Actor Alec Baldwin was hit with allegations of missing crucial firearms safety training on the set of the movie “Rust,” prosecutors revealed in court documents filed last Tuesday.
Charges of involuntary manslaughter came down on both Baldwin and the film armorer, Hannah Guiterrez-Reed. The charges are in connection to the October 2021 accidental shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the filming of “Rust,” according to court documents.
“Baldwin was provided only minimal training on firearms,” Gutierrez-Reed was reported as saying in the statement of probable cause, adding that he had “very limited training on the cross draw technique that was required for the scene on the 21st and limited training on firearms and how to check his own firearm as to whether it is unloaded or loaded.”
According to the evidence from the investigation, prosecutors believe Baldwin did not attend the required firearms training.
Guitierrez-Reed told investigators that she tried to book a private tutorial with Baldwin, but the hour-long class ended 30 minutes early because Baldwin was distracted and on the phone with his family. She also told investigators that she was concerned about set safety, given the use of guns throughout the film.
SEE ALSO: Alec Baldwin to be Charged with Manslaughter According to Santa Fe DA
In the statement of probable cause for Gutierrez-Reed, her culpability is called into question for not following protocol. The statement alleges industry standards require her to prove the bullets in the gun are all dummies to those on set and that the armorer failed to do so.
Prosecutors also said the young armorer failed in her professional role by not using her position to force Baldwin to attend training and stay on track.
Ultimately, the investigation turned to Baldwin’s role as a producer more so than the actor who fired the weapon.
“The on-set and limited time of training does not comport to industry standards,” prosecutors said, adding “Baldwin’s failure to ensure minimum standards were met is considered reckless in the industry.”
Guiterrez-Reed also told investigators that if Baldwin had received proper training, it could have prevented the fatal shooting.
Baldwin asserts that he did not pull the trigger and the gun fired on its own after he cocked the hammer. However, the documents claim to have photos and videos from the rehearsal on the day of the shooting. According to prosecutors, the evidence shows Baldwin drawing and pointing the gun. They allege that Baldwin can be seen in the evidence with his finger on the trigger.
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Despite the video evidence of Baldwin mishandling the weapon, the actor still claims to be an expert in the process of using guns on set. The investigators noted that Baldwin is seen handling firearms in 40 different film and television productions over his 35-year career.
Prosecutors said Guiterrez-Reed failed to correct Baldwin’s misuse of the firearm and that her job performance was “reckless,” because she allowed unqualified crew members to handle weapons while missing several important safety checks in the time leading up to the fatal shooting.
An attorney for Guiterrez-Reed, Jason Bowles, responded to the charges against his client saying she was “stretched too thin” and her concerns were ignored.
“Hannah was not called back into that church,” Bowles told TMZ. “She asked David Halls specifically: ‘If Baldwin is going to use that gun, then call me back into that church, so I can instruct him on the usage of the gun, I can reinspect that gun, and I can tell him where to point it, and work with him on it.’”
Bowles said his client “pleaded” for Baldwin to have more training, requested the use of a plastic gun for rehearsal; and asked to be called back to set if Baldwin was going to use a real gun at any point. Bowles said producers didn’t take her concern seriously and denied multiple requests from the armorer.
“We will fight these charges and expect that a jury will find Hannah not guilty,” Bowles said.
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The question I have is–
What exactly is the chain of custody of the gun/ammo on a movie set; specifically This movie set? If the girl claims she checked the ammo and it was only blanks when it left her control, then she might be off the hook.
In that case, someone loaded live rounds into the gun at some point. Now, it becomes a matter of 1st-degree murder, possibly by proxy.
Baldwin is guilty of at least negligent homicide for failing in his responsibility to check the gun. It’ll likely be handled by some “woke” Commiefornia judge, who will rule it as a minor misdemeanor and dismiss it.
Hopefully he will be soon starring in his own version of the Netflix series “Orange is the new Black”.
We can say Baldwin broke all the rules in the book on firearm safety, but he broke the very first on, always assume the gun is loaded. I would also think the armorer on her first real gig by herself, was intimidated by the ‘stars’ around her and just did not have the moxie to tell them off and make them follow proper procedure. I would love to hear what her dad has to say about her level of training she received under his tutelage. I’ll wager she was fully competent in all things firearm related, but did not have a Drill Sargeant personality to make those liberal mush heads follow the rules.
