Virginia Governor’s Gun Control Plan Would Prohibit Firearms Capable of Accepting 10-Round Mags

Virginia Governor's Gun Control Plan Would Prohibit Firearms Capable of Accepting 10-Round Mags

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam would like to ban “assault firearms,” which are to be defined under the new proposal as any firearm “equipped with a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition.” (Photo: Northam/Facebook)

Gov. Ralph Northam (D) of Virginia has announced his support last week for what he calls a “comprehensive package” of gun safety legislation. Among the proposals (see full list below), limiting the number of firearms that can be purchased to one per month, and prohibiting the sale, purchase, possession, and transport of any firearm with a magazine that holds more than ten rounds of ammunition.

“We lose too many Virginians each year to senseless gun violence, and it is time we take meaningful steps to protect the health and safety of our citizens,” said Northam in a press release obtained by GunsAmerica. “I look forward to opening a dialogue with the General Assembly on this legislative package of reasonable gun violence reforms, which appropriately balances Second Amendment Rights with public safety.”

Gun rights advocates are concerned. Most of the firearms owned by the residents of Virginia would become illegal under the proposed legislation since they are equipped with a magazine that holds more than ten rounds. There is no grandfather provision for allowing current gun owners to keep their firearms. So presumably, if the proposed legislation were to become law, current gun owners would have to surrender their firearms or else face prosecution.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the firearms industry trade association, is troubled by the potential scope of the proposed legislation. The group is worried that the proposed legislation would put most firearms for sale in Virginia beyond the reach of law-abiding citizens.

“The legislative proposals being discussed would put most firearms beyond the reach of law-abiding Virginians who choose the firearms of their choice to protect themselves, hunt, and practice recreational target shooting,” Lawrence G. Keane, the NSSF’s general counsel told The Washington Free Beacon. “That could potentially impact the availability of tens of millions of firearms.”

Gov. Northam’s Plan to Combat Gun Violence and Improve Safety in the Commonwealth

  • Require universal background checks;
  • Establish an Extreme Risk Protective Order;
  • Reinstate Virginia’s One Handgun a Month law;
  • Prohibit individuals subject to final protective orders from possessing firearms;
  • Ban assault firearms; Prevent children from accessing firearms;
  • Require individuals to report lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement.

The Republican leadership in Virginia’s legislature intends to oppose Gov. Northam’s gun control package.

In a recent statement on Twitter, Kirk Cox, the Republican speaker of Virginia’s House of Delegates said, “The @vahousegop will steadfastly fight to defend the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens from far-left gun control proposals this session.” In addition to the Republican leadership, the National Rifle Association and Virginia Citizens Defense League stated that they would fight the proposed gun ban and gun confiscation legislation.

The type of legislation proposed by Gov. Northam has proven ineffective in the past for controlling gun violence. For example, the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, which imposed a ten-year ban on certain so-called “assault weapons,” ultimately showed no appreciable reduction in crime.

Guns don’t commit crimes. People commit crimes. Passing laws that limit law-abiding citizens from possessing the firearms they choose for their own protection does nothing but tip the scales in favor of criminals because criminals will not follow gun-control laws. Politicians need to spend less time trying to keep firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens and more time passing laws to punish those individuals who choose to commit crimes with firearms.

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  • will January 24, 2020, 12:53 pm

    Welcome to California boys. We have a gun roster (limits types of pistols you can purchase) Sport rifle ban (in original form) Ammo limits and method of purchase. Just to name a few.
    You get what you vote in.

  • Stan d. Upnow March 28, 2019, 12:40 am

    You do realize that “crime prevention” is just a smokescreen to enact the Progressive-Socialists’ plan for the “Final Solution” to gun ownership in America, right?

    • Quis Custodiet December 14, 2019, 3:04 pm

      Of course. They and we both know these are completely ineffective, disingenuous half-measures only meant to move the ball closer to the goal line. When these infringements prove useless, the next phase kicks in. The only ones who believe this absurdity are the naive USEFUL IDIOTS WHO VOTE FOR AMERICA-HATING DemocRats.

