We Shoot the Ruger American Pistol–Review

Editor’s note: This page is under construction–big time. We picked this gun up Monday, and had it on the range Tuesday. We’ll be adding to this review as time permits.

Read about the Ruger American Pistol: https://beta.ruger.com/index.html

Buy one on GunsAmerica: https://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.aspx?T=ruger%20american%20pistol

We’ve been sitting on this news for a couple of weeks now. Ruger has a big announcement. They’ve just released the American Pistol–a polymer framed handgun chambered in 9mm and .45 ACP. This is a serious departure from Ruger’s pistol line-up, and should prove to be a game changer.

And, in classic Ruger style, there are guns in stores now–there are even test guns at ranges across America for those of you who want to go put one through its paces. No waiting.


The Ruger American Pistol in 9mm.

The Ruger American Pistol in 9mm.




  • Capacity 9mm 17+1, .45 ACP 10+1
  • Weight 9mm 30 oz, .45 ACP 31.5 oz
  • Length 9mm 7.5″, .45 ACP 8″
  • Width 9mm 1.4″, .45 ACP 1.4″
  • Height 9mm 5.6″, .45 ACP 5.7″
  • Barrel 9mm 4.2″, .45 ACP 4.5″
  • MSRP $579.00


The guts of the American Pistol.

The guts of the American Pistol. Modular chassis?


First Impressions

Some brands have an iconic look. Ruger has a distinct style, but they’ve completely revamped their pistol aesthetic with this one. The American Pistol doesn’t look like Ruger’s other polymer framed pistols. The ergonomic grip is more evocative of the VP9 or the PPQ M2. But this isn’t a foreign company making pistols in America, or an American company importing pistols–this is an American  Pistol–a point Ruger is rightfully proud of.


Modular back-straps allow for a custom hand fit.

Modular grip modules allow for a custom hand fit.


Grip texture is aggressive and effective.

Grip texture is aggressive and effective.


Once I had this gun in my hand, I immediately noticed that there wasn’t an external safety (at least not a thumb safety). There is a trigger safety, and there are safeties built into the gun (like an automatic seer block), but there isn’t anything on the outside to thumb up or down. Opinions being what they are… I appreciate the immediacy offered by a gun like this. If it is loaded, it is ready to go.


The controls are modestly sized, but easy to use and totally ambidextrous.

The controls are modestly sized, but easy to use and totally ambidextrous.


This diamond points to the mag release, making mag changes easy.

This diamond points to the mag release, making mag changes easy.


Another major step forward for Ruger is the lack of a magazine disconnect. I was standing in the store, dropping mags and working the slide, and I pulled the trigger. Much to my surprise (and delight) the gun clicked. While some may grouse about the relative benefits of the magazine disconnect, I prefer it this way. Magazines fail. A defensive handgun may still need to work without a magazine in the gun, and this one will.

No mag disconnect. No thumb safety. Could it be that someone at Ruger was reading my Christmas wish list?


Read the fine print.

Read the fine print. More subtle is how the extractor functions as a loaded-chamber-indicator (in this case, when flat, the chamber is empty).


And while we’re talking triggers, this one should make almost everyone smile. It has a short take-up, then hits a thin wall. It breaks clean every time at 5.5 pounds. I said in the video above that it broke at 4.5 pounds–and I swear that’s what it felt like. The break is comparable to some finely tuned 1911 triggers I’ve used. The shoe still feels plastic, but it is plastic.

Still, the reset is super short, too. This trigger spanks the competition. No two ways about it. As far as out-of-the-box stock triggers go, I’d rank this up there with the absolute best.


The trigger safety falls easily.

The trigger safety falls easily.


There's a plateau behind the trigger that stops over-travel.

There’s a plateau behind the trigger that stops over-travel.


The lines on the new American Pistol are clean. The texture on the polymer frame is sufficient. The back-straps are interchangeable. The slide has excellent texture at the rear serrations, and there are enough cuts on the front of the slide to allow for it to be racked from the front.

For those who don’t like the eggshell texture of glass-filled nylon, The American Pistol could be stippled. I’d like an additional section of texture above the trigger for my left thumb.

The magazines are steel with a polymer base. They’re coated with nickel Teflon, so they’re super slick. The 9mm holds 17 rounds, which puts it in line with the competition, for sure. I’d expect to see industry standard capacity for additional models moving forward.

[full_width]Ruger American Pistol 6[/full_width]


We’ve haven’t had the gun long enough to make much of a definitive statement about accuracy or reliability. We put 200 rounds through it this afternoon–mostly practice ammo. Accuracy was dependable. The gun ran without a hitch. We had no feeding issues, failures, mag problems–nothing.

And recoil is manageable. I’ve run all of the 4″-5″ 9mms. I can typically control recoil in this class easily enough, and The American Pistol is no exception. The gun does have a unique recoil impulse–no so distinct as to feel alien, but it took me a couple of rounds to feel comfortable with rapid follow-up shots. The gun sits low in the hand and it points naturally–both are good indications that I’ll like the way it performs.

Editor’s note–in the rush to get to the range and get some meaningful data, I neglected to take pictures of the targets. We’ll get a full review up soon and rectify the problem. When running all out, from seven yards, I could keep an entire magazine on a single 8″ target. And we pulled off several 5 shot strings that were all touching. So the results should be good.

A note on field stripping

There was one peculiarity we experienced. This gun comes apart easily, which is great for field stripping. Removing the slide, barrel, and spring is a breeze–and you don’t have to pull the trigger to take it down. That’s as far as I’d recommend taking the gun down, though, in the field. They call it field stripping for a reason.


Field stripped.

Field stripped. Easy. No tools or trigger-pull required.


Resist the temptation to take it down this far, at least until you are back at the bench.

Resist the temptation to take it down this far, at least until you are back at the bench.


Don’t try to take the modular guts out of the polymer frame. If you do, you run the risk of losing smaller parts. How do I know? Funny you should ask. Let’s just say I performed the field strip flawlessly. Then I kept going. Then I crawled around on hands and knees looking for a spring in the grass and weeds. Once I found the spring, I couldn’t get the gun back together. My fingers were freezing, and I eventually had to admit defeat and take all of the parts back to the workbench.


This spring pops off easily. When it falls in the grass, it is hard to find.

This spring pops off easily. When it falls in the grass, it is hard to find.


Lining up this lever with the take-down pin is tricky.

Lining up this lever with the take-down pin is tricky.


So what does The American Pistol mean for Ruger?

Ruger is taking over. As a review writer, I see a lot of guns. I can’t think of another company that does everything that Ruger does–and there are certainly no American manufacturers who continue to produce such quality at such an affordable price point. Their rimfire guns are legendary. Their revolvers never quit. Their rifles–from budget minded hunting guns to long range tack drivers–have a well deserved following. Everything from single-action pistols to fine-tuned SASS revolvers to mouse-guns–Ruger does it brilliantly. Still–there was one nut they couldn’t seem to crack; their full-sized polymer pistol line has never caught on.

This changes that. This is the beginning of something new for Ruger. The full-sized American Pistol should be the first of a whole line of new guns. And (if I’m any judge of what is going to be popular) I think this one is going to be a rock-star.


The full-sized American Pistol should be the first of many variants in size and caliber.

The full-sized American Pistol should be the first of many variants in size and caliber.


So What does this mean for us?

From where I sit, I see a landscape dominated by polymer framed pistols. There is no shortage. Almost all of them are respectable guns that have long lists of selling points. If you are particularly brand loyal, you likely have a suitable option. So here’s one for the Ruger devotees.

But there’s more–let’s consider origins. This gun is made in the USA, by a company with roots in the USA. Say what you will about some of the industry leaders, but patriotism still matters to most American gun owners. And if you can buy an American made gun for less than you can buy an import (assuming performance and reliability are equal), wouldn’t you?

Performance and reliability are the two big unknowns with new guns, and these factors are what build brand loyalty. Time will tell.


The front sight.

The Novak LoMount front sight.


The rear sight.

The Novak LoMount rear sight.


So what does this mean for America?

Could it be that Ruger is going to be a contender in the upcoming trials to replace the M9? This has a modular chassis. It is available in 9mm and .45 ACP. Other calibers and frame sizes should be easy to produce. And it is made in America, by a company deeply rooted in America–did I mention that?

Read about the Ruger American Pistol: https://beta.ruger.com/index.html

Buy one on GunsAmerica: https://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.aspx?T=ruger%20american%20pistol


Plenty of real estate for a good grip.

Plenty of real estate for a good grip.


The flat black and flat surfaces cut down on glare.

The flat black and flat surfaces cut down on glare.



The polymer rail.

The polymer rail.



The business end.

The business end.



Inside the barrel.

Inside the barrel.



Not a full barrel, but hardly slim.

Not a bull barrel, but hardly slim.



The caliber markings are clear, useful in a gun that might end up with modular options.

The caliber markings are clear, useful in a gun that might end up with modular options.



Excellent feed ramp. We had no performance issues.

Excellent feed ramp. We had no performance issues.



  • guyperson April 23, 2019, 1:55 am

    I have had nothing but trouble with the .45 version of this gun. It has a failure to feed at lease once every ten shots. I tried various types of ammo and still the same problem. There was nothing broken with it and I am only 200 rounds into this gun. The only thing I can think of is the factory magazine spring is far too weak.

  • Charles September 13, 2017, 11:35 pm

    I am bored tonight. I read the comments…
    All the comments about a firearm’s “looks” are really gay….
    A guns reliability and its toughness and its ergonomics are all that matters for defensive killing or for plinking.
    Gay gay gay

    • Jay November 7, 2018, 6:56 pm

      Comments are opinions. I get it. Some comments will be recognized by most readers as stupid. Like yours. Buy a functional but ugly gun if that’s what you want, big man. The rest of us are bored with you.

