Democratic Rep: ‘Don’t Want to Give Up Your Guns? We’ll Nuke You!’

Democratic Rep: 'Don’t Want to Give Up Your Guns? We’ll Nuke You!'

Rep. Swalwell in a meeting with Parkland survivor Cameron Kasky (and a photographer). (Photo: Swalwell Facebook)

California Rep. Eric Swalwell (D) believes an “assault weapons” ban isn’t enough. He wants to confiscate all semi-automatic rifles, and he’s willing to use any means necessary to achieve his gun-free utopic vision.

Swalwell penned an op-ed back in May that calls for a nationwide, Australian-style gun buyback-confiscation-prosecution scheme that would cost taxpayers a whopping $15 billion. Now that the Democrats have a majority in Congress, the piece has been circulating as evidence against the Dems “we don’t want to take your guns” charade.

In response to a tweet criticizing Swalwell’s plan, the representative had this to say:

Don’t want to give up your guns? Say goodbye to your neighborhood!

Predictably (and rightly), Swalwell’s response set off a firestorm.

No, no, no, you silly, deplorable pieces of pond scum, Swalwell clarified later. When I said “nuke,” I didn’t mean “nuke.”

Can you feel the condescension seeping through your screen?

Also, in case you’re wondering, Swalwell has discovered the secret behind the AR-15’s power, and he isn’t about to let those pistol grip-y things loose on American streets.

SEE ALSO: DC Homicide Rates Rise Despite Aggressive Gun Confiscation

Swalwell’s tweets might be ridiculous, but his gun buyback program is sure to get a serious look from Dem House leadership over the next two years. And if the anti-gun lobby pulls off what the GOP accomplished in 2016? Who knows what might happen?

Here’s a telling quote from the congressman’s May op-ed:

“There’s something new and different about the surviving Parkland high schoolers’ demands. They dismiss the moral equivalence we’ve made for far too long regarding the Second Amendment. I’ve been guilty of it myself, telling constituents and reporters that ‘we can protect the Second Amendment and protect lives.’

“The Parkland teens have taught us there is no right more important than every student’s right to come home after class. The right to live is supreme over any other.”

Including, apparently, the right to live in a free country.

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  • M Holdcraft June 23, 2021, 5:19 pm

    Democrat Idiots. I’m retired Military. Our oath of office is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, not some cracker head Democrat idiot. Just let him personally come try to confiscate my weapons.

  • Ronnie Maeker June 22, 2021, 11:31 am

    Just a reminder:

    Liberal politicians take the “Hypocritic Oath” after being elected.

    Not like doctors who take “Hippocratic Oath” to do no harm.

  • Jory Humphreys December 2, 2018, 11:22 pm

    Only Liberal Democrats can say or post something then later turn around and say I didn’t mean what I said once the public catches on to how ignorant they truly are. What’s seriously dangerous in this country is uneducated, self righteous liberals running around with loose mouths spilling verbal diarrhea. They never have facts to back themselves up only “Feels”. Most of the bills they present if ever passed are train wrecks designed to wreck the system allowing the Gov’t to step in and solve the problem they created. This back door planning is just one more way to increase gov’t control and take away your freedoms of choice and free will. Come on if the head of big business said anything about using nukes as a tool against people he’d be out of a job asap. But, a Democrat official…..hell they will probably make him the head of some committee.

  • Adam Jeppson November 26, 2018, 12:27 am

    Use wisdom in what you print here on such a volatile and monitored venue. I guarantee you they are reading this and taking notes. “Never miss an good opportunity to shut up”. Give the police state no more ammunition than they already make up. Just saying..

