An Invasion?!!! Rogan, Weinstein Probe U.S. Influx of Military-Aged Chinese Men

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, This Week

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

In a recent chat on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein, a Democrat with a long-standing commitment to the party, delved deep into the complexities of U.S. immigration.

Weinstein, fresh from a trip to Panama to investigate migration patterns with his son, shared some startling insights.

He noticed a significant influx of South Americans into the U.S., many of whom are inaccurately claiming political asylum. Their real motive? Pursuing better economic opportunities, often at great risk, like traversing the perilous Darien Gap.

A key concern raised by Weinstein was the distinct and separate movement of Chinese immigrants, primarily young, military-aged men, who are notably tight-lipped about their intentions.

This secretive demeanor sparked questions about their true motive. The conversation then shifted to potential reasons behind these immigration trends.

Rogan and Weinstein pondered over possibilities like generating Democratic voters or exchanging citizenship for military service. The idea of creating a military less aligned with American values and more obedient to tyrannical commands particularly alarmed them.

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Bret put it plainly to Joe:

In other words, if the power structure is granting you citizenship which you want in exchange for your obedience, then what is it that would cause you to say no? So if you wanted a force that was capable of acting on behalf of tyranny against Americans, then a force that doesn’t have a deep history with the rights of being an American, that doesn’t have a long-standing allegiance to people within the country, that force would be potentially more compliant and that worries me a great deal. That should worry you.

Now Bret was clear that this was just an hypothesis. But supposing that’s even remotely true, that the world order, to use Bret’s words, “is playing some long game of chess” to undermine the American military then it goes without saying that the 2A emerges as more than a right; it’s a critical safeguard — something that must be protected at all costs.

Now, an obvious question emerges, which is, how big is this so-called “invading” force?

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, over 30,000 Chinese immigrants entered the U.S. without authorization last year alone. Whether that’s an accurate figure or a gross underestimate is unclear.

What is clear is that more are on there way every day, but again, for reasons that aren’t exactly known. Maybe, they’re just like everyone else who is seeking the American dream. Or maybe, something more sinister is in play.

Either way, Weinstein concluded the chat by emphasizing the need to fully understand these migrations and their potential impact on the U.S. and its citizens in the long term. Yes, that’s the target – clear understanding. But for now, it’s key that Americans stay sharp about keeping their 2A rights intact..

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About the author: Larry Z is a seasoned outdoorsman, lifelong hunter, and the kind of guy who’d rather track whitetails than scroll social media. As an editor for GunsAmerica, he’s got a sharp eye for spotting both solid gear and bad gun laws. Whether he’s deep in the woods or deep in editorial deadlines, Larry brings a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is approach to firearms, hunting, and the great American tradition of self-reliance. If there’s a hot debate on gun rights or the latest in hunting tech, you can bet Larry’s got an opinion—and it’s probably backed up with both facts and field experience.

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  • Bob W February 20, 2024, 7:39 pm

    I live in New York where they sent thousands of these M Fing migrants and I haven’t seen one Chinese one in the bunch. Send them all back as far as I’m concern.

  • Randall February 19, 2024, 12:40 pm

    The Chinese don’t just let people leave their country. If I were the Chinese I would be sending military personnel into this country especially if you are preparing for future armed conflict. Unfortunately, for this country, the Democrats don’t take this threat seriously and have been cutting our military every time they are in office. The military hasn’t been this small since the beginning of WWII. All the defense dollars seem big that is a reflection of what inflation does to your buying power. The US had a respectful during the Regan Years, but to have a defense force of that same size now would cost his country North of 2 Trillion Dollars and not the 840 Million that they have today.

    The Chinese are planning for total war whereupon for the first time since the War of 1812 this country will be attacked by all means by Cyber, physical attacks on our satellites, and physical attacks on our infrastructure and military installations. All this is possible because Biden and his Administration’s policies are weakening this country and inviting more conflicts. Many in the public are just blind as to what is happening, it is hard to explain why 40% of this country is still supporting a person who can barely make sense. His disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was just the first warning sign of all his disastrous policies. He is the first US President to not support our only real ally in the Middle East. Biden’s policies are funding both sides of the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine. He is pushing for a two-state solution in Gaza. Well, they had a two-state solution when Israel withdrew in 2015. The people in Gaza elected Hamas to run the country. They even started to help them with their infrastructure by building a piping system. Hamas dug the pipes up and used them to build rockets. The millions in aid dollars were used to build the tunnels underneath Gaza and to equip and train their Terrorist Groups. The aid that is being sent supposedly to help the refugees that Hamas created by attacking Israel is being siphoned off to Hamas. The point is that a similar attack that happened to Israel can happen in the US because of these open borders.