  • RugerRedneck July 19, 2017, 9:01 pm

    Nice review on the American 9mm. I have various collections of many brands and am a long time Ruger fan as my user name implies, lol. I recently purchased the 9 and 45 Ruger American because I have had very good results with the SR series. So far they have been nothing but excellent shooters with many types of ammo. I have noticed that they do not recoil as much as my SR9 and SR45 do. I assume this is due to their patented new cam system the American uses. Over 35 plus years collecting firearms I have had about the same amount of problems with all top firearms from Colt to Walther. When you fire hundreds of thousands of various ammo you will eventually have some sort of ammo failure. We have recently had the most problems ever encountered with all brands of ammo and all were during the height of the ammo shortage. I have never had squib rounds with new ammo until then and with brands I thought would never happen to. My son in law’s new polymer pistol that I bought him for Christmas blew up in half due to bad ammo. It took a while to get the cause of the catastrophe as the ammo maker and the gun maker were both blaming each other. Although it took a lot longer than we liked it was finally settled and we have another new pistol, or I should say “had” another new pistol. Anyway I highly recommend the Ruger American based on the two that I have. Thanks!

  • Robert February 19, 2017, 11:25 pm

    Having played with one in Cabelas, I decided to go for an HK VP9 based solely in the slide release. I don’t like the idea of having to use having to use extra effort to release the slide.

  • Kelly Pieri January 30, 2017, 9:19 am

    I bought my Ruger in. 45 ACP a few days ago. Took it out to the range yesterday for the first time and put 200 rounds through it without a hitch. Did change grips to fit my larger size hand, but other than that, I wouldn’t change a thing about this gun. Kudos, Ruger American!

  • Chuck January 2, 2017, 10:16 am

    I own Glock,Ruger,Smith, and Walther I guess most people like a certain gun and only want to shoot that brand but I have not had any problems with any of mine including the Ruger American so my opinion is practice with your weapon get comfortable with it and quit bashing other weapons if you don’t like it don’t buy it and as for any good shooter your weapons should always remain clean all the time they are only as good as you are.

    • Vancorey January 3, 2017, 1:31 pm

      Indeed…The Truth had been spoken people.

  • John Everett December 30, 2016, 11:08 am

    I presently own a Walther PPQ M2, Glock 17, M&P Pro and Ruger American 9mm. The Ruger
    is a big heavy (for a polymer gun) reliable pistol. It is not for concealed carry but is a good
    shooter. I don’t like the heavy trigger pull. (6 pounds) and long trigger reset but I enjoy shooting
    the gun. By far, the Walther has the best trigger pull. 4.25 pounds with a short reset. The M&P
    has the most comfortable grip and is very reliable. The Glock is like a tool. Ugly, (as is the Ruger)
    with a terrible grip. It feels like I’m holding a plank. The trigger pull also leaves alot to be desired
    but the gun is reliable and accurate. Sig’s P220 which I have shot also has a very good trigger.
    All attributes considered, for my money, the M&P is my personal favorite.

  • warren sands December 22, 2016, 11:19 am

    The Ruger American is available in a model with a manual safety if anyone is interested. It model 8639.

  • Jason Macrie December 14, 2016, 9:08 am

    My RAP .45 will not cycle SWC ammo. Gun works flawlessly with FMJ, different brands and reloads, but chokes on SWC. Gun only has a couple hundred rounds through it so far.

    • Ashley Silva January 1, 2017, 9:53 am

      I have just tried SWC reloads Jason and the round is jammed in the gun. I can not get it out. I’ll have to go to the range and fire it. It won’t cycle with Remington JHP’s either. This is not good. Thanks for your heads up.

      • Ashley Silva January 6, 2017, 9:18 pm

        I contacted Ruger and have a shipping label to return the firearm for evaluation and repair.

        I don’t understand what the problem is. I have a cheap Taurus 1911 .45 from 1999 that hasn’t jammed ONCE. I have fed it all sorts of ammo including various reloads without a problem. It is also an accurate gun.

        I was hoping the RAP would be as good as my Ruger 9mm which has been great.

  • Louie Sharp December 9, 2016, 9:03 pm

    I own a Ruger American 9mm and have nothing but good things to say about it. It’s accurate, reliable, smooth and it’s typically Ruger rugged. I also own a Ruger LC9 which I use as a carry gun. I own Walthers. Smiths and beretta’s. I like all of my pistols but I have to say my Rugers are as reliable and as accurate as any of the others I have mentioned. It’s important to me to buy American and for my money Ruger is the best pop for the buck.

  • TOM October 27, 2016, 12:15 am


    • Black Ops December 15, 2016, 12:54 pm

      Spell check helps too

    • RugerRedneck July 19, 2017, 8:01 pm

      Very well said Tom!

  • YANN October 20, 2016, 4:05 pm

    I bought one as soon as been available some months ago. I had a SR9, great lil gun but the RAP is better, no doubt.
    No issue at all, good looking, very accurate and reliable and cost less than a Glock or any Hollywood movie gun…”Beretta?…”

  • joe faulise September 19, 2016, 10:26 pm

    I saw a video on this weapon a torture test to be exact and went out and bought one. I have had nothing but troubles. I am not surprised I guess in that every ruger has given me troubles. This one closes the action automaticly when loading a full clip. It does it intermitently. I cant get it to do it with an empty mag but a loaded mag the action closes with out hitting the mag release. Secondly I cant hit any thing with it. At nine feet It hit low about nine inches and at 45 feet about 2 feet low. So I benched it at 45 feet and still hit four inches low.

    I like the feel of the weapon and it is well made I was hoping to use as a carry gun but not Now. Im only out 469.00 but no more rugers for me

    • Russell September 27, 2016, 11:26 am

      I fired my new ruger american 45 for the first time yesterday and had no trouble blowing a target to bits at 21 feet. No problems with gun at all. I love it.

    • SL October 10, 2016, 2:10 pm

      I’ve heard the complaint about the slide going forward on its own – and Ruger needs to fix that; however, I’m surprised that “every Ruger” has given you trouble. I’ve had seven different Ruger revolvers and pistols without any problems whatsoever. They all worked flawlessly and appeared to be indestructible. Which Rugers have you had nothing but trouble with and what kind of troubles?

    • Joseph Torba December 10, 2016, 9:08 am

      Call ruger, they are remarkable at customer service and have fixed the one problem I have had with a lifetime of ruger weapons. Had a 10-22 go full auto , early 80s weapon with thousands of rounds through it ,and a full rust up while it did 4 years locked in a van, cleaned it when I re-aquired it and it acted up. 1 call, sent it in , perfect repair.

    • Ashley Silva January 6, 2017, 9:22 pm


      Mine also closes the action when I put in a mag – not always.

      This is not good.

  • ARD September 2, 2016, 8:22 pm

    I love my Ruger American 9mm, I could not be happier with it , nice trigger reset and low recoil great shooter

  • Jeff August 25, 2016, 5:12 am

    You said it would not fire with the magazine out. BUT it plainly says it will fire with the Magazine out

  • Thomas August 17, 2016, 9:04 am

    This pistol is one of the better offerings that Ruger has released in sometime. I especially like the manual safety version just released. The game changing part is not new as Sig did it with the P250 and P320. Its the ability to serial number a fire control group while allowing the entire gun to be reconfigured to a new caliber with out tools.

    Glock and others use different frame sizes . . . not grips . . . and require armor take down to change with in the size family. I assume Ruger will do as Sig did and offer caliber conversions for less than the pistol cost. I admit this idea doesn’t appeal to all, but for those who like to shoot multiple calibers with out owning multiple guns it might. I imagine this will get the most action in areas with many loop holes to jump through to get a firearm. Now the buyer buys one license and gets 3 different guns if he likes.

  • Damon August 16, 2016, 8:36 pm

    If Ruger makes this pistol in a 10mm with a 15 round capacity – I will switch from Glock. I like the fact that I can own several calibers with the same platform “Glock”. So, please Ruger…enter the 10mm market!!!

  • pokemon go July 20, 2016, 6:06 pm

    I love all weapons, but especially the rifle type, no better than a good automatic rifle

  • Greg April 9, 2016, 5:34 pm

    I read thru most of the comments about this new guy n, and frankly find that the only conclusion that should be drawn, is that all shooters have different needs and expections. I own several hand guns, for me any hand gun that fits your hand properly, fulfills the intended user purpose, and is within the users budget, is the best gun for that person. I personally carry a fns40 most of the time. I just purchased the Ruger American 45 today. It is as close as I could have asked to the feel and accuracy of what I am familiar with, without paying a fortune for it. The real bottom line, in my opinion, is that if you satisify your need, budget, reliability, and your comfortable with what you purchased, then all the cridics don’t really mean much. Satisfy your need and practice enough to be knowledgeable, safe, and accurate with you weapon of choice. Happy shooting. By the way I really like my Ruger 45 American

  • Barry Luke March 25, 2016, 12:00 am

    I’ll put my 2 cents in. I have 6+, 9mm defensive auto pistols and I just purchase the Ruger American and it is the first pistol that my LH thumb can eject the mag. easy and I cut my mag. exchange tome by a few seconds. As far as external safetys go I have a Turus 2nd gen 24/7 9mm and at times in ccw the safety changes to fire while I have it holstered, Some how this happens, don’t know why? I would rather have a pistol without these safetys. My glock, sccy and now my RUGER is just a squeeze and then bang. I feel so much safer with these three pistols. The Ruger is the best pistol I purchased for mag. rlse. the glock comes in 2nd. The ones that don’t change fast for me are the sr9c, sccy, browning, sig, and hk. Hmmm I guess I am training with the American from here on in, we’ll see!
    p.s. speed in mag. exchange is the most important thing along with knowing the fire condition on presention of weapon with pressure being applied.