  • Sheldon Padawer January 25, 2019, 11:09 am

    Being unwilling to make good laws is not excuse for making bad ones. The vast majority of violent crime is instigated by criminals who have Democratic Party affiliation or cited preference.

    The elitist basis of Democratic Party leadership seems to be justified by the continuing effort to allow crime to be a mitigating factor in the “income equalization” effort.

  • DaveGinOly January 21, 2019, 4:06 pm

    “I look forward to opening a dialogue with the General Assembly on this legislative package of reasonable gun violence reforms, which appropriately balances Second Amendment Rights with public safety.”

    This statement relies on an unstated major premise, and a false one at that.

    The premise is that the exercise of Second Amendment rights presents a hazard to the community. This is pernicious nonsense. The exercise of NO RIGHT creates a hazard to the community. Exercising the right to arms harms no innocent people. “Public safety” is concerned with protecting the public from criminal acts. Criminal acts are those acts that intentionally harm innocent people. The exercise of a right does not do this. There is a bright, sharp and distinct line between the exercise of a right and a criminal act. An action is either one or the other, it cannot be both. When a gun owner intentionally harms an innocent person, he is not “abusing his Second Amendment right,” he is committing a crime.

    There is an apparent gray area in some self-defense shooting cases. I say “apparent” because in those cases a jury makes a decision one way or the other. The jury determines if the action was lawful, and acquits, or a crime, and convicts. Prosecutors do not charge people with “abusing their rights,” they charge them with “committing a crime.” (There is also “criminal negligence,” in which a person unintentionally harms another with a degree of negligence that it is considered a criminal act. It is apparent that none of the Virginia governor’s proposed legislation is responsive to such incidents – magazine capacity and the number of guns one might purchase in a month obviously have nothing to do with a single negligent discharge of the type that usually leads to such charges. The governor is very obviously concerned with criminal acts – presuming he’s sincere – such as murder and mass shootings, and not accidents of any kind.)

  • Rocky Thomas January 19, 2019, 9:19 pm

    How damn many times do they have to attempt this crap before they understand limiting capacity to 10 rounds will never fly, because it is a blatant infringement of Second Amendment rights. It deprives virtually every owner of a semi-automatic pistol of their firearm since most hold more than 10 rounds and there are NO 10 round magazines available for the vast majority of those weapons. This B_S_ has been defeated time and time again, on exactly those grounds. And, it will be defeated again, on those grounds.

  • D RASHER January 19, 2019, 7:11 pm

    It is truly AMAZING that this dumb sum bit*h can make it all the way to the governors chair and STILL be unable to read. Those 4 little words in the Constitution that say “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”. Doesn’t say “can be infringed sometimes”, or it does not say “can be infringed upon the orders of a communist/democrat, lowlife POS Governor, who does not like the freedoms the constitution grants us”, or ANYTHING NEAR TO THAT! IT SAYS “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”! PERIOD!!

  • Cliff January 19, 2019, 11:54 am

    ok, if we the people CAN ONLY HAVE A “FIREARM” THAT only HOLDS 5 ROUNDS, MAKE IT also “MANDATORY”

    THAT “law enforcement ” has TO ABIDE BY THE SAME “RULES we HAVE TO.

    Besides, so-called “assault rifles” (a “term” created by DEMOCOMMUNISTS) have been ILLEGAL for the

    general public for YEARS. Those weapons are capable of FULL AUTOMATIC FIRE. (machine guns) AR15’s are

    NOT. Perhaps if we change the COLOR of these “EVIL” black rifles the DEMOCOMMUNISTS would not be so

    “scared” of them. All this blabbering is NOT about “GUNS” it is only about “CONTROL”. DEMOCOMMUNISTS

    cannot “take over” an ARMED populace ready to defend themselves against TYRANNICAL DICTATOR so-

    called “governors” and their henchmen.

  • Dickie Bennett January 18, 2019, 6:48 pm

    Makes sense, coming from the state that was the largest, most brutal slave state until men with guns licked their ass.