  • Greg November 25, 2018, 1:52 pm

    So the US government DIDN’T use nukes or tactical nukes while engaged in armed conflict or dropping bombs in:

    Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War)
    Guatemala 1954
    Indonesia 1958
    Cuba 1959-1961
    Guatemala 1960
    Congo 1964
    Laos 1964-73
    Vietnam 1961-73
    Cambodia 1969-70
    Guatemala 1967-69
    Grenada 1983
    Lebanon 1983, 1984 (both Lebanese and Syrian targets)
    Libya 1986
    El Salvador 1980s
    Nicaragua 1980s
    Iran 1987
    Panama 1989
    Iraq 1991 (Persian Gulf War)
    Kuwait 1991
    Somalia 1993
    Bosnia 1994, 1995
    Sudan 1998
    Afghanistan 1998
    Yugoslavia 1999
    Yemen 2002
    Iraq 1991-2003 (US/UK on regular basis)
    Iraq 2003-2015
    Afghanistan 2001-2015
    Pakistan 2007-2015
    Somalia 2007-8, 2011
    Yemen 2009, 2011
    Libya 2011, 2015
    Syria 2014-2015

    But now suddenly he thinks he can threaten US citizens with an action we all KNOW he’s not going to take on US soil. He thinks we are the stupid ones for wanting to keep our EFFECTIVE means of deterrence from government hands. SMH

  • Stan d. Upnow November 24, 2018, 9:29 pm

    What Really scares me isn’t legal gun owners, or even armed criminals. It’s having a deranged POS like this Swalwell character actually in our Congress!

  • Scott K November 24, 2018, 7:20 pm

    I am glad he is closer to China than I am. Defenseless California would be the first to go.

  • Scott K November 24, 2018, 7:17 pm

    So his gun is nukes. What the difference? Mentality of an idiot and wants to be a congressman. We couldn’t be lucky enough to see him robbed, stabbed or shot, and see how he changes his tune.

  • Scott K November 24, 2018, 7:17 pm

    So his gun is nukes. What the difference? Mentality of an idiot and wants to be a congressman. We couldn’t be lucky enough to see him robbed, stabbed or shot, and see how he changes his tune.

  • SeppW November 24, 2018, 3:58 pm

    CA, NY; what’s the dif? Another ignoramus elected by an equally ignorant electorate.

  • T November 24, 2018, 2:39 pm

    Mentioned Scott Pelle 60 minutes segment. Trully zero knowledge of firearms and ballistics were demonstrated in that piece. Fake News disguised as news.

    He threw all the terms around, but truly didn’t know what he was saying.

    When a subject matter expert(us), hear a reporter talk about procedures related to such expertise, and say nothing that makes sense, we know they probably don’t know much about anything more than how to breathe and drive to work – ya know…common knowledge.

  • Paul Maze November 24, 2018, 12:10 am

    I don`t think anyone should have the right to touch off nuclear weapons (WMD) on this planet. Environment already fucked from human meddling. Who is going to put the bell on the cats neck? Not even the U.N.

  • 13&free November 23, 2018, 10:43 pm

    As a “public servant “saying he would “nuke us” means he just committed treason no matter what his mindset was. So when will the FBI arrest this fascist pos!

  • Vaughn Winslett November 23, 2018, 8:36 pm

    Come take mine. I will kill you where you stand.

    • Adam Jeppson November 26, 2018, 12:29 am

      Vaughn, careful what you say. They’re watching.

  • Sean Carberry November 23, 2018, 8:18 pm

    That is a direct threat from someone in our gov’t. Pres Trump should have him removed and jailed. Or someone should just end him seeing as his views on justice are in line with terrorists. Fuck you rep.sewer

    • Stan d. Upnow November 24, 2018, 9:32 pm

      Where are the protesters mobbing him at a restaurant, or at his DC office? Oh wait….

  • John Linde November 23, 2018, 7:33 pm

    A government lead by people like this is exactly why our constitution has a second amendment

    • Lee December 12, 2018, 8:43 am


  • Pastor Allen Breedlove November 23, 2018, 4:33 pm

    All of this is just a prelude for usu so become subjects downgraded from being a citizen. If one takes a look at Stalin or Hitler or Chins (Mau se Dung) or Castro or some South American countries-it all started with the confiscation of weapons. Then the purges started with millions and millions of human beings being executed with no way to defend themselves. It is all about power and it is shared with no one. This is ugly and horrible and this is what the democrates want all tsisted in lies that make it seem like something good. The new generations of children have not the brain power to see through the rose colored glasses of lies because the lies sounds like heaven to them. If it seems that good why look beneath the surface?1

  • Dale E Francis November 23, 2018, 2:45 pm

    Swalwell you should be put away in a institution for even thinking of something as nuking everyone.You are insane.Please don’t drive a car you could kill someone.