  • Caleb March 6, 2016, 4:03 pm

    wonderful gun! I feel it’s going to be on the hip of police here pretty soon.

  • Phillip March 3, 2016, 9:41 am

    I examined the new Ruger American pistol and my impressions are it is too top heavy compared to other similar pistols and is just a tad short in the grip without a magazine inserted. It seems well made but I didn’t shoot the gun. It does have all the lawyer’s warnings but there is no way around that. The trigger movement and reset seemed long but smoother than my Glocks. The price is right, $479 at the shop I was at. If I didn’t have a decent 9mm I would buy it.

  • Hal February 27, 2016, 3:02 am

    I hate having legal BS engraved on the frame/slide of any gun….. like that is going to make some idiot read the manual ! It just detracts from the looks of the firearm and totally ruins my interest in it. If necessary to satisfy your lawyers, have that printed in big red letters on the box or on a removable tag on the trigger guard….

    Would you buy a car that had “read the instruction manual before you drive this vehicle”, inscribed on the hood??? HOW STUPID !!!!

  • Steve Guardez February 2, 2016, 11:24 am

    A total ripoff of S & W sd9ve. Don’t waste your hard earned money. Buy the S&W. Soon to be in 45acp.

    • Lololol February 5, 2016, 11:52 pm

      A rip off of a sd9ve? You mean the pistol S&W ripped off of glock so badly they have to pay a royalty now? Might want to go shoot one yourself in person. This doesnt feel like a glock, i mean, glock clone.

    • Preston February 7, 2016, 1:07 pm

      Definitely NOT a S&W SD9ve. The Ruger American: 17+1 (not 16+1), way different guide rod, Trigger is smoother and crisper than the SD9ve with a positive reset (not my favorite aspect but I’m hoping an aftermarket one with a neutral reset will come out. The American’s fire control group is the serial part of the firearm not the frame, its internals are nickel teflon coated, Its heavier and more durable. And I bet the Ruger American would last longer and the S&W SD9VE would jam up before the American did.

    • Tener March 10, 2016, 10:04 am

      Wooowwwwww you don’t know anything do you?

    • Charles September 13, 2017, 10:55 pm

      No similarities with that pistol at all.
      The smith svd9 (or whatever its called) is not a good firearm.

  • Michael Lynch January 30, 2016, 12:52 am

    I love all the “experts” here. Well, I have a RUGER AMERICAN 45 and I can tell you that it is much more comfortable in the hand than my Butt Ugly GLOCK 22. The frame of the RUGER IS VERY stiff when compared to the GLOCK or the M&P. The GLOCK is not even on the same planet as the RUGER when you compare the trigger. The stock GLOCK trigger sucks in comparison. The M&P needs a trigger right out of the box, yes , if got one of those too! The one complaint that I have is that I wish it had a 13 round magazine. I own an SR40c and bought this gun because I know how good the SR is. I own 18 hand guns and half are RUGERS and half are something else. RUGER makes very good guns for a reasonable price. I train with all my pistols from my 1911 to my CZ75 and everything else in between. I’ve got metal guns, plastic guns, striker guns, hammer guns,SA,DA, safeties, de-cockers, revolvers, just about everything is represented in my safe. I’ve grown real tired of all the GLOCK/SIG/HK snobs around. You stamp Any of these names on a turd, and they will hold their noses an shell out big bucks to get their hands on one. I bought a GLOCK and found out really quick that so called GLOCK PERFECTION is just more marketing BS. I have learned how to be a GLOCK armorer and how to make these guns work pretty well. RUGER makes a darn good gun, get over it! Don’t like them, don’t buy one! But don’t tell me that everything you have is the greatest, just because you paid too much for it.

    • Dan Adams February 21, 2016, 1:38 pm

      How did you get one before being released. I haven’t found one for sale.

      • Jim July 18, 2016, 4:40 pm

        I just bought my Ruger American Pistol 9M this last weekend. Gandher Mountain has these in stock on SALE at $429.99!!!! Couldn’t believe the price. Awesome Gun.
        A little heavy but i can’t wait to shoot it.
        Built very well. Eash take down. Gonna be a Winner.

  • Garrett Grossman January 23, 2016, 12:12 pm

    Man i kinda like this gun but im still waiting on a .357 sig caliber so unless they come out with one or a 10mm ill just stick with my SR9

    • Robert Blake July 26, 2016, 3:23 pm

      You’ll be waiting a very long time then, as .357 Sig is a dead caliber (like .45 Gap and 10mm).

      • Curt August 8, 2016, 11:12 pm

        Ummm, really? The 357 SIG going the way of the dinosaurs and GAPs? Keep this on the downlow and the QT; the round is gaining a lot of popularity in my area and the ammo is FINALLY easy to find again. I’ve bought the conversion barrels for my .40 S&W caliber handguns and carry a G23 in 357 Sig as my EDC. Why? Well, if it’s good enough for the Secret Service and Federal Air Marshals, it’s good enough for me.

        Oh, and more importantly (and more serious note), I’m more accurate with the 357 Sig at all distances than I am with the base .40 the gun came with.

        • Charles September 13, 2017, 11:00 pm

          To each his own but its going to be 9 or 45 only

  • Witness January 18, 2016, 12:26 pm

    I was at a Kansas gun range yesterday.A man was trying out the ruger American pistol in 9mm.It fired a round,the casing must of split ,it chambered a second round with the first casing still in the chamber.The gun should of jammed,it did not and blew up.Thank God the shooter wore his safety glasses.

    • Analoh May 9, 2016, 7:50 pm

      I think you’re full of shit.

      • Willy July 16, 2017, 9:31 pm

        Absolute bullshit, never happened !

    • Charles September 13, 2017, 11:01 pm


  • Kframe January 13, 2016, 1:36 am

    A reliable gun that’s reasonably accurate is a good gun; I have 35 years of competitive shooting, retail firearm sales experience, and as a NRA and state concealed carry instructor. This doesn’t make me an expert, nor am I a novice.
    Most of this discussion could be nine year old girls complaining about the options available on the new Barbie. Don’t get sucked-in by corporate BS. Get a good gun and practice with it until competent.

    • Charles September 13, 2017, 11:10 pm

      “Get a good gun”…
      People are arguing about what a “good gun” is.

  • Pro2Aguy January 12, 2016, 9:54 pm

    Look, it’s fine but looks just like the other dozen+ polymer 9mm’s on the market…I mean the first time I looked at this I thought it was the Turkish made new Century Arms 9mm…Heck, Taurus made the 24/7 Tactical OSS models many years back now in both 9&45 both of which were submitted to SOCOM’s pistol trials to replace M9 before Uncle Sam yanked the testing in plain logical 2+2=5 government fashion…I’m sure this would make for a fine hi-cap poly-9mm like the dozen others…Hell, I’ll keep my much appreciated Ruger P95 (I call it my tank) as that gun was even found in Iraq when the U.S. supplied the Iraqi Army (pardon the oxymoron) with side-arms…We tried to torture one into trash and couldn’t do it.

  • Bob January 12, 2016, 8:27 pm

    Another plastic striker fired nine……couldnt be more boring….or useless…Maybe if it was a metal framed 10mm….but this is a waste…..RUGER…..I’M STILL WAITING FOR A MINI-14 IN 308!!! Waiting about 25 years now……Their first one developed cracks….and they never came out with an improved version…

    • Status Crow August 30, 2017, 2:40 pm

      Why not just buy an M-14 or M1?

  • Patrick Maulsby January 4, 2016, 8:13 pm

    When is the great weapon going to be available? I looked on Gallery of guns and it’s not available. I’m wanting to try it out. When can a 64 year old be able to touch it? I sold my 40 and wanting this 9mm. Also is there a 40 cal carbine?

    • Charles Barrus January 19, 2016, 8:40 pm

      They are out there. Look around. The Gander Mountain I work at has 3 9mm and 1 45ACP

  • Chuck January 4, 2016, 6:00 pm

    My local gun shoppe had them for $450 + Tax this past weekend. I checked out the .45 ACP. I liked the look, but felt cheap and there was a lot of empty mag wobble… a LOT more than my Glocks or Springfields. The mag looked cheap and flimsy. The .45 mags are not single stack or double stack… the gun shoppe owner said they’re “stack & a half.” I said “Huh?” The 9mm version is a full double stack. I’ve had problems with Ruger mags before and these seem like they could be trouble in the long run… time will tell. 10 + 1 in a full size .45 ACP is a production compromise. Even at around $100 less than most new Glocks, I’ll stick with Glock after first impression.

  • Tj2000 January 4, 2016, 3:01 pm

    Wow!!!!!! If I want another plastic gun I will buy a Glock. At least I could take the trigger out and not loose any of it. Well it is comforting to know that Ruger still sucks in appearance of its semi-autos. They should stick with revolvers and the Mark series of semi-autos they work so much better.
    I own several Rugers and I like them. I own several Glocks and I like them better because I have put 8000 rounds through my Model 21 SF before cleaning it and it is still going strong. Try that with any other semi-auto and you wont get near that many before a failure of some sort.
    the 21 is my duty weapon so I would stake my life on it. Glocks are great carry and SHTF guns too.
    So if I offend anyone her GET OVER IT AND GROW A PAIR!!!!!
    Oh, please pass the popcorn the show is getting ready to start…….

