $680 (and no longer available for backorder). I’ll hold out and get it one day, hopefully.
Good luck finding reloading components! I would grin a bit as I walked by the ammo section looking at all those people waiting for a box of ammo to be put out……..well I was none to happy to see that in the reloading area last week!!!
And then WHY? would a company sell hard to obtain components (primers) until they’re caught up on producing their most profitable and in demand products?…They are a Business.
I agree with you 100% They should and will get priority since they are dealing in such large amts!!!
More companies need to get in the game. Pistol ammo can be made with plastic cases and zinc alloy bullets. (Maybe not the best quality, but good enough in an ammo crisis.) Focus only on the most in demand – 5.56, 9mm, 40 S&W, 45 ACP, 38 Spl., 380, and .22LR. American industry can move fast when it wants to. Look at our recent experience with ventilators and Covid Vaccine. Its doable for ammo.
Brilliant!….Shut down production while you retool and reconfigure your facility for new packaging…..YOU have no concept of high efficiency, mass production.
And, he is willing to sacrifice quality. For what? Why do you not want quality? Good enough for an ammo crisis?? What, you don’t care if you hit what you’re aiming at? Just throw rocks then! What a doofus!
I didn’t see where he said “shut down production”. He seems to be saying “add more companies that build plastic casings”. If people don’t want them even for target practice, don’t buy them! I’d welcome them, and would save my brass for more important shooting.
Is it really “target practice” if the ammo you are using is inaccurate? It sounds more like burning up resources while weapons handling.
Plastic cases?…… oh gawwwwd