  • KMacK November 23, 2018, 1:43 pm

    “The government isn’t Tyrannical”? One thing about an armed populace; it keeps the government reasonably civil.
    Confiscate all Semi-autos? “Buy them back?” Prosecute those who don’t want to participate?
    Sounds pretty tyrannical to me. Remember, Australians are Subjects. We are Citizens. There is a world of difference there.
    Rep. Swalwell probably slept through history class since he clearly has no idea of what happened during Prohibition. Ah well, there are reasonable Democrats in Congress too. I’m not all that worried.

    • Stan d. Upnow November 24, 2018, 9:36 pm

      Look what comes out of Commiefornia. Feinstein, “Mad Max” Waters, Pelosi, Jerry Brown, and a host of other deranged Progressive-Socialists.

      We should either stage a massive Intervention there, or do as they suggested and kick them out of the USA.

  • MikeB November 23, 2018, 1:38 pm

    Dems seem to forget that they will only control the House, not the Senate nor the POTUS. They can threaten gun control, impeachment, whatever, but it still has to go through the Senate. So it looks to be another wasted 2 years in DC. Although it will be fun watching and listening to the idiocy that gushes forth from Ocasio-Cortez.

  • Jerry November 23, 2018, 1:34 pm

    So this nutcase wants to supposedly stop killing by killing with weapons of mass destruction. Must be related to Kim Jun ll

  • Jeffrey W Fiske November 23, 2018, 12:07 pm

    This guy is a fucking moron…

  • Thomas Gaffey November 23, 2018, 11:58 am

    First off that idiot who said he reps for SF is a homophobic moron, alas, he reps for the TriValley area of the East Bay, 40 miles from SF, that is not to say that he is not a lying, hypocritical, floor flushing SOB, who has gulped the koolaid in Wash. DC, when he was running the first time he came to my front door to campaign and we talked for a good half hour. according to him he was a moderate who respected the 2A, and he was infinitely better than what we had, however he hooked up with those evil bitches from SF, Fienstein and Pelosi and being a political animal he jumps for whoever throws him a dog cookie. Whenever the Dems want more power in the house they throw money at seats in the states, like him and McNerney from my area.

    • krinkov5.45 November 23, 2018, 2:46 pm

      Ha ha I’m not irrationally afraid of vile sodomites! I HATE them with a perfect hatred. You know like Jesus Christ hates them. Read your bible dummy and lear!

  • Zupglick November 23, 2018, 11:46 am

    Mr. Swalwel.
    Since you are a proponent of using nukes against guns, you would have to target the greatest concentration of guns first. That’s NYC and LA.

  • Hondo November 23, 2018, 11:33 am

    Is it any wonder why this guys nickname is Swallowswell ?

  • SAM SPADE November 23, 2018, 10:18 am

    Swalwell, If your mouth has dug you into a hole, Quit digging.

  • Paul Wyckoff November 23, 2018, 10:14 am

    If you want to take my guns make sure you are the first one thru the door!!!

  • Jay November 23, 2018, 9:54 am

    The lying news media and others will just try and sluff this off as a miss spoken comment! Actually it was exactly what he meant to say. A tyrannical mind blowing off the underlying truth!

  • Steve November 23, 2018, 9:51 am

    This guy is nuts and dangerous

  • Keith McAdams November 23, 2018, 8:45 am

    Swalwell is an idiot. I’ve always thought he was missing a lot of brain cells and important genetic material.
    With over 70,000,000 hunters and more gun owners , how realistic does ANY sane human being believe that we’re guving up our guns and Second Amendment rights ?

  • krinkov5.45 November 23, 2018, 8:25 am

    Swalwell the vile sodomite representing San Francisco. Hope he has miserable end suffering gay bowell syndrome.