    • Daniel Hamilton January 4, 2016, 11:21 pm

      You don’t offend me, and I already have quite an admirable pair. Maybe even more impressive than your own. Glocks are not the end all of polymer pistols. They were not even the first. They are not the end all of pistols period. Sig owners will tell you that Sigs are best, but only if they have a metal frame. Their polymer SP2022 is a fine handgun, but to some Sig owners it is utter blasphemy. The SP2022 just doesn’t cost as much as the P226. Then you have the HK owners who brag on their pistols. I’ve heard the rave reviews by their owners. The only one I’ve seen that I may want to own, is their VP9. Oh woe is me!

      If you like your Glock, that’s fine, that’s great. You can brag about them until the cows come home. In the end, it is still, just your opinion, and everyone has loads of those. Even the ladies who own firearms can choose their own firearms. Did you know that they can now vote? Just think, they don’t even have to grow a pair to buy the pistol they want. Imagine that?

      I could care less about how many rounds of ammo you put through your pistol before cleaning it. I know that I would never mistreat a pistol of mine like that, but then, it is your pistol. You’ll find that not every person on planet earth will be calling on you, just to get your opinion.

      Glocks do not fit every hand. If no one told you that before now, consider yourself informed. Let me repeat that tidbit of info to you, Glocks-do-not-fit-every-hand-out-there. The SF attempted to rectify that, and the Gen4 was a step closer to getting it right, but others such as S&W with their M&P models, Sig with their P250 and P320, HK with their VP9, and now Ruger with their American, have done it and they did it right. Glocks just don’t have me enthralled. like they do you. If you like yours, that is just swell. I am so happy for you.

      I haven’t shot the new Ruger American, but I have gotten to hold one and dry fire it. I know for certain that when I have the funds available, I’ll buy one. So if I have offended you, or anyone out there, who cares? I sure don’t.

    • Kframe January 10, 2016, 2:24 am

      You’re not interesting enough to be offensive. And why would anyone brag about not cleaning their duty pistol for 8000 rounds?

      • Ak February 6, 2016, 12:01 am

        Agreed. Acts like a ranting E-1 who just got done at range day after his first experience shooting paper.

        • Porkchop February 14, 2016, 3:52 pm

          Duty weapon with 8000 rounds and uncleaned? We hire people for public service and they do not care to take pride in their job.

          • Fatbird January 8, 2017, 8:54 am

            WOW I didn’t relize that cleaning a gun was so difficult, 8000 round with no cleaning BFD!

    • Charles September 13, 2017, 11:17 pm

      BS. You do not serve in any capacity requiring you to carry a duty weapon…
      If you do you are STUPID for allowing your life to rest with any pistol which hasnt been cleaned for 8,000 rounds.
      My guess is you are 19 with back acne and you are angry with your mom becuse she is making you get a job.

  • Bob January 4, 2016, 12:53 pm

    Just another plastic firearm very late to a crowded field. Now if they want to take market share can they price it in the $300 range

  • mark wolfson January 4, 2016, 10:48 am

    Reading between the lines, this is the type of weapon that will win the new army contract. And, based on what has been reviewed, will be very competitive against Beretta, HK and Walther (their new .45 PPQ very similar and used by German police). I hope they take the contract as an American Company.

  • David January 4, 2016, 10:48 am

    Ruger cannot seem to introduce a firearm that doesn’t get accolades from all mainstream firearms magazine and writers.
    Their polymer guns especially. However after the hype dies down, the guns never stand up to the rave reviews.
    Just take a look or better yet, go shoot a few of them.
    I guess the huge sales paying for all the rave reviews will generate in the first year before the truth is known are worth it.
    Even if it turned out to be a good gun, I would likely have a doubts just because of all the misleading information leading up to it.
    Oh and one other thing. That warning printed on the gun reads to me like they shouldn’t be selling guns to their customers if they are dumb enough to need it.

    • Capt D January 4, 2016, 9:55 pm

      I understand the need to do cya in this litigious society, but actually carving the disclaimer on the side of the pistol seems just too PC for me.

  • Ross Walters January 4, 2016, 9:57 am

    Too heavy for concealed carry and a grip way too fat for most women to comfortably shoot. Add to that the high price and they call that ‘innovation’? Maybe Ruger can just start printing the entire firearm manual on the side of their pistols and avoid the expense of including a paper one in the box. That appears to be the direction their ‘innovation’ is headed.

    • Charles September 13, 2017, 11:22 pm

      The high price?? Thats on the cheap end bro

  • Time Chuck January 4, 2016, 6:16 am

    100% puff piece. I hope they bought you dinner before you blew them with this article.

  • L. Jones January 3, 2016, 10:57 pm

    Great article. You addressed and answered all my questions since first hearing about the Ruger American pistol. I’ve got my Ruger Mk II, SR40c, SR1911, GP100, Redhawk 4″, 10/22, and a Ruger American .17HMR rifle.
    I think it’s about time I got the Ruger American pistol in 9mm!
    Thanks again for your informative review.

  • paul January 3, 2016, 1:15 pm

    I’ll stick with my Sig, I own several Ruger products but in my stubborn old man ways still refuse to buy any gun that has attorney and lawsuit disclaimers stamped all over the gun, noticed this one has two ? Read the manual, and this gun will fire with magazine out, duh, is that not a selling point ? Remove the written dis-claimers on your guns and i will purchase again.

    • Tom Horn January 4, 2016, 12:02 pm

      Yeah, well, at least they aren’t stamping, “GRIP ZONE,” in big letters on the grip, like Springfield is doing. That just insults my intelligence. If you don’t know where the grip zone is, you probably shouldn’t be gripping it.

      Bill Ruger was an innovator in the firearms world, and I like many of his products. This just seems like another polymer clone with an improved trigger..

    • JGinNJ January 4, 2016, 3:17 pm

      My sentiments as well. Like a California gas station. So many warning signs they become part of the background noise and accomplish nothing.

  • Captcha The Flag January 3, 2016, 11:31 am

    Soon as I read “should prove to be a game changer” I checked out. Really, there is NOTHING game changing about another striker fired pistol and throwing phrases like that around just make the reviewer sound cheesy and honestly, sounds like you were paid to say that.

    Why does this gun exist? Heavy, bad ergos, ehhh trigger, not visually impressive at all, overpriced…why does Ruger release a handgun to compete against their own current lineup?

  • rickinmich January 3, 2016, 10:34 am

    I like it, but wont buy one until they offer it with a safety. just my 2 cents

    • Daniel Hamilton January 4, 2016, 11:43 pm

      They built it especially for folks like me, who do NOT want a magazine disconnect or a manual safety. Not everyone feels like they need a manual safety.

      It a person follows the proper safety rules for handling a handgun, why would they need a manual safety? Properly designed and maintained pistols will not fire unless the trigger is pulled. If a pistol falls into those categories, why would it need a manual safety?

      Ruger makes the SR series, which would probably suit your needs. I sincerely doubt that Ruger will put a manual safety on the American series. I’ve been waiting a long time for a Ruger pistol without training wheels on it.

    • Charles September 13, 2017, 11:24 pm

      Done…you are welcome

  • Dan January 3, 2016, 7:30 am

    I carry a Glock on and off the job and my only complaint is the feel of the grip. The M&P grip feels wonderful with the same capacity. This Ruger grip looks promising. If they got everything else right more power to em. Time will tell as always. I was always a fan of their revolvers, rifles and rimfires and couldn’t wait for their take on a defensive caliber auto but was and remained disappointed. Possibly until now.

  • Dan January 3, 2016, 7:29 am

    I carry a Glock on and off the job and my only complaint is the feel of the grip. The M&P grip feels wonderful with the same capacity. This Ruger grip looks promising. If they got everything else right more power to em. Time will tell as always. I was always a fan of their revolvers, rifles and rimfires and couldn’t wait for their take on a defensive caliber auto but was and remained disappointed. Possibly until now.

  • Padraig74 January 3, 2016, 5:20 am

    Went to the gun show today at the Dulles Expo intent on handling and purchasing a VP9 or a PPQ. (As a point, I am new to handguns- sort of. I grew up with them, but getting back into them.) Neither disappointed. Both felt great in my hands. Solid. But I picked up one of American Ruger 9mm and I was sold. Unequivocally the best hand gun I picked up all day for me. I really liked the balance and the fit. Going back tomorrow to purchase- I should have today, but wanted to do a little research. Tough to research a new gun, but Ruger has a fantastic reputation.

    I think a lot of readers here understand a lot more about the internals of these machines- I will hopefully start learning. But if it starts with look (I like it) and feel, then this one blew me away.

    • Beth March 20, 2016, 7:20 pm

      I rented a VP9 and a Walther PPQ today. I honestly hated the mag release for the VP9. I’m now down to trying to decide between the PPQ and the Ruger American. Unfortunately, I have to go to a different gun range than where I prefer to go in order to rent one, so I haven’t made it out there yet. But, like you, I LOVE the feel of the American!

      • Dan March 29, 2016, 12:19 pm

        I rented one of these 2 weeks ago and shot it. Actually it was a free rental, because they are still promoting it. The only problem I had, bad eyes had me straining to see the front site. I am new to pistols also. I picked up the American 9mm this weekend, then picked up some florescent paint for the front site. Much better. Did not realize it came with different grips, probably going to put the larger one on.

        I liked how it felt when I shot it. I’m thrilled now that I have it and can not take it out to the range.

        Great pistol

  • Elgreco January 2, 2016, 11:28 pm

    I would rather have an sr9 than this big blocky heavy gun. You can easily remove the mag disconnect and get rid of the loaded chamber indicator. I don’t mind slide safeties.

