Federal agent fires weapon to end altercation at Pro-Israel protest

Authors S.H. Blannelberry

A federal agent fired his sidearm to diffuse an altercation at a pro-Israel protest on Sunday in downtown Los Angeles, KNBC-TV reports.

The spat apparently started when pro-Israel protestors snatched a flag from pro-Palestinian demonstrators who were waving the flag while driving around the rally in a truck, witnesses said.

When the pro-Palestinian activists went back to retrieve their flag, things became tense and that’s when an officer of the Federal Protective Service, a branch of the Department of Homeland Security, fired a single shot from his weapon to quell the crowd.

No one was injured following the gunshot, said authorities, adding that four people were arrested.

Nevertheless, the Sheriff’s Department will investigate the shooting to ensure it was lawful and warranted under the circumstances, a spokesperson from the FBI said.

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  • James Summers December 25, 2017, 9:52 am

    Wow, new world. When I went through training we were taught never to fire a round as warning. But then again these are feds and in California.
    It seems California LEO’s are taught warning shots are OK.
    Go figure.
    California – kill a child and get 6 months probation.
    Hurt a cat and get 5 years in jail.

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