  • Larry Hasbro November 23, 2018, 8:15 am

    If this is what the DEMORATS want hmmmmm

  • Tom Evans November 23, 2018, 7:41 am

    isn’t it interesting that Hollywood elites, the very same who go on the silver screens and TV every day shooting and glorifying gun violence in the name of (whatever) are the very folks who want to take away the rights of every American whom they fleece advertising dollars from to support their media garbage.
    If America and the LEFT, Hollywood, wanted less gun violence, lets ban the use of firearms on TV, Movies, Pay per view, Netflix, etc. that portray guns pointed at other people, for any reason, FIRST.
    it its the Media community that is teaching our population that flashing a gun, or making it flash at someone else, is a thing to be revered, respected, empowering. NO Wonder America is socially in the toilet. That starts, and lays completely in the laps of Hollywood and the advertisers who profit from their moral corruption.

  • Godfrey Washington November 23, 2018, 7:30 am

    Lol threatening to end mass murder with….MASS MURDER! And you wonder why we refuse to surrender our arms! How can we trust you?
    Have your little gun debate, but leave me and other law abiding citizens out of it, and know that my safety is non negotiable, constitution or not.

    Until the antigun people are identified and mandated to become human shields during any kind of shooting,

    I. Will. Carry.

  • Glenn61 November 23, 2018, 7:19 am

    OK, The Left wants “Common Sense” gun control…So everyone turns in their semi-auto rifles and pistols.
    Then soon after that some mentally ill idiot who has had his brain poisoned by Democrat diatribe shoots up a place like a school, church, hospital or where-ever with 2 or 3 revolvers. Then the celebutards start calling for the confiscation of all pistols.
    Then another idiot and product of the Liberal Democrat education system does a Charles Whitman, kills his family then finds a tower or someplace high and just starts offing people with a bolt-action rifle,,, now the Leftist want all your rifles too….

    The filthy Leftist Socialist Democrats don’t want anyone outside of the police, military or their personal security personnel “under their control” to own a gun.
    They want your AR15, they want your 9MM, your shot guns your 38 special, your 22…

    The Democrats don’t even want you to posses Black Powder guns,,, they want your swords and machetes, They want your Archery gear and any manufactured sling shots.

    The Communist/Socialist Democrats would make you register your steak knives if they could.
    Eventually, Everyone not connected to the Leftist power structure would be reduced to making shanks out of screw drivers to carry for self protection on the Grand Liberal Plantation.

    • Stan d. Upnow November 24, 2018, 9:44 pm

      After the guns are gone, next they’ll ban all knives.

      Crazy, paranoid, InfoWars conspiracy theory?

      Look at London, England for the answer.

  • Joe November 23, 2018, 7:07 am

    I can just see big brother monitoring sites like this in order to use what we say as the reason they feel it is necessary to confiscate our guns for our own safety like they did in New jersey when they murdered that man on the say so of his sister.

  • Chuck Conrad November 23, 2018, 6:45 am

    It should be illegal for any one to destroy the Bill of Rights. That way any future discussion of any topics would preclude destroying American values. European progressives are trying to destroy America as they are destroying the countries we saved in the 1940’s and 1950’s.

  • John Boutwell November 23, 2018, 4:44 am

    Want to stop mass shootings, start with mental health. Nearly all the shooters have people around them that know they are troubled, angry and have a history of poor coping skills.

    • Mike S. November 23, 2018, 8:01 am

      ….and coincidentally, most of those troubled people are liberals.

  • Dave L November 23, 2018, 3:47 am

    You can’t ever argue with someone as dumb as Swalwall, this Kalifornia moron is too stupid to even carry on a conversation with. He is illiterate on firearms, on life itself, if you don’t agree with him , you are wrong !

  • Rangemaster11B November 23, 2018, 3:11 am

    Fortunately, the Jackasses only have a majority in the House, not the Congress. Any nonsense they dream up will not survive the Senate, much less the Presidential veto.
    This airhead pretty boy is CA’s answer to O’Rourke in TX.

  • colddeadhands November 23, 2018, 3:01 am

    from my cold dead hands…. FU, Swalwell.

  • Bobs your uncle November 21, 2018, 11:11 am

    Swalwel needs to do something about guns in Ca. where you have literal millions of people from south of the border in sanctuary cities who in order to complete their take over of Ca. will need those guns now held by citizens of the U.S. to be removed from play so there can be a peaceful take over.

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