  • ejharb January 2, 2016, 10:41 pm

    Like this gun on first sight,will buy 1 in 45acp for sure.as much as I like my 30sf this may be the g-gun killer if it’s longterm durability is good,yes it’s bigger than my 30 with a 9rd mag but for a superior weapon I’ll adapt

  • marcelina meyers January 2, 2016, 3:21 pm

    Very nice ,Thanks for writing it ,ENJOYED .

  • Don January 2, 2016, 1:52 pm

    Ugly lookin’ piece of crap.

    • Charles September 13, 2017, 11:28 pm

      You looking in a mirror again Don?

  • Rick January 2, 2016, 12:21 pm

    Some very interesting comments here. I’ll have to take some time and go back and read all of them later. One thing I did notice were a few comments about Ruger copying others. I believe, in a sense, that is true to a certain extent. I believe, as part of their research and development, that they look around the internet in the various forums and indeed, in the torus about themselves, and they see what folks have to say about guns they like and guns they dislike and why.

    For the SR series, overall people liked them. What people didn’t seem to like was the mag disconnect safety, the slide safety, and the loaded chamber indicator. I never had a problem with that last one or the slide safety.

    So, they looked around and saw that people disliked some of the options they had on the SR series. They got rid of them. Also, it appears as though they adopted the low slide aspect from CZ.

    Did they copy successful aspects from other guns that people liked and put them in this gun? Undoubtedly. Think about that for a second. They took the best features from several other guns and actually listened to their own customers and created a new gun with all that in mind. I heard it said once that Ruger tends to copy others to a certain extent but in the end, they just make it better right out of the box.

    Indeed, I believe that once you see Ruger put American in the name, they feel that they’ve achieved as close to perfection as they are going to get with a particular firearm.

    • Tom Horn January 4, 2016, 12:36 pm

      Ruger never did invent the wheel. Bill Ruger didn’t even invent investment casting, but was just one of the first to use it in firearms manufacturing, and thus bring the price of production (and cost of firearms) down. Even some of his innovative designs were borrowed from the minds of others (ex.: mini 14 design based on M1 Garand).

      That being said, they have come up with some great designs over the years (10/22, MK1, mini 14, P95, LCR, GP100, etc.), none original, but improved on designs of others.

      • Neil January 4, 2016, 7:49 pm

        So Tom what are you saying? Are you insulting Bill Ruger or are you praising him? You people that have nothing but insults and bad things to say about Ruger and their new pistol should be ashamed of being an American!! Ruger is one of the only gun manufactures that are owned and made here in the states. If you don’t like the gun that’s fine but don’t trash it and brag about your firearm that was made in some other country!! If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t bother saying because the rest of us don’t want to here it!!

    • Strongarm January 6, 2016, 5:37 am

      If it’s compulsory to resemble one existing plastic framed pistosl, this gun seems to follow the line of “M”series Steyr Brand. It has no striker block within the slide and a very similar trigger lockwork with a sear supporter lever leaving its task with the trigger exertion with a plus factor having a positive trigger disconnector instead of Steyr’s escaping. HK or SigSauer similarity remains only in decocker lever section working through dismount latch. The gun seems in equal level with Glock and Steyr in drop safety department as protecting the cocked mode after an impact or fall and should be considered superior than others leavaing this very important function to the common striker block carrying brands.

  • John January 2, 2016, 9:27 am

    A manually operated safety does not make a firearm “fool” proof. There have been thousands, and probably millions, of accidental discharges with firearms that did have manual safeties. You cannot idiot proof any product. If there is a way to screw up, someone will find it.

    • Joe January 4, 2016, 8:40 am

      Compared to a gun like this (that has no external manual safety) a gun with an external manual safety has an added safety factor (no pun intended). I will ALWAYS buy the semi-auto that has the safety and decocker over one that only has a trigger safety. I laugh at the moronic gun manufacturer who says “our gun has multiple safeties”……… But they”re all on the trigger which is the first thing a young kid who picks the gun will pull, thus discharging the weapon. Hello McFly, anyone home???? You did what? Put “multiple” safety’s on it and they’re all on the trigger??? No thanks. My Bersa 380 thunder plus and Bersa 9mm Thunder Pro Ultra Compact BOTH have external safety’s AND manual decockers and these are unsurpassed in user safety by any other type mechanism, bar none. If you say otherwise you should probably leave the subject of guns to the “responsible adults in the room”……

      • Keith January 4, 2016, 9:23 am

        Ah…. Yes it does, at least it’s mor fool proof than is a gun where ALL the safety’s are on the trigger. Instinct is fir someone to pull the trigger. Do it on this gun and it fired. Do it on a gun with an external and separate manual safety and nothing happens. For it to fire the additional step of releasing the safety must be taken, thus making it safer than this gun.

        • John Moreland January 27, 2016, 9:42 pm

          the only time your finger should be on the trigger is when your about to fire it…if your one of these idiots who pick up a gun and your first impulse is to pull the trigger I don’t think you should be handling a gun or even owning a gun….I did buy one of the American Pistols in .45……nice gun….feels good in my hands….balanced well and accuracy is ….how do the Brits say…..spot on……and I do carry mine when I leave the house….no problems with concealing it although in my state we are allowed to open carry ….keep my SP-101 357 in the center console compartment…..so far the only people with bad things to say about this gun are the Glock Lovers…now those are ugly guns.

  • Kristie January 2, 2016, 9:25 am

    Just what Ruger does best these days…. copying everyone else. Oh well, it’ll sell.

  • mark taylor January 2, 2016, 8:33 am

    I have had so many different guns but I like your review ruger is the best of the best when it comes to guns sigs and glocks are for people to trow there money away and they just look like crap I am old school I want my pistol to look like a pistol not green pink or orange that’s just me and if it’s not american I do not want it that is because I am an american who like’s old american gun company’s

    • Rick January 2, 2016, 12:06 pm

      Mark, for Christmas my Dad and I bought my step-mom an awesome Ruger LC9s. She loved it. Even though, at her age, she is having difficulty racking the slide back, she decided she will keep it. One thing she really likes is that the polymer frame is purple. Oh, and have you seen the new Ruger 22/45 that just came out. I kind of like that lime green in a weird way. But, the blue and red ones are just as distinctive as far as I’m concerned.

    • Bill January 2, 2016, 6:10 pm


  • jimmyjet January 2, 2016, 7:46 am

    But will it accept S&W m&p or Glock parts? Looks like it should. Just sayin.

  • WilliamDahl January 2, 2016, 7:12 am

    Oh, gee… Another plastic pistol… Yawn…

  • troy January 2, 2016, 1:03 am

    This gun is fairly remenicent to a plastic version of the sarsilmaz SARST10. For the price if it functions as well it should be a good value.

  • Liem January 2, 2016, 1:03 am

    Picked up the Ruger American pistol in 9mm yesterday. I cleaned and oiled last night, and took to the range today. The trigger is better than Glock, out of the box, and I can put all 17 rds in a 4″ group at 15 yrds, fist size group at 7 yards. It is not a target gun, nor is the Glock. For s defense pistol, it is good. BTW, I had NO malfunction of any kind with factory and reloaded ammo. It is better than SR9 (in the shop for FTE, FTF repair) out of th box.

    It also costs a lot less than SIG, M&P, Glock, will try to get night sight for mine.

  • Dusty January 2, 2016, 12:22 am

    At last! A Ruger semi-auto I would buy. I’ve been a Ruger fan (rifles, shotguns, revolvers, and Mk1- semi-auto 22LR’s) for a long while and I like the looks and concepts of many of the recent introductions in semi-autos by Ruger but I will not own a weapon with a magazine disconnect. (I hope other manufacturers are listening…!)

  • Mikial January 1, 2016, 11:54 pm

    My first handgun was a Ruger Security Six (wish I still had it), I loved the Roger P89 I used to have (the ex-wife got it), and my new (and much better) wife and I love our Ruger .22 pistol and 10-22. So, I am excited about this gun, and look forward to getting my hands on one.

  • David January 1, 2016, 11:02 pm

    I owned a SR9c for several years. I put quite a few rounds through it. Shot well, great trigger. Just do not try to take it out. What a mess that was. Probably the best size going for capacity and carrying ease. Did not like the magazine disconnect safety. I thought the adjustable rear sight was ridiculous. Ground off the right side magazine release. Did not like pulling a pin out to field strip. Initially, I wanted a manual safety. I have one on my 1911. Eventually, I decided to get over it. Go without a manual safety, sold it. I wrote Ruger several times. I requested they get with it and come out with a better version. I have bought Glocks, Taurus, Springfield Armory, Smith &Wesson. I like them all. I shot the American pistol at my local gun shop, 5 days ago. It has a great feel. Especially, for someone with smaller hands. I had a issue with the flippy trigger safety. Though it was very touchy, and I did not get the positive click with the trigger reset,as I do with my Glocks. It may just be me or this particular gun? That being said, if and when they come out with a compact version, I will probably get one. I am sure the issues I have, will be worked out by then. Only other issue I have with most handguns on the market, is you need to buy after market night sights. That irritates me to no end. I feel another letter coming on.

  • John January 1, 2016, 10:58 pm

    And in classic Ruger style, they stamped “read instruction manual..” right on the frame. All nitpicking aside, it looks enticing.

  • fuzzy January 1, 2016, 9:53 pm

    Glock has a great reputation because of their fine weapons as do many others.Non of them get great reputations over night. If this one preforms like most all other Rugers and being all American ,I’ve got no problem keeping Americans gainfully employed. Do not like a mag safety,and having shot Glocks,Sigs,Colts,Taurus,S&W, and just about every other kind of handgun, I don’t really care for an external safety. I learned to keep my finger off the trigger till I’m on target. P.S. Most “accidental” shootings occur because of poor or no training and lack of attention even among professionals.