  • Ed January 18, 2019, 4:16 pm

    Manufacturers can refuse to sell weapons and ammo to VA law enforcement. Hate to do it, but…sometimes you have to squeeze back.

  • tom January 18, 2019, 4:14 pm

    I will never obey any law that is contrary to the 2nd amendment anyway, so make in 5 rounds, or an even 2 rounds, makes no difference to me.

  • michael January 18, 2019, 2:55 pm

    wasting your time, we believe the rights gave to us by our fore fathers and God, are ours, you can’t take them away, I hope no one listens to this idiot, New Jersey tried the same thing and the smart people stuck their middle finger at that moron, Colorado, same thing, time to start taking our rights back from the communist party.

  • curtis childress January 18, 2019, 2:28 pm

    Suggest that the current Governor check the history of some past Governors. Lord Dunmore would be a good start.

  • NavyVet1959 January 18, 2019, 2:02 pm

    We just need ONE MORE law. We need to make it a capital crime subject to an immediate death penalty for any legislator to introduce or vote for any legislation that attempts to infringe in any way our 2nd Amendment guaranteed right to bear arms. The 2nd Amendment is a reaffirmation of a basic human right — the right of self-defense (whether it is defense from a government that has run amok or from criminals).

  • Dale Kehrer January 18, 2019, 2:01 pm

    I’d rather turned into a criminal by an unjust law than a slave.

  • Brian January 18, 2019, 1:21 pm

    This moron elected by the muds and slugs in the Arlington-Alexandria area would do well to crack open a history book and see what happened to the last despot who tried to take our firearms away from us. I have 2 ancestors who rode with Light Horse Harry Lee and another who was a sergeant in the 12th Virginia regiment who fought against and defeated King George during the Revolutionary War. I will not allow their memory and sacrifice to be dishonored by a damned Democratic despot who wishes to dilute and ultimately destroy my Second Amendment right that they fought for!

  • Robert Webley January 18, 2019, 12:40 pm

    Ralphie boy – An idiot elected by idiots

    • Winston January 18, 2019, 1:02 pm

      An ‘idiot’ elected by the wealthy government-defense industry-Ivy Leaguer upper class of northern Virginia and their black welfare sub-population pets in the cities.

      • Sly January 18, 2019, 11:03 pm

        I hate you have Hate, Racism and State of mine to call Blacks a welfare sub population there are more whites on welfare than Blacks, you are still believing and living the lies that have been drilled in your head. The Black Community as well as the white community have 15% TO 20% of unwanted criminal and no good people as part of the community, what about the 80% of good people. It is foolish to judge a whole race by the 20% of no good people. Educate yourself and take a look at your belief system, you may find all of your knowledge of the Black man is built on lies and racism. This is a web site for the Gun owners and the shooting Community, not your hate and racism

      • RJ January 19, 2019, 9:36 am

        See… this comment right here displays this person\’s pointy hat and white robes. Ignorance at its finest and with this current admin not at all surprised to see how this person feels comfortable enough to actually post it.

  • Idahoan January 18, 2019, 11:30 am

    Looking at the male standing behind the Governor, whom I presume is the Lt Governor, He appears to be thinking “Well, there goes any chance for me to ever be Governor!”

  • Robert Stewart January 18, 2019, 11:25 am

    Sounds like a market opportunity for a 15 round revolver in VA.

  • Elijah January 18, 2019, 11:18 am

    I’m a idiot. Looked like my post were disappearing

    • Bigfoot January 18, 2019, 11:59 am

      Yes, you are!