    Biden is blaming Republicans for the disastrous war in Ukraine. When it was his words that encouraged the Russians to invade Ukraine. He was so timid in giving the weapons the Ukrainians needed to win the war early on that he gave the Russians time to regain their footing. The Ukrainians cannot win an extended war as they just don’t have enough soldiers to expend against a war of attritions. The Russian has just too many soldiers that they are willing to sacrifice. In the initial parts of the war, the Ukrainians could have beaten the Russians back, but because the West dragged their feet the choices now will be more expensive in terms of not just in terms of dollars, but manpower. Again, Biden’s policies are funding both sides of this conflict. He has weakened the sanctions against our enemies in many cases he didn’t just weaken them he didn’t enforce them. The Russians had a difficult time funding their military but Biden has let the Russians fund this war by not enforcing the oil embargo against Russia and Iran. These countries were going broke before Biden and it made it difficult to continue funding the aggressions. Thanks to Biden

  • Randall February 19, 2024, 11:41 am

    This is a time when we have an Administration that believes in Wokeness versus readiness and you have senior military supporting these crazy ideas. Just how terrified do you think our enemies are when you have a male Army Officer dressed like a woman on Social Media? Part of our deterrence strategy for years since our volunteer force was the quality of the people that are part of our force structure. I am sorry for our country as this represents a weakness in our military. This officer in drag just demonstrated to our enemies that it is more concerned with being woke than lethal. I don’t have to imagine much of what would happen to this person in drag if he was captured by our enemies. He would be treated much worse than if they were a real female. The enemies of this country have no respect for these kinds of people and it detracts from our ability to deter our enemies.

  • Jerry February 19, 2024, 11:13 am

    Cheech marin, paul rodriguez, jan-micheal vincent, daniel stern.
    Born in east l a, released 1987.
    Cheech saddled with a coupla “chinese(?)” trying to teach them some things to blend-in once they got into cali.
    So, whats new? Only the reported numbers.

  • john February 19, 2024, 9:50 am

    as to the influx of military aged Chinese to the USA. anyone see or remember the movie ” Red Dawn”

  • Harley Meiroff February 19, 2024, 9:40 am

    The article refers to service age males crossing our borders. Would it be possible that these young males are just out of their uniforms and their weapons stashes are secreted away in some of the western states that still have vast undeveloped areas.
    Mr. Clancey and others have been writing about these scenarios for years. These “fictional novels” become more believable when backed up by your evening newscast. We are facing a lesson plan for disaster. Our brave military is understaffed and spread thin.
    I could go on forever but readers of this site already know what is happening to this great country and why.

  • Tip Tover February 19, 2024, 9:14 am

    I guess we now know why China paid the Biden syndicate all those millions.

  • RV February 16, 2024, 5:40 pm

    If this Chinese immigration is part of some “sinister” plan to infiltrate our military, then it would be simple to review the enlistment records for the military and determine how many Chinese migrants have entered our military.
    I suspect that the numbers are very low. If there is a sinister plan by the Chinese, then I believe it would be for those migrants to embed themselves in tech companies to steal our intellectual property and/or learn how to sabotage our technology in critical infrastructure or in military systems.

  • Michael Winkler February 16, 2024, 1:43 pm

    Kind of like the movie “Red Dawn”

  • Mike S February 16, 2024, 12:19 pm

    A logical question to ask yourself for those who welcome an open border is, would China welcome a large number of military-age men to enter THEIR country? The answer is an obvious no. But you believe that it should be permitted and is somehow righteous. Perhaps you’re without family to be harmed or rich and can afford personal security. You’re insane and a threat to this country with that kind of thinking.

  • Nicholas February 16, 2024, 9:39 am

    I don’t know what the speculation is as far as Chinese men coming here. It has to be, at least 15 years since I first came across the information that the CCP was telling its men that this was a planned migration. Because of the imbalance of men, the CCP sold it as a means of getting Western wives.
    However, the CCP always incorporates the destruction of America in its plans.

  • Mike February 16, 2024, 7:30 am

    Joe Rogan is just an Alpaha version of Tucker Carlson. Both just blow on dog whistles and make money off of innuendo and conjecture. Neither are worth listening to or add value to America.

    • Joen February 16, 2024, 12:16 pm

      AND YET, why would anyone take the advice of a TOTAL IGNORAMOUS, who acts like he’s King of the World and doesn’t know jack about anything, spends all his time criticizing others of the same things he’s doing?

      GET LOST!

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment February 14, 2024, 10:40 am

    in a head to head conflict i will bet that our bad people will kick ass on any other countries bad people!

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