  • Carl January 1, 2016, 8:44 pm

    What an “uncanny resemblance” to the Walther PPQ series!

    • Elgreco January 2, 2016, 11:19 pm

      That looks nothing like a PPQ.

  • Svashtar January 1, 2016, 8:12 pm

    My friend bought an SR45 in the brief period they were on the BS CA DOJ list and available in CA, and I loved the way it handled and pointed. For me it was an absolute tack driver, and having grown up with 1911’s the external safety wasn’t a bother. I hate mag disconnects though. I was going to try and track one down on the used market, but this new pistol looks like it takes it a step further, with even better ergonomics and features. I’d love to get one in .45 ACP, I could just skate by on the mag capacity here in the People’s Republic, but I’m not holding my breath this will ever make it to the “approved” DOJ list. After how many years and we still have no Gen 4 Glocks on the list!

    • davud January 4, 2016, 1:30 pm

      if ruger wanted to be in california, they still would be. the microstamping law chased em off. we’ll never see this gun.

      • Robert Blake July 26, 2016, 3:52 pm

        The microstamping law chased off everyone, as there are no guns on the market today, by ANY manufacturer, that comply with it. In a few more years the list of available guns in CA will be empty.

  • Mgd675 January 1, 2016, 6:34 pm

    This looks a direct step child of the sig P320, it’s nothing new except it’s a Ruger, which is why I would consider it

  • Scott January 1, 2016, 6:11 pm

    Looks like they built a Springfield XD but did it in America. Think I’ll stick with my XD 45 with 13+1 capacity for now.

  • Todd January 1, 2016, 5:24 pm

    Nice to see a trigger assembly that comes out in one unit. That provide the ability for a good cleaning. Wish they had done it with the SR series… I would have gotten it instead of the Sig P250 40 cal.

  • BigC January 1, 2016, 5:10 pm

    I’ll stick with my SR9c; lighter, GREAT trigger and external safety (you need it with this gun because the trigger is so light) and all is ambidextrous, same capacity with extended mag and short 10 round mag for concealment………so what’s so great about this gun?????? “Game changer” ????
    I think NOT!!!!!!

    • Daniel Hamilton January 1, 2016, 11:42 am

      Yes, it is a game changer, as far as a Ruger semi-auto pistol is concerned. Glocks don’t have it, don’t need it. My Sig P320 doesn’t have one. Neither of my S&W M&P 9mm pistols have one. Why would you possibly think you need one on the Ruger SR9C? Two things keep me from owning a Ruger SR in any size or caliber, magazine disconnects and manual safeties. Proper training is far more essential to safety than any manual safety you have to deactivate or device to keep you from using it sans magazine.
      There are quite a few of us who detest both magazine disconnects and manual safeties. No safety can ever teach you how to be safe. Why would you think you’d need an additional safety, besides the one on the trigger, on a Ruger SR9C? The trigger itself, can only be pulled if your finger depresses the trigger safety. Your finger should not even be on that trigger unless you intend to shoot. That trigger finger should ALWAYS be pointed in the direction of the muzzle and resting against the frame, above the trigger of the pistol.

      If your concern is based on holstering it, then test holstering the pistol while it is unloaded. If it grabs the trigger, get a different holster. If you’re depending on the safety to keep you from an AD while holstering, then you are not doing your job. Go ahead, get mad, rant, say what you will. Your own words indicate that you are putting your finger on the trigger of a loaded gun and depending on a manual safety to keep you from goofing things up. Folks who do that, should keep their chambers empty, like the Israelis do.

      Ruger will sell quite a few of these American pistols. I’ll be adding one to my collection.

      • 33Charlemagne January 1, 2016, 2:55 pm

        I still don’t see the problem with the external safety. If you feel safe enough with just the trigger mounted safety then leave the external safety off.

      • George January 1, 2016, 3:19 pm

        At least one use for a manual safety is to apply it if your firearm is being taken away from you, thereby likely buying you some time to run away or, if a peace officer or allowed by your state, draw a back up gun.
        And before you say guns are rarely taken away from CCW holders, that’s exactly what happened to one guy recently in a bathroom.
        Manual safeties are only an issue if you make it one. I carry either a P320 or a Glock on my hip every day for work; I also carry a Kel-Tec P3AT .380 as a back up. None of these have manual safeties but the 1911 I used to carry for work did. I feel neither more or less empowered by the provision or lack thereof of a manual safety.

        The main reason the Glock came without a manual safety was because the initial contract it was built for (circa 1980) for the Austrian Army didn’t require one and Gaston Glock figured his paddle in the trigger would suffice. His trigger mech was loosely based upon the Roth-Steyr striker system which also did not really have a readily accessible manual safety. He also surmised that training would be reduced (compared to the P38 that the Austrians were looking to replace) if soldiers, who were mainly conscripts, didn’t have to contend with a manual safety.

        Many of the best shots in the world use manual safeties on 1911 based pistols and suffer no ill effects from having one. A personal bias against them, for whatever reason is all fine and dandy but please don’t use your bias to denigrate someone else who prefers one because you just look like an ass.

        • Kevin January 1, 2016, 7:59 pm

          Yes, 1911’s are very accurate pistols. Yes, some of the best shots in the world use them. There is a reason, however, that 1911’s have safeties and most striker-fired pistols do not. 1911’s have fairly light single action triggers that are much more easily released when dropped or mishandled. Striker-fired pistols have longer, harder trigger pulls, most with trigger safeties that are much less likely to fire inadvertently. In the tunnel vision of combat, a pistol that only requires the user to pull the trigger is much more likely to be utilized correctly to save the life of the user.

          • DaveGinOly January 2, 2016, 1:16 am

            Also, training / manual of arms has changed over the years. When manual safeties were de rigeur, we weren’t taught to keep our trigger fingers off the trigger until absolutely committed to shooting. (I once mentioned this and was rebuked by another commenter that nobody ever taught anyone to put their fingers on their triggers immediately after drawing their pistols. Although this may be strictly true, back in the 70s in the Army I was definitely NOT taught to keep my finger OFF the trigger. Everyone just naturally put their fingers on their triggers – not because they were taught to, but because they were not taught not to do so.) Today, training dictates we keep our fingers off our triggers until necessary, so external safeties are not as critical, having been replaced with safer handling practices.
            (This same note applies to trigger pull weight too. A “combat” trigger in the past was heavier, because the user was expected to put his finger on the trigger immediately and not necessarily with an intent to shoot. Today, a fighting gun’s trigger can be lighter, because modern handling practices make trigger weight less critical to safety.)

          • George January 4, 2016, 9:36 pm

            Balls. You have ZERO empirical data to back up your position that striker fired weapons are “much more likely to be utilized correctly to save the life of the user.” Zero, nada, none. That’s just some made up crap you’re using to try to defend your position. If that were really true, then why dear Sir would some of the elite units in LE like the FBI HRT and LAP SWAT insist on using single action pistols when the Glock had been around for decades? That these teams have since moved on to other weapons does not validate your position. My duty 1911 pistols have an average of a 6 to 7 pound trigger; my SIG P320 is a little more than that while my Glock 17C has a nice ghost trigger in there that brings it down to close to the 1911 weight.

            Here’s the reality: weapons with a safety require more training on the part of the person operating them. However, after such training and practice, wiping the safety off (presuming it is placed in a sensible location and easily accessible) takes no thought whatsoever and add not one millisecond to the draw stroke if its done correctly.
            Not to mention that any double action or striker fired pistol that has a safety doesn’t necessarily require it to be applied. When I began shooting IPSC in the ’80’s, I ran a Beretta 92SB. It was commonplace and accepted to be allowed to chamber a round, use the safety to decock the hammer then take the safety off and holster. No harm, no foul because the weapon is acting exactly like a DA revolver at that point. Same with striker fired weapons; if it has a safety, you don’t NEED to apply it to carry or shoot it.

            Continue to flail around trying to justify why striker fired weapons are so superior to weapons with a safety and those of us with the experience and training will demolish your arguments time after time.

        • Nick January 1, 2016, 10:41 pm

          Yes! No firearm in the world is completely safe. There’s two parts to a safe firearm: the firearm and the person using it. No manual safety will prevent an AD if the user is not practicing safety. There’s no exception for safe use and training. The only way to make a firearm truly safe is to take away the ammunition and the human (well, you can still drop it on your foot!). On a 1911, yes you make a case for one because of the light trigger with a short take-up. All things being equal, if you want a external safety, get a pistol with one. If you don’t, get a pistol without one. I think Ruger got it right this time! I wonder what the street price for the Americans will be?

        • ChazzMatt January 2, 2016, 9:27 am

          Also, the original design for the 1911 was flawed. You dropped the pistol with it would go off. The Army made Colt put an external safety on the 1911, as well as a leather strap lanyard hole . Remember this was back in the era of cavalry with horses. “Charge!” You dropped a pistol you would shoot a horse or fellow soldier in battle. You dropped a pistol and it was now 30 yards back during a charge. The 1911 was the first successful semi-auto pistol design. It influenced all other designs. Once the internal mechanism was fixed, you don’t NEED an external safety. This is why Glock dropped pistols from helicopters onto concrete parking lots and threw guns against concrete walls in demos, to show it would NOT accidentally discharge. Revolves don’t have safeties for exactly the same reason.

          • George January 4, 2016, 7:28 pm

            The reason for the lanyard loop was so that cavalry could fire all their ammo, drop the empty gun without losing it and draw their saber to slash away at the enemy. The lanyard loops on handguns today is to try to combat takeaways by the enemy when engaged in close quarter battle.

    • Delford January 1, 2016, 7:30 pm

      I agree. I love the SR9c and I don’t own one. Yet. If the RAP makes a compact in .45ACP I may go for one. If not the SR9c, which fits my hand so well and comes up with sights aligned for me, may well be my first 9mm gun purchase. If it fits my daughter it will be a buy.