      • Elijah January 19, 2019, 3:13 am

        As is anyone who considers an opinion different than theirs “idiotic”and are unable to articulate no more than a 3 word “Burn”to make their point

  • Elijah January 18, 2019, 11:12 am

    Am I the only gun owner that also realizes climate change is real? Or am I being censored for suggesting that universal background checks would be better than outright bans? A compromise would be better than being turned into criminals after a ban passes. Would love to find a pro 2a candidate that doesn’t deny climate change. This world is so close minded on both sides

    • Winston January 18, 2019, 1:07 pm

      Climate change is caused by a new ice age which is something caused by the sun- not people. The earth’s water is polluted by chemicals and trash particulates which retain heat and cause the increased water vapor in the atmosphere. De-industrializing will slow the change in water temp over several hundreds of years, but are you willing to live as people did in the 1700’s? I doubt it.

      • Elijah January 18, 2019, 6:10 pm

        My point is that most republicans are actively repealing admission standards for monetary gain any chance they get. I wouldn’t want to live in the 1700s but I don’t think we should be going out of our way to destroy the ozone layer just to make the rich even richer and maybe spite the dems as a bonus.

      • Elijah January 18, 2019, 6:21 pm

        This current administration is doing everything they can to lower emission standard for the sake of stuffing their pockets. No need to go back to the Stone Age but is expeditiously ruining this planet for future generations worth ensuring that rich only get richer?

    • al January 18, 2019, 3:04 pm

      “Climate change” is a term for fools. The climate is ALWAYS changing. You have fallen for an Orwellian doublespeak term, and for those of us who have actually studied and read about it, it’s annoying.
      Now if you wish to discuss Anthropogenic Global Warming, Or AGW, that’s a different story.
      And the reason it isn’t AGW anymore is because there is NO conclusive evidence that AGW actually exists, hence the propaganda term “Climate Change”.
      Now, there IS evidence of that, but none that shows that mankind is causing it, nor that mankind can actually effect it by anything we might do.
      And THAT’s why you’re frustrated in finding Pro 2a people that believe in it, they simply educated themselves and called it for the chicken little bullshit that it is.

      • Elijah January 18, 2019, 7:26 pm

        Obviously the climate is always changing so excuse my choice of phrasing.
        But as far as the argument that humans aren’t affecting this change is absurd according to NASA:
        Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate.

        The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.
        Don’t let the science get in the way of “your truth”

        • DaveGinOly January 21, 2019, 3:45 pm

          NASA has cooked the books. 40 years ago their own data showed cooling, and they were warning against a new ice age. Compare, for instance, the temperature charts for 1895 to 1970 that they displayed at the time to the same data as they display it today. The graphs are different. NASA has depressed the temps in first half of the 20 Century, and started cranking up the temperatures after about 1950. They did this in order to show an increase in temperature since early in the (20th) century, when in fact the trend of the 20th Century was (and remains) cooling.

          There’s also a very valid reason why more CO2 can’t increase temperature, and this was demonstrated more than 140 years ago by a scientist named Angstrom (you may have heard of him). Molecules absorb radiation (and subsequently re-emit it) of specific wavelengths. CO2 is no exception, it absorbs specific wavelengths of radiation before re-emitting it as infrared (heat). NEARLY 100% OF THAT RADIATION IS ALREADY BEING ABSORBED. You can add all the CO2 you want, and it won’t trap more heat because there’s no more available radiation for it to absorb, and therefore it can’t emit additional infrared radiation. The system, so far as the wavelengths absorbed by CO2 is concerned, is already saturated.

      • Elijah January 18, 2019, 7:48 pm

        Sorry mods for duplicate

      • Elijah808 January 18, 2019, 7:50 pm

        Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate.

        The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.

      • Elijah January 18, 2019, 9:33 pm

        Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate.The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.

  • Bad Penguin January 18, 2019, 10:54 am

    And this law will do exactly NOTHING to stop gun violence by gang bangers and criminal thugs and keep law abiding from defending themselves.

  • Elijah January 18, 2019, 10:47 am

    Lol so are we deleting comments that we don’t agree with now? So much for free speech and all

    • Godfrey Daniel January 18, 2019, 11:21 am

      Elijah, that’s been happening for quite a while.

  • Rangemaster11B January 18, 2019, 10:21 am

    Virginia? George Washington & Thomas Jefferson are turning in their graves.