Aleck, one hopes, is innocent. Of intent only. He has been in over 20 movies and tv shows, with a firearm, tho intrenet movie firearms database, has him using a m1917 on the rust filming, so their data is suspect. Early-on, there were stories you saw once, then got buried by the volume of following stories…or spiked…which had some rust crew quitting because aleck and a few others took the guns out plinking cans off a fence (best done with live ammo; blanks not-so-much), and where harried “two jobs” hannah had to clean the chamber so the round would fit (a 5-in-1 fits in a grungy chamber better than a fullsized 45 colt’s does), and how the ammo supplier had gotten some ammo from 2-jobs hannah’s father some time before and not paid him for it, and the live rounds were loaded the way thell loads them, and that a handful of those same (starline brass) rounds were found in several gunbelts INCLUDING ALECK’S; these stories have recently resurfaced now that new mexico has charged him (and her). Along with mentioning, as i have since the one test video showed-up, that Himself had Himselfs finger in the triggerguard from before the triggerguard was visible. He’s one of those who uses the trigger-finger in the guard/on the trigger to pull the gun from the holster, for better grip and control. The safety thing he sluffed thru, could/should have re-eddicatet Himself on that…
And lookit the nice new chop we all get, now; as i have said for a while, we have another Jerry, and a jerry, please dont blame them for anything i said, so now its easier to tell which one is who.
I sympathize with that young armorer. BTW it is my understanding that she had plenty of experience as an assistant armorer, serving under her father, a well-known Hollywood armorer. Can you imagine being a young underling of these egotistical Hollywood idiots, trying to school them in doing the right things with firearms? Her dream job (it would be to me) turned into a nightmare. I believe she was bullied into taking shortcuts. I believe she may have some civil liability (for which she surely was insured) but she is not criminally responsible for what happened. Stay safe.
I don’t buy it. She was given a job she was clearly not qualified to do. Only because her Daddy was an armorer. She should have done that job correctly and not been so reckless as to have live ammo anywhere near there. It sounds like she’s trying to make excuses now to save her own ass. She is slightly less of an idiot as Baldwin but they both deserve prison time.
Baldwin– “I don’t need no fuck’n training. The gun knows what to do by itself.”
What a mess all this. I am very remote from this, thus also very far to be in the know. Somehow I always had the feeling that the investigation and the prosecution have missed something. I have trouble buying the “accidentally live-loaded” firearm theory ; it seems too bold an accident for the circumstances. I wouldn’t be surprised the two targeted persons are not the worst offenders and that someone really guilty is flying away. If I had to bet on something, I would rather bet that the firearm was live-loaded on purpose, but by someone else who was wise enough to remain unseen and unknown. Of course, failing to verify the unloaded condition of the firearm is not to be taken lightly, but I feel there is something fishy in all this.
My assumption: Baldwin was positive he didn’t need any training because he already knew everything. He was a CELEBRITY. It is the usual contemptible ‘celebrity’ reaction to try to lay off 100% of the responsibility on someone else, ideally this poor inexperienced girl he [as Producer] had hired in some cost-cutting scheme. But argue this, that or yonder, everyone holding a firearm is responsible for its safe use. To paraphrase Harry Truman, “The buck stops” with the man holding the gun.
Baldwin is an arrogant a**, with an avowed anti-gun mentality, and while may have “handled” fake guns and inspected real ones in the past, his stated aversion to firearms clearly points to someone who is not an “expert” in firearms use and handling. He is extremely lucky the charges are so minor. The Set Armorer, it seems, was ignored by responsible officials on set and should be cleared at trial.
HORSESH** !! The armorer has one job ! To make sure everything is safe on set when using a weapon !! No one except her should touch the weapon before and after the scene is shot. There should have never been ANY live ammo within 3 miles of that set ! Baldwin is a stupid actor who thinks he knows it all, but in the end, he is still a stupid actor ! The armorer is 100% guilty !!
Baldwin has been in and around movie sets for the last 30 years….. 7 of those sets had guns involved and everyone was trained accordingly.
What’s different about this set is Baldwin was the producer — the man in charge, the check writer, the contract enforcer and he held the main “ACTING” position, so he watched every ones position because he was the Director.
The Police reports (and videos) show rifles on table tops the day before.. they also show a huge amount of spent ammo (a few hundred shell casings)… pretty much an accident going out to happen.
I movie scene should have produced 1 gun and zero live ammo on any scene, checked by the last person who held the firearm — and that person was Baldwin.
Wow, if true that would prove criminal neglect on Baldwins part.
Everyone is missing the point. It doesn’t matter one iota if he had training, used a real gun unsupervised and/or pulled the trigger. In the end, PRIMARY FAULT BELONGS TO (A) WHOEVER BROUGHT LIVE AMMUNITION ONTO THE SET AND (B) THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY ON THE SET DID NOT PROVE LIVE AMMUNITION WAS NOT IN THE GUN.
Actors are supposed to use authentic firearms and pull the trigger!
No case exists for having live ammunition on a movie set. None. End of story.