    • John January 2, 2016, 7:38 am

      “…and external safety (you need it with this gun because the trigger is so light)…” That is the dumbest statement I have heard in a while. If you keep your trigger finger where it belongs, when it belongs, no safety is necessary. No doubt, another Internet warrior…

      • brent baird January 2, 2016, 4:44 pm

        DUH…..read above first Johnie

    • Jay January 5, 2016, 2:46 pm

      Ditto Bigc, I’ll stick with my SR9c, in fact the gun doesn’t seem to be to far of a departure off of it! The SR is a real winner with a tad of trigger work and so far, reliable!

  • Rich L January 1, 2016, 4:38 pm

    Nice design, as an engineer, I’ve always been an adherent of the simpler the better. I hope the material holds up to use well (I heard that they are using a new proprietary polymer material that is better than Glock) and anticipated expected accuracy and reliability for which Ruger is known is there. I particularly like the ability to optionally move out the fire control unit for inspection and cleaning. Only thing I see I am concerned about is the fit of the magazine into the base of the grip. It should be flush, I don’t like seeing an eighth of an inch of the magazine when its locked in the feed position.

    My New Year’s wish is that Ruger incorporate this design into the LC9 and LCP range ASAP. Just like a 45 model has the potential of a runaway hit, so would an improvement like this be a runaway hit in the small concealed market.

    • Don January 2, 2016, 10:31 am

      Ditto on the observation of the ill-fitting magazine. Does anyone else think the take down lever looks unfinished – like it’s still in prototype form? The actuating surface looks fine but the outside perimeter shape looks too angular and sharp.

      • Frank April 1, 2016, 2:55 am

        That slight gap between the magazine is so you can get a good grip on the magazine, and force it out in the event it jams inside the gun, and I will admit the takedown lever does look out of place compared to the more sensible and well-designed rest of the gun. Doesn’t affect its function any, and I imagine they can release replacement levers that suit the gun better. I’m honestly happy the mags snap in more decisively compared to the SR9, and the slide’s much easier to draw back.

  • Barry January 1, 2016, 4:38 pm

    The part that holds the striker/hammer against spring pressure is the sear, not “seer.”

  • Jimmy January 1, 2016, 4:23 pm

    Blah, blah, blah! Revolvers don’t have external safeties. Find something else to carp about! I like it!

    • ChazzMatt January 2, 2016, 9:32 am

      EXACTLY. As I said above, the original Colt 1911 internal design was flawed and NEEDED an external safety due to accidental discharge if a cavalry soldier on a horse dropped the gun in battle. It became “tradition” for semi-autos (along with lanyard holes in the butt for leather straps, again so you wouldn’t drop the gun), even long after semi-auto pistols no longer had that affliction. Glock does not have that design flaw and left off the external safety. They did demos using the gun like a Frisbee against concrete walls to prove it.

      Revolvers don’t have safeties — and there are many double action revolvers! Well-designed semi-auto pistols don’t need safeties.

  • Glenn61 January 1, 2016, 3:17 pm

    Nice design, clean and simple, but about 20 years too late…..

    • jim January 1, 2016, 9:35 pm

      Glenn, your comment about 20 years will be proven wrong in a very short time. Yes, if they had brought it out 10 years ago, they would have a solid run in the market now. But, they will do fine. It is NEVER too late for a top-quality, low-price gun.

  • BRASS January 1, 2016, 2:57 pm

    Ugly gun but as a function first, form second guy, the value is in the function. Ruger is a company founded by a tool and die maker and their legacy shows that. Ruger has evolved by finding ways to make reliable, safe, good functioning purposeful guns at lower prices through innovative engineering to hold production costs down. While the ascetics of the Red Label shotgun and other high quality guns has endeared Ruger to many of us, in todays world to be competitive at lower price points and not give up market share, one has to take the function first and form second approach.
    If this pistol is as reliable, safe, functional and affordable as other modern Ruger firearms, it will likely be a leading seller. Is it accurate, more importantly is it CQC accurate? If so, then it is an interesting gun. If not, it will be just another polymer banger.

    • Mark Wynn January 1, 2016, 8:32 pm

      I feel this is one of the best looking of the “ugly guns” if that makes any sense. Yes, it has the blocky, industrial look but it seems more esthetically refined, to my eye. Plus, I like how it’s going to affect my Ruger stock, which went up 73% from this time last year. ;-}

  • Richard Tunnell January 1, 2016, 2:06 pm

    Kruger built a blocke-books and functions just like it!

  • Blankovich January 1, 2016, 1:27 pm

    I had a Ruger PXX in the late 1980’s that was built like a tank, had a decent trigger and was accurate. I sold it off at some point for a reason I can no longer remember. I have a Ruger revolver in 357 Mag and a Ruger 77/357 Mag rifle; both are incredibly well built, tough and functional firearms. For whatever reason, even though I own Glocks, M&P’s and the Sig P320, I still gravitate towards all metal handguns. Someone here already said “20 years too late” and it does feel that way to me also. However, Ruger’s quality and all American roots and continued manufacturing, and their commitment to their industry will make this gun line a success. I don’t know how big a success, but a success never the less. According to an article on guns.com (http://www.guns.com/2012/10/10/top-25-us-gun-manufacturers/) from 2012 Ruger manufactures more weapons than any other American company. I don’t know if that continues today (I searched a bit and didn’t find a newer ranking) but Ruger is a force in the industry and I suspect that while they may not have the cachet of Glock or the M&P series, they will sell a significant number of these pistols. Hopefully they have built a handgun that will meet the Army’s specifications and tough enough to be carried by our troops.

    • Nick January 1, 2016, 10:48 pm

      I really liked the P8* and P9* series pistols. Our Sheriff’s deputies carried them (P89 9mm) as in the 90’s. My dad was a Sheriff and had a P90 .45. It was a very rugged, dependable, functional, and pretty accurate firearm. Easy to control even rapid fire. A little weird to strip though! A quality piece of American hardware. It’s nice to know Americans make these firearms. I don’t know if the materials they make them from are American-sourced, but I like the idea that America still makes quality products for a good value!

  • Scot Smith January 1, 2016, 1:11 pm

    I sadly live in a communist state that thinks law-abiding citizens can’t be trusted with anything over 10 round mags (obviously criminals don’t have to worry about it). While the .45 version would allow me to carry this gun without using a “neutered” mag, I still have little use for yet another full sized pistol (except at the range, but this is a combat design, not so much as a target pistol.) I’ll likely buy one when they offer a nice CC sub-compact version that holds 9 to 10 rounds mags, similar to a G26/G27. A sub-compact 10mm offering with a 10 round mag would really get my attention, especially if it were a little smaller and lighter than my G29. Until then I’ll continue to carry my G27 or G29 as this pistol would just sit in my safe like all my other Rugers.

    My only other concern about this design is it doesn’t look as smoothed over as it could be. I’d prefer not to see so many hard edges that can hang up on something at the most inopportune time! That tacti-cool rail does look sharp, but it also looks like its just waiting to hang up on something as well.

    With that said, being a Ruger I trust it will run flawlessly. I’m also glad to hear it has a decent trigger as well, which has seldom been one of Ruger’s strong points. Overall it looks like this might be the start of a nice new design from a brand I trust. Get working on those sub-compacts Ruger, especially the 10mm!

  • glenn January 1, 2016, 12:47 pm

    YAWN! I’m sure it will do well enough – it’s a Ruger, after all..Lol

  • Malcolm January 1, 2016, 12:04 pm

    Is it really necessary to permanently stamp the gun with warnings about reading the manual and gun will fire without magazine?

    • jim January 1, 2016, 9:40 pm

      Yes, Malcolm. In our litigious nation, that stamping will cut down on lawsuits. Failure to include it is an invitation to constant suits by people who should not even go near a firearm.

      • David hamilton January 4, 2016, 3:06 am

        I believe the stamping of ruger firearms in such a way is, in fact, a direct result of a previous lawsuit.

  • Ed T. January 1, 2016, 11:37 am

    I own 4 Ruger pistols, a SR9, SR45, LCP 380 and a Mark III. I’m on the Sales Staff at the largest dealer in my state and feel this the Brand of the Future. I see all brands and models on a regular basis. Ruger by far is the most reliable and well designed. The Ruger American Pistol will be flying off the racks and will hold their value. I will buy mine from our first delivery from Ruger.

    • Donald January 1, 2016, 2:07 pm

      Ruger by far is the most reliable????? Dude go out and do some shooting. All the ruger pistols I have shot in my day are good guns but they are not the most reliable. I trust my life to a sig226 in .357sig.

      • Deadmeat99 January 2, 2016, 3:36 am

        People have become so jaded to gun-magazine-review-speak that their statement can easily be construed as “It had multiple failures that neither we nor the manufacturer can figure out, but we promised a glowing review so we’ll just gloss it over”.

  • Rob January 1, 2016, 11:37 am

    ‘We’ve haven’t had the gun long enough to make much of a definitive statement about accuracy or reliability.’ That’s all I need to know.

    • jim January 1, 2016, 9:43 pm

      Man, that comment makes zero sense. It is a fairly new gun. What do you want them to do…stay up 24/7 so they can put 3000 rounds through it so they can tell you it is reliable, only to have something small fail at round 3001, so you can say, “That’s all I need to know”? You sound like a brand snob….

  • fritz bousigschouer January 1, 2016, 11:30 am

    are the mags the same of any other ruger 9mm pistol or a complete new design so existing mags would not fit?