  • Elijah January 18, 2019, 10:13 am

    West Virginia really is the best Virginia. I’m no fan of Manchin but he is intelligent enough to know that 90% of our residents would turn on him come next election if he tried this BS. My (unpopular) opinion is that we should compromise with the universal background checks if they would drop the “scary gun” ban. Couldn’t we still have private transaction mediated by someone with an FFl to run the check? I will never vote republican as they are content on destroying our in environment but I’ll be damned if I vote democratic and live in a society unable to defend themselves against tyrannical regimes. We need a environmentally conscious, pro 2a party.

    • Rod January 18, 2019, 11:21 am

      I hear ya! My self more so a middle leaning voter, am so sick of these one issue politicians using one issue to get votes, but everything else they pass laws and bills that completely shaft the Average American all the way around!

  • Dee January 18, 2019, 10:08 am

    So they would outlaw 10 round magazines for the Ruger 10/22 – THE most popular 22 rifle in America, and they do not make a smaller one? IDIOTS do not look at or think their way through ANYTHING. Luckily – I do not and would not live in Virginia.

    • davud January 18, 2019, 11:31 am

      the bill doesn’t seek to ban 10-round mags – the headline writer screwed up. the bill seeks to ban mags of MORE THAN 10.

  • Elijah January 18, 2019, 10:01 am

    Makes me thankful to live in West Virginia. I’m no fan of Manchin but I think he is intelligent enough to know that the entire state would turn their backs on him come next election if he tried this BS.

  • David A Welsh January 18, 2019, 9:36 am

    The shooting sports federation is “troubled”? What the hell! Anyone should be outraged. Gin owners need to march on the capital. Regardless, do not comply. If you give in or turn in, you are a sickening excuse for an American. LEOs who screw with law-abiding people who own whatever and don’t harm anyone else need to stand down, too. Democrats are the outright enemies of the people and the Constitution.

  • Robert January 18, 2019, 8:45 am

    Require universal background checks; Current background checks work fine as netted almost 8 million illegals from getting a firearm. Now things that dont help the NCIS is the fact Obama had DOJ drop 500,000 felons from the system. Again a democrat breaks some thing that works.

    Establish an Extreme Risk Protective Order; All that feel good law does is get people and cops killed. Bang on my door 5AM like you are trying to break it down I would shoot that clown as well fearing for my and my wife’s life.

    Reinstate Virginia’s One Handgun a Month law; Only thing that may stop is straw purchases.

    Prohibit individuals subject to final protective orders from possessing firearms; Current background checks do that as well so stop with the feel good law that doubles and triples whats on the books and use existing laws that on the books.

    Ban assault firearms; Prevent children from accessing firearms; To BAN ANY FIREARM is an infringement of the 2nd amendment. If you are going to attack the bill of rights and constitution that you swore to protect and uphold when going in to office you need to find other work maybe a fast food joint. As to prevent children from accessing firearms if you leave a loaded fire arm where a child can get it then it falls on the parents owning said firearm as the owner is RESPONSIBLE for every round fired from their firearm. Try teaching children how to be responsible and how to handle firearms and you wont have as many problems.

    Require individuals to report lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement. If you lose a firearm or it is stolen and its not reported then owner besides the individual should be held accountable. The reason for reporting it is then it takes the responsibility off the one it was stolen or lost by and leaves the responsibility solely on the person committing any crime with it.

    The laws are on the books so use them and stop with the feel good laws that back track over the same laws and spend you time doing some thing that would benefit the people more.

  • Michael G Marriam January 18, 2019, 8:41 am

    When will we learn that all the money spent in court fighting infringement of our civil rights hasn’t changed a thing.
    The errosion of our rights continues.
    Spend the money instead educating Americans that this IS a civil rights issue.
    Spend the money replacing those “pro-2nd” politicians in office who are not 2nd ammendment champions and who don’t spend any political capital defending our rights.
    Laws that serve to discourage or limit the right to keep and bear arms today are no different than laws that served to discourage and limit the right to vote in years gone past.
    Spend the money electing men and women who will fight for our civil rights with the same fervor that Martin Luther King did back then.

  • Paul January 18, 2019, 8:37 am

    Since no one is above the law what are LEOS going to do with their weapons? Glad I live in Florida!

  • Nick January 18, 2019, 8:12 am

    Hope that means that he will limit his security from carrying an weapons with magazines that carry more than 10 rounds, also.

  • David in MA January 18, 2019, 7:44 am

    Another un-Constitutional move, the States cannot impose any restrictions on firearms OR their counterparts or additions. Where the Constitution, 2nd Amendment, is the Federal responsibility via Constitutional Amendments, as long as there is no U. S. Constitutional Amendment to address such an issue, the 2nd Amendment is the LAW, AND, where all State Constitutions must be within the Federal Constitution, a State is in violation of their and the federal constitution(s), so a State making changes to the 2nd Amendment without any such change in the Federal Constitution is a double infringement.
    Lock this governor up!

  • Rich January 18, 2019, 7:41 am

    Maybe someone should explain to this moron that it only takes one bullet to kill someone.

    • Jake January 18, 2019, 11:40 am

      OR, perhaps someone should yell from the highest heights that Illegal aliens kill more Virginians directly or with heroin than any magazine capacity does. They won’t care. It is all about control.

  • Mark January 18, 2019, 7:02 am

    And so it begins. They got a win, when they were allowed to make bump stocks illegal, considering they were deemed to be legal before. Now law abiding citizens must either destroy what WAS legal, or become felons. Applying some of the same methods, they will now go after Ar15’s, ak47’s etc. Even though the semi auto versions are not “true” assault weapons. The NRA threw us under the bus with bump stocks, but the GOA thank God is suing. give em an inch they will take a mile. The frog is in the pot, and the water is getting a wee bit warm.

  • MagnumOpUS January 18, 2019, 6:50 am

    It only takes the two most fu¢ktard-populated counties of Loudon and Arlington in Northern Virginia to force feed the last handful of DemoKKKrat Governors to the rest of the Commonwealth.

    The whole nation is turning Blue, one Free State at a time…

  • amp January 18, 2019, 5:59 am

    Change the word “Criminals” to “politicians.” An unarmed populace is a more easily controlled and, ultimately, subjugated populace. At what point do our benevolent masters decide that we are sufficiently disarmed to allow forceful final disarmament while keeping their own losses at acceptable levels?

    “Guns don’t commit crimes. People commit crimes. Passing laws that limit law-abiding citizens from possessing the firearms they choose for their own protection does nothing but tip the scales in favor of criminals because criminals will not follow gun-control laws. Politicians need to spend less time trying to keep firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens and more time passing laws to punish those individuals who choose to commit crimes with firearms.”

  • Michael E. Hensley January 18, 2019, 5:08 am

    The Commonwealth is a Great place to live. Been here all my soon to be 67 years except for the 4 year Navy Stint. But every so often we wind up with a POS in Political Office, When this happens it is a Great thing that the POS can only serve a 4 year term until he is replaced.

  • Anrae Godley-Cooper January 18, 2019, 4:06 am

    This idiot politican and the rest of his kind are starting something they really don’t want.

  • Henry Rodgers January 18, 2019, 4:03 am

    Go ahead, Democrats. Pass your “turn ’em in” scheme. Fewer than 0.5% will comply, as in other states. Go door-to-door, seize them; cops will die, citizens will die.
    And the Rebellion will begin.

    • David in MA January 18, 2019, 8:02 am


  • Mark N. January 18, 2019, 1:13 am

    Convinced that they have gained the upper hand, the Democrats are going all in all over the country on their gun control/gun ban policies. The final battle looms. Their one miscalculation is that they do not control the Supreme Court.

  • Mike V January 17, 2019, 7:26 pm

    “which appropriately balances Second Amendment Rights with public safety.”

    Did I miss something, last I checked you don’t get to balance the bill of rights with anything, it’s a list of things that can’t be violated or “balanced”

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