” It doesn’t matter one iota if he had training, used a real gun unsupervised and/or pulled the trigger”
Right, see how far that reasoning gets you in a court. Baldwin held the gun, pointed it at people, and then of all things, PULLED THE TRIGGER, TWICE. How many rules of handling a firearm did he PURPOSELY break? Even loaded with live rounds, it was just a paperweight until Baldwin picked it up and started acting like a nine-year-old with it. I’d bet it will be proven he ignored or even threatened/intimidated the armorer when she wanted to re-familiarize Baldwin with handling rules, both safe and practical.
His arrogance and pomposity is going to give him some time in prison and a criminal record. The armorer will probably face civil charges for not making a bigger fuss about the unsafe, lax environment on set, but I think she’ll be found innocent of criminal charges.
Everyone is missing the point. It doesn’t matter one iota if he had training, used a real gun unsupervised and/or pulled the trigger. In the end, PRIMARY FAULT BELONGS TO (A) WHOEVER BROUGHT LIVE AMMUNITION ONTO THE SET AND (B) THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY ON THE SET DID NOT PROVE LIVE AMMUNITION WAS NOT IN THE GUN.
Actors are supposed to use authentic firearms and pull the trigger!
No case exists for having live ammunition on a movie set. None. End of story.
You’re missing one point; a big one.
WHO loaded the live round(s) into the gun??? If the girl armorer did, then she’s as negligent & culpable as Baldwin. If she swears she only loaded blanks, than we have a 1st-degree murderer somewhere out there.
Over the last few years I’ve developed an aversion to many so called news shows, news channels and journalists. The last few years has opened my eyes to the fact the many are state run and take their orders from the federal government. Both ABC and especially George Stephanopoulos are on the top of that list of not credible. Hard to believe that Guns America would post anything George has to say.
He has done enough movies that entailed him using a gun. He has had enough training to have known better. Stop tgrying to get him off, on this stupid responses. He is guilty of negligence.
The old bumper sticker used to say “ Ted Kennedys car has killed more people than my any of my guns “ I guess the modern version of that is – “ Alex Baldwins movie prop gun has killed and wounded more people then my AR-15’s”. Let’s also remember Alec is also an Anti gun celebrity too. He thinks we shouldn’t have guns ! The reality is Alex shouldn’t be allowed near them! Irony ! Yep
Who needs firearms training when you are Alec Baldwin?
Of course, he did he is a know it all.
It could have prevented an accident if Baldwin had hired a real Armorer and not some ditz that had numerous safety concerns and violations on past sets.
Just because she’s the daughter of Thell Reed doesn’t mean she received knowledge and common sense with Daddy’s little squirt.
As far as I’m concerned Baldwin and Reed both Fecked Up.
My last post I left some words out. I meant to say I’m not sure how things are done on Hollywood set’s pertaining to weapon safety. I believe that Mr. Baldwin’s innocent. God Bless him & his family & Same to Y’all
You unfortunately don’t understand the sacred rules of gunsafety. It boils down in this case that he or she who will be pulling the trigger and pointing the gun , is responsible to insure the safety of that weapon. PERIOD.
Alec is a self serving, self absorbed moron.( Gob bless him. I doubt he believes in God!) Have you never seen any of the ton of videos of Alec behaving atrociously! He might have might have been a good actor but as a person ? His holy than thou attitude what led to the tragic incident
I’m not sure how done on Hollywood set’s pertaining to weapon safety but I would think that the armor is totally responsible for the weapons & Ammo. What was Live Ammo doing anywhere near the set?
The narrative Mark spouts is exactly the same as the pols spout in all the big cities when their prosecutors let
criminals accused of firearms violations walk. Not the perps fault, it’s someone else’s!
Given Baldwin’s holier than thou attitude and his obviously erroneous knowledge of the single action Colt, I have to give credence to the armorer’s statements. His on camera (and erroneous) statements about “fanning” as being the only way a gun could fire as he described his actions proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he is an idiot whose ego does not permit him to admit that he could possibly be wrong, when his guilt is so patently obvious. He apparently does not know that when you pull the hammer back and hold the trigger–however so gently–the gun will fire if the hammer is released. Which is precisely what occurred. He did not check the revolver before he took possession and holstered it–oh, that was somebody ELSE’s job. Jackass.
I’m in the same court as you, and have thought this all along. I also believed he fanned the hammer. Possibly previously pulled the trigger on an unloaded chamber, held it, then fanned the hammer with his thumb.
the man is an expert and a god why does he need training……besides it was only the help nobody important that he shot…….
I said it before and i will say it again, ain’t nothing going to happen to him they don’t want to kill their cash cow!
In Newsom’s Commiefornia, it’ll be no bail necessary, no charges brought, and here’s $50,000 taxpayer money for your “inconvenience,” Mr. Baldwin.
Problem with Mr. Upnow’s snarky comment: The movie production, including the shooting, took place in New Mexico, which doesn’t even share a border with California.
The movie has been characterized as “low-budget” – I’m reasonably sure the armorer was working for a lot less than scale in California for a more experienced person.