  • Tony Wilson January 1, 2016, 11:08 am

    I like ruger guns I owned several this one is By far the best one yet that ruger has built I really like it.

  • Ken January 1, 2016, 9:56 am

    Great review. Good to see Ruger has step up,they are over built, heavy,tanks.that I love yes I have the imports great pistols.But always room for a American Made quality in my safe.
    So let’s stop bitching and comparing it to glocks and sig. It is a very competive, well built, that has the best customer service going.
    I will be looking for it at my local gun shop.

    • Robert January 2, 2016, 9:36 am

      Good luck! I’ve got a .45 on order and I’m number 600 – something on my gun dealer’s suppliers ‘wish list’! I’m not going to rush out & buy .45 ammo….except for my 1911.

  • George January 1, 2016, 9:55 am

    Fully supported chamber? Wondering how strong the chamber is…. Thinking 460-960 Rowland…..

  • Pete January 1, 2016, 8:15 am

    Thank goodness bill ruger is dead. He would have stopped all this ‘high capacity madness’
    Ruger really turned around and became great again.

    • GradyPhilpott January 1, 2016, 4:08 pm

      You don’t know the whole story of Bill Ruger’s position on hi-cap mags. Ruger was trying to convince anti-gun idiots that instead of banning every little scary part of a firearm, they could just limit the capacity of magazines and that would satisfy their concerns.

      Maybe you’re to young to remember that era or perhaps you haven’t taken the time to do the research and only repeat the BS you hear down at the local gun shop.

      In either case, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

      • DaveGinOly January 2, 2016, 1:31 am

        You’re correct about Bill Ruger’s desire to throw the anti’s a bone. But when he did so, I and others realized that he was wrong – a poor judge of human nature. (Even the NRA was making this mistake around this same period of time.) History has shown Ruger’s critics to have been correct. Each new gun law has never satisfied the anti’s; each law becomes part of the foundation of an edifice dedicated to the complete banning and confiscation of firearms. Bill Ruger (and the NRA) contributed to the erosion of our gun rights, even if he did so with the best intentions (and you know what they say about those).

  • MIKE CONNOLLY January 1, 2016, 7:36 am


    • JettaRed January 1, 2016, 9:14 am

      Then you don’t know GLOCKs. While I’m excited to see and test this pistol, I am not expecting it to be a GLOCK. I own several GLOCKs and a couple of Rugers (a Ruger SR9 and an SR22)–black, polymer-framed, and striker-fired does not make it a GLOCK. GLOCK is by far the simplest pistol you’ll ever need to disassemble completely. My experience is that my GLOCKs and Rugers are equally accurate and reliable, but they are distinctly different guns.

  • John January 1, 2016, 6:52 am

    No external safety. No thanks.

    • Chris January 1, 2016, 7:37 am

      Man, that cuts out a majority of modern polymer hi-cap pistols for you, huh? Can’t quite just keep that finger off of the trigger? Oh well, more for the rest of us, I guess.

      • michael January 1, 2016, 10:12 am

        I read everyday and my liberal gun hating friends post on facebook everyday about accidental shooting and the number of children being killed accidentally. If you don’t think an external safety would stop some of these accidents your not thinking. There are plenty of videos out there to prove my point. I practice drawing my wepon from concealed carry using the safety so it becomes habit in stress situations.

        • Daniel Hamilton January 1, 2016, 1:20 pm

          You have to have your finger on the trigger for it to shoot, when un-holstering a pistol. There is a brand of holster I will not own, because I see a potential danger in it. You depress a lever on the side of the holster to draw your pistol, which means that you could end up with your finger on the trigger.

          I train drawing my pistol with my finger laying against the frame, above the trigger with my trigger finger pointed in the same direction as the muzzle. That trigger finger is no where near the trigger, so there is no way to get an AD. If you get an AD from drawing a pistol, your finger had to be where it didn’t belong, on the trigger. That goes right back to poor training. Stop blaming the pistol for poor training.

        • DaveGinOly January 2, 2016, 1:36 am

          You’re not making an argument for external safeties, you’re making argument for gun locks and safe storage practices. When a gun is being carried for personal defense, the less between the defender and the gun’s operation when the situation demands it, the better. The two environments are completely at odds – in the former you want the gun to be as safe as possible and in the latter you want it to be as dangerous as possible – and the proper solution is not a safer gun, but a gun made safe through proper “administrative” practices. In the field, you want it to go “boom” when you pull the bang switch, period.

      • Patrick January 1, 2016, 12:02 pm

        Cop discharged his Glock into his thigh when taking out holster hung on something in car and discharged

        • GradyPhilpott January 1, 2016, 4:12 pm

          A toggle on his jacket got hung up in his trigger guard and depressed the trigger as he was holstering the gun. It was a freak accident and not a design flaw. Now that people know the danger, they can either buy jackets without toggles on the side of the jacket or they can cut them off.

      • Chris January 1, 2016, 9:58 pm

        My finger only goes on the trigger when it is time to fire, thank you very much. And I also have a Glock 19 which is a fine weapon and a helluva bigger risk than my other guns that all have external safeties. All the rants from the would-be QuickDraw McGraw types claiming that a wimpy safety is going to cramp their awesome style in a fire-fight are ridiculous arrogance against the very real and often-confirmed circumstance that no matter how careful one might be keeping guns locked up when not carrying that there is still a possibility that somewhere, somehow, someone without proper training is going to get that gun in their hands and kill themselves or someone else. I am as careful as anyone can be with firearm safety but I’m not stupid and arrogant enough to imagine that something unexpected and unimaginable couldn’t happen. What if QuickDraw passes out (falls asleep, epileptic fit, heart attack, faints, heat stroke, car accident, etc.) while carrying and some kid pulls out his gun while he’s lying there? And if something unexpected happens I want that safety on. Besides, anyone without the dexterity to manage the safety properly when using their weapon isn’t skilled enough to be drawing it in the first place.

        • derek smalls January 1, 2016, 7:06 pm

          I agree. I will never understand the vitriol directed not only at thumb safeties, but at those who choose them. to each his own,but please, without the animosity. It’s pointless.

        • Irondoor January 1, 2016, 7:50 pm

          I suggest storing your guns unloaded.

    • Patrick M. Chapman January 1, 2016, 9:59 am

      I agree with you 100%. It should at least have a visible hammer with a de-cocking lever, along with a heavy trigger pull in the double action mode (hammer down) to avoid accidental discharges. The gun is too much like a Glock, which I don’t like.

      I’ll keep my Sig Sauer P-229.

      • Kevin January 1, 2016, 12:01 pm

        So virtually every firearms self defense instructor is wrong? Do you have any idea how many cops have been killed while repeatedly trying to pull the trigger against an engaged safety? It’s pretty hard to fire any gun if you keep your facking finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot. But thanks for coming here and setting us all straight.

        • Daniel Hamilton January 1, 2016, 1:27 pm

          I have to agree with you 100% Kevin. So many want to blame the inanimate pistol, instead of poor training. I’ve seen many people at gun shows and gun shops, pick up a pistol with their finger on the trigger, which mean they do the same with loaded weapons. It is a deeply ingrained habit. Those afflicted with this habit think that all are infected with the same bug as they, fingeritus. As I have heard it said many times, “Keep your booger finger off of the boom switch!”

        • GoG January 1, 2016, 9:16 pm

          I seriously want to know where to find those stats on all those cops killed because they forgot to disengage their safeties. As a retired LEO with 21 years of experience I’d like to do a report on this with real facts.

    • Elgreco January 2, 2016, 11:25 pm

      I read somewhere it might have 2 versions like the lc9s. One with safety and one without.

  • Steve K January 1, 2016, 6:49 am

    10mm would be nice. I won’t hold my breath.

  • Jameson January 1, 2016, 4:45 am

    Any talk of night sights or fiber optic for factory ruger American pistols? Not sure about the novak on non-1911 models.

    • DaveGinOly January 2, 2016, 1:40 am

      The sights are the only thing not to like about this pistol. Novaks are supposed to be low-profile for less snagging, but they’re actually sloped the wrong way. Also, they don’t provide a platform for one-handed slide racking. This is not a biggie, though. I often put after-market sights on my guns anyway.

  • Eugene December 30, 2015, 2:07 pm

    Seems like a copy of the Sig P250/ Sig P320 to me. They even have the ability to remove the fire control unit like the P250/P320.

    • Praharin January 1, 2016, 9:38 am

      It’s something the DOD requested fit the new handgun trials.

    • Jim Hinton January 1, 2016, 11:39 am

      I agree!! I have the Sig P320 and the moment I watched the video, that’s exactly what I thought. It also has features of the Smith and Wesson M&P

      • Daniel Hamilton January 1, 2016, 1:31 pm

        Especially the part about not being able to insert a magazine. I have a Sig P320. After you reassemble the P320, you have to rack the slide, then you can insert a magazine. I love it.

  • Hooda Thunkett December 30, 2015, 10:50 am

    So can we get parts for it? I tried to get mag springs for my SR9 and Ruger wouldn’t sell ’em. Hadda buy new mags. Real bummer.

  • Mike December 30, 2015, 7:21 am

    How different are the internals to the SR series? Are the magazines compatible? Is this just an updated ‘gen 2’ SR9?

    It looks promising, no magazine disconnect, no giant loaded chamber flag. Curious to see how it stacks up to the competition.

    • Matt October 30, 2016, 2:29 am

      I’m a sig n HK fan , own several of both , but got 1 of these for my wife, she shoots it better than my other 10 gons.

  • ThatGuyYouKnow December 30, 2015, 6:47 am

    Mill the slide from the factory for an RMR and then we will talk.

    • Mike December 30, 2015, 7:23 am

      Agree- This should be ready to go from